McCabe emails show FBI group gave hilary special treatment to cover up her crimes...

I must have missed where the RNC servers were hacked. The Russians hacked DNC servers. Clinton did not collude with the Russians. Obviously they did not want her as President.

Just because you disagree with Comey's decision does not mean that Clinton had anything to do with it. Where is your proof?

Peter Stzok did not engage in a coup. You need to have your head examined. You think this is a banana republic.

Essentially your answer is more conspiracy theories. Where is your proof?

That Clinton colluded with Moscow is established fact. In order to Tamper with the presidential election, the Clinton team hired foreign spy Chris Steele to use his Kremlin contacts to fabricate trash against Trump.

Actual, proven election tampering by the Clinton team with James Comey up to his crooked neck in the whole thing; so that there would be an "insurance policy" as his top guy Strzok put it as they paid Russia to fabricate it...

As for the Maoist (DNC) servers, what did the FBI conclude after their examination of the servers?

Oh wait, the criminal DNC wouldn't let the FBI near all that criminal evidence so there never was an investigation...

Every one of our intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies agree that Russia hacked the DNC servers. That is the established fact. What you are spouting is crazy, unproven conspiracy theories. Looney tunes like you need a good doctor.



The ROOSKIES revealed the corruption and criminality of the DNC in order to help Trump get elected? Are you sure that you want to "roll" with that? It's akin to a cheating husband that is pissed that his wife figured out his I-Phone password and finds all the text messages of him "pitching woo" to another woman and then blames her and says that she can't be trusted........but Russia had nothing to do with the Wikileak revelations.......Seth Rich.......there is your "mole" deal with it.

What they did was mix fake information with real information. The Seth Rich story has been debunked. Julian Assange has numerous ties to Russia. Worth noting the same thing happened in the French Presidential elections to the candidate Moscow opposes. Guess what. Seth Rich was not involved in any way.
Lewd-Dog bailed as it pertains to providing a's part of his modus operandi..........
I noticed how lewie skipped the comeback and went straight to insult mode.

Are you kidding? if you took insults and self-bragging out of Dale's posts all that would be left is like 3 words.
I was not referring to the OP. I read YOUR posts.
Stop it. This is me telling you, I am not responding to any further posts from you in this thread.
Have a nice day

Dipshit I didn't start this conversation with you in the first place... and Dale isn't the OP.

You are lost in the sauce.
Hey..First, you're not very good at using insults.
Second, this is a public forum. If you want to do private messaging, go to social media

What in the fuck are you talking about? Holy shit... you are an air head.

You told me to quit talking to YOU... that YOU wouldn't respond to ME anymore.

I told YOU that I didn't reply to YOUR comment first. YOU quoted and replied to ME, thus starting the conversation.

Second of all... Dale is not the OP.

Kids, don't do drugs.
Imagine if the republicans had paid the Russians to draw up a fake dossier on Clinton if she had won the election. CNN and MSNBC would stay on live 24 and 7 to talk about it, liberals would be up in arms about it on forums, etc.

But since it's Clinton that did it to Trump, all you hear is excuses from the left. It's really disgusting and shows how bad they are getting. There is absolutely no ethics in the democratic party, it's win at all costs, even if you have to cheat.

They've been investigating Trump for a year and a half and can't find one iota of evidence of anything other than Hillary colluding with Russia to attack Trump and what do liberals keep saying? That Trump colluded with Russia. NO evidence or proof....but ignore all the provable evidence of the fake dossier.

Liberals are scum. Period.
This is what happens when you don't control the law enforcement agencies....your crimes get discovered....

Rep. Gaetz: Email Evidence From McCabe Indicates that Hillary Clinton Was Going to Get an 'HQ Special'

"We have email evidence from Andrew McCabe indicating that Hillary Clinton was going to get an 'HQ Special,' a headquarters special," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) alleged on Fox News' "America's Newsroom" Friday.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe met with both the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees in closed-door hearings on Thursday.

