Mayor refuses to resign after calling Michelle "gorilla face"

Its racist to think its racist to call blacks monkeys.

See...would it be racist to call a black person a shark or spider? No. Silly. They dont look like sharks or spiders.

But monkeys? Thats not racist either. They dont look like monkeys. Right liberals?

So...calling a black person a monkey is no worse than calling them a shark or giraffe. Unless....well...unless you're racist and think blacks look like monkeys.
Its racist to think its racist to call blacks monkeys.

See...would it be racist to call a black person a shark or spider? No. Silly. They dont look like sharks or spiders.

But monkeys? Thats not racist either. They dont look like monkeys. Right liberals?

So...calling a black person a monkey is no worse than calling them a shark or giraffe. Unless....well...unless you're racist and think blacks look like monkeys.

I go to bed each night hoping I wake up as smart as you, Bucs. You have such deep thoughts.
Its racist to think its racist to call blacks monkeys.

See...would it be racist to call a black person a shark or spider? No. Silly. They dont look like sharks or spiders.

But monkeys? Thats not racist either. They dont look like monkeys. Right liberals?

So...calling a black person a monkey is no worse than calling them a shark or giraffe. Unless....well...unless you're racist and think blacks look like monkeys.
Obviously you dont have a clue as to what racist means.
Its racist to think its racist to call blacks monkeys.

See...would it be racist to call a black person a shark or spider? No. Silly. They dont look like sharks or spiders.

But monkeys? Thats not racist either. They dont look like monkeys. Right liberals?

So...calling a black person a monkey is no worse than calling them a shark or giraffe. Unless....well...unless you're racist and think blacks look like monkeys.
Let's see them try to outmaneuver that logic trap.
Its racist to think its racist to call blacks monkeys.

See...would it be racist to call a black person a shark or spider? No. Silly. They dont look like sharks or spiders.

But monkeys? Thats not racist either. They dont look like monkeys. Right liberals?

So...calling a black person a monkey is no worse than calling them a shark or giraffe. Unless....well...unless you're racist and think blacks look like monkeys.
Obviously you dont have a clue as to what racist means.
^^^^ posted by a racist.
Its racist to think its racist to call blacks monkeys.

See...would it be racist to call a black person a shark or spider? No. Silly. They dont look like sharks or spiders.

But monkeys? Thats not racist either. They dont look like monkeys. Right liberals?

So...calling a black person a monkey is no worse than calling them a shark or giraffe. Unless....well...unless you're racist and think blacks look like monkeys.
Let's see them try to outmaneuver that logic trap.
Its easy. Just look for the logic trap that you and Buc got yourselves caught in.
Michelle looks more like a Wookie.

I'm impressed with the consistency of maturity that the right uses to make their decisions.
Like you saying it's ok to call Bush a chimp because you think he was an idiot? GTFO!
You have to admit he looks like a chimp.

Mooch isn't an elected official and it wouldn't matter anyway. In this nation we have freedom of speech. Take the lame "political correctness" and stick it. People are past tired of it, it needs to stop. You all sound like a bunch of whiny bawl babies. man the hell up
You wouldn't believe the crap they said about Nancy Reagan and Laura Bush

Mabell goes out there acting as if she WAS voted in by us to rant and rave and thinks she can make policy for our country, schools and children

she deserves ALL the nasty coming her way. she a nasty hateful woman in my book. no class, no manners, no nothing

so all these whiners over that hateful woman MaBell Obama

can go jump in a lake. Losers
Seriously? they are asking a mayor resign over calling the UNelected big mouth First Lady a name?

We tried to warn you about putting those two in the white house. Next they'll want you JAILED for insulting the Dear Leader and his queen

I would suspect jail would be an improvement for you and heart patient chemo boy , a step up from the section 8 trailer park you now dwell in

For someone who is concerned about his own freedoms you certainly are in a hurry to take away everyone else's, Guno.

While it is wrong to call anyone a Gorilla face, it most definitely is not a legal issue nor is it a legitimate reason to fire someone from their job. America does have free speech and although sometimes hearing what others think (voiced in public) may sound offensive - in America it is called freedom of speech.
Its racist to think its racist to call blacks monkeys.

See...would it be racist to call a black person a shark or spider? No. Silly. They dont look like sharks or spiders.

But monkeys? Thats not racist either. They dont look like monkeys. Right liberals?

So...calling a black person a monkey is no worse than calling them a shark or giraffe. Unless....well...unless you're racist and think blacks look like monkeys.
Obviously you dont have a clue as to what racist means.
^^^^ posted by a racist.
Your unctuous support of your white man is pretty amusing. Stand up and stop fawning.
The Mayor remarks should have never been utter where it would have been made public, and should apologize for their comment about the First Lady looks...

I am no fan of Mr. and Ms. Obama and if the comments are about how they act as President and First lady then so be it, but the right should never lower itself to the level of calling someone a Gorilla face because in today time it is unacceptable.

It is true that many called former President Bush a monkey, and it was wrong. I would have not focus on the comments about Bush because him being white and it flying over the head of some but instead I would have focus on the racial comments about Condi Rice and USSC Justice Thomas instead if I were going to make a argument that was is good for the Goose is good for the Gander.

Also those on the left need to remember the remarks made against Laura Bush and need to remember that even though Laura is white what was said about her was out of line many times.

Finally, two wrongs never make a right and the OP is a clear example of this. I know the hardcore fanatic will swoon in and tell me off about how my side ( what is funny I am actually conservative ) did this and that while not understanding both sides are wrong and many apologizes need to be expressed from each side but reality is that Partisan Hacks will never apologize for their stupidity in life...

Here is a recent survey among liberals. The survey has found that one in three liberals are just as stupid as the other two. This thread is a good proof of it, isn't it????
It doesn't matter how badly other elected officials have behaved in the past, from either side. What is atrocious is any elected official lowering themselves to mutter such a thing about any other elected official and particularly their family members, no matter the party.

Elected officials are there to bring their constituents together-not further divide. They have a duty to bring respectability to their office. Period.

This is a symptom of what is wrong with our country today.
I don't think this mayor is more racist than any other Republican.
It is true that many called former President Bush a monkey, and it was wrong. I would have not focus on the comments about Bush because him being white and it flying over the head of some but instead I would have focus on the racial comments about Condi Rice and USSC Justice Thomas instead if I were going to make a argument that was is good for the Goose is good for the Gander.

So you say it's ok to call white people apes, but wrong to do the same with blacks. Most people would say your attitude is racist.

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