McCain reassumes role as GOP nuisance

McCain Reassumes Role as GOP Nuisance
Wish the old bastard would die already.

Ha.Ha.--Well Donald Trump has made plenty of enemies in the Republican Senate. While you 'THINK" you've got a minor majority there, you really DON'T.

Mitch McConnell never wanted Donald Trump and was very vocal about it, even stating one time they would dump Trump like a hot rock. John McCain, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul--all whom have felt the wrath of Trumps outrageous accusations, lies, and tweety finger attacks. So the Senate is really 51 minus at least 6--LOL

With the Russian influence--implication right now, Trump is going to lose even more support in a Republican Senate and house. (Paul Ryan) who has also been attacked by Trump and his supporters. They even tried to primary him. Ryan is not going to be kissing anyone's ass.

Right now, I seriously doubt any of these Republicans would toss Trump a life jacket if he was drowning. They may just let the Trump Titanic sink.


Right now Republican Senators and House members are avoiding the Trump tower like it's been infected with the Ebola virus. So something is up--and it's not going to be good going forward for the Trump administration.
aw well , TRUMP can do some loosening up on Gun control for Americans and rebuild USA military , fight enemies as CiC , redo 'rules of engagement' , do some rescinding of mrobamas exec orders and that's good enough for me Oreo .
Trump is nominated a bunch of "inside the beltway/schoomze with anyone" dodos, td.

Some are wrong on Morsi, Ukraine, Russia, and Syria.

And McCain is going to remind trumpelthinskin of just that every day.

Who do you consider inside the beltway?
McCain has been blatantly anti GW, pro Obama, and now anti Trump.

He has a long history of playing crack the whip with Republicans while bending over and grabbing his ankles for Democrats.

He's an old senile war mongering asshole.
Ha.Ha.--Well Donald Trump has made plenty of enemies in the Republican Senate. While you 'THINK" you've got a minor majority there, you really DON'T.

Mitch McConnell never wanted Donald Trump and was very vocal about it, even stating one time they would dump Trump like a hot rock. John McCain, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul & Marco Rubio--all whom have felt the wrath of Trumps outrageous accusations, lies, and tweety finger attacks. So the Senate is really 51 minus at least 6--LOL

With the Russian influence--implication right now, Trump is going to lose even more support in a Republican Senate and house. (Paul Ryan) who has also been attacked by Trump and his supporters. They even tried to primary him. Ryan is not going to be kissing anyone's ass.

Right now, I seriously doubt any one of these Republicans would toss Trump a life jacket if he was drowning. They may just let the Trump Titanic sink.


Right now Republican Senators and House members are avoiding the Trump tower like it's been infected with the Ebola virus. So something is up--and it's not going to be good going forward for the Trump administration.

I keep asking this question, and dimocrap scum keep running and hiding --

"If Trump is so bad, so stupid, so racist, so misogynistic, so uneducated and generally just an asshole -- How come he stomped the SHIT out of a **** that spent three times the money he did, had the entire DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media in her pocket, including most of FNC, almost all of Hollywood, most of our 'entertainers' and Pop Stars, and all the print media, most of our Nation's top Athlete's (LeBron, etc) and even had the DISGUSTING FILTH breaking all kinds of rules by the Press passing questions to her, being given a veto over information in articles before they went to press.........

"How come Trump won anyway. And the Republican Party is in the strongest position it's been in since 1922.....??

How come, smart ass??

Enquiring minds

We're all stupid?

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DullEdge lies. Trump barely won with the lowest minority winning vote in the country's history.

Clinton beat him by four million votes or more despite Trump rigging the election.

Eleven million more people voted against him than for him.

Trump is in for a very, very rough time, since he will get the same chance from day one as was given Obama.

DullEdge, yes, you are as stupid as they come.
McCain Reassumes Role as GOP Nuisance
Wish the old bastard would die already.

Ha.Ha.--Well Donald Trump has made plenty of enemies in the Republican Senate. While you 'THINK" you've got a minor majority there, you really DON'T.

Mitch McConnell never wanted Donald Trump and was very vocal about it, even stating one time they would dump Trump like a hot rock. John McCain, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul & Marco Rubio--all whom have felt the wrath of Trumps outrageous accusations, lies, and tweety finger attacks. So the Senate is really 51 minus at least 6--LOL

With the Russian influence--implication right now, Trump is going to lose even more support in a Republican Senate and house. (Paul Ryan) who has also been attacked by Trump and his supporters. They even tried to primary him. Ryan is not going to be kissing anyone's ass.

