McCain - Jane Fonda Acted Within Her Constitutional Rights?

BTW, I was "detained" in NYC for exercising my Constitutional right and obligation. I protested Cardinal Spelling's speech in favor of the killing of innocent people in Vietnam. They didn't arrest us because we broke no laws. Instead, to make for a nice propaganda piece in the NY Times, they just hauled us all downtown, detained us for a while and then released us.

THAT was very typical of the time and people were just as gullible then as they are now.
In other words, you can't defend his liberal voting record.

In other words, you, a low use tool as a reactionary, have no clue about what you are talking.
I'm prepared to discuss his record, you're prepared to throw out insults.

This is the first we have seen you are "prepared to discuss". No, you are not, or you would have done it at the beginning.

Keep running.

She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

...Nonetheless, she still visited and fraternized with the enemy...

You guys need to get a grip. First, learn the true meaning of the phrases you toss around. What you have said is treason. If she committed treason, why wasn't she brought up on charges?

Stoop making up nonsense just because it fits your agenda. It makes you look foolish.

Learn to read. Are you trying to claim that the Government of the time made no blunders or even mistakes? Since she was never charged she was most certainly never exonerated of the charge.

She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

...Nonetheless, she still visited and fraternized with the enemy...

You guys need to get a grip. First, learn the true meaning of the phrases you toss around. What you have said is treason. If she committed treason, why wasn't she brought up on charges?

Stoop making up nonsense just because it fits your agenda. It makes you look foolish.

Learn to read. Are you trying to claim that the Government of the time made no blunders or even mistakes? Since she was never charged she was most certainly never exonerated of the charge.

No "charge" ever existed, only millions of opinions.
The Vietnam war lasted 20 years through four presidents.

Nov. *1955
April 1975


But during Jane fonda's famous radio speech she only blames Nixon.

She wasn't against war. She was against Nixon. And her action during that time did hurt the morale of the soldiers.

Not true but, for the sake of conversation, let's say it is true.

So what?

Should we give up our Constitutional right just because we might hurt someone's feelings?

BTW, its not just a right. The Constitution states that its an obligation.

The problem is she actually traveled over to Vietnam, met with the VC, and according to some former military personal, allegedly witnessed her engaging in some treasonous activity.

What ever she said or did here on our soil was certainly well within her rights.

Uh huh…

You’ll need to do better than that.

Article III, Section. 3, US Constitution:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
So, unless Ms. Fonda confesses or you can produce two witnesses to testify in open court as to ‘treason,’ such accusations are baseless.

She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

Do you have any evidence to that effect?

Or is this merely your subjective, ignorant, and partisan opinion.
Jane Fonda didn't give a fuck about the vietnameese. She hated Nixon.

Notice that about liberals.

They care about people on welfare until they find out they are a conservative, then they hate them

They care about gays until they find out they are a conservative, then they hate them.

They care about women until they find out they are a conservative, then they hate them.

They care about blacks until they find out they are a conservative, then they hate them.

Liberals don't care about anyone except other liberals.
"WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration believes it could technically use military force to kill an American on U.S. soil in an 'extraordinary circumstance' but has 'no intention of doing so,' U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said in a letter disclosed Tuesday."

Eric Holder: Drone Strike To Kill U.S. Citizen On American Soil Legal, Hypothetically

It all depends on the meaning of "extraordinary circumstance", doesn't it?

Seems that this administration thinks that a small, 2% cut in a 9% INCREASE in the next budget is an "extraordinary circumstance", and worthy of Armageddon-like predictions!

Heck, I could just "hold the fries" for one week and keep my budget balanced if I "suffered" a 2% reduction in my expected 9% yearly budget INCREASE.

In fact, I probably wouldn't even notice it... and could buy more fries! Maybe the curly ones...

But back to the point: this administration is NOT to be trusted, in ANYTHING!
"Do you have any evidence to that effect?

Or is this merely your subjective, ignorant, and partisan opinion."

There is a great deal of evidence on the public record.
My well-informed opinion just fails to agree with your ignorant partisan one.
"She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution."

So, you believe in incarcerating war criminals? When do you plan to arrest Kissinger, North, 'W', Cheyney..., there are so many! You are going to be busy!

If I were to give away secret operation orders of some military mission that the Obama Administration planned against an aggressive nation I would expect to be arrested and tried for treason.

Kissigner, North, GWB, Cheney.....all of them were part of their respective administrations and operating within legal boundaries. I could care less if you don't agree with them. You can protest war and disagree with them on moral grounds but when you take aggressive action against this country you deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law.

And you have evidence Fonda indeed did that.

Conservatives are clearly in no position to whine about due process.
"Do you have any evidence to that effect?

Or is this merely your subjective, ignorant, and partisan opinion."

There is a great deal of evidence on the public record.
My well-informed opinion just fails to agree with your ignorant partisan one.

Then cite the evidence.

Otherwise, however ‘well-informed’ your opinion might be, it’s still merely your opinion.
Kim Jon Un has repeatedly said he "wants to nuke America". North Korea is our enemy.

Then, American showboating asshole Dennis Rodman went to visit him, watched a basketball game with him, said he's real great guy and his friend, and, incredibly brought back a message for the president. What else did Rodman say to this little tyrant?

Did the ignorant, gullible rw's get into a twit about this?

Of course not.

She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

...Nonetheless, she still visited and fraternized with the enemy...

You guys need to get a grip. First, learn the true meaning of the phrases you toss around. What you have said is treason. If she committed treason, why wasn't she brought up on charges?

Stoop making up nonsense just because it fits your agenda. It makes you look foolish.

Learn to read. Are you trying to claim that the Government of the time made no blunders or even mistakes? Since she was never charged she was most certainly never exonerated of the charge.

Typical guilty until proven innocent.
Those of you who voted for him for President of the United states.....howya doin now?
Those of you who voted for him for President of the United states.....howya doin now?

They're doing a little better every day adn they're sure as hell doing better than if that old fart had won.

But, don't expect them to admit it!

(Actually, they may not even know it. I mean, they do get their "news" from fux.)
Jane Fonda used her money and infuence to perform propaganda to give aide to our enemies during a war. The only reason she wasn't tried for treason was because it was an undeclared war.

And most people realized she was right. Not in what she did, but her point was that we didn't belong in that war and our leaders were lying to us. She went about it in the wrong way.

I should also point out that in the process, she took what could have been a great acting career and scuttled it because people like you (and me until a few years ago) would boycott her movies.

Incidently, if you want to call disagreeing with your government "treason", you are kind of skating on thin ice...

USA clearly the aggressor in Vietnam, a country not capable of any doing harm to this country, just like all of the other countries we've invaded in the last 50 odd years. If the Germans had used napalm and agent orange during ww2 they would have been charged with war crimes. Also, it wasn't a declared war as per the constitution and I know the right wing just loves following the constitution. So what Fonda did wasn't illegal, but she's still a low life for working against the guys in the military who had no say so in that war.
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Those of you who voted for him for President of the United states.....howya doin now?

Things are better than now when bush left office, despite all the republican pigs who declared war on Obama since the day of the inauguration. Were you in grade school back then to not know how serious the situation was?

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