Maybe the NRA can provide security at Schools, Colleges, Malls

2nd amendment is obsolete and needs to be amended. Keep your guns at home, not allowed in cars , trains, planes, or while walking out your yard. How is that?

Then amend it. You'll fail, but you can certainly try.

The NRA is mainly selling more guns to the same people I read, you know the ones who always want to overthrow the government, just in case we need to be armed. I am beginning to wonder
One of my favorite quotes:
School shootings were invited by blacks... And stolen by the white man.
Chris Rock

Good one. I believe the worst school massacre is from Bath Mi, many years ago. Still is a tiny little town.

The NRA is mainly selling more guns to the same people I read

The NRA sells guns?
2nd amendment is obsolete and needs to be amended. Keep your guns at home, not allowed in cars , trains, planes, or while walking out your yard. How is that?

Then amend it. You'll fail, but you can certainly try.

The NRA is mainly selling more guns to the same people I read, you know the ones who always want to overthrow the government, just in case we need to be armed. I am beginning to wonder
One of my favorite quotes:
School shootings were invited by blacks... And stolen by the white man.
Chris Rock

Good one. I believe the worst school massacre is from Bath Mi, many years ago. Still is a tiny little town.

The NRA is mainly selling more guns to the same people I read

The NRA sells guns?

They don't have a store in Pensacola. I wonder why. We have gun shows here so large they use the Pensacola Interstate Fairgrounds to host them.
The silly gun grabbers have to have something to blame for their misunderstanding... Either you are born with common sense or not.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.

Why don't you just opt for tubular procedure. Only takes a few minutes, done on an out-patient basis, is reversible. Then you can spread your legs all you want and the taxpayer is off the hook.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill. Not a concern I have. :rolleyes:

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.

Why don't you just opt for tubular procedure. Only takes a few minutes, done on an out-patient basis, is reversible. Then you can spread your legs all you want and the taxpayer is off the hook.

I'm a grandmother. My husband got fixed, I can't believe the Reps are so concerned about unborn life and not about the deaths caused by guns in this country.
Last edited:
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill. Not a concern I have. :rolleyes:

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.

Why don't you just opt for tubular procedure. Only takes a few minutes, done on an out-patient basis, is reversible. Then you can spread your legs all you want and the taxpayer is off the hook.

I'm a grandmother. My husband got fixed, I can't believe the Reps are so concerned about unborn life and not about the deaths caused by guns in this country.

We can't believe you're concerned about the deaths from guns and not the murder of innocents. Shall we compare the numbers?
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair?? are dumb. I tried to treat you kindly...but then you post this...
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

amd can the people carrying guns charge you for keeping you safe? Bill clinton did a study on the defensive use of guns...he hired 2 anti gun researchers who created their own study to see how often Americans use guns to stop violent crime.....

they found that Americans use guns to stop crime 1.5 million times a year....


gun mass shooting deaths....less than 80 a year.

Total gun murder in 2014....8,145..

So....8,145 vs. 1.5 million crimes stopped and lives saved

where can gun owners submit our bill for reducing crime by 1.5 million criminals a year?
Its a NON PROFIT org.

The NRA’s profit soars as deaths from gun massacres mount

googletag.cmd.push(function () { var slot = googletag.defineSlot('/2/', [[300, 250],[300, 600],[300, 1050]], 'ad-display-ad') .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.defineSizeMapping([[[1024, 0], [[300,250],[300,600],[300,1050]]], [[0,0], [[300,250]]]]); googletag.enableServices(); slotMachine.add('Display Ad', slot, 'ad-display-ad'); }); By Brett Arends

Published: Oct 2, 2015 5:47 p.m. ET

The most fanatical gun supporters saw the incident as a call to arms — literally.

NRA membership dues skyrocketed by a staggering 62% in the year after Sandy Hook, from $108 million to $176 million. Total revenue in 2013 hit a third of a billion dollars.

As a result, the massive organization saw profits — excuse me, “surpluses” — rocket 2,750% to $57 million.

Of course, that’s before taxes. But, then, it didn’t pay any taxes, for it is a nonprofit charity.

The NRA estimates it was also helped by 150,000 volunteers. How many corporations could boast as much?

The NRA top executives shared that year in a treasure chest of more than $8 million in salary, bonuses, nontaxable benefits, deferred pay and other compensation — a nice payout for an organization that enjoys charitable exemption from U.S. taxes. LaPierre alone made a million bucks a year, which is, ironically, equal to about $100 for every man, woman and child murdered with a gun in America.

The NRA’s profit soars as deaths from gun massacres mount

who did the NRA shoot? I must have missed that in the news......I know they help law abiding people stay safe from violent criminals......but you morons never point that out.
Only in liberal land should school be free for all but expecting safety for the children in those very schools should be an expense that "someone else" should bear.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

Lord NO!!! That's her RIGHT as a WOMAN!!
We need more armed guards in schools, malls, movie theaters, workplaces, etc. because the 2nd amendment keeps the USA from becoming a police state. Got that?

