North Carolina Lt. Gov. Refuses To Resign After Calling LGBTQ Community 'Filth'

Well obviously your knowledge of the Bible is limited to the cover and that's me assuming you've even seen one.

I think you're the one who hasn't read the Bible; more importantly that Bible has failed you because it ignored some of Christ's most important teachings. That's the whole reason Christianity is a sham. When Christ said love thy enemy as thyself. He was trying to explain in the simplest way that we are all one and there's no reason whatsoever to harm another because you're only harming yourself. And that's just one point, there are way too many mistakes in the Bible and misinterpretations to represent Christ in any decent manner. I have eight versions of the Bible, they all have the same corruptions in them and I've read them over and over in my younger years, until I realized it was futile. The Jefferson Bible, penned by Thomas Jefferson himself, was the least offensive. It only had quotes from Jesus in it, did not try to interpret what those quotes meant but unfortunately it included the misquotes on Jesus too.
I think you're the one who hasn't read the Bible; more importantly that Bible has failed you because it ignored some of Christ's most important teachings. That's the whole reason Christianity is a sham. When Christ said love thy enemy as thyself. He was trying to explain in the simplest way that we are all one and there's no reason whatsoever to harm another because you're only harming yourself. And that's just one point, there are way too many mistakes in the Bible and misinterpretations to represent Christ in any decent manner. I have eight versions of the Bible, they all have the same corruptions in them and I've read them over and over in my younger years, until I realized it was futile. The Jefferson Bible, penned by Thomas Jefferson himself, was the least offensive. It only had quotes from Jesus in it, did not try to interpret what those quotes meant but unfortunately it included the misquotes on Jesus too.

Good for you. The post you responded to wasn't directed to you.


Republican Mark Robinson said he's "tired of folks on the right being demonized for our speech while folks on the left burn, beat, rob, loot ... and get a pass.”

Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican lieutenant governor, dismissed a call for his resignation on Friday after he was exposed on videotape calling members of theLGBTQ community “filth.”

Robinson said he stood by his homophobic comment and claimed to Raleigh NBC affiliate WRAL that right-wing speech was being “demonized.”

“We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. We will not change our language,” he said. “The language I used, I am not ashamed of it. I will use it in the future because, again, it is time for parents in this state to take a strong stand for their children.”

Robinson made his offensive remarks while speaking in June at the Asbury Baptist Church in the town of Seagrove.

“I’m saying this now, and I’ve been saying it, and I don’t care who likes it: Those issues have no place in a school. There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality — any of that filth,” he said in a sermon at the church.

Filth? Christians must take control of public schools? He should definitely resign! What do you think?

Good for him
Good for you. The post you responded to wasn't directed to you.

It needed an appropriate reply. Christianity was corrupted from the very beginning by overzealous men who altered the whole meaning of what Christ was trying to convey to the human race on this planet.
Good for you. The post you responded to wasn't directed to you.

He will apologize when the Dems apologize for the over 450 Riots in 2020 and encouraging them
LOL, those riots occurred all across America because of far-right wing nuts killing black people. The Democrats had nothing to do with it, that was all on the far-right, and by proxy the Republicans, or I should say the new fake Republicans.
LOL, those riots occurred all across America because of far-right wing nuts killing black people. The Democrats had nothing to do with it, that was all on the far-right, and by proxy the Republicans, or I should say the new fake Republicans.
Another lie!! Billions of dollars in property damage, stores looted, riots, arson, killings, business permanently destroyed, etc because “ right wing nuts killed black people?” Please tell us why Left Wing Politicians didn’t do anything to stop it and actually forbid police from stopping it?
It needed an appropriate reply. Christianity was corrupted from the very beginning by overzealous men who altered the whole meaning of what Christ was trying to convey to the human race on this planet.

Thanks for your opinion. But it was directed to a person that misrepresented what the Bible says and obviously lacks knowledge on the topic.

LOL, those riots occurred all across America because of far-right wing nuts killing black people. The Democrats had nothing to do with it, that was all on the far-right, and by proxy the Republicans, or I should say the new fake Republicans.

So tell the class how many black people were killed by "far-right wing nuts" in 2020.

Thanks for your opinion. But it was directed to a person that misrepresented what the Bible says and obviously lacks knowledge on the topic.

The Bible is a misrepresentation of the truth about GOD.
He should tell the Class how many Blacks are being killed by Blacks Pushed to extremes: Domestic terrorism and polarization and protest. May 17th, 2022 the FBI now considers the far-right the biggest threat to our nation, even surpassing the threat of foreign terrorists. Pushed to extremes: Domestic terrorism and polarization and protest. May 17th, 2022 the FBI now considers the far-right the biggest threat to our nation, even surpassing the threat of foreign terrorists.
The FBI is spot on! It’s the far right that was behind those riots. It’s the far right that goes into high end stores, takes whatever they want, pushes people in front of subway Cars and are responsible for the high crime in Blue States and Cities. They are FAR more dangerous then ANY threat of War from Russia, China, etc. You and BRANDON just keep telling yourself that. 👍
The FBI is spot on! It’s the far right that was behind those riots. It’s the far right that goes into high end stores, takes whatever they want, pushes people in front of subway Cars and are responsible for the high crime in Blue States and Cities. They are FAR more dangerous then ANY threat of War from Russia, China, etc. You and BRANDON just keep telling yourself that. 👍
I think I will trust the FBI rather than you. You sound like a far-right idiot.

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Refuses To Resign After Calling LGBTQ Community 'Filth'​

Republican Mark Robinson said he's "tired of folks on the right being demonized for our speech while folks on the left burn, beat, rob, loot ... and get a pass.”

Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican lieutenant governor, dismissed a call for his resignation on Friday after he was exposed on videotape calling members of theLGBTQ community “filth.”

Robinson said he stood by his homophobic comment and claimed to Raleigh NBC affiliate WRAL that right-wing speech was being “demonized.”

“We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. We will not change our language,” he said. “The language I used, I am not ashamed of it. I will use it in the future because, again, it is time for parents in this state to take a strong stand for their children.”

Robinson made his offensive remarks while speaking in June at the Asbury Baptist Church in the town of Seagrove.

“I’m saying this now, and I’ve been saying it, and I don’t care who likes it: Those issues have no place in a school. There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality — any of that filth,” he said in a sermon at the church.

Filth? Christians must take control of public schools? He should definitely resign! What do you think?

Not seeing any problems with his take. Of course it only filth would.

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Refuses To Resign After Calling LGBTQ Community 'Filth'​

Not seeing any problems with his take. Of course it only filth would.
It is a totally accepted view if you are a total bigot. Hatred and prejudice have no place in America. You should move to Russia, you'll be with a lot of like-minded people.
It is a totally accepted view if you are a total bigot. Hatred and prejudice have no place in America. You should move to Russia, you'll be with a lot of like-minded people.
LGBTQ is an abomination to the Lord. That's good enough for me. They are truly FILTH.

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