Maybe this explains why Canadians have health care for all. (hint; no FOX)

whats the sales tax in canada again?

Hey Bones glad to see you in politics.

Our "free health care" is funded by outrageous Fed taxes and the GST. Goods and Services Sales Tax.

You fart. You get taxed. You get your hair done. You get taxed.You take a taxi ride you get taxed. You buy a gold fish you get GST.

Hey a conservative government who at least brought it down from 7% to 5% and Harper is smart. He knows he can't just eradicate the GST because the budgets are based on this for the next decade.

But he's trying.
Apparently it’s against the law to broadcast lies and call it news in Canada so stuff like FOX news and Rush can’t go out over the airwaves there.

When you can’t tell the people a pack of lies I guess they vote for people that do stuff that’s good for people, imagine that!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

Your OP is a blatant lie. I have disproved this over and over.

Fuck you. We have Rush and Fox coast to coast.
You mean a liberal is lying about Fox News?

Gasp. I mean, yawn. :cool:

I'm always stunned at the lie. I think I was somewhere over Superior when I was reading the book and read the big deal about lying. I wondered why on earth would God put lying in the same breath as murder?

The big J knew we'd be surrounded by liars I guess. Because they do it so unabashedly. And they are evil. And continue to prove themselves daily by lying.
Apparently it’s against the law to broadcast lies and call it news in Canada so stuff like FOX news and Rush can’t go out over the airwaves there.

When you can’t tell the people a pack of lies I guess they vote for people that do stuff that’s good for people, imagine that!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

Welcome to the've arrived at the right place to learn.

The following ‘Universal Healthcare’ countries have higher out-of-pocket costs than the United States:
Out-of-pocket spending as a share of total expenditure on health, 1980-2000 (table 4)
Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland.

Of course...that's before the 21 taxes associated with ObamaCare go into effect.

So that I may address you correctly....are you a shill or a lemming?

What country leads in drug development?

the US leads in the discovery of approved drugs, by a wide margin (118 out of the 252 drugs).
Japan, the UK and Germany are about equal, in the low 20s each.
Switzerland is in next at 13,
France at 12, and
then the rest of Europe put together adds up to 29.
Canada and Australia put together add up to nearly 7,
and the entire rest of the world (including China and India) is about 6.5, with most of that being Israel.
Where Drugs Come From: By Country. In the Pipeline:

SO again... what country provides over 46% of discovery of approved drugs... USA.
What country leads the world in the number of immigrants?
What country has the MOST diverse ethnic population?
What country has the MOST diverse health perspectives?

The point is no country in the world MUCH less those that LEAD in health index you reference have such diverse population which leads to
a) mortality rates of childbirth ARE NOT reported as accurately as the USA.

The primary reason Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate than the United States is that the United States is a world leader in an odd category — the percentage of infants who die on their birthday. In any given year in the United States anywhere from 30-40 percent of infants die before they are even a day old.
Why? Because the United States also easily has the most intensive system of emergency intervention to keep low birth weight and premature infants alive in the world.
The United States is, for example, one of only a handful countries that keeps detailed statistics on early fetal mortality — the survival rate of infants who are born as early as the 20th week of gestation.
Cuba vs. the United States on Infant Mortality | Overpopulation.Com
YET those statistics are lumped together CAUSING IDIOTS like you to say the USA is 37th!!!
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But of course people that HATE the USA don't pay attention to the FACTS!
They know if the shout LIES FIRST and loudest.. The lie sticks!

And then we have the idiots like the person that ran this topic...

Always ready to tear the USA down.
First one to complain about the US Military.. and probably loved to when these traitors stupidly encouraged the killing of US troops in Iraq!

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Just as this idiot repeating FALSE statistics these "LEADERS" not ONLY repeated rare, instances as happening ALL the time, but when asked why they were encouraging the thug/barbarians to send kids with bombs to explode with US troops handing out candy these traitor leaders say well it's the truth! TRUTH???
LIKE you idiots that repeat the USA is 37th... all you want is to show how supposedly more informed you are..
Well like the above traitors broadcasting FALSE stories as routine.. YOU idiots spouting the USA 37th know sh....T!
Republicans health care policy:

[ame=]Crowd Yells Let Him Die - YouTube[/ame]
I doubt Canada would keep their system in place if they had our minority population and an endless stream of illegals invading their hospitals.

Their minority population is from Asia, a culture of people that is ashamed to be freeloaders compared to black and hispanic groups.
Now what again does the Lie about Fox not being in Canada have to do with healthcare again?
What country leads the world in the number of immigrants?
What country has the MOST diverse ethnic population?
What country has the MOST diverse health perspectives?

What matters is the percentage of immigrants to population. Ranking the Western countries, the countries with the highest percentage of immigrants are, in order

New Zealand
United States

If you include illegal immigrants, the United States would still be behind Switzerland, Australia and Canada.

List of countries by foreign-born population in 2005 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apparently it’s against the law to broadcast lies and call it news in Canada so stuff like FOX news and Rush can’t go out over the airwaves there.

When you can’t tell the people a pack of lies I guess they vote for people that do stuff that’s good for people, imagine that!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

Fox and the whole Pub propaganda machine, Pubs and their silly dupes are a disgrace, a world laughingstock and horror. So much ignorance, hate and stupidity...loudmouth morons.
And the dupes really believe Pubs want to do something about abortion and illegal immigration. Total tools of the greedy rich...hint: they just want your money, and love cheap labor.
What country leads the world in the number of immigrants?
What country has the MOST diverse ethnic population?
What country has the MOST diverse health perspectives?

What matters is the percentage of immigrants to population. Ranking the Western countries, the countries with the highest percentage of immigrants are, in order

New Zealand
United States

If you include illegal immigrants, the United States would still be behind Switzerland, Australia and Canada.

List of countries by foreign-born population in 2005 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What party leads the world in deluded, loudmouth hater dupes, not even close?
Apparently it’s against the law to broadcast lies and call it news in Canada so stuff like FOX news and Rush can’t go out over the airwaves there.

When you can’t tell the people a pack of lies I guess they vote for people that do stuff that’s good for people, imagine that!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

Every once in a while we seem to come across a faction of ignorant citizens who think it's "great day" if we authorize a government ministry to determine the information that citizens should be allowed to hear and read. Be careful what you wish for lefties. Dan Rather might be sharing a cell with Charlie Manson.
Apparently it’s against the law to broadcast lies and call it news in Canada so stuff like FOX news and Rush can’t go out over the airwaves there.

When you can’t tell the people a pack of lies I guess they vote for people that do stuff that’s good for people, imagine that!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

Every once in a while we seem to come across a faction of ignorant citizens who think it's "great day" if we authorize a government ministry to determine the information that citizens should be allowed to hear and read. Be careful what you wish for lefties. Dan Rather might be sharing a cell with Charlie Manson.

In order to rule the Royals require access to the airwaves so that people can be “led” it has always been so, control what the people hear, and control the people. With mass media we now have a “choose your truth” society with liars willing and ready to feed any hate filled lies you want to spread. This is why we squabble about gay marriage and abortion while the bankers and trust fund babies buy the whole country lock stock and two smoking barrels full of cash. Then send their clowns to Washington to kill the death tax so that can establish their Kingdoms forever and their offspring will have dominion over the land forever. That is their dream and lies spewed by FOX allows this.

What I want is a return to the Fairness Doctrine which served us well for many decades and assisted us in doing things like build the freeway system and going to the moon.

Do you think for a minute the Royals would allow the people to spend their money like that again?
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