McCabe Comes Clean: Decision To Investigate Trump Based On Public Info, Not Intel


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Incredible! In other words, it was a biased personal decision by him and not a professional one based on secret counterintelligence. He's going to jail.

Andrew McCabe: Decision To Investigate Trump As A Russian Agent Was Based On Public Information, Not Secret Intel - The Daily Caller

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe acknowledged Tuesday night that the FBI’s decision to open a counterintelligence investigation against President Trump is based on information that is already publicly known rather than previously undisclosed information tying the Republican to Russia.

“Are there other things that haven’t been made public at this point that contributed to the opening of the investigation of the president?” CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked McCabe in an interview.

“I’m not so sure that there are things that haven’t been made public,” replied McCabe, who was fired from the FBI on March 16, 2018.

McCabe’s comments help settle speculation about whether the FBI had secret information linking Trump to Russia.
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The gift that keeps on giving.... This guy is digging a mighty big hole...
What was not public then that is public now?

THAT is the basis of his answer.

The FBI had been engaged in a counterintel investigation of Russian involvement in the election for more than six months.

McCabe knew that. We did not

McCabe knew what Flynn had done that was the basis of his resignation. We know SOME of what that was but we still don't know the details. HE did.

He knew that Trump had put pressure on Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn on numerous occasions

And with all that in mind...things HE knew then that we only know some of now...he saw what happened in public.

Comey's firing. Trump's admission that he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation...and subsequent secret meeting with RUssian officials and exposure of classified Israeli intel

So yea...the reasons for McCabe's concerns were partly public then and mostly public now

But the fact remains he took his concerns to include McConnell, Ryan and Nunes...and none of them raised any alarms that McCabe might be over stepping or over reacting so...
McCabe leaked false info to media

What he leaked (and as Deputy Director he had the authority TO leak) was the fact that he was pushing Comey to be TOUGHER on Hillary.

Supposedly he was "less than candid" about that when the IG asked about it.

THAT was what he was fired for
So he admits, AGAIN, that he lied to the FISA court.

He already testified under oath to Congress that without the dossier they would never have illegally gotten those warrants.
Before authorizing the investigation, McCabe shared his reasoning with the "Gang of Eight," a bipartisan group of senators and Congressional representatives who oversees intelligence issues.

No one objected not the word bipartisan

Reasons for expanding the investigations on the President
Trump asked James Comey to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn
Trump asked Rosenstein to include Russia in a memo the president requested outlining reason reason to fire Comey (Rosenstein did not do it)
Trump eventually fired Comey.
Trump then made public comments linking his firing of Comey to the Russian Investigation on NBC
Trump met in the Oval Office with Russian officials where Trump reportedly said that firing Comey would relieved great pressure

Flynn had already been compromised and that why he admitted to it

Trump actions in regards to to this investigation moved it into the realm of obstruction of justice

Because he couldn't keep his mouth shut

The question was why would he do that if he was innocent

Obviously he had skeletons in the closet that he didn't want the spot lite shined on
Trump, like the rest of us, is tired of the 2+year on-going exposed treasonous coup d'etat conducted by Obama's criminal Agency Directors who illegally used Russian Propaganda bought / paid for by Hillary.
Before authorizing the investigation, McCabe shared his reasoning with the "Gang of Eight," a bipartisan group of senators and Congressional representatives who oversees intelligence issues.

No one objected not the word bipartisan

Reasons for expanding the investigations on the President
Trump asked James Comey to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn
Trump asked Rosenstein to include Russia in a memo the president requested outlining reason reason to fire Comey (Rosenstein did not do it)
Trump eventually fired Comey.
Trump then made public comments linking his firing of Comey to the Russian Investigation on NBC
Trump met in the Oval Office with Russian officials where Trump reportedly said that firing Comey would relieved great pressure

Flynn had already been compromised and that why he admitted to it

Trump actions in regards to to this investigation moved it into the realm of obstruction of justice

Because he couldn't keep his mouth shut

The question was why would he do that if he was innocent

Obviously he had skeletons in the closet that he didn't want the spot lite shined on
Trump exposed who the GOP traitors are. He's done a fine job at it.
Incredible! In other words, it was a biased personal decision by him and not a professional one based on secret counterintelligence. He's going to jail.

Andrew McCabe: Decision To Investigate Trump As A Russian Agent Was Based On Public Information, Not Secret Intel - The Daily Caller

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe acknowledged Tuesday night that the FBI’s decision to open a counterintelligence investigation against President Trump is based on information that is already publicly known rather than previously undisclosed information tying the Republican to Russia.

“Are there other things that haven’t been made public at this point that contributed to the opening of the investigation of the president?” CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked McCabe in an interview.

“I’m not so sure that there are things that haven’t been made public,” replied McCabe, who was fired from the FBI on March 16, 2018.

McCabe’s comments help settle speculation about whether the FBI had secret information linking Trump to Russia.
It was based on fake news, in other words.
Incredible! In other words, it was a biased personal decision by him and not a professional one based on secret counterintelligence. He's going to jail.

Andrew McCabe: Decision To Investigate Trump As A Russian Agent Was Based On Public Information, Not Secret Intel - The Daily Caller

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe acknowledged Tuesday night that the FBI’s decision to open a counterintelligence investigation against President Trump is based on information that is already publicly known rather than previously undisclosed information tying the Republican to Russia.

“Are there other things that haven’t been made public at this point that contributed to the opening of the investigation of the president?” CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked McCabe in an interview.

“I’m not so sure that there are things that haven’t been made public,” replied McCabe, who was fired from the FBI on March 16, 2018.

McCabe’s comments help settle speculation about whether the FBI had secret information linking Trump to Russia.
It was based on fake news, in other words.
If you can't trust a repub who can you trust
Before authorizing the investigation, McCabe shared his reasoning with the "Gang of Eight," a bipartisan group of senators and Congressional representatives who oversees intelligence issues.

No one objected not the word bipartisan

Reasons for expanding the investigations on the President
Trump asked James Comey to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn
Trump asked Rosenstein to include Russia in a memo the president requested outlining reason reason to fire Comey (Rosenstein did not do it)
Trump eventually fired Comey.
Trump then made public comments linking his firing of Comey to the Russian Investigation on NBC
Trump met in the Oval Office with Russian officials where Trump reportedly said that firing Comey would relieved great pressure

Flynn had already been compromised and that why he admitted to it

Trump actions in regards to to this investigation moved it into the realm of obstruction of justice

Because he couldn't keep his mouth shut

The question was why would he do that if he was innocent

Obviously he had skeletons in the closet that he didn't want the spot lite shined on
Trump exposed who the GOP traitors are. He's done a fine job at it.

If you can trust a repub who can you trust

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