McCain Eye's 2016 Run?

I hope Joe Clark dies a horrid death for what he tried to do to the Conservative party.

You seem to expend a considerable amount of energy hating people and hoping for their uncomfortable demise. You know that's not good for you, right?
There's no way in the world the GOP would nominate McCain. He barely made it last time.
But the Dems here will swear up and down he's the best hope for the party in 2016.

All of the liberal leaning press will do the same.
What the fu** is wrong with Arizona that they keep electing that fool to Senate?
I think it will be Sarah Palin vs. Hillary.

I'd rock with a team.

Bear with me.

I would present my President, Vice President and my whole administration.

For example................

Presidential candidate: Ted Cruz

Vice Presidential candidate: Sarah Palin

Justice Department: Oh this will nail it Rand Paul

need I say more?

The person who rolls this campaign out and gives the American public his or hers administration in advance will win in.

You have to do it.

Oh and to add to this.
you bettcha a famous conservative woman said we really have to rock it. And we need to rock it now.

Omg.. Do you people EVER want to win the WH again? :lol:

I win. I always win.

I don't have any idea what you are talking about. But I always win.
There's no way in the world the GOP would nominate McCain. He barely made it last time.
But the Dems here will swear up and down he's the best hope for the party in 2016.

All of the liberal leaning press will do the same.
What the fu** is wrong with Arizona that they keep electing that fool to Senate?

I was heartbroken on this last round with him. I knew he would cave to anything Meghan wanted.

And he has.

Palin owed him. If she didn't back him they would screw her over big time.

But now he has been paid back. Fuck that old bastard now.
McCain was betrayed by the reactionary far right is all.
"McCain was betrayed by the reactionary far right" really? Even after Senator Dumbass
John McCain defended his statement that U.S. troops could spend "maybe 100" years in Iraq?

After that statement alone the election was over and he was never going to get elected.

CrazyLadies running around on TV saying Obama is a Muslim, McCain gently correcting, and two million reactionary far right idiots going crazy?
McQuisling, should he be nominated will be beaten by whichever generic Dem is on the ballot.
His last useful service to this country was the day he retired from the Navy.

It is no wonder that he is such an obstructionist when it comes to reducing the scope of government, he literally been on the government teat since his conception. He has never known a day that there wasn't a taxpayer check providing for him.

Edit to add....
ahhhhh Re-election, well he might not be defeated then, other than that the rest of my contention still stands.

McCain and Lindsey Graham should both be victims of term limits by this time. They're just coasting, playing around, looking busy.

like all the others are any different....
Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016

McCain wants to lose again??? LOL. Funny thing is he might win the nomination. The Republican Party is in shambles right now.
McCain ruined ANY chances he would have ever had when he didn't vet that idiot Palin. His career of being in the highest office is now over.

Hillary screwed up with the Benghazi thing. I don't want her any more either.

I want someone new. Fresh. Smart.

I won't hold my breath.


It's my contention that our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the hell OUT of POLITICS.



We only get to vote for whoever is in the money circle.
never gonna happen.

it will be Ted Cruz vs Hillary.

and Hillary will mop the floor with his hairpiece.

Cruz would never make it through a GOP primary. He might win a few states like Bachmann, but he'd never come out on top. He would however stick in until the convention, despite not having the delegates.

He'll call only winning 2 states a VICTORY for real conservatives!!
I'd rock with a team.

Bear with me.

I would present my President, Vice President and my whole administration.

For example................

Presidential candidate: Ted Cruz

Vice Presidential candidate: Sarah Palin

Justice Department: Oh this will nail it Rand Paul

need I say more?

The person who rolls this campaign out and gives the American public his or hers administration in advance will win in.

You have to do it.

Oh and to add to this.
you bettcha a famous conservative woman said we really have to rock it. And we need to rock it now.

Omg.. Do you people EVER want to win the WH again? :lol:

I win. I always win.

I don't have any idea what you are talking about. But I always win.

No you don't. You have a bunch of slackers in the House and that's it. Minority in the Senate and Democrats hold the WH. You think you win but you just talk a lot TD.
I'd like to punch McCain in his mouth. He's such a worthless dumbass

Got to disagree with you.

John McCain spent 5 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. He could have walked out, but refused preferential treatment for being an Admiral's son. He's served this country for over 50 years.

Now, yeah, he does some things that annoyed me when I used to be Conservative, like being a needless pain in Bush's ass, and he does some things that annoy me now. And even though I voted for him in 2008, I'm somewhat relieved we aren't in year four of the Iran War, which would have definitely happened on his watch.

But overall, he's a decent guy, maybe the last bastion of sanity in the GOP.
I'd like to punch McCain in his mouth. He's such a worthless dumbass

Got to disagree with you.

John McCain spent 5 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. He could have walked out, but refused preferential treatment for being an Admiral's son. He's served this country for over 50 years.

Now, yeah, he does some things that annoyed me when I used to be Conservative, like being a needless pain in Bush's ass, and he does some things that annoy me now. And even though I voted for him in 2008, I'm somewhat relieved we aren't in year four of the Iran War, which would have definitely happened on his watch.

