McCain Backs Path To Citizenship, Dream Act


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
John McCain On Immigration Reform: Path To Citizenship, Dream Act Must Be Included (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON -- Top senators, including Arizona Republican John McCain, confirmed on Sunday that a bipartisan Senate plan for immigration reform, expected to be unveiled next week, will include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants currently in the United States.

"We can't go on forever with 11 million people living in this country in the shadows in an illegal status," McCain said on ABC's "This Week. "We cannot forever have children who were born here -- who were brought here by their parents when they were small children to live in the shadows, as well."

The comments mark a shift for McCain, who previously opposed a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, labeling such a plan "amnesty" in 2010, the same year he voted against the Dream Act. But he admitted Sunday that the GOP's poor showing among Hispanic voters in 2012 has caused the party to reconsider its position on immigration.

"What's changed, honestly, is that there is a new appreciation on both sides of the aisle, maybe more importantly on the Republican side, that we need to enact a comprehensive immigration reform bill," McCain said.
Even McCain, he of the mentally challenged daughter, can see the truth with a teleprompter,
Repubs will never get the hispo vote. Hispos will always vote for the welfare party.

Repubs need to support their base - working whites. No amnesty. Take away the incentives for illegals to live here and they'll leave. This is an easy problem to solve.
"We cannot forever have children who were born here -- who were brought here by their parents when they were small children to live in the shadows, as well."

HAHAHA. That's more BS. There is no where for these illegal kids to verify when they came here. You can buy forged schools documents on every street corner.
Why doesn't McCain just admit he's a Liberal and get it over with?
Why doesn't McCain just admit he's a Liberal and get it over with?

He's a right winger just like Reagan and W, they love illegals.

I have no problem with people entering America legally... When people enter America illegally, what makes you think they will have any respect for our other Laws if they've already shown they have a complete disregard for our Immigration Laws already? You bleeding hearts want to coddle those who violate our Laws, that's your choice... But the rest of us who do respect the rule of Law should not be forced into providing illegals a free ride on our Tax dollars.
I'm not surprised. He's always been light on the illegals, except when he was up for re-election.
Nothing to see here, ole Johnny backed Bush's "Comprehensive Plan" know...the one more than 70% of American's didn't wnat...the one we stopped in its tracks.
Nothing to see here, ole Johnny backed Bush's "Comprehensive Plan" know...the one more than 70% of American's didn't wnat...the one we stopped in its tracks.

So just what is it you propose? Or do you secretly like the status quo but enjoy bitching about it in public? Do you seriously want to deport 10+ million people (and pay for it)? Do you want to change the citizenship law for those born is the U.S.? What about one legal and one illegal parent? How would you treat their children? C'mon, spell it out...
LOL....golly kid....a demanding lil guy aren't you?

I know, I know people like you think we should just fling open the doors and allow everyone in...but then again you are also probably a "global" citizen who thinks that there should be no lines, no nations, no boundaries...just one big happy global community.

Nothing to see here, ole Johnny backed Bush's "Comprehensive Plan" know...the one more than 70% of American's didn't wnat...the one we stopped in its tracks.

So just what is it you propose? Or do you secretly like the status quo but enjoy bitching about it in public? Do you seriously want to deport 10+ million people (and pay for it)? Do you want to change the citizenship law for those born is the U.S.? What about one legal and one illegal parent? How would you treat their children? C'mon, spell it out...
A VERY easy way to fix SS would be to allow enough people in to pay into SS and make it solid.

the only reason there is a problem at all is the baby boom
Who have all paid into their entire working lives..where is their money?

A VERY easy way to fix SS would be to allow enough people in to pay into SS and make it solid.

the only reason there is a problem at all is the baby boom
McCain is just a RINO like George W. Bush. Oh, and Romney is a RINO too. Who are the Republicans running in 2016? Yeah, whoever it is is a RINO. Did a Republican just sneeze to the left? RINO!!!!!
Repubs will never get the hispo vote. Hispos will always vote for the welfare party.

Repubs need to support their base - working whites. No amnesty. Take away the incentives for illegals to live here and they'll leave. This is an easy problem to solve.

Doubt it. They've been coming here since before the modern safety net was in place. They're here for jobs, not welfare. The attitude that they're here to mooch is the real reason Republicans don't get their vote.
I thought this thread was about illegal immigration, but since we are talking about Social Security, why not this: Secure the border, THEN allow all illegals with clean records to register for temporary visas, conditioned on self support and paying federal taxes for ten years WITHOUT BENEFITS. This would add tax revenues without increasing expenditures. Those who fail to register would be deported, and return after deportation would be a felony.

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