"The Judiciary Committee is engaged in an investigation, particularly as it relates to the handling of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and any potential investigations of the Clinton Foundation and the handling of bribes or other types of improper payments," Gaetz said.

He explained that the "headquarter special" was an indication that "the normal processes at the Washington field office weren't followed and he had a very small group of people that had a pro-Hillary Clinton bias who had a direct role in changing the outcome of that investigation from one that likely should have been criminal to one where she was able to walk."

And here I thought that a Headquarters Special For Hillary was when the FBI took her car out and washed it for her, filled it up with gas, wiped all her hard drives for her with a cloth, smashed all her cellphones, made a sizable campaign contribution to her cause, interviewed her off the record without taking any notes, then bought her a really fine dinner at an exclusive restaurant, put a token in the turnstile so she could get through, then brought her home in a bulletproof government-paid limo for a night with a high-class hooker, the kind the Secret Service use, you know, because both she and Bill both liked the ladies.
LOL! Occam's razor......."da gubermint" lied in order to push an official narrative using like-minded fabian socialists.......pretty fucking simple......

and had to get thousands of people to be in on the gag...

That's why it kind of comes off as silly.

Not ONE PERSON has come forward and said, "Hey, I live in Newtown, that school has been closed for years!" Or "I live in Newtown, none of those people live here" or "I was on the police department, and we were doing a drill, but the media thought it was a real event, so we just went with it."

"da gubermint" would have to get ALL THOSE PEOPLE to go along with the lie.

It would be just as easy for them to track down the IP addresses of the nutters who spread these lies and off them. Shit, nobody would find the bodies of these losers for weeks because they don't have jobs or friends.
Jebus you guys are LIARS or unable to think for yourselves?

Comey lost the election for Hillary by his comments and starting another investigation 10 days out from election then exonerating her 2-3 days before the election... he also intentionally hurt her, in his first announcement....he should have said NOTHING except they found she had no crimes they could charge her with....and that's it. He BROKE PROTOCOL

Comey EXONERATED Hillary before the investigation. The whole thing was FIXED, he was in her pocket.

Comey DID NOT start another investigation. Comey acted quickly to contain an investigation that exposed his boss Hillary and him.

Anthony Weiner was married to a Hillary Capo, the Muslim Brotherhood member Huma Abadine. Weiner got caught in a kiddie porn sting, yet again. This was not a Roy Moore fabrication, but the real deal with Weiner video chatting his erect penis to 13 year old girls. The agents who nailed Weiner were not part of the Hillary cover team and executed a search warrant on the DNC kiddie diddlers computer. Only it wasn't his computer, it belonged to Hillary's longtime lesbian lover Huma. It was a disaster, the computer was FILLED to the brim with Classified and Top Secret emails that Comey had JUST lied to Congress and the American people about as he obstructed justice in the Hillary case. Comey had to work fast to contain this complete disaster. Comey got the laptop away from the Weiner investigators and quashed the evidence of the top secret emails in hopes of avoiding the perjury charge he is so clearly guilty of. The emails were never admitted into evidence, but too many FBI agents had seen the Top Secret emails to just pretend they didn't exist.

Comey has been corrupt for decades. Comey has worked for the Mafia since at least 2003, when as US Attorney in New York he linked up with underworld Mafia Don Hillary Clinton of the Mena Arkansas cocaine cartel.

After Bill's presidency, Hillary bought a Senate seat in New York. While she was never a resident of the state, New York was Mob country so it was easy for a high level mobster like Hillary to buy the seat. Corrupt Senator Danial Moynihan sold the seat to her for a reported $10 million. The Mafia Don bought a home in Chappaqua that she never lived in, and the Chicago mobster from Arkansas was suddenly Senator from New York.

Comey was purchased as a Mafia asset not long after that.
Nobody cared if Al Capone killed Bugs Moran's guys.

