McCain - Jane Fonda Acted Within Her Constitutional Rights?


She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.
"She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution."

So, you believe in incarcerating war criminals? When do you plan to arrest Kissinger, North, 'W', Cheyney..., there are so many! You are going to be busy!
Then you know you have no case.

You also know she apologized.

I don't accept her apology any more than you do, but there you have it: it was her constitutional right to do what she did.
I'm sure she appologised for the ass-whipping she helped put on the inmates at the Hanoi Hilton.

It's a matter of morality, not legality.

Link? Because I seem to remember this being a story that has been debunked.

You remembered wrong. Fonda is essentially like Sean Penn. She uses these issues to gain wealth and fame in her career. Every liberal, communist, or anti-American cause she catches wind of, she's on it like hair on a Gorilla. Some folks in Hollywood get gigs by taking up these causes or playing a part that represents a special interest group. Since she isn't the greatest actress out there she has to take up liberal/progressive causes.

Along with other celebrities, she supported the Alcatraz Island occupation by American Indians in 1969, which was intended to call attention to failures of the government in treaty rights and the movement for greater Indian sovereignty.[26]

She likewise supported Huey Newton and the Black Panthers in the early 1970s, stating "Revolution is an act of love; we are the children of revolution, born to be rebels. It runs in our blood." She called the Black Panthers "our revolutionary vanguard", and said "we must support them with love, money, propaganda and risk."[27]

Jane Fonda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is soooooo lovely to live in a country that allows you to stab it in the back on a regular basis and not have to stand in front of a firing squad. It's one thing to make a mistake once and nobody can blame you if you're truly remorseful.....but Fonda abused the privilege. She's done it waaaaay too many times for it be a mistake.
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The Vietnam war lasted 20 years through four presidents.

Nov. *1955
April 1975


But during Jane fonda's famous radio speech she only blames Nixon.

She wasn't against war. She was against Nixon. And her action during that time did hurt the morale of the soldiers.

Not true but, for the sake of conversation, let's say it is true.

So what?

Should we give up our Constitutional right just because we might hurt someone's feelings?

BTW, its not just a right. The Constitution states that its an obligation.

Some actions have unforeseen consequences.......or didn't you ever learn that growing up?
Jane Fonda used her money and infuence to perform propaganda to give aide to our enemies during a war. The only reason she wasn't tried for treason was because it was an undeclared war.

And most people realized she was right. Not in what she did, but her point was that we didn't belong in that war and our leaders were lying to us. She went about it in the wrong way.

I should also point out that in the process, she took what could have been a great acting career and scuttled it because people like you (and me until a few years ago) would boycott her movies.

Incidently, if you want to call disagreeing with your government "treason", you are kind of skating on thin ice...
She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

The Vietnamese people were not our enemy.

We went to war because neither political party wanted the blame for the Vietnamese going communist.
"She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution."

So, you believe in incarcerating war criminals? When do you plan to arrest Kissinger, North, 'W', Cheyney..., there are so many! You are going to be busy!

If I were to give away secret operation orders of some military mission that the Obama Administration planned against an aggressive nation I would expect to be arrested and tried for treason.

Kissigner, North, GWB, Cheney.....all of them were part of their respective administrations and operating within legal boundaries. I could care less if you don't agree with them. You can protest war and disagree with them on moral grounds but when you take aggressive action against this country you deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law.
She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

The Vietnamese people were not our enemy.

We went to war because neither political party wanted the blame for the Vietnamese going communist.

The Vietnamese people sure as hell thought we were.
She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

The Vietnamese people were not our enemy.

We went to war because neither political party wanted the blame for the Vietnamese going communist.

Untrue and totally ignorant.
Jane Fonda used her money and infuence to perform propaganda to give aide to our enemies during a war. The only reason she wasn't tried for treason was because it was an undeclared war.

And most people realized she was right. Not in what she did, but her point was that we didn't belong in that war and our leaders were lying to us. She went about it in the wrong way.

I should also point out that in the process, she took what could have been a great acting career and scuttled it because people like you (and me until a few years ago) would boycott her movies.

Incidently, if you want to call disagreeing with your government "treason", you are kind of skating on thin ice...

