McCabe emails show FBI group gave hilary special treatment to cover up her crimes...

Mueller and Comey both belong in jail.

Both used the FBI to corrupt a national election.

When this scandal and Uranium One are finally exposed, this will make Nixon look like the most honest guy in Washington.....

Funny chit. Your orange buddy in cahoots with the Russians & is having is campaign people charged & indicted. Try to hide it but it wopn't work

There is no Uranium scandal. The Russians bought a Canadian corporation. The uranium is still in the US<,it still not mined & can't be exported without government approval.

And really, you assholes really think only Trump supporters should investigate Trump?

Yet you sat in front of your TV masturbating when REPUBLICANS investigated Hillary. I guess you thought they weren't biased? Really?

You are just another ignorant Trumpette desperately trying to save your orange buddy even if it means killing America.
Mueller and Comey both belong in jail.

Both used the FBI to corrupt a national election.

When this scandal and Uranium One are finally exposed, this will make Nixon look like the most honest guy in Washington.....

Funny chit. Your orange buddy in cahoots with the Russians & is having is campaign people charged & indicted. Try to hide it but it wopn't work

There is no Uranium scandal. The Russians bought a Canadian corporation. The uranium is still in the US<,it still not mined & can't be exported without government approval.

And really, you assholes really think only Trump supporters should investigate Trump?

Yet you sat in front of your TV masturbating when REPUBLICANS investigated Hillary. I guess you thought they weren't biased? Really?

You are just another ignorant Trumpette desperately trying to save your orange buddy even if it means killing America.

Oh, Trump was in "cahoots" with the Russians? He had corrupt FBI agents working with the Kremlin to fabricate a "dossier" on Hillary to corrupt the election?

Oh wait, that was Clinton and Comey.

So this scumbag Strzok, is he guilty of Treason? He waged war on the government of the United States in collusion with a foreign power. What about Comey, does he get the needle for covering it all up on behalf of the Mafia Boss he was and is in the pocket of?
You really haven't seen this? Why are there so many people on this forum that haven't seen stuff that has been prominent in the news?

Breitbart editor-in-chief: I attacked Roy Moore’s accusers even though I believed at least one of them

"Marlow also stressed that he was personally uncomfortable with the behavior attributed by The Post to Moore, and noted that he did believe the accusations from Leigh Corfman, who said Moore assaulted her while she was 14 -- they were "not perfect," he said, but had "a lot of credibility." He also noted that he, and much of the Breitbart audience, initially supported Mo Brooks in the Republican primary, and only shifted support to Moore because of his opposition to Strange as the establishment candidate. But he said he saw political motivations behind The Post's reporting on Moore and wanted to home in on the "coverage of the coverage.""

Breitbart editor-in-chief: Roy Moore was a 'weak candidate'

I tend to avoid leftist hate rags like raw story, since 99.999999% of what they spew are flat out lies.

But let's look;

{“I think they want to create a standard where President Trump, either from past or future accusations, will not be able to match whatever standard is now in place for who can be a United States senator,” Marlow told CNN. “Based off not any sort of conviction or any sort of admission of guilt, but based off of purely allegations.”}

Oh, so the leftist hate site is mischaracterizing and you're just flat out lying.

Corfman had the most credible story, but you Maoist scum HAD to bring out Gloria Allfraud and the forged yearbook, ending any credibility to the story and exposing the whole thing as a Bolshevik hatchet job.

I posted TWO sites, and even the direct quote. He admitted that she was credible and was going to try to discredit her anyways.

You're a hack.
You really haven't seen this? Why are there so many people on this forum that haven't seen stuff that has been prominent in the news?

Breitbart editor-in-chief: I attacked Roy Moore’s accusers even though I believed at least one of them

"Marlow also stressed that he was personally uncomfortable with the behavior attributed by The Post to Moore, and noted that he did believe the accusations from Leigh Corfman, who said Moore assaulted her while she was 14 -- they were "not perfect," he said, but had "a lot of credibility." He also noted that he, and much of the Breitbart audience, initially supported Mo Brooks in the Republican primary, and only shifted support to Moore because of his opposition to Strange as the establishment candidate. But he said he saw political motivations behind The Post's reporting on Moore and wanted to home in on the "coverage of the coverage.""

Breitbart editor-in-chief: Roy Moore was a 'weak candidate'

I tend to avoid leftist hate rags like raw story, since 99.999999% of what they spew are flat out lies.

But let's look;

{“I think they want to create a standard where President Trump, either from past or future accusations, will not be able to match whatever standard is now in place for who can be a United States senator,” Marlow told CNN. “Based off not any sort of conviction or any sort of admission of guilt, but based off of purely allegations.”}

Oh, so the leftist hate site is mischaracterizing and you're just flat out lying.

Corfman had the most credible story, but you Maoist scum HAD to bring out Gloria Allfraud and the forged yearbook, ending any credibility to the story and exposing the whole thing as a Bolshevik hatchet job.

I posted TWO sites, and even the direct quote. He admitted that she was credible and was going to try to discredit her anyways.

You're a hack.

That is NOT what he said, your own cite confirms that.

{Marlow also stressed that he was personally uncomfortable with the behavior attributed by The Post to Moore, and noted that he did believe the accusations from Leigh Corfman, who said Moore assaulted her while she was 14 -- they were "not perfect," he said, but had "a lot of credibility." He also noted that he, and much of the Breitbart audience, initially supported Mo Brooks in the Republican primary, and only shifted support to Moore because of his opposition to Strange as the establishment candidate. But he said he saw political motivations behind The Post's reporting on Moore and wanted to home in on the "coverage of the coverage."}

Breitbart editor-in-chief: Roy Moore was a 'weak candidate'

Here is a nice little lie by CNN, a real classic.

{As reported by Breitbart News, here is how the conversation went between Cuomo and Michael Cohen, an adviser to new Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, went:

MICHAEL COHEN: I'll tell you what [Trump] did do, he opened up the eyes of many Americans who didn't even know sanctuaries existed.

CHRIS CUOMO: What sanctuaries?

MC: These sanctuaries on the border that allow illegals to stay — if in fact they end up getting caught, they cannot deport them.

CC: You're talking about sanctuary cities that exist all over the country?

MC: Exactly.

CC: That's misnomer. Those are cities that are in dispute with ICE about how you deal with people they are holding.

MC: They are part of the United States. You can't be in dispute with the federal government.

CC: They are not safe havens the way you're describing.

MC: They most certainly are safe havens.

CC: They are not. It's about how they follow the process.

MC: They will not turn them over, Chris. They will not turn them over.

CC: They will. There's a legal process.

In fact, according to a new report from the Centers for Immigration Studies, there are currently 276 sanctuary cities in 43 states – and likely more on the way, despite a growing uproar over such cities following the murder of Kate Steinle, 32, in San Francisco recently by a criminal alien who had been deported five times.}

CNN blatantly lies to America, claiming there are no 'sanctuary cities'

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