North Carolina Lt. Gov. Refuses To Resign After Calling LGBTQ Community 'Filth'

LOL, you're Archie Bunker. As long as women are obedient to you, then you are OK with them. If not, you attack them because you believe women aren't smart enough to think for themselves. You NEVER stick up for women who are attacked by leftist men because you are the actual misogynist. You condone and defend misogynist. That removes all doubt whether you are a misogynist. You are
I support women making their own decisions freely. Gross misogynists like that scumbag abbott abuse their offices to dictate what women should do and think. Who are the "leftist men" who attack women?

BTW: I've known women who chose to have an abortion and women who chose to go through with pregnancies, one at great risk to her own health and life. Each made her own decision. The one who chose to go through a dangerous pregnancy quit the Christian faith long before this happened. I don't force all women to be fundie.
I support women making their own decisions freely. Gross misogynists like that scumbag abbott abuse their offices to dictate what women should do and think. Who are the "leftist men" who attack women?

BTW: I've known women who chose to have an abortion and women who chose to go through with pregnancies, one at great risk to her own health and life. Each made her own decision. The one who chose to go through a dangerous pregnancy quit the Christian faith long before this happened. I don't force all women to be fundie.

And yet I NEVER see you objecting to misogynistic leftist men who slam any woman who defies them. You are lying. You are a Democrat, not a woman. That is your priority. You're not cisgender or LGBTQ, Democrat is your identity
What a stupid comment. I'm an out and proud female heterosexual, I hate males who are misogynistic and play identity politics, and I love the United States and always have. When our flag was planted on the moon, I stood up and saluted it on TV. The current republicans want to destroy us, our freedom, and our values. I don't take this lightly.
I haven't seen so many lies in one post since I joined this forum.
Saddened but not surprised. Just when you think the right wing can't get any more hear from the right wing and you realize there is probably no limit.
The truth is repugnant? Not surprising coming from a carpet muncher.
What a stupid comment. I'm an out and proud female heterosexual, I hate males who are misogynistic and play identity politics, and I love the United States and always have. When our flag was planted on the moon, I stood up and saluted it on TV. The current republicans want to destroy us, our freedom, and our values. I don't take this lightly.

Wow, you seem totally confused, it's you commiecrats that are playing identity politics. Allowing an invasion that has more people than a couple of our States and demanding more. It's you folks that are demanding your opposition be silenced. The fact is you hate this country and the rights and traditions most Americans hold dear.


Republican Mark Robinson said he's "tired of folks on the right being demonized for our speech while folks on the left burn, beat, rob, loot ... and get a pass.”

Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican lieutenant governor, dismissed a call for his resignation on Friday after he was exposed on videotape calling members of theLGBTQ community “filth.”

Robinson said he stood by his homophobic comment and claimed to Raleigh NBC affiliate WRAL that right-wing speech was being “demonized.”

“We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. We will not change our language,” he said. “The language I used, I am not ashamed of it. I will use it in the future because, again, it is time for parents in this state to take a strong stand for their children.”

Robinson made his offensive remarks while speaking in June at the Asbury Baptist Church in the town of Seagrove.

“I’m saying this now, and I’ve been saying it, and I don’t care who likes it: Those issues have no place in a school. There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality — any of that filth,” he said in a sermon at the church.

Filth? Christians must take control of public schools? He should definitely resign! What do you think?

I think he is correct

Republican Mark Robinson said he's "tired of folks on the right being demonized for our speech while folks on the left burn, beat, rob, loot ... and get a pass.”

Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican lieutenant governor, dismissed a call for his resignation on Friday after he was exposed on videotape calling members of theLGBTQ community “filth.”

Robinson said he stood by his homophobic comment and claimed to Raleigh NBC affiliate WRAL that right-wing speech was being “demonized.”

“We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. We will not change our language,” he said. “The language I used, I am not ashamed of it. I will use it in the future because, again, it is time for parents in this state to take a strong stand for their children.”

Robinson made his offensive remarks while speaking in June at the Asbury Baptist Church in the town of Seagrove.

“I’m saying this now, and I’ve been saying it, and I don’t care who likes it: Those issues have no place in a school. There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality — any of that filth,” he said in a sermon at the church.

Filth? Christians must take control of public schools? He should definitely resign! What do you think?

