McCain abandoned GOP principles?

Of course John McCain abandoned GOP principles, he's a liberal neo-con just like George W. Bush. This election cycle we had Big Government (McCain) vs. Bigger Government (Obama). I saw no evidence of a "dramatic move to the right" from John McCain.
Of course John McCain abandoned GOP principles, he's a liberal neo-con just like George W. Bush. This election cycle we had Big Government (McCain) vs. Bigger Government (Obama). I saw no evidence of a "dramatic move to the right" from John McCain.

Please...He was against the tax cuts, then he was for them. He was against Iraq war, then he was for it. He was adamantly against torture, and suddenly he fell silent. You think no one noticed his movement toward gw? I did and I was one person that was ready to vote for McCain until he abandoned being a maveric.
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Please...He was against the tax cuts, then he was for them. He was against Iraq war, then he was for it. He was adamantly against torture, and suddenly he fell silent. You think no one noticed his movement toward gw? I did and I was one person that was ready to vote for McCain until he abandoned being a maveric.

Tax cuts aren't a bad thing, because the private sector is where wealth creation occurs. Compared to the government which can only tax and spend, borrow and spend, or inflate and spend; none of which creates any kind of wealth. What the government needs to do is cut taxes and cut it's own out of control spending.

Being for the Iraq war is not a conservative ideal, it is a neo-con ideal. There is nothing conservative about subverting the Constitution and going to war for no reason. Torture falls under the same umbrella, it's a neo-con ideal.
To be honest, we can't blame it all on McCain. Things were going McCain's way until the economic meltdown.
The GOP abandoned conservatism when they nominated Ronald Reagan.

The last GOP conservative nominee for President was Gerald Ford.
I think the GOP's problem is they were not far enough to the right!

They need to move even further, and make sure to be more vocal about

their stance on immigration, and let us know where pro america is again.

These are the keys to the gop winning again. :D
What's funny as hell to me is the leftist posters were the wans screaming to "get over it" "Let's move on." and now look who keeps looking backwards.. :lol::eusa_pray:
Of course John McCain abandoned GOP principles, he's a liberal neo-con just like George W. Bush. This election cycle we had Big Government (McCain) vs. Bigger Government (Obama). I saw no evidence of a "dramatic move to the right" from John McCain.

A liberal neo-con?
Please...He was against the tax cuts, then he was for them. He was against Iraq war, then he was for it. He was adamantly against torture, and suddenly he fell silent. You think no one noticed his movement toward gw? I did and I was one person that was ready to vote for McCain until he abandoned being a maveric.

McCain doesn't have any principles. He had rhetoric that he was constantly fine tuning to grab the support of different bases that he was losing touch with along the campaign trail.

He is not a man of principle, or honor, or even decency. What he once was, he is no longer. He sold himself out to be a career politician. There's no other way to describe it. He deserved to lose.
To be honest, we can't blame it all on McCain. Things were going McCain's way until the economic meltdown.

Yes, and what does that say about the country?

McCain's rhetoric included freezing spending, cutting earmarks and other waste, and cutting taxes. All things that would otherwise be considered the RIGHT thing to do in this time of crisis.

But then he went and voted for the bailout, and completely lost his mind.

He made no sense. Some of his rhetoric was catchy to conservatives, but anyone who actually thinks he would have frozen spending is a moron. Our government doesn't cut spending anymore because to do so would lose the precious votes of those who would lose out in such a move.
McCain doesn't have any principles. He had rhetoric that he was constantly fine tuning to grab the support of different bases that he was losing touch with along the campaign trail.

He is not a man of principle, or honor, or even decency. What he once was, he is no longer. He sold himself out to be a career politician. There's no other way to describe it. He deserved to lose.

I agree, he tried a different label for Obama every other day. It was a pathetic and self destructive campaign. McCain/Palin represented a non stop contradiction. He called Obama's tax credit welfare, and called his tax credit reform. His $300 billion mortgage bailout was capitalism, yet Obama 3% tax hike was socialism. The fundamentals of the economy were strong, later on that day he says we are in a crisis. Voted against Bush tax cuts calling them "unfair". Now he wanted to make them permanent. Called deregulation the main reason for growth in our economy, then after crisis vowed to become sherrif and ensure gov't regulation of wall street. Denounced robocalls when used against him, then went and used robocalls against Obama. Vowed to vote no against any bill with earmarks which he called wasteful spending, then went on to vote yes on the bailout loaded with earmarks. His campaign was a dysfunctional embarrasement. Neil Cavuto said it best, when speaking about McCains verbal gymnastics and flip flopping on issues.

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Palin was McCain's final mistake. She was a gimic pick who was supposed to have picked up a lot of the Hillary supporters or, at the very least, she was supposed to energize his campaign. She did neither and if the GOP decides for her to be the future standard bearer of their party, they are in big trouble.
I suppose this whining and knashing of teeth will go on til the end of time.. poor poor old Democats.
Palin was McCain's final mistake. She was a gimic pick who was supposed to have picked up a lot of the Hillary supporters or, at the very least, she was supposed to energize his campaign. She did neither and if the GOP decides for her to be the future standard bearer of their party, they are in big trouble.
you morons STILL think the pick of Palin was to attract dems?
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Actually, it was his dramatic move to the right in order to gain the nomination that turned many of us away from him. So, basically, the republicans still don't realize how they lost so big. Figures...

Many of us? Who is "us"? Are you telling us that you actually know someone who is dimwitted enough to have looked at John "RINO" McCain and thought, "Dear God, he's too conservative!"? That is, someone who is that dimwitted and hasn't already registered Democrat?

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