McCain bows out of the GOP Convention

Hopefully mccain will leave the country for good.

John McCain is a psychopath, he should already be in a strait-jacket in the nearest Booby Hatch.


John McCain friend of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh and Al-Qaeda.

I wonder how Hillary or Sanders groupies would feel if it were them...and not Trump....the Dem party was walking out of.
Republicans, long known as the Party of No, will live up to their billing this summer and, come November, the nation will seal their fate and say "No" to their dysfunctional candidate. Unless a miracle happens on the south shore of Lake Erie and the GOP comes to its senses and nominates Kasich.
Republicans, long known as the Party of No, will live up to their billing this summer and, come November, the nation will seal their fate and say "No" to their dysfunctional candidate. Unless a miracle happens on the south shore of Lake Erie and the GOP comes to its senses and nominates Kasich.

Why would you want John Kasich nominated? The man has only won one State, his own Ohio.

So a typical Leftist you are, wanting to deny the voters the candidate they've voted for in numerous primaries ie. The Donald.
He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, OK? I hate to tell you.
This country is going off the rails. Can't wait to see the levee break during the next administration's term.
Well, I know John McCain, and John McCain's a great guy, a tremendous guy. I've known him for a long time. And I'm with him, and I'm with him based on the fact that I have great knowledge of John McCain.
I'm endorsing McCain. I am basically very strongly -- you have to understand, I've known him, I like him, I respect him.
John McCain bows out of Republican convention

The Republican Party is in BIG TROUBLE! Other Congressmen are also deciding not to attend.
I'm a pretty moderate liberal, which is indicated by the fact that the Senator I admire the most is definitely John McCain (probably assisted by the fact that I'm a vet and he seems to be one of the few Senators that really understand and fight for our national security issues). With that said, I wouldn't say that the Republican party is "in big trouble" because he isn't attending. What I will say is that I'm proud that he refuses to attend what will likely turn out as an utter shit show. If they have a contested convention (as seems to be the case), then they will either be forced to elect Trump as their candidate...who is known the world over as a clear and present danger as a threat to our American values and Democracy. Or they will choose to pull some sort of farce and elect a candidate who doesn't have the majority of the vote. It is a lose-lose situation for the Republican party and while it may be interesting to see how things turn out, I consider it prudent to distance himself from such a disastrous situation.

TLDR: McCain makes a great decision.
Cool, McCain out. the man responsible for the Obama Presidency.
I doubt that he was even invited in the first place. I also heard that Jeb is not going either.
Republicans, long known as the Party of No, will live up to their billing this summer and, come November, the nation will seal their fate and say "No" to their dysfunctional candidate. Unless a miracle happens on the south shore of Lake Erie and the GOP comes to its senses and nominates Kasich.

Why would you want John Kasich nominated? The man has only won one State, his own Ohio.

So a typical Leftist you are, wanting to deny the voters the candidate they've voted for in numerous primaries ie. The Donald.
Kasich is my governor. You'd LOVE him! He screwed my pension fund because I'm one of the bad guys: I'm a government worker.

But he has the temperament to be President and he poses the only real threat to Clinton.
John McCain bows out of Republican convention

The Republican Party is in BIG TROUBLE! Other Congressmen are also deciding not to attend.
Good, that spineless career politician can go suck Obamas ass while he's kissing it...

Ha Ha! You people are happy with Phrump and slam a war hero like McCain. IDIOTS!
He can't help being a coward... Lol

So when was the last time you were shot at.....while sitting on your sitting on your couch?
You people turn on your own pretty quickly. You are calling McCain, a man of honor, a RINO, all the while supporting a Liberal in Conservative clothing like Phrump. You people deserve him!

You're one to talk.

McCain has been loyal to the DNC his entire career, but when he ran for POTUS, you people savaged him and painted him as right of George Washington.

He has faithfully carried water for the democrats his entire political life, yet you showed zero loyalty to your stooge.

And you voted for him in 2008!

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