North Carolina Lt. Gov. Refuses To Resign After Calling LGBTQ Community 'Filth'

Teaching public school children that homosexual activity is normal and acceptable (let'sassume for the moment that it is done somewhere) is promoting a set of moral values that is repugnant to a clear majority of Americans. Indeed, it goes against longstanding, and unquestioned Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Mormon teachings.

In a private religious context there is nothing wrong with expressing this widely-held moral assessment. The same sentiment would be expressed in different words by all sorts of religious leaders and believers, with no objections.

Condemning BEHAVIOR is different from condemning people.

The Left (and the Gay Mafia) are bound and determined to convince the general population that holding conventional moral views on homosexual sodomy makes one an "extremist" and a "hater/bigot."


This guy has no reason to apologize to anyone.
" Condemning behavior is not condemning people. " - your words. His words he called those people filth. I'm pretty sure that's attacking the people and not the behavior. By the way that behavior is normal for the group he was attacking, just as heterosexuality is normal for him. There is no reason for these attacks other than hatred and prejudice, and those things have no place in America.
Can you honestly say these are words of love coming out of a church. If you think so then you're crazy.

You love the sinner and hate the sin, the fact that he considers the ideology being pushed in schools as filth, most Christians would, as well as most of the worlds religions.

You love the sinner and hate the sin, the fact that he considers the ideology being pushed in schools as filth, most Christians would, as well as most of the worlds religions.

This creep called gay people filth. He did not Target the behaviors, which is almost as bad. I can't help it if the world's judgmental religions go down this route, they are committing an even greater sin by doing so. Luckily the real GOD Is not judgmental.
You love the sinner and hate the sin, the fact that he considers the ideology being pushed in schools as filth, most Christians would, as well as most of the worlds religions.

Home>Gay and transgender discrimination in the public sector : why it's a problem for state and local governments, employees and taxpayers. Like I said hate and prejudice have no place in America, especially coming from the mouths of public officials.
This New York situation and the Justice situation have been properly addressed. This new attack on North Carolina politician in a church of all places is unconscionable. His words are sponsoring future hate crimes.

I'm wondering why the feds didn't scoop that crazy up, Zeldin is a sitting congressman after all.

This creep called gay people filth. He did not Target the behaviors, which is almost as bad. I can't help it if the world's judgmental religions go down this route, they are committing an even greater sin by doing so. Luckily the real GOD Is not judgmental.

You might want to go back and listen to his words again, and not the commie commentary.

Home>Gay and transgender discrimination in the public sector : why it's a problem for state and local governments, employees and taxpayers. Like I said hate and prejudice have no place in America, especially coming from the mouths of public officials.

Not interested in seeing your commie propaganda.

I'm wondering why the feds didn't scoop that crazy up, Zeldin is a sitting congressman after all.

. prosecute Lee Sheldon's New York attacker in federal court for justice. July 22nd, 2022 ( 15 hours ago ).
Who the hell is Lee Sheldon?

I have bad arthritis in my hands so I speak into the phone and it prints out the words it doesn't always get them right. I didn't catch that typo, of course it was supposed to be Lee Zeldin.
Oh look who it is, my favorite drive by insulter busybee01! Always so angry. You disappeared the last time you tried your little drive by and I swatted you to the curb. And as usual you are wrong. General Milley is a traitor and you are quite unintelligent and never post anything of substance. Buh Bye busy buzz buzz!! :hhello:

You haven't swatted anyone. You have proved you are a right wing hatemonger. Jesus preached love not hate.
They are filth. At least now they are.

At first they were fine, they just wanted to be treated as equals and didn't really want anything other than to just be accepted as people. Which is fine. I'm not gay, I don't like it but as long as you keep it to yourself then I don't care. You can be gay and be a good person. But the group isn't filled with gays anymore, now it's filled with tags and trannies and freaks.

But over time they have become this extremist, demanding, woke pile of human feces that is perverse and frankly bad for American society. And it keeps getting worse as they are constantly trying to raise the bar for being a victim and always trying to push things further and further.

You are the pile of human garbage. It hurts no one else. You are the extremist.
It's clear by now that the liberal democrat governor of NY set up the attack on her opponent but nobody seems to care. Senator Schumer openly threatened the life of Justice Kav but nobody cares. Meanwhile Soros Media Matters found a sound bite in N.C. of an insult to the queer community and now the queer left has their purses ready to swing at the Lt. Gov. Sometimes you gotta wonder.

No Schumer did not. That is a lie.
This creep called gay people filth. He did not Target the behaviors, which is almost as bad. I can't help it if the world's judgmental religions go down this route, they are committing an even greater sin by doing so. Luckily the real GOD Is not judgmental.
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’, the suckers we could easily bully by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbasses to do anything with a simple guilt trip. The bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’, the suckers we could easily bully by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbasses to do anything with a simple guilt trip. The bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
Wow, you sound like the sickest of the whole bunch of hate mongers on here.
Teaching public school children that homosexual activity is normal and acceptable (let'sassume for the moment that it is done somewhere) is promoting a set of moral values that is repugnant to a clear majority of Americans. Indeed, it goes against longstanding, and unquestioned Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Mormon teachings.

In a private religious context there is nothing wrong with expressing this widely-held moral assessment. The same sentiment would be expressed in different words by all sorts of religious leaders and believers, with no objections.

Condemning BEHAVIOR is different from condemning people.

The Left (and the Gay Mafia) are bound and determined to convince the general population that holding conventional moral views on homosexual sodomy makes one an "extremist" and a "hater/bigot."


This guy has no reason to apologize to anyone.

It is not repugnant t5o a majority of Americans. It is repugnant to right wing Nazis. Clearly you are using the same tactics of Hitler. Instead of Jews, it is transgenders and gays. What upsets you is that schools are teaching tolerance of others. There is something very wrong with using a church to preach hate. Nowhere in the table did Jesus talk about hating people. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the man who was beaten was somewhat of a outcast as well. Jesus did not preach hate.

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