She was wrong. Her point was rendered moot once she started doing photo-ops with our enemies.

And let me repeat this....for those who are intellectually impaired......I didn't call her a traitor in every sense of the word, but her actions were opportunist and immoral. She claims she was used. Well, nobody asked her to do it. She isn't the first idiot that communists used against America and I expect she won't be the last......Obama included.
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Whether Jane Fonda was naive, stupid, or disloyal, is moot.

She broke no laws and was on the right side of history......... :cool:

Sorry but you're wrong.

The only reason you think that is communist countries don't reveal the true state of their country to outsiders.

Btw, once Vietnam fell Cambodia fell shortly afterwards. Remember the "Killing Fields"?? Now there's a situation that liberals in America wanted to ignore.

She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

To bad we can't hang Ronald Reagan..

I mean, he was one the biggest traitors to this nation, since Benedict Arnold, Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee.

Come to think of it..those pieces of shit weren't hung either.

Go fig.

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She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

To bad we can't hang Ronald Reagan..

[ame=]Reagan Breaks Laws then Lies About It - YouTube[/ame]

I mean, he was one the biggest traitors to this nation, since Benedict Arnold, Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee.

Come to think of it..those pieces of shit weren't hung either.

Go fig.

Nice propaganda piece there, Swallow, but maybe you should watch it again, especially at the end where Poindexter says they sold the obsolete weapons to Iran WITHOUT the president's knowledge. You're gonna have to do better than that.

She made no secret of giving aid and comfort to an enemy that was currently killing America soldiers. She conspired in that killing and must share in some of the responsibility for those deaths. The fact that she was never tried is a great shame to the Nation. And, no, the Constitution doesn't protect traitors, sabbatours, or spies from execution.

...Nonetheless, she still visited and fraternized with the enemy...

You guys need to get a grip. First, learn the true meaning of the phrases you toss around. What you have said is treason. If she committed treason, why wasn't she brought up on charges?

Stoop making up nonsense just because it fits your agenda. It makes you look foolish.
I'm sure she appologised for the ass-whipping she helped put on the inmates at the Hanoi Hilton.

It's a matter of morality, not legality.

Link? Because I seem to remember this being a story that has been debunked.

You remembered wrong. Fonda is essentially like Sean Penn. She uses these issues to gain wealth and fame in her career. Every liberal, communist, or anti-American cause she catches wind of, she's on it like hair on a Gorilla. Some folks in Hollywood get gigs by taking up these causes or playing a part that represents a special interest group. Since she isn't the greatest actress out there she has to take up liberal/progressive causes.

Along with other celebrities, she supported the Alcatraz Island occupation by American Indians in 1969, which was intended to call attention to failures of the government in treaty rights and the movement for greater Indian sovereignty.[26]

She likewise supported Huey Newton and the Black Panthers in the early 1970s, stating "Revolution is an act of love; we are the children of revolution, born to be rebels. It runs in our blood." She called the Black Panthers "our revolutionary vanguard", and said "we must support them with love, money, propaganda and risk."[27]

Jane Fonda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is soooooo lovely to live in a country that allows you to stab it in the back on a regular basis and not have to stand in front of a firing squad. It's one thing to make a mistake once and nobody can blame you if you're truly remorseful.....but Fonda abused the privilege. She's done it waaaaay too many times for it be a mistake.

Good Grief. What utter nonsense.

I'm sure she appologised for the ass-whipping she helped put on the inmates at the Hanoi Hilton.

She had nothing to do with anything of the kind. The facts are out there. All you have to do is open your mind.

Some actions have unforeseen consequences.......or didn't you ever learn that growing up?

Actually, you're wrong.

James McNamara didn't suffer consequences for killing Americans in Vietnam.
Cheney didn't suffer consequences for killing Americans in Iraq.

And, you know damn well that that list is endless.
It is astounding that people still believe this crap. Send the silly email chain mail to everyone you know. How many take the time to look up the wild eyed accusations up before they send it on? Not very many.

People are way more gullible and ignorant than they need to be but they (obviously!!) want their bigotry and hate reinforced so they click on forward without giving it a thought.

That's why assholes like Limbaugh, beck, fux are popular. The fans just sit there with their heads bobbing up and down and never bother to engage their brains.

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