May the Lord strike down Joe Biden before he sells out America

Heathens like this OP will pay for their blasphemy.

There is a God and He's watching, and there will be a judgement day.

Justice will be served.

One way, or the other.
All that drugging, partaying and impregnating single women with many teenagers included or having abortions plays a role in it also.
God will not strike down anyone, he is simply waiting until the last person has heard his word and has accepted or rejected it. We can choose to accept the light or forever live in darkness, its all voluntary, your choice.

Not knowing the Holy Scriptures you err.

See above
Err? If that’s a fact then explain Pol Pot, Julius Caesar, Nero, Hitler, Stalin..... how long a list do you need?
Christ was rejected by the Sanhedrin and Pharisees because he didn’t wield a sword that would free Israel from Roman rule, why do you think God would interfere until all people have had the opportunity to accept or reject the word of his Son?
Wishing death on a fellow human being.

How Christianist of you
Ever hear of David and Goliath?

The striking down of great evil figures is not unknown in the bible.
All of Biden's early indications show he intends to rule with ruthless force
and zeal.

He will use his illegitimate power to oppress conservatives and perpetuate one
party nation.

The last few hours of freedom drift away.
Wishing death on a fellow human being.

How Christianist of you.

I am not a door mat Christian....evil should be purged, followers of Satan shoud be purged.....the democratic party shows more allegiance to satanism than they do to All-Mighty God....aka baby killing, pedophilia etc.etc.etc.
Be careful what you ask for.

Characterizing a man who goes to church every week, even when the cameras aren't on him, and will start the day of his inauguration by attending a worship service, who sat there fingering his rosary while watching the raid on Bin Laden's compound, as a "demon" is absurd beyond belief. But the OP is probably upset that the pastor of a famous Baptist church will be sworn in at a United States Senator, too. WWJD!
The OP is still mad because a black man had the nerve to become president.

I have noticed over the decades how Christian beliefs just disappear when some who call themselves followers of Jesus confront racial issues or other issues of social justice. They seem to be entirely unfamiliar with the Sermon on the Mount.

Racism is not mentioned in the gospels boyo.

Racism is a modern construct of very recent origin...made up to use as a political tool...not even to mention everyone is a racist by definition and science says even little babys are racist.

Slavery is not condemned in the Old or New Testament.

The origins of a useless woid................/The Origins of 'Racism' - American Renaissance

You err not knowing the Holy Scriptures

1But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, 2And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles' feet. 3But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? 4Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. 5And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things. 6And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him. 7And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in. 8And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much. 9Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out. 10Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband.

Read more: Examples of the God of the Bible striking people down (genesis, myth) - Religion and Spirituality -Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism, God, Universe, Science, Spirituality, Faith, Evidence - City-Data Forum
Racism is mentioned in the bible.

“If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?” – 1 John 4:20

Nonsense......there is nothing in racism requiring hate.....perhaps in your addled definition of it.

Ireregardless....blacks are not my brothers....they are a sub family owned slaves and they were treated quite well....even after Mr. Lincoln un-constitutionally ended slavery they were allowed to stay since they had no place to go and nothing to eat...they became what is known as sharecroppers and things remained pretty much the same...they were very loyal servants and the Holy Scripture praises good servants and tells them to be loyal to their mastah.

Now that sharecropping has ended the democrats have taken over and though they serve as a surrogate plantation owner for the blacks the Negroes were treated much better back in the day and many of them grew quite nostalgic for the old days and the old ways.

For those really interested in how slavery actually the 'Slave Narratives'.....during the Great Depression the Federal Gubmint sent writers down south to interview former slaves(at that time many were still alive) in order to provide them work.

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This forum and that kind of talk posted here is treasonous by any legal standard. Caution is advised in the choice of words against Mr. Biden or any elected government official.
Characterizing a man who goes to church every week, even when the cameras aren't on him, and will start the day of his inauguration by attending a worship service, who sat there fingering his rosary while watching the raid on Bin Laden's compound, as a "demon" is absurd beyond belief. But the OP is probably upset that the pastor of a famous Baptist church will be sworn in at a United States Senator, too. WWJD!
The OP is still mad because a black man had the nerve to become president.

A rare clean and articulate one, too!

An American born black man, not a Kenyan.

Obama was not a natural born citizen which is a constitutional requirment for the presidency.
This forum and that kind of talk posted here is treasonous by any legal standard. Caution is advised in the choice of words against Mr. Biden or any elected government official. hope for the intervention of God All-mighty to preserve America is quite contrary to treason boyo.

Democrats are pushing that narrative in a vain attempt to limit free speech.

Threatening to kill a president is illegal but to pray for the intervention of the Lord is certainly not come on here and spout ignorance thinking you can prevent anyone from telling the truth.

You think and talk like a Stalinist era subject of the communist state which you democrats are trying to turn America into....if you are sucessful you and your ilk will do away with free speech thus Americans then will be afraid and be forced to whisper and speak the truth only to family and trusted that what you want?

Please stop prostituting and denigrating the entire Christian faith for right-wing political purposes. We have seen enough of this in the last four years, and certainly in the Capitol riot.
Fake hysteria ^^^^^^
The demon known as Joe Biden will do terrible damage to America if he is allowed to do so.

All the Christians of America need to pray fervently for All-Mighty Jehovah to intervene and remove this demon and the threat he poses to America

The supplication of a righteous man availeth much in its working.—James 5:16.

And christians wonder why most of America thinks their stupid.
Wishing death on a fellow human being.

How Christianist of you
Ever hear of David and Goliath?

The striking down of great evil figures is not unknown in the bible.
All of Biden's early indications show he intends to rule with ruthless force
and zeal.

He will use his illegitimate power to oppress conservatives and perpetuate one
party nation.

The last few hours of freedom drift away.

Indeed Biden poses a real threat to liberty in America. I am going to say a prayer right now that God All-mighty does not allow him to harm America or any of my fellow Americans.

And if the Lord himself does strike down the abomination called Joe Biden I shall rejoice and praise the Lord.
This forum and that kind of talk posted here is treasonous by any legal standard. Caution is advised in the choice of words against Mr. Biden or any elected government official.

Whoa!! Careful there Puby. Talk is not treason. If it were, most of the Democrat leadership would be hanging from a rope.
Wishing death on a fellow human being.

How Christianist of you
Ever hear of David and Goliath?

The striking down of great evil figures is not unknown in the bible.
All of Biden's early indications show he intends to rule with ruthless force
and zeal.

He will use his illegitimate power to oppress conservatives and perpetuate one
party nation.

The last few hours of freedom drift away.

Indeed Biden poses a real threat to liberty in America. I am going to say a prayer right now that God All-mighty does not allow him to harm America or any of my fellow Americans.

And if the Lord himself does strike down the abomination called Joe Biden I shall rejoice and praise the Lord.
Your religion is a myth and you're a fool.

The city that you live in will dance on your grave.
This forum and that kind of talk posted here is treasonous by any legal standard. Caution is advised in the choice of words against Mr. Biden or any elected government official.

Whoa!! Careful there Puby. Talk is not treason. If it were, most of the Democrat leadership would be hanging from a rope.
God are conservatives poor losers and crybabies.

Mom! Junior needs a diaper change.
Biden will go down in history as an illegitimate shit-stain of a President in any case.

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