McCain - Jane Fonda Acted Within Her Constitutional Rights?

Those of you who voted for him for President of the United states.....howya doin now?

Things are better than now when bush left office, despite all the republican pigs who declared war on Obama since the day of the inauguration. Were you in grade school back then to not know how serious the situation was?
Just keep swallowing that liberal bullshit.
The c--t has, and had, the constitutional right to express her political beliefs. The question is did She aid enemy combatants during a time of war, that question remains for the legal community to debate. Unfortunately, what we have today are political operatives, cut from the same cloth, running our government, that are unfit to serve, caught within the same mind set, bound and determined to destroy and mold what remains of this country into their warped sense of enlightenment. As for those that worship this self ordained Messiah I can only be thankful that through the sacrifice of those before them that they are not called upon to defend what remains of the free world, otherwise, they would be running with their tails tucked between their legs like the cowards they were and are.
"She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution."

So, you believe in incarcerating war criminals? When do you plan to arrest Kissinger, North, 'W', Cheyney..., there are so many! You are going to be busy!

If I were to give away secret operation orders of some military mission that the Obama Administration planned against an aggressive nation I would expect to be arrested and tried for treason.

Kissigner, North, GWB, Cheney.....all of them were part of their respective administrations and operating within legal boundaries. I could care less if you don't agree with them. You can protest war and disagree with them on moral grounds but when you take aggressive action against this country you deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law.

Legal? Their actions were legal? Neither morally nor judicially.

She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

To bad we can't hang Ronald Reagan..

[ame=]Reagan Breaks Laws then Lies About It - YouTube[/ame]

I mean, he was one the biggest traitors to this nation, since Benedict Arnold, Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee.

Come to think of it..those pieces of shit weren't hung either.

Go fig.

Nice propaganda piece there, Swallow, but maybe you should watch it again, especially at the end where Poindexter says they sold the obsolete weapons to Iran WITHOUT the president's knowledge. You're gonna have to do better than that.

Sorry swallow for you. Take your fag tendencies elsewhere.

And, of course the President was fully engaged on this...they tried the old "Plausible Deniability" thing.

Add in the first set of hostages were released within the hour following ol' Ronnie's inauguration.

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

He fucking lied on National TV

Then was made to apologize..probably as a deal to avoid impeachment and removal from office for his treasonous actions.

[ame=]President Ronald Reagan - Address on Iran-Contra - YouTube[/ame]

But what this scumbag, Ronald Reagan, did..was to set the stage for the invasion of Iraq. Since he got away with treason..Georgie boy..probably figured he could lie and get away with it too.

And he did.
Jane Fonda ended up giving aid and comfort to what is now a most favored trading partner.

I note a distinct lack of fallen dominos, folks.

Okay......Japan is currently our ally. Conspiring with them in 1942 was cool then?

Oh, I didn't say "it was cool", sport.

I was a bit player in the VN era, and while I objected to the war, I was FAR less than sympathetic to Fonda's grandstanding egoism.

I merely pointed out that yesterday's boogieman nation turned out to be today's most favored trading nation.

Despite the fact that we got our asses handed to us, nothing our state department told us about how bad it would be IF we lost, turned out to be true.

THAT is a lesson this nation ought to never forget.

Sadly, that lesson has clearly already been forgotten.
She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

The Vietnamese people were not our enemy.

We went to war because neither political party wanted the blame for the Vietnamese going communist.

The Vietnamese people sure as hell thought we were.

Yeah... understandable.

We were in their country, blowing up their livestock, burning down their villages, turning their women into prostitutes...

Shit, man, we'd do the same fucking thing if someone came into our country. Isn't that what you Second Amendment Whacks are saying you need your guns for?

But guess what, the moment we listened to Jane Fonda and got the fuck out, we never had another problem with Vietnam, except for the 40 year pity party people like you engage in.
Jane Fonda didn't give a fuck about the vietnameese. She hated Nixon.

Notice that about liberals.

They care about people on welfare until they find out they are a conservative, then they hate them

They care about gays until they find out they are a conservative, then they hate them.

They care about women until they find out they are a conservative, then they hate them.

They care about blacks until they find out they are a conservative, then they hate them.

Liberals don't care about anyone except other liberals.

If you are gay, black, a woman, or on welfare and "conservative", you should probably have your fucking head examined.

In fact, if you aren't a rich douchebag and you are voting Republican, you probably need to have your head examined.

if you are a rich douchebag, you need to pay your fair share and shut the fuck up.
I'm sure she appologised for the ass-whipping she helped put on the inmates at the Hanoi Hilton.

It's a matter of morality, not legality.

Link? Because I seem to remember this being a story that has been debunked.

