Maybe the NRA can provide security at Schools, Colleges, Malls


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??
Only in liberal land should school be free for all but expecting safety for the children in those very schools should be an expense that "someone else" should bear.
Only in liberal land should school be free for all but expecting safety for the children in those very schools should be an expense that "someone else" should bear.

Only the ones who love guns. Tax the guns to pay for it. Also to pay for the ones who have guns illegally.
Only in liberal land should school be free for all but expecting safety for the children in those very schools should be an expense that "someone else" should bear.

Only the ones who love guns. Tax the guns to pay for it. Also to pay for the ones who have guns illegally.
So you want to tax the INNOCENT person for the guilty?
Ah No, that's NOT how this country works.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

They recommended that, right after Sandy Hook...

the Left wet it's pants over the idea
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???
Its a NON PROFIT org.

The NRA’s profit soars as deaths from gun massacres mount

googletag.cmd.push(function () { var slot = googletag.defineSlot('/2/', [[300, 250],[300, 600],[300, 1050]], 'ad-display-ad') .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.defineSizeMapping([[[1024, 0], [[300,250],[300,600],[300,1050]]], [[0,0], [[300,250]]]]); googletag.enableServices(); slotMachine.add('Display Ad', slot, 'ad-display-ad'); }); By Brett Arends

Published: Oct 2, 2015 5:47 p.m. ET

The most fanatical gun supporters saw the incident as a call to arms — literally.

NRA membership dues skyrocketed by a staggering 62% in the year after Sandy Hook, from $108 million to $176 million. Total revenue in 2013 hit a third of a billion dollars.

As a result, the massive organization saw profits — excuse me, “surpluses” — rocket 2,750% to $57 million.

Of course, that’s before taxes. But, then, it didn’t pay any taxes, for it is a nonprofit charity.

The NRA estimates it was also helped by 150,000 volunteers. How many corporations could boast as much?

The NRA top executives shared that year in a treasure chest of more than $8 million in salary, bonuses, nontaxable benefits, deferred pay and other compensation — a nice payout for an organization that enjoys charitable exemption from U.S. taxes. LaPierre alone made a million bucks a year, which is, ironically, equal to about $100 for every man, woman and child murdered with a gun in America.

The NRA’s profit soars as deaths from gun massacres mount
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??
sounds like another liberal way to get someone else to pay for something.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Isn't it simply amazing that no one has ever been shot at a gun show?
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??
sounds like another liberal way to get someone else to pay for something.

Yes, Bernie must not have thought of that one yet.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Perfect idea. High taxes on guns to pay the victims of gun violence, just like cigarettes. If your hobby or addiction is causing pain and death to others then you get to pay for it.

Ah yes, capitalism. You must pay to play.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

Lord NO!!! That's her RIGHT as a WOMAN!!
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

They recommended that, right after Sandy Hook...

the Left wet it's pants over the idea
I've on the Left and I have no problem with the idea....arm teachers? Sure, why not?
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Perfect idea. High taxes on guns to pay the victims of gun violence, just like cigarettes. If your hobby or addiction is causing pain and death to others then you get to pay for it.

Ah yes, capitalism. You must pay to play.

If your hobby or addiction is causing pain and death to others then you get to pay for it.

My hobby consists of putting little holes in pieces of paper at a variety of distances.

If the paper is in pain, it's never shown it.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.

Then put a tax on ALL MEN!! Why not?
We need more armed guards in schools, malls, movie theaters, workplaces, etc. because the 2nd amendment keeps the USA from becoming a police state. Got that?
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???
and while we are at it, dont make me pay for someone else insurance since I stay healthy and dont use my own insurance that much.
or my car insurance, why should I pay higher rates because someone else cant drive, I have not had an accident or a ticket since 1978. Seems rather unfair that I would pay the same rates as someone that has proven an inability to keep their vehicle under control.

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