Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

Just can't face the truth? Trump won partly because he had no real competition. And partly because America agrees with his platform and are sick to death with corruption as usual.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

These are the same idiots who complain that poor black people burn down their own neighbourhoods when they riot. What they're doing is really no different than poor unemployed blacks burning the local CVS.

When people have no stake in the outcome, they don't care about the damage they cause. Washington doesn't work for the people so blow it up. Who cares if you can't breathe the air or drink the water? Who cares is jobs pay $2 an hour and you can't live on your earnings. At least you showed those leftists.
Many of them have essentially been whipped into a frenzy, and they're very frustrated. They feel we need a big shock to the system, it materialized as Trump, and we'll see if he electrocutes the party.

Like Obama did to the Dems when he stole trillions, flooded the country with terrorists, and handed over the reigns of the party to child rapists? That kind of electrocution, or did you have something else in mind?

You've totally bought into all the conspiracy theories.

Bet you wanted to help that twit terrorize those poor families in that pizzeria that Saturday night.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

These are the same idiots who complain that poor black people burn down their own neighbourhoods when they riot. What they're doing is really no different than poor unemployed blacks burning the local CVS.

When people have no stake in the outcome, they don't care about the damage they cause. Washington doesn't work for the people so blow it up. Who cares if you can't breathe the air or drink the water? Who cares is jobs pay $2 an hour and you can't live on your earnings. At least you showed those leftists.
Many of them have essentially been whipped into a frenzy, and they're very frustrated. They feel we need a big shock to the system, it materialized as Trump, and we'll see if he electrocutes the party.

Like Obama did to the Dems when he stole trillions, flooded the country with terrorists, and handed over the reigns of the party to child rapists? That kind of electrocution, or did you have something else in mind?

You've totally bought into all the conspiracy theories.

Bet you wanted to help that twit terrorize those poor families in that pizzeria that Saturday night.

Nope. The DNC corruption is pretty well documented.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

These are the same idiots who complain that poor black people burn down their own neighbourhoods when they riot. What they're doing is really no different than poor unemployed blacks burning the local CVS.

When people have no stake in the outcome, they don't care about the damage they cause. Washington doesn't work for the people so blow it up. Who cares if you can't breathe the air or drink the water? Who cares is jobs pay $2 an hour and you can't live on your earnings. At least you showed those leftists.
Many of them have essentially been whipped into a frenzy, and they're very frustrated. They feel we need a big shock to the system, it materialized as Trump, and we'll see if he electrocutes the party.

Like Obama did to the Dems when he stole trillions, flooded the country with terrorists, and handed over the reigns of the party to child rapists? That kind of electrocution, or did you have something else in mind?

What terrorists did Obama flood the country with?
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

Just can't face the truth? Trump won partly because he had no real competition. And partly because America agrees with his platform and are sick to death with corruption as usual.
I have no problem with "the truth". He also won because the "progressive" wing of the Democratic party has turned people off with its PC/Identity Politics bullshit.

There are multiple reasons for anything. I'm just focusing on one.
"After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it."

Yes, it appears that libs. (both parties) have gone out of their way to make enemies of conservatives and average Americans.
And yes, the temptation of a resounding FUCK YOU scream is great and on-going after the events of the last several years.
But I think it is a mistake to believe that there is anything final about it or that there is a lack of honest satisfaction with what the President has done and what he intends.
As is noticeable around here, Trump supporters have so given up on him policy-wise that they find themselves having to say that the best reason they can find to support Trump is that he pisses liberals off.
As is noticeable around here, Trump supporters have so given up on him policy-wise that they find themselves having to say that the best reason they can find to support Trump is that he pisses liberals off.

Untrue. Pissing off liberals is just an added benefit.

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