Mayor refuses to resign after calling Michelle "gorilla face"

Liberals, do you recall how you portrayed Condoleeza Rice in picture and name? You have no cause to be butthurt over someone's portrayal of Mooshelle

I don't really care what some racist Mayor said. It is really up to the people in his community to vote him out of office or not.
Want to complain about our world today? We all need to take a good look in mirror. Human decency has been thrown out the window.

And all under the auspices of freedom of speech. Well, with that freedom of speech, common sense needs to prevail.

Are you looking to change minds or just anger others?
Become known as a bully? Begging for acceptance so badly you'll get it anyway you can, even at the expense of others?

It doesn't matter how badly other elected officials have behaved in the past, from either side. What is atrocious is any elected official lowering themselves to mutter such a thing about any other elected official and particularly their family members, no matter the party.

Elected officials are there to bring their constituents together-not further divide. They have a duty to bring respectability to their office. Period.

This is a symptom of what is wrong with our country today.
Chimpelle Obama is not an elected official. This always comes as a shock to Leftists.

"Unfortunately, this anodyne image of the early republic can be quite misleading. However hard it may be to picture the founders resorting to rough-and-tumble tactics, there was nothing genteel about politics at the nation's outset. For sheer verbal savagery, the founding era may have surpassed anything seen today. Despite their erudition, integrity, and philosophical genius, the founders were fiery men who expressed their beliefs with unusual vehemence. They inhabited a combative world in which the rabble-rousing Thomas Paine, an early admirer of George Washington, could denounce the first president in an open letter as "treacherous in private friendship…and a hypocrite in public life." Paine even wondered aloud whether Washington was "an apostate or an imposter; whether you have abandoned good principles, or whether you ever had any."

The Feuding Founding Fathers - WSJ

Nothing new under the sun, my friend.
You have to admit he looks like a chimp.

and this looks like what.

Michelle looks more like a Wookie.

I'm impressed with the consistency of maturity that the right uses to make their decisions.
Like you saying it's ok to call Bush a chimp because you think he was an idiot? GTFO!
You have to admit he looks like a chimp.

OMG! That monkey does remind me Obama! Those ears are him and that nose! Look at all the pictures where Obama has his nose up in the air so we have no option but to look up his nostrils.
Patrick Rushing is not married for a reason. He is butt ugly. Obviously his frustration for being unable to attract a suitable woman for marriage has peaked.

Already butt hurt over Obama's success in gaining the presidency twice, this homely fellow lashed out the only way he could; His two pronged attack against the president and the First Lady underlined the backroom rhetoric that is occurring all over this country among "conservatives."


Rushing just doesn't know what the heck he has set himself up for. As an Army retiree he is still subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice as long as he draws retirement pay. The 1st Amendmentof the Constitution can be suspended for people subject to the UMCJ! Dumbass Rushing should know that. Here is the article of law he has flirted with and possibly broken if he is a retired commissioned officer:


by admin on Jul.21, 2010, under 10. Punitive Articles

Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Retired members of the uniformed services who are entitled to retirement pay are also subject to the UCMJ, as are retired reservists who are receiving hospital care in the VA system.

Rushing heads a 7 member all White city council but he must hate to attend council meetings when the City Manager attends:


When Bush was in the WH millions of internet users called him a chimp and nobody even suggested they should lose their job.

Mayor calls Michelle Obama gorilla face won t resign Sun Times National

july 15 2015
A mayor in Washington state says he won’t resign after he called First Lady Michelle Obama “gorilla face,” insisting that would mean he’s admitting he’s racist..

Airway Heights Mayor Patrick Rushing confirmed to KHQ-6, NBC’s Spokane affiliate, that he indeed did make the offensive statement on his Facebook page, but brushed it off as playful banter between he and his friends.

“Gorilla face Michelle, can’t disagree with that,” Rushing wrote. “The woman is not attractive except to monkey man Barack. Check out them ears. LOL.”
It is what it is. Poor Charleton Heston
Patrick Rushing is not married for a reason. He is butt ugly. Obviously his frustration for being unable to attract a suitable woman for marriage has peaked.

Already butt hurt over Obama's success in gaining the presidency twice, this homely fellow lashed out the only way he could; His two pronged attack against the president and the First Lady underlined the backroom rhetoric that is occurring all over this country among "conservatives."


Rushing just doesn't know what the heck he has set himself up for. As an Army retiree he is still subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice as long as he draws retirement pay. The 1st Amendmentof the Constitution can be suspended for people subject to the UMCJ! Dumbass Rushing should know that. Here is the article of law he has flirted with and possibly broken if he is a retired commissioned officer:


by admin on Jul.21, 2010, under 10. Punitive Articles

Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Retired members of the uniformed services who are entitled to retirement pay are also subject to the UCMJ, as are retired reservists who are receiving hospital care in the VA system.

Rushing heads a 7 member all White city council but he must hate to attend council meetings when the City Manager attends:


An Army retiree? I'm liking him more and more the more I hear about him. You are a flea spitting at a giant. He's something, you're nothing. Live with that.
The biggest embarrassment will be looking silly explaining your comments after the Governor and other people start putting pressure on you to leave. I suggest quitting now before the news cameras started following you everywhere.
The biggest embarrassment will be looking silly explaining your comments after the Governor and other people start putting pressure on you to leave. I suggest quitting now before the news cameras started following you everywhere.
Or he could do something novel and opt out of cooperation with the outrage industry. That will be a sad day for you Leftwats when people realize they don't have to play your games.
The biggest embarrassment will be looking silly explaining your comments after the Governor and other people start putting pressure on you to leave. I suggest quitting now before the news cameras started following you everywhere.
Are you suggesting that finding the first ho attractive is a condition of keeping one's job?

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