McCain bows out of the GOP Convention

The Donald's slip is showing. His campaign is all about his negotiating skills, you know, The Art of the Deal.

He has campaigned and garnered support from a few disenchanted angry folks who think his tough talk on Russia, China, Mexico, women and POWs will be not only effective but wholly transformative in American relations. He'll build a wall and have Mexico pay for the privilege.

But Trump seems stymied by the Byzantine process set up by the GOP to select delegates. Can his business acumen save his candidacy? Can it unify the party? Or has he shown us the limitations of a candidate with no experience in the political arena?

The bloodbath in Cleveland this summer will be something to see. Who can blame the dyed in the wool Republicans for avoiding it? It will be up to them to pick up the pieces, re-organize their party once again, write the post mortem on 2016 and try to win back some of the congressional seats and state house positions they will inevitably lose as a result of their infighting.

Every fight claims victims, the Republicans should know this going into Cleveland.
The Donald's slip is showing. His campaign is all about his negotiating skills, you know, The Art of the Deal.

He has campaigned and garnered support from a few disenchanted angry folks who think his tough talk on Russia, China, Mexico, women and POWs will be not only effective but wholly transformative in American relations. He'll build a wall and have Mexico pay for the privilege.

But Trump seems stymied by the Byzantine process set up by the GOP to select delegates. Can his business acumen save his candidacy? Can it unify the party? Or has he shown us the limitations of a candidate with no experience in the political arena?

The bloodbath in Cleveland this summer will be something to see. Who can blame the dyed in the wool Republicans for avoiding it? It will be up to them to pick up the pieces, re-organize their party once again, write the post mortem on 2016 and try to win back some of the congressional seats and state house positions they will inevitably lose as a result of their infighting.

Every fight claims victims, the Republicans should know this going into Cleveland.
McCain's been shot down, captured and tortured once already. He doesn't need it again.
John McCain bows out of Republican convention

The Republican Party is in BIG TROUBLE! Other Congressmen are also deciding not to attend.

well, their party is a laughingstock right now. so I understand why he wouldn't want to attend. and let's not forget what crazy Donald said about McCain. if I were him I would tell the Donald where to stick it, too.
Yes we are stuck with two geriatrics competing to see which one can pander more to the base, at least one hoping to avoid indictment before November.
Wait, that's the Democrats.

Democrats aren't in a civil war.
Sez you. Bernie gets more and more votes and Hillary gets the delegates.

I see you wish our party was at war with it's self just like yours, and are hoping to instigate that, but it's just not working.
John McCain bows out of Republican convention

The Republican Party is in BIG TROUBLE! Other Congressmen are also deciding not to attend.

well, their party is a laughingstock right now. so I understand why he wouldn't want to attend. and let's not forget what crazy Donald said about McCain. if I were him I would tell the Donald where to stick it, too.
Yes we are stuck with two geriatrics competing to see which one can pander more to the base, at least one hoping to avoid indictment before November.
Wait, that's the Democrats.

And they both can hand Phrump or Cruz their lunch in November.
John McCain bows out of Republican convention

The Republican Party is in BIG TROUBLE! Other Congressmen are also deciding not to attend.

well, their party is a laughingstock right now. so I understand why he wouldn't want to attend. and let's not forget what crazy Donald said about McCain. if I were him I would tell the Donald where to stick it, too.
Yes we are stuck with two geriatrics competing to see which one can pander more to the base, at least one hoping to avoid indictment before November.
Wait, that's the Democrats.

And they both can hand Phrump or Cruz their lunch in November.
Sure. Sure.
McCain's been shot down, captured and tortured once already. He doesn't need it again.

A room filled with Republicans would definitely be enemy territory for McCain. :thup:

You people turn on your own pretty quickly. You are calling McCain, a man of honor, a RINO, all the while supporting a Liberal in Conservative clothing like Phrump. You people deserve him!
McCain's been shot down, captured and tortured once already. He doesn't need it again.

A room filled with Republicans would definitely be enemy territory for McCain. :thup:

You people turn on your own pretty quickly. You are calling McCain, a man of honor, a RINO, all the while supporting a Liberal in Conservative clothing like Phrump. You people deserve him!
WHo is supporting Trump?
Dems would never turn on a winner like Hillary. Never mind she is the most unlikable candidate in history and certainly a criminal.
McCain's been shot down, captured and tortured once already. He doesn't need it again.

A room filled with Republicans would definitely be enemy territory for McCain. :thup:

You people turn on your own pretty quickly. You are calling McCain, a man of honor, a RINO, all the while supporting a Liberal in Conservative clothing like Phrump. You people deserve him!
WHo is supporting Trump?
Dems would never turn on a winner like Hillary. Never mind she is the most unlikable candidate in history and certainly a criminal.

You are a Republican and a vote for anyone other than Phrump is a vote for Hillary. Thanks for your support!
You people turn on your own pretty quickly. You are calling McCain, a man of honor, a RINO, all the while supporting a Liberal in Conservative clothing like Phrump. You people deserve him!

You're one to talk.

McCain has been loyal to the DNC his entire career, but when he ran for POTUS, you people savaged him and painted him as right of George Washington.

He has faithfully carried water for the democrats his entire political life, yet you showed zero loyalty to your stooge.

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