He needs to resign; there's no place for hatred and prejudice in our government.
He needs to resign; there's no place for hatred and prejudice in our government.
Or he and you don't seem to understand is there are lgbq children in the schools that are being hurt by this. Education fights ignorance that so many people in this country harbor. Discrimination and hatred are symptoms of a much worse disease, intolerance.
He needs to resign; there's no place for hatred and prejudice in our government.
Transgenders are not normal and must not be treated like sacred cows

If an adult of 21 wants to cut off his penis and wear a dress he should be allowed to even though thats unfortunate for him

But children who are given drugs and even sex change surgery are victims of child abuse and someone in the pervert community should go to jail

Several in fact
Transgenders are not normal and must not be treated like sacred cows

If an adult of 21 wants to cut off his penis and wear a dress he should be allowed to even though thats unfortunate for him

But children who are given drugs and even sex change surgery are victims of child abuse and someone in the pervert community should go to jail

Several in fact
Sex education is to inform. Sex education in public schools is age appropriate. Although it's in material your last comment about children being given hormones. That doesn't happen. If a emancipated child at the age of 16 pictures of to do so, he / she has the right to do so. 16 is also the earliest age transgender children can be given hormones legally with consent of the parents. They know who they are. I'm sorry you do not.
Sex education is to inform. Sex education in public schools is age appropriate. Although it's in material your last comment about children being given hormones. That doesn't happen. If a emancipated child at the age of 16 pictures of to do so, he / she has the right to do so. 16 is also the earliest age transgender children can be given hormones legally with consent of the parents. They know who they are. I'm sorry you do not.
I regret to say thats not true

And the brainwashing of young children to transition begins at around 3 in the pop media and many public schools
There is no reason to be teaching transgenderism in our public schools, nor for that matter “homosexuality.” I wouldn’t call it filth. But I do see it as unnecessary.

Teaching sex education makes sense. Tab A goes into slot B is pretty basic biological science for how babies get initially made.

There’s not much reason to teach anything to kids beyond that.

Woke teachers are promoting sexual perversion and calling it education
Would you prefer them to promote hatred and discrimination like you were. That's not an option. That promotes psychological and social injury and death to all. You see it's warped your mind already. You can't even reason the issue out.

Republican Mark Robinson said he's "tired of folks on the right being demonized for our speech while folks on the left burn, beat, rob, loot ... and get a pass.”

Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican lieutenant governor, dismissed a call for his resignation on Friday after he was exposed on videotape calling members of theLGBTQ community “filth.”

Robinson said he stood by his homophobic comment and claimed to Raleigh NBC affiliate WRAL that right-wing speech was being “demonized.”

“We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. We will not change our language,” he said. “The language I used, I am not ashamed of it. I will use it in the future because, again, it is time for parents in this state to take a strong stand for their children.”

Robinson made his offensive remarks while speaking in June at the Asbury Baptist Church in the town of Seagrove.

“I’m saying this now, and I’ve been saying it, and I don’t care who likes it: Those issues have no place in a school. There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality — any of that filth,” he said in a sermon at the church.

Filth? Christians must take control of public schools? He should definitely resign! What do you think?

Hey drama queens, don't cry or gnash teeth. This isn't rocket science - RECALL him or don't vote for him next time.
Would you prefer them to promote hatred and discrimination like you were. That's not an option. That promotes psychological and social injury and death to all. You see it's warped your mind already. You can't even reason the issue out.
To hear libs talk we might think millions of young children are bursting within themselves to be something else

And if libs are allowed to bombard them with images of homosexuality they might succeed

Because young children are helpless in the face of the ruthless left recruiting
Hey drama queens, don't cry or gnash teeth. This isn't rocket science - RECALL him or don't vote for him next time.
Actually it's indoctrinated hatred and bigotry speaking. It's nothing new, we've heard it for years.

Republican Mark Robinson said he's "tired of folks on the right being demonized for our speech while folks on the left burn, beat, rob, loot ... and get a pass.”

Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican lieutenant governor, dismissed a call for his resignation on Friday after he was exposed on videotape calling members of theLGBTQ community “filth.”

Robinson said he stood by his homophobic comment and claimed to Raleigh NBC affiliate WRAL that right-wing speech was being “demonized.”

“We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. We will not change our language,” he said. “The language I used, I am not ashamed of it. I will use it in the future because, again, it is time for parents in this state to take a strong stand for their children.”

Robinson made his offensive remarks while speaking in June at the Asbury Baptist Church in the town of Seagrove.

“I’m saying this now, and I’ve been saying it, and I don’t care who likes it: Those issues have no place in a school. There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality — any of that filth,” he said in a sermon at the church.

Filth? Christians must take control of public schools? He should definitely resign! What do you think?

He is the filth and the fact that this church did nothing to shut him down after this shows they are filth. He clear4ly wants to turn this into a Christian version of Iran. I remember the right being concerned about Sharia law yet they want to do the same thing. As I recall, Jesus said to love your fellow man. He didn't make any exception for transgender or gay.

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