McCain - Jane Fonda Acted Within Her Constitutional Rights?

"WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration believes it could technically use military force to kill an American on U.S. soil in an 'extraordinary circumstance' but has 'no intention of doing so,' U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said in a letter disclosed Tuesday."

Eric Holder: Drone Strike To Kill U.S. Citizen On American Soil Legal, Hypothetically
Obama said he didn't have the authority to grant amnesty to illegals ether, yet he did so for specific age groups.

He's lost our trust so nothing he says can be taken at face value.

Amnesty? You mean like another president.....what was his name, again......did once?

Please,......tell me you know the difference between signing a bill and signing an executive order.
Mud, do you know the difference between a Declaration of War and a Resolution of Force?
What in God's name was McCain thinking??

Jane Fonda


*Hanoi Jane

Background of Jane Fonda's Anti-War Activities

While American Soldiers were fighting and dying in the Vietnam War, Jane Fonda, the daughter of Henry Fonda, was using her money and influence at colleges and universities to gather support to advocate communism and encourage rebellion and anarchy against the United States Government.**

On November 21, 1970 she told a University of Michigan audience of some two thousand students, "If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would some day become communist." At Duke University in North Carolina she repeated what she had said in Michigan, adding "I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism. " Washington Times July 7, 2000

Jane Fonda began her participation in anti-war activities around 1967, allegedly after meeting with Communists while in France and with American citizens who were revolutionaries.** Her activities included active participation in demonstrations, rallies, radio broadcasts and plays.**

Jane Fonda also helped in the organization of a production group called the F.T.A. (F*** The Army).* This group helped to set up coffee houses near military bases where they would perform anti-war derogatory-type sketches for the visiting soldiers.* The coffee-house sketches were intended to counterpoint the U.S.O. shows, such as Bob Hope and other U.S.O. sponsored performers whose performances increased* morale and gave positive support to American soldiers.** Some of the F.T.A. coffee house employees would mingle with the soldiers to help them to "relax and unwind", while encouraging the soldiers to desert.** Some soldiers alleged that they were promised jobs and money by the F.T.A.* if they deserted.**

The Vietnam Veterans Against the War Organization received major financial support from Jane Fonda.* Jane Fonda's F.T.A. coffee houses helped in recruiting soldiers and veterans for the Vietnam Veterans Against The War Organization.** The Vietnam Veterans Against the War Organization membership was approximately 7,000 at it's highest.* The Organization's membership number was comparatively low, when you consider that more than 2 1/2 million Americans served during the Vietnam* war.***

Jane Fonda personally sought out returning American soldiers from Vietnam to solicit them to publicly speak out against American atrocities against Vietnamese women and children during her broadcasts.* North Vietnamese officials based in Canada allegedly coordinated her broadcasts.*

In 1972 Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden and others traveled to North Vietnam to give their support to the North Vietnamese's Government.* When she returned to the United States, she advised the news media that all of the American Prisoners of War were being well treated and were not being tortured.*

As the American POWs returned home in 1973, they spoke out about the inhumane treatment and torture they had suffered as prisoners of war.* Their stories directly contradicted Jane Fonda's earlier statements of 1972.** Some of the American POWs such as Senator John McCain, a former Presidential candidate, stated that he was tortured by his guards for refusing to meet with groups such as Jane Fonda's.* Jane Fonda, in her response to these new allegations, referred to the returning POWs as being "hypocrites and liars."**

The Wall Street Journal (August 3, 1995) published an interview with Bui Tin who served on the General Staff of the North Vietnam Army and received the unconditional surrender of South Vietnam on April 30, 1975.* During the interview* Mr. Tin was asked if the American antiwar movement was important to Hanoi's victory.* Mr. Tin responded "It was essential to our strategy"* referring to the war being fought on two fronts, the Vietnam battlefield and back home in America through the antiwar movement on college campuses and in the city streets.* He further stated the North Vietnamese leadership listened to the American evening news broadcasts "to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement."*
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Jane Fonda ended up giving aid and comfort to what is now a most favored trading partner.

I note a distinct lack of fallen dominos, folks.
Jane Fonda ended up giving aid and comfort to what is now a most favored trading partner.

I note a distinct lack of fallen dominos, folks.

I'd have to say, yucking it up with the NVA boys was really bad form.

But she's apologized profusely.

Doesn't stop conservative..however.

Who also don't seem all that pissed at Johnson and Nixon for escalating the war to an insane level.
Jane Fonda ended up giving aid and comfort to what is now a most favored trading partner.

I note a distinct lack of fallen dominos, folks.

Okay......Japan is currently our ally. Conspiring with them in 1942 was cool then?
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Mud, do you know the difference between a Declaration of War and a Resolution of Force?

Yes dumbass. If you go back and read my previous posts you'd know.

Then you know you have no case.

You also know she apologized.

I don't accept her apology any more than you do, but there you have it: it was her constitutional right to do what she did.
I'm sure she apologized for the ass-whipping she helped put on the inmates at the Hanoi Hilton.

It's a matter of morality, not legality.
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Yes dumbass. If you go back and read my previous posts you'd know.

Then you know you have no case.

You also know she apologized.

I don't accept her apology any more than you do, but there you have it: it was her constitutional right to do what she did.
I'm sure she appologised for the ass-whipping she helped put on the inmates at the Hanoi Hilton.

It's a matter of morality, not legality.

Link? Because I seem to remember this being a story that has been debunked.
You've got to be kidding me!!!!!

What's wrong with this guy???

Rand Paul's Filibuster Belittled By John McCain As 'Simply False'

What's wrong with him? He must have read that thar "Constitutional" thingy whatever it is, with that gul-durn "Bill of Rights" and the "Freedom of speech" crap.

Obviously we need to make reading the Constitution illegal so we can all be more like you. Like they used to do with the Bible. Ah, those were the daze... you could just take Jane Fonda out to a stake and burn her alive. That's where you're going with this, right?

Damn Founding Fathers with their elitist "self-evident rights"... what were they thinkin'....
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She may have been within her rights, but it's a very sore point even to this day her exercizing those rights. I will never forgive her. Ever. Any more than I will Rodman for being an insane jerk. At least he has an excuse...he's a fruit loop and his brain is fried. What is/was her excuse? None that I remember. She stands by what she said then, and now.
She may have been within her rights, but it's a very sore point even to this day her exercizing those rights. I will never forgive her. Ever. Any more than I will Rodman for being an insane jerk. At least he has an excuse...he's a fruit loop and his brain is fried. What is/was her excuse? None that I remember. She stands by what she said then, and now.

No, after she converted to Christianity, she apologized. It is still very hard for me to forgive her, though as a Christian such is my duty.

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