Maybe the NRA can provide security at Schools, Colleges, Malls

and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Perfect idea. High taxes on guns to pay the victims of gun violence, just like cigarettes. If your hobby or addiction is causing pain and death to others then you get to pay for it.

Ah yes, capitalism. You must pay to play.

There is no enumerated right to tobacco use, and the exercise of an enumerated right is neither hobby nor addiction.

The Left's intentional reluctance to apply overwhelming force to crime and criminals, and hanky-twisting over the "rights" of the insane is the primary problem.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Perfect idea. High taxes on guns to pay the victims of gun violence, just like cigarettes. If your hobby or addiction is causing pain and death to others then you get to pay for it.

Ah yes, capitalism. You must pay to play.

If your hobby or addiction is causing pain and death to others then you get to pay for it.

My hobby consists of putting little holes in pieces of paper at a variety of distances.

If the paper is in pain, it's never shown it.
You just cant hear the paper scream because of the sound of the gunshot.
Or, maybe the paper screamed and died during the manufacturing process.
why do you hate paper.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.

I could care less whether or not Planned Parenthood stays opens or closes.

How about I don't pay for your public schools anymore either since I pay even more to send my kid to a private school.

Does this sound fair???
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

They recommended that, right after Sandy Hook...

the Left wet it's pants over the idea
I've on the Left and I have no problem with the idea....arm teachers? Sure, why not?

School Boards, principals, teachers, law enforcement, etc. are against the idea.

Just like the recent shooting in Oregon.

Why would the sole security guard be unarmed?

Look at all the laws enacted after Sandy Hook, because a kid that didn't want to wait for a background check killed his mother, stole her guns, and went on a rampage.

If you're for it, I applaud you.

I wish there were more like you
the NRA can provide security at Schools, Colleges, Malls The fuckers will be gunning now children and crossing guards.
How about queers? They spread more std's and aids than anyone else. Should they pay extra? How about the bullshit global warming? Should you pay the difference in my energy bills since you are forcing your beliefs on me?
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.
Oh so you ADMIT it takes TWO to make a baby. But the right to KILL is reserved to ONE.

And you want to tax LEGAL gun owners for criminals. You lacked even the most basic form of logic.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Perfect idea. High taxes on guns to pay the victims of gun violence, just like cigarettes. If your hobby or addiction is causing pain and death to others then you get to pay for it.

Ah yes, capitalism. You must pay to play.

If your hobby or addiction is causing pain and death to others then you get to pay for it.

My hobby consists of putting little holes in pieces of paper at a variety of distances.

If the paper is in pain, it's never shown it.
You just cant hear the paper scream because of the sound of the gunshot.
Or, maybe the paper screamed and died during the manufacturing process.
why do you hate paper.

I'll go along with that myself. I'm 72 years old and haven't had a kid in school for quite some time now. I still have to pay school taxes every year.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.
Oh so you ADMIT it takes TWO to make a baby. But the right to KILL is reserved to ONE.

And you want to tax LEGAL gun owners for criminals. You lacked even the most basic form of logic.

This one is the typical Liberal idiot. I want my rights but you can only have those of which I approve.
Only in liberal land should school be free for all but expecting safety for the children in those very schools should be an expense that "someone else" should bear.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

Lord NO!!! That's her RIGHT as a WOMAN!!
We need more armed guards in schools, malls, movie theaters, workplaces, etc. because the 2nd amendment keeps the USA from becoming a police state. Got that?

2nd amendment is obsolete and needs to be amended. Keep your guns at home, not allowed in cars , trains, planes, or while walking out your yard. How is that?
2nd amendment is obsolete and needs to be amended. Keep your guns at home, not allowed in cars , trains, planes, or while walking out your yard. How is that?

Then amend it. You'll fail, but you can certainly try.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.
Oh so you ADMIT it takes TWO to make a baby. But the right to KILL is reserved to ONE.

And you want to tax LEGAL gun owners for criminals. You lacked even the most basic form of logic.

This one is the typical Liberal idiot. I want my rights but you can only have those of which I approve.

It may surprise you to know I never voted for Obama, but I sure will not vote Rep this time around, not after the spectacle of what I've had to watch. Hey your new speaker is a riot.
Only in liberal land should school be free for all but expecting safety for the children in those very schools should be an expense that "someone else" should bear.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

Lord NO!!! That's her RIGHT as a WOMAN!!
We need more armed guards in schools, malls, movie theaters, workplaces, etc. because the 2nd amendment keeps the USA from becoming a police state. Got that?

2nd amendment is obsolete and needs to be amended. Keep your guns at home, not allowed in cars , trains, planes, or while walking out your yard. How is that?

It is obsolete? Because YOU deem it so? LOL!! We have the right to carry our guns in cars and while walking in the yard. Sorry about that.
and any other invent that have lots of people, and they can pass the cost onto the people who carry guns.

I should think that is only right, I mean cigs are taxed to death to pay for illnesses. So people who want to own

guns can pay more since now they need to care for the wounded in these mass shootings and whatever the civil awards will be to the families that loose their family members.

Don't expect the ones who do not carry guns to foot the bill.

Does this sound fair??

Don't expect me to pay for your birth control pills either since I can't get pregnant.

Does this sound fair???

I suppose you want Planned Parenthood closed. Also you may physically not get pregnant, but you supply half the DNA. Women do not get pg from other woman.
Oh so you ADMIT it takes TWO to make a baby. But the right to KILL is reserved to ONE.

And you want to tax LEGAL gun owners for criminals. You lacked even the most basic form of logic.

This one is the typical Liberal idiot. I want my rights but you can only have those of which I approve.

It may surprise you to know I never voted for Obama, but I sure will not vote Rep this time around, not after the spectacle of what I've had to watch. Hey your new speaker is a riot.

What has whether or not you voted for Obama have to do with YOU desiring to dictate my rights as an American citizen?
One of my favorite quotes:
School shootings were invited by blacks... And stolen by the white man.
Chris Rock
Without the second admendment the rest of the constitution is fire starter...

Just like the shattered morality that is Europe
2nd amendment is obsolete and needs to be amended. Keep your guns at home, not allowed in cars , trains, planes, or while walking out your yard. How is that?

Then amend it. You'll fail, but you can certainly try.

One of my favorite quotes:
School shootings were invited by blacks... And stolen by the white man.
Chris Rock

Good one. I believe the worst school massacre is from Bath Mi, many years ago. Still is a tiny little town.
Without the second admendment the rest of the constitution is fire starter...

Just like the shattered morality that is Europe
Put away the bottle, read the Constitution, and start praying. You are lost.

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