North Carolina Lt. Gov. Refuses To Resign After Calling LGBTQ Community 'Filth'

Well. . . I tell you what, if Trump is not up to getting the nomination, this guy sure can give a speech.

He sure as hell could pull in the black & minority vote, and emphasize what it is to be an American.

Blacks and minorities are no hatemongers. He is the black version of Vichy France.
The Constitution says he's free to practice his religion as he sees fit. Why do you commies hate the Constitution?


A politician is supposed to represent all people not just the people who vote for him. There is nothing in the Bible about transgenders or gays. Jesus taught love not hate.
Gen Milley is not stirring up hatred in this country. This asshole is.
Oh look who it is, my favorite drive by insulter busybee01! Always so angry. You disappeared the last time you tried your little drive by and I swatted you to the curb. And as usual you are wrong. General Milley is a traitor and you are quite unintelligent and never post anything of substance. Buh Bye busy buzz buzz!! :hhello:
Sex education is to inform. Sex education in public schools is age appropriate. Although it's in material your last comment about children being given hormones. That doesn't happen. If a emancipated child at the age of 16 pictures of to do so, he / she has the right to do so. 16 is also the earliest age transgender children can be given hormones legally with consent of the parents. They know who they are. I'm sorry you do not.
Almost every sentence in your posts is a lie.
It's clear by now that the liberal democrat governor of NY set up the attack on her opponent but nobody seems to care. Senator Schumer openly threatened the life of Justice Kav but nobody cares. Meanwhile Soros Media Matters found a sound bite in N.C. of an insult to the queer community and now the queer left has their purses ready to swing at the Lt. Gov. Sometimes you gotta wonder.
They are filth. At least now they are.

At first they were fine, they just wanted to be treated as equals and didn't really want anything other than to just be accepted as people. Which is fine. I'm not gay, I don't like it but as long as you keep it to yourself then I don't care. You can be gay and be a good person. But the group isn't filled with gays anymore, now it's filled with tags and trannies and freaks.

But over time they have become this extremist, demanding, woke pile of human feces that is perverse and frankly bad for American society. And it keeps getting worse as they are constantly trying to raise the bar for being a victim and always trying to push things further and further.
A politician is supposed to represent all people not just the people who vote for him. There is nothing in the Bible about transgenders or gays. Jesus taught love not hate.

Well, ya can't please all of the people all of the time. And you don't know what you're talking about.

He is the filth and the fact that this church did nothing to shut him down after this shows they are filth. He clear4ly wants to turn this into a Christian version of Iran. I remember the right being concerned about Sharia law yet they want to do the same thing. As I recall, Jesus said to love your fellow man. He didn't make any exception for transgender or gay.
To hear words like that in church is disgusting, and remember people applauded his speech. He is deep-seated and unrelenting, and it is being taught to our children in the churches.
Well, ya can't please all of the people all of the time. And you don't know what you're talking about.

Can you honestly say these are words of love coming out of a church. If you think so then you're crazy.
I see the INTOLERANT Dems are again demanding someone be canceled. Why don't Dems grow a pair and try to remove him?
Canceling out hate speech cancels out hate crimes. These things don't come out of nowhere, now we know they are being taught in the churches.

Republican Mark Robinson said he's "tired of folks on the right being demonized for our speech while folks on the left burn, beat, rob, loot ... and get a pass.”

Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican lieutenant governor, dismissed a call for his resignation on Friday after he was exposed on videotape calling members of theLGBTQ community “filth.”

Robinson said he stood by his homophobic comment and claimed to Raleigh NBC affiliate WRAL that right-wing speech was being “demonized.”

“We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. We will not change our language,” he said. “The language I used, I am not ashamed of it. I will use it in the future because, again, it is time for parents in this state to take a strong stand for their children.”

Robinson made his offensive remarks while speaking in June at the Asbury Baptist Church in the town of Seagrove.

“I’m saying this now, and I’ve been saying it, and I don’t care who likes it: Those issues have no place in a school. There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality — any of that filth,” he said in a sermon at the church.

Filth? Christians must take control of public schools? He should definitely resign! What do you think?

They are filth, absolutely. Most people agree but have been bullied into silence by cancel culture.
It's clear by now that the liberal democrat governor of NY set up the attack on her opponent but nobody seems to care. Senator Schumer openly threatened the life of Justice Kav but nobody cares. Meanwhile Soros Media Matters found a sound bite in N.C. of an insult to the queer community and now the queer left has their purses ready to swing at the Lt. Gov. Sometimes you gotta wonder.
I don't know about that one, try to look it up and nothing came up. More importantly President Biden and the Democratic party came to defend the Republican nominee for the state of New York after he was attacked saying there's no place for violence in our nation's politics. I think the group sentiment overwhelms any single incident you can imagine.
They are filth, absolutely. Most people agree but have been bullied into silence by cancel culture.
Most Americans are decent human beings that don't harbor hatred and bigotry in their hearts.
Teaching public school children that homosexual activity is normal and acceptable (let'sassume for the moment that it is done somewhere) is promoting a set of moral values that is repugnant to a clear majority of Americans. Indeed, it goes against longstanding, and unquestioned Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Mormon teachings.

In a private religious context there is nothing wrong with expressing this widely-held moral assessment. The same sentiment would be expressed in different words by all sorts of religious leaders and believers, with no objections.

Condemning BEHAVIOR is different from condemning people.

The Left (and the Gay Mafia) are bound and determined to convince the general population that holding conventional moral views on homosexual sodomy makes one an "extremist" and a "hater/bigot."


This guy has no reason to apologize to anyone.
The liberal democrat NY governor set up her opponent for assassination and the local jurisdiction released him. Senator Schumer set up a Supreme Court Justice for assassination and nobody cares. A freaking N.C. pol. insults left wing sissies and the freaking world comes to an end.
Teaching public school children that homosexual activity is normal and acceptable (let'sassume for the moment that it is done somewhere) is promoting a set of moral values that is repugnant to a clear majority of Americans. Indeed, it goes against longstanding, and unquestioned Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Mormon teachings.

In a private religious context there is nothing wrong with expressing this widely-held moral assessment. The same sentiment would be expressed in different words by all sorts of religious leaders and believers, with no objections.

Condemning BEHAVIOR is different from condemning people.

The Left (and the Gay Mafia) are bound and determined to convince the general population that holding conventional moral views on homosexual sodomy makes one an "extremist" and a "hater/bigot."


This guy has no reason to apologize to anyone.
Teaching youth, of which some of them are homosexuals ( hopefully not active ), about their sexuality is the right thing to do. Although very few parents do teach their children about sexuality, most parents leave big holes in the whole picture which leads to misunderstandings even and harmful results. You might not think it's age appropriate, but when 10-year-olds are being raped, then 10-year-olds need to know all the facts. Like it or not that's life in the modern world.
The liberal democrat NY governor set up her opponent for assassination and the local jurisdiction released him. Senator Schumer set up a Supreme Court Justice for assassination and nobody cares. A freaking N.C. pol. insults left wing sissies and the freaking world comes to an end.
This New York situation and the Justice situation have been properly addressed. This new attack on North Carolina politician in a church of all places is unconscionable. His words are sponsoring future hate crimes.

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