You remembered wrong. Fonda is essentially like Sean Penn. She uses these issues to gain wealth and fame in her career. Every liberal, communist, or anti-American cause she catches wind of, she's on it like hair on a Gorilla. Some folks in Hollywood get gigs by taking up these causes or playing a part that represents a special interest group. Since she isn't the greatest actress out there she has to take up liberal/progressive causes. .

Except that we were specifically talking about the story that she beat POW's. Which turns out to be completely not true. But don't let that stop have a fake greivance.

Along with other celebrities, she supported the Alcatraz Island occupation by American Indians in 1969, which was intended to call attention to failures of the government in treaty rights and the movement for greater Indian sovereignty.[26]

She likewise supported Huey Newton and the Black Panthers in the early 1970s, stating "Revolution is an act of love; we are the children of revolution, born to be rebels. It runs in our blood." She called the Black Panthers "our revolutionary vanguard", and said "we must support them with love, money, propaganda and risk."[27]

Jane Fonda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is soooooo lovely to live in a country that allows you to stab it in the back on a regular basis and not have to stand in front of a firing squad. It's one thing to make a mistake once and nobody can blame you if you're truly remorseful.....but Fonda abused the privilege. She's done it waaaaay too many times for it be a mistake.

So you are saying that things were hunky dory for non-whites in the 1960's, and Fonda should have shut up because she was white?

I think there was bad behavior from people back then, but there was equally bad behavior from the government.

So at the end of the day, Nixon had to resign and Fonda became toxic at the box office because of her views.

Let me know when the 1960's are over, some of you are still dwelling there.
I'm prepared to discuss his record, you're prepared to throw out insults.

This is the first we have seen you are "prepared to discuss". No, you are not, or you would have done it at the beginning.

Keep running.
Put up or shut up, asshole.

You are the one who needs to put up the evidence, not just your opinion.

The affirmation, bub, is on you.

Otherwise, I will keep kicking your low information opinions up your ass.
This is the first we have seen you are "prepared to discuss". No, you are not, or you would have done it at the beginning.

Keep running.
Put up or shut up, asshole.

You are the one who needs to put up the evidence, not just your opinion.

The affirmation, bub, is on you.

Otherwise, I will keep kicking your low information opinions up your ass.

I like the way you make such a fool of yourself, Jokey. Saves others the hassle.
Put up or shut up, asshole.

You are the one who needs to put up the evidence, not just your opinion.

The affirmation, bub, is on you.

Otherwise, I will keep kicking your low information opinions up your ass.

I like the way you make such a fool of yourself, Jokey. Saves others the hassle.

As I have always kicked your no information ass on the Board. You are such a gutless twit. :lol: Don't runaway this time, mmmkay?
I'm prepared to discuss his record, you're prepared to throw out insults.

This is the first we have seen you are "prepared to discuss". No, you are not, or you would have done it at the beginning.

Keep running.
Put up or shut up, asshole.

Jokey has a habit of accusing people of 'running' when he's the one doing that. He also has a habit of wanting to kick people out of 'his' Republican Party - even when that person is not a member of said party. In short, he's brainless.
You are the one who needs to put up the evidence, not just your opinion.

The affirmation, bub, is on you.

Otherwise, I will keep kicking your low information opinions up your ass.

I like the way you make such a fool of yourself, Jokey. Saves others the hassle.

As I have always kicked your no information ass on the Board. You are such a gutless twit. :lol: Don't runaway this time, mmmkay?

You've always done that, have you? Mmmmkay, internet tough kid. If that's what gets you through the day - if it's that important to you... personally, it just isn't to me. You bore me, Jokey. Why don't you carry out that threat to kick me out of 'your' Republican party.

Yawn. What a jaded, fading twit. You will vote GOP regardless of the reactionaries like you being minimalized.
"'I must say that the use of Jane Fonda's name does evoke certain memories with me, and I must say that she is not my favorite American."

How many civilians did Jane murder, maim, or displace?

Rand Paul's Filibuster Belittled By John McCain As 'Simply False'

None but after we get past all the rhetoric and mythology surrounding this, the real point is that the First Amendment applies to those with whom we disagree as welll as those we worship.

It is repugnant to me to see someone as dishonest as Ted Cruz in any office, Rand Paul makes my skin crawl, I despise the KKK but I will fight for their right to be the assholes they are.

Fonda broke no laws. She did not "aid and abet" the enemy. She stated her opinion. That was and still is her right and the rw nutters would do well to support that right rather than continue the lies about her.

I can agree she didn't break any laws. However she did render aide to our enemies. She gave them free advertisement. She showed them to be really nice people. That is called rendering aide.

Problem with you is you don't have the gray matter needed to figure that out for yourself. I'm betting just remembering to breathe is difficult enough for you.

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