But overall, he's a decent guy, maybe the last bastion of sanity in the GOP.

I don't get the idiocy of the Republican voters here. They limit themselves when they reject everyone except the most extreme Teaparty candidates. Everyone knew McCain was off his rocker selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate just as John Boehner and McConnell are crazy trusting their Teaparty peers in congress and yet they only now become combative and violent about the old guard when they say something true and correct.

The Teaparty is taking steps to gain control in 2014 even over their Conservative counterparts and certainly over Democrats.
I'd like to punch McCain in his mouth. He's such a worthless dumbass

Got to disagree with you.

John McCain spent 5 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. He could have walked out, but refused preferential treatment for being an Admiral's son. He's served this country for over 50 years.

Now, yeah, he does some things that annoyed me when I used to be Conservative, like being a needless pain in Bush's ass, and he does some things that annoy me now. And even though I voted for him in 2008, I'm somewhat relieved we aren't in year four of the Iran War, which would have definitely happened on his watch.

But overall, he's a decent guy, maybe the last bastion of sanity in the GOP.

I don't get the idiocy of the Republican voters here. They limit themselves when they reject everyone except the most extreme Teaparty candidates. Everyone knew McCain was off his rocker selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate just as John Boehner and McConnell are crazy trusting their Teaparty peers in congress and yet they only now become combative and violent about the old guard when they say something true and correct.

The Teaparty is taking steps to gain control in 2014 even over their Conservative counterparts and certainly over Democrats.

Love you Sarah, but I think you are suffering a bit of 20/20 hindsight here.

In 2008, the fissure in the GOP was between the Christian right who supported Huckabee and the Financial Right that supported Romney. McCain couldn't pick one of them as a running mate without alienating the other's supporters.

On Paper, Palin probably looked like a good pick. She was a reformer who took on the corrupt Murkowski machine in Alaska, she was moderate to conservative, took positions against Global Warming, and she was a successful woman.

Yeah, she was dumber than Dan Quayle, but we didn't find that out until later.

Now, since 2008, Palin has allowed herself to be the cypher for the TEA movement. But in 2008, she seemed to be a rising star.

McCain would have been better served picking someone like Tom Ridge who would have m ade him more competitive in the NOrtheast and was a tried and trued, vetted politician.

But the end of the day, it wasn't Palin who did in McCain, it was Bush.
Got to disagree with you.

John McCain spent 5 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. He could have walked out, but refused preferential treatment for being an Admiral's son. He's served this country for over 50 years.

Now, yeah, he does some things that annoyed me when I used to be Conservative, like being a needless pain in Bush's ass, and he does some things that annoy me now. And even though I voted for him in 2008, I'm somewhat relieved we aren't in year four of the Iran War, which would have definitely happened on his watch.

But overall, he's a decent guy, maybe the last bastion of sanity in the GOP.

I don't get the idiocy of the Republican voters here. They limit themselves when they reject everyone except the most extreme Teaparty candidates. Everyone knew McCain was off his rocker selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate just as John Boehner and McConnell are crazy trusting their Teaparty peers in congress and yet they only now become combative and violent about the old guard when they say something true and correct.

The Teaparty is taking steps to gain control in 2014 even over their Conservative counterparts and certainly over Democrats.

Love you Sarah, but I think you are suffering a bit of 20/20 hindsight here.

In 2008, the fissure in the GOP was between the Christian right who supported Huckabee and the Financial Right that supported Romney. McCain couldn't pick one of them as a running mate without alienating the other's supporters.

On Paper, Palin probably looked like a good pick. She was a reformer who took on the corrupt Murkowski machine in Alaska, she was moderate to conservative, took positions against Global Warming, and she was a successful woman.

Yeah, she was dumber than Dan Quayle, but we didn't find that out until later.

Now, since 2008, Palin has allowed herself to be the cypher for the TEA movement. But in 2008, she seemed to be a rising star.

McCain would have been better served picking someone like Tom Ridge who would have m ade him more competitive in the NOrtheast and was a tried and trued, vetted politician.

But the end of the day, it wasn't Palin who did in McCain, it was Bush.

I saw her as a rising star just once and that was the day he introduced his choice. I was a little afraid she was going to catapult him to the WH. After that, she started talking about being a hockey mom and what is the difference between a hockey mom and a pitt bull, stuff like that.

She became extreme fairly quickly, imo.

As for John Boehner and McConnell, both of them were anti Teaparty and then they weren't . I can read the tealeaves and see Cruz and Palin's near future if these Cons don't grab the reins..
I don't get the idiocy of the Republican voters here. They limit themselves when they reject everyone except the most extreme Teaparty candidates. Everyone knew McCain was off his rocker selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate .

McCain was hardly a "Tea Party candidate," and adding Palin to the ticket greatly energized part of the Republican base that had been lukewarm about McCain to that point.

I know the left (up to and including the president) is scared as hell of regular Americans who recognize the common sense represented by the Tea Party and are desperate to bring all the influence of their media lapdogs to bear in making them a Boogeyman, but get a grip already.

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