Right now, I seriously doubt any one of these Republicans would toss Trump a life jacket if he was drowning. They may just let the Trump Titanic sink.


Right now Republican Senators and House members are avoiding the Trump tower like it's been infected with the Ebola virus. So something is up--and it's not going to be good going forward for the Trump administration.

The people wanted Trump. And those douches you mentioned were the reason why.
"The people wanted Trump" is negated by the fact that eleven million more voted against trumpelthinskin than for him.

No, they people do not want Trump.
DullEdge lies. Trump barely won with the lowest minority winning vote in the country's history.

Clinton beat him by four million votes or more despite Trump rigging the election.

Eleven million more people voted against him than for him.

Trump is in for a very, very rough time, since he will get the same chance from day one as was given Obama.

DullEdge, yes, you are as stupid as they come.

He won and i hope the dems and rinos fuck with him. Hell STEAMROLL them, because the people like him and he doeant take their establishment shit.
How McCain is allowed to run around and say and do the things he does is outrageous. Threatening Putin by saying an Arab Spring is coming to a neighborhood near you. So many other insane flailing moments.

Obama's been bad but boy oh boy I am so glad this madman never became President. (yes I know he is a hero but now he's looney tunes)
DullEdge lies. Trump barely won with the lowest minority winning vote in the country's history.

Clinton beat him by four million votes or more despite Trump rigging the election.

Eleven million more people voted against him than for him.

Trump is in for a very, very rough time, since he will get the same chance from day one as was given Obama.

DullEdge, yes, you are as stupid as they come.

You believe what you want, snowflake.

We control 68 of 99 State legislatures, 34 Governorships, have control of the House, the Senate and , soon, the Supreme Court.

THAT is what is known as an ASS-KICKING.

You're welcome, snowflake
He won and i hope the dems and rinos fuck with him. Hell STEAMROLL them, because the people like him and he doeant take their establishment shit.
He won, he is Mr. Establishment, and I hope he steps up. I don't think he will. The people will flatten him if tries to "steamroll" anyone.
DullEdge, you don't have what it takes. You are a snowflake and creamp puff. You know it. What you hope won't happen.
McCain Reassumes Role as GOP Nuisance
Wish the old bastard would die already.

Ha.Ha.--Well Donald Trump has made plenty of enemies in the Republican Senate. While you 'THINK" you've got a minor majority there, you really DON'T.

Mitch McConnell never wanted Donald Trump and was very vocal about it, even stating one time they would dump Trump like a hot rock. John McCain, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul & Marco Rubio--all whom have felt the wrath of Trumps outrageous accusations, lies, and tweety finger attacks. So the Senate is really 51 minus at least 6--LOL

With the Russian influence--implication right now, Trump is going to lose even more support in a Republican Senate and house. (Paul Ryan) who has also been attacked by Trump and his supporters. They even tried to primary him. Ryan is not going to be kissing anyone's ass.

Right now, I seriously doubt any one of these Republicans would toss Trump a life jacket if he was drowning. They may just let the Trump Titanic sink.


Right now Republican Senators and House members are avoiding the Trump tower like it's been infected with the Ebola virus. So something is up--and it's not going to be good going forward for the Trump administration.

The people wanted Trump. And those douches you mentioned were the reason why.

Unfortunately for you, TRUMP is not king, he is required to work with those douches, and if those douches don't want to work with him--then his entire administration and his Presidency is fucked.

This is the first President elect ever elected that didn't have a lot of support within his own party. In fact quite the opposite--they hate him. Which is probably why we haven't heard much from Democrats lately over Trump's cabinet picks. They know they have got a new ally called Republicans in the House and Senate.

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DullEdge lies. Trump barely won with the lowest minority winning vote in the country's history.

Clinton beat him by four million votes or more despite Trump rigging the election.

Eleven million more people voted against him than for him.

Trump is in for a very, very rough time, since he will get the same chance from day one as was given Obama.

DullEdge, yes, you are as stupid as they come.

He won and i hope the dems and rinos fuck with him. Hell STEAMROLL them, because the people like him and he doeant take their establishment shit.

No, not correct--Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 closing in on 3 million votes. Clearly the people of this country DID NOT want Donald Trump as their President. The only steam rolling that is going to be done is on the Republican party in 2018, and then again in 2020.

Old mush mouth ran the most incompetent and cowardly presidential campaign in modern history second of course to Bob Dole (what is it with war heroes?) He was so afraid of Obama he instructed his people not to utter Barry's middle name or face dismissal. Now he disrupts the incoming administration with petty criticism. He might as well be a democrat but he doesn't have the balls.
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