The dumb thing was making something like booze a commodity for crime by trying to criminalize it to start with. And we still haven't learned our lesson.

While you Maoists love murder in the streets, just look at Chicago, decent folk find it pretty much the most egregious of all crimes.

Seriously Stalin, some days you make radical retard look smart and Fascist Franco hater dupe look sane by comparison..

Get your meds adjusted.
Every one of our intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies agree that Russia hacked the DNC servers. That is the established fact. What you are spouting is crazy, unproven conspiracy theories. Looney tunes like you need a good doctor.

How could the deep state say that the DNC servers were hacked at all, since NO LAW ENFORCEMENT WAS ALLOWED TO EXAMINE THEM?

How does that work anyway? When Target was hacked, did they tell the FBI "uh, no we'll hire a discredited cyber firm Crowd Strike, you can't investigate?" :lmao: Yeah, everyone would be in handcuffs.

But that is exactly what the party did. The DNC told the FBI, you are prohibited from investigating and Hillary Clinton reached in her hip pocket, pulled out James Comey who said, "that's be just fine boss."
Capone got away with murder, racketeering, assault, etc. because he bought off corrupt judges and politicians, just as Hillary does.

No, actually, he got away with it because we had a stupid law that tried to keep people from getting their booze and Capone was giving them their booze.

On the other hand, you guys have spent 25 years and hundreds of millions of dollars investigating the Clintons, and all you came up with was "He lied about a blow job' and "she used the wrong email".

No, he got away with it because he bought corrupt judges and politicians, just as Mafia Don Hillary does.

Prohibition provided the basis for his criminal empire, just as cocaine is the basis of the Clinton mob. But they buying and selling of government officials is how each of the crime lords escaped prison.

Hillary bought the head of the FBI, she had James Comey in her back pocket.

Comey drafted his statement ending the Clinton email investigation months in advance, the FBI confirms

More hyperbole than proof. There is a logical reason for Comey to draft such a letter. Where is the evidence that Comey told the FBI agents to go easy on Clinton when they interviewed her? More conspiracy theories are not the answer.

Yes, there is a logical reason. Comey is a crook who was and is in the pocket of Hillary and the Maoist party.

Where is your proof.

Comey and Clinton: Rigged from the beginning
The ROOSKIES revealed the corruption and criminality of the DNC in order to help Trump get elected? Are you sure that you want to "roll" with that? It's akin to a cheating husband that is pissed that his wife figured out his I-Phone password and finds all the text messages of him "pitching woo" to another woman and then blames her and says that she can't be trusted........but Russia had nothing to do with the Wikileak revelations.......Seth Rich.......there is your "mole" deal with it.

They DID deal with it, in a very public way as warning to anyone else who might think to cross the DNC and the Clinton Mob. Rich thought he was dealing with a political party, but Hillary is Mafia, the HEAD of the Mafia.
While you Maoists love murder in the streets, just look at Chicago, decent folk find it pretty much the most egregious of all crimes.

well, why do we have a problem in Chicago right now? I mean other than our racist, corrupt-ass police department has lost all ability to interact with the community and is no longer trusted.

Well, part of the problem is that a few years ago, they busted up the big gangs that controlled most of the drug trade. so a bunch of smaller gangs have moved up to fill in the gap.

If we treated addiction like a medical problem instead of a criminal one, we wouldn't have this issue.

Seriously Stalin, some days you make radical retard look smart and Fascist Franco hater dupe look sane by comparison..

Seriously, other than name calling, you really don't have the intellect to even have discussions, I wonder why you bother?

Thanks for the entertainment. I love laughing at each of your posts and how ignorant they make you sound.

How about the news straight from Bannon? Oh you wouldn't know about that because you didn't hear it on your HAM radio you listen to in your basement.

I'd trust Bannon any day of the week over CNN or the lying NY Times.

I didn't see Breitbart having to retract 13 stories that they had shamelessly lied about in December, the way CNN had to.

Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

Hey, CNN only lies when it serves the party.

You can trust CNN....... To flat out lie in service of the party.
well, why do we have a problem in Chicago right now?

Well, Mobster Rahm Emmanuel is running the place.

I mean other than our racist, corrupt-ass police department has lost all ability to interact with the community and is no longer trusted.


Well, part of the problem is that a few years ago, they busted up the big gangs that controlled most of the drug trade. so a bunch of smaller gangs have moved up to fill in the gap.

And by "busted up," you mean put the head of the biggest gang in charge of the city.

I like the show Gotham. but when they made Penguin mayor I thought "how absurd." But then I remembered, "fuck, Rahm Emmanuel."

If we treated addiction like a medical problem instead of a criminal one, we wouldn't have this issue.

Seriously Stalin, some days you make radical retard look smart and Fascist Franco hater dupe look sane by comparison..

Seriously, other than name calling, you really don't have the intellect to even have discussions, I wonder why you bother?

Says the moron who thinks mob murders in the street are just hunky dory...

Get your meds adjusted, seriously.
Well, Mobster Rahm Emmanuel is running the place.

Yes, he sucks as a mayor. HE completely fucked up the response to the LaQuan McDonald Shooting, which is a large part of the problems between the CPD and the community.

I like the show Gotham. but when they made Penguin mayor I thought "how absurd." But then I remembered, "fuck, Rahm Emmanuel."

You actually think Gotham is a good show? That explains much.

Says the moron who thinks mob murders in the street are just hunky dory...

Get your meds adjusted, seriously.

again, don't really care if the criminals kill each other off and neither do you. If you did, you'd support common sense gun laws.
Well, Mobster Rahm Emmanuel is running the place.

Yes, he sucks as a mayor. HE completely fucked up the response to the LaQuan McDonald Shooting, which is a large part of the problems between the CPD and the community.

I like the show Gotham. but when they made Penguin mayor I thought "how absurd." But then I remembered, "fuck, Rahm Emmanuel."

You actually think Gotham is a good show? That explains much.

Says the moron who thinks mob murders in the street are just hunky dory...

Get your meds adjusted, seriously.

again, don't really care if the criminals kill each other off and neither do you. If you did, you'd support common sense gun laws.

They don't just kill each other, shit fer brains.

No wonder you're a Stalinist, you're dumb as a brick.
Every one of our intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies agree that Russia hacked the DNC servers. That is the established fact. What you are spouting is crazy, unproven conspiracy theories. Looney tunes like you need a good doctor.

How could the deep state say that the DNC servers were hacked at all, since NO LAW ENFORCEMENT WAS ALLOWED TO EXAMINE THEM?

How does that work anyway? When Target was hacked, did they tell the FBI "uh, no we'll hire a discredited cyber firm Crowd Strike, you can't investigate?" :lmao: Yeah, everyone would be in handcuffs.

But that is exactly what the party did. The DNC told the FBI, you are prohibited from investigating and Hillary Clinton reached in her hip pocket, pulled out James Comey who said, "that's be just fine boss."

This is not a discredited cyber firm. The federal government has done business with them. The fact is that our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies agree the Russians hacked into DNC servers. Trump supporters are the ones who are discredited.

Thanks for the entertainment. I love laughing at each of your posts and how ignorant they make you sound.

How about the news straight from Bannon? Oh you wouldn't know about that because you didn't hear it on your HAM radio you listen to in your basement.

I'd trust Bannon any day of the week over CNN or the lying NY Times.

I didn't see Breitbart having to retract 13 stories that they had shamelessly lied about in December, the way CNN had to.

Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

Hey, CNN only lies when it serves the party.

You can trust CNN....... To flat out lie in service of the party.

The only reason Breitbart doesn't retract their lies is because they refuse to retract them. They lie but they refuse to retract them. They put out nothing but propaganda.

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