2nd amendment is obsolete and needs to be amended. Keep your guns at home, not allowed in cars , trains, planes, or while walking out your yard. How is that?

Yes..amd so is the first amendment one should have a privately owned computer since the founders would not have known they could exist.......and since crimes can be committed with computers...identity theft, child porn, cyber clearly shows the First Amendment is outdated.....

and let's not start on the internet.....only police amd military should have access to the internet since it can be used by foriegn governmmets to steal state secrets off our former Secretary of States email server....

so no more First Amendment either....

You stupid moron...
Yeah NRA is so massive it gets outspent on a regular basis on every issue by libs like Bloomberg
Progressives make stuff up... They need their warm and fuzzies to feel good.

Hope and change
2nd amendment is obsolete and needs to be amended. Keep your guns at home, not allowed in cars , trains, planes, or while walking out your yard. How is that?

Then amend it. You'll fail, but you can certainly try.

One of my favorite quotes:
School shootings were invited by blacks... And stolen by the white man.
Chris Rock

Good one. I believe the worst school massacre is from Bath Mi, many years ago. Still is a tiny little town.

Ctually, he worst school shooting happened overseas....
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill. Not a concern I have. :rolleyes:

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.

Why don't you just opt for tubular procedure. Only takes a few minutes, done on an out-patient basis, is reversible. Then you can spread your legs all you want and the taxpayer is off the hook.

I'm a grandmother. My husband got fixed, I can't believe the Reps are so concerned about unborn life and not about the deaths caused by guns in this country.

We can't believe you're concerned about the deaths from guns and not the murder of innocents. Shall we compare the numbers?

I would never suggest to anyone to have an abortion. Take that up with the Supreme Court .

Tell me are you anti or pro birth control?
Its a NON PROFIT org.

The NRA’s profit soars as deaths from gun massacres mount

googletag.cmd.push(function () { var slot = googletag.defineSlot('/2/', [[300, 250],[300, 600],[300, 1050]], 'ad-display-ad') .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.defineSizeMapping([[[1024, 0], [[300,250],[300,600],[300,1050]]], [[0,0], [[300,250]]]]); googletag.enableServices(); slotMachine.add('Display Ad', slot, 'ad-display-ad'); }); By Brett Arends

Published: Oct 2, 2015 5:47 p.m. ET

The most fanatical gun supporters saw the incident as a call to arms — literally.

NRA membership dues skyrocketed by a staggering 62% in the year after Sandy Hook, from $108 million to $176 million. Total revenue in 2013 hit a third of a billion dollars.

As a result, the massive organization saw profits — excuse me, “surpluses” — rocket 2,750% to $57 million.

Of course, that’s before taxes. But, then, it didn’t pay any taxes, for it is a nonprofit charity.

The NRA estimates it was also helped by 150,000 volunteers. How many corporations could boast as much?

The NRA top executives shared that year in a treasure chest of more than $8 million in salary, bonuses, nontaxable benefits, deferred pay and other compensation — a nice payout for an organization that enjoys charitable exemption from U.S. taxes. LaPierre alone made a million bucks a year, which is, ironically, equal to about $100 for every man, woman and child murdered with a gun in America.

The NRA’s profit soars as deaths from gun massacres mount

who did the NRA shoot? I must have missed that in the news......I know they help law abiding people stay safe from violent criminals......but you morons never point that out.

They help their wallets. To be able to carry a loaded gun around needs to come to an end.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill. Not a concern I have. :rolleyes:

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.

Why don't you just opt for tubular procedure. Only takes a few minutes, done on an out-patient basis, is reversible. Then you can spread your legs all you want and the taxpayer is off the hook.

I'm a grandmother. My husband got fixed, I can't believe the Reps are so concerned about unborn life and not about the deaths caused by guns in this country.

Gun murder in2014


guns used to stop gun murder and other crime (according to bill clinton)

1.5 million times a year
Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.

Why don't you just opt for tubular procedure. Only takes a few minutes, done on an out-patient basis, is reversible. Then you can spread your legs all you want and the taxpayer is off the hook.

I'm a grandmother. My husband got fixed, I can't believe the Reps are so concerned about unborn life and not about the deaths caused by guns in this country.

We can't believe you're concerned about the deaths from guns and not the murder of innocents. Shall we compare the numbers?

I would never suggest to anyone to have an abortion. Take that up with the Supreme Court .

Tell me are you anti or pro birth control?

Take gun ownership up with the Supreme Court....wait...they have and keep getting slapped down.

What does my views on birth control have on this?
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill. Not a concern I have. :rolleyes:

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.

Why don't you just opt for tubular procedure. Only takes a few minutes, done on an out-patient basis, is reversible. Then you can spread your legs all you want and the taxpayer is off the hook.

I'm a grandmother. My husband got fixed, I can't believe the Reps are so concerned about unborn life and not about the deaths caused by guns in this country.

Gun murder in2014


guns used to stop gun murder and other crime (according to bill clinton)

1.5 million times a year
Overwhelmingly by the police, of course. You cannot show differently.

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