McCain said trump's withdrawal comments emboldened Assad.

And trump is preparing to blow it up even bigger. He has who knows what might happen.
..of course he is ... by telling the military to get ready to pull out.

Pulled that one out of yer arse, didja? :p
Topic is McCain's bellowing about Trump and the Syria question. NOT impeachments, indictments or other distractions. . Get back ON IT...

You're assuming the status quo. There is a real possibility that Trump can do some thing stupid (or stupider than he already has) to so outrage Ryan, that Ryan will do the right thing (if possible) and put our country first, and not his party or ideology.

Postscript: On topic, Trump's comment on Syria is an example of an inexperienced person who won't listen to others and acts spontaneously.

Did I mention I watched the doc. Hitler- The Monster....and how eerily familiar it was?

I thought Mods were supposed to be impartial....."bellowing."

Trump is a demagogue, he tell the people what he wants them to believe, the easily led believe him, and continue to believe everything he says, no matter how many flips and flops he makes.

Trump is a charlatan, falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud.

Trump is a bully, and punishes those without the power to defend themselves, as do his fellow travelers, who attack everyone who dares to exercise their first amendment rights. That however is changing, as shown by the movement of Generation Z, the next great wave of voters.

Trump is a demagogue?! Damn, Democrat party is nothing but demagogues. As far as telling people what he want them to believe...sure sounds like 98% of the folks on this web-site.

What examples do you have to prove your allegation? That Democrats support equal rights and equal opportunity for all? Do you thin...err... believe that's an example of demagoguery?

How about, "lock her up", or "Who will build the wall?", or "I know more than the generals" and every tweet and comment easily refuted by facts, facts rebutted by, "fake news"?

How about just starting with the definition of demagogue: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
Topic is McCain's bellowing about Trump and the Syria question. NOT impeachments, indictments or other distractions. . Get back ON IT...

You call Bolton a nutcase, but you just claimed Herr Mewler is going to indict Trump.
i'm not certain he can indict President Trump even if he did commit a crime....several previous legal opinions say no, while in office....he would need to be impeached from office first and then indicted. But some argue the other way.... so if it did happen, it would surely be challenged and end up in the supreme court.
There’s also a third process to remove Trump from office: the political process.

By the time the Mueller investigation is concluded with indictments issued, or impeachment started, and the matter goes before the courts, or a trial in the Senate begins, it could be early 2020 with the campaigning season well underway.

The American people will likely determine Trump’s fate.

You're assuming the status quo. There is a real possibility that Trump can do some thing stupid (or stupider than he already has) to so outrage Ryan, that Ryan will do the right thing (if possible) and put our country first, and not his party or ideology.

Postscript: On topic, Trump's comment on Syria is an example of an inexperienced person who won't listen to others and acts spontaneously.

Did I mention I watched the doc. Hitler- The Monster....and how eerily familiar it was?

I thought Mods were supposed to be impartial....."bellowing."

We are.. But we're not blind. No idea about your Hitler ref.. I hit BOTH sides. I'm on my own side with a bunch of principled people who calls it as it is..

What's McCains' plan for "saving Syria"?? Is it along the lines of "planting Democracy by bombing them back to the Stone Age"?? I guarantee it's more of the CONSISTENTLY FAILED US MidEast policy.. He thinks there are "freedom fighters" there. There are NONE of those. Because they KNOW, you can't govern Syria with a benign democracy..
McCain needs to enjoy the rest of his life. We've had more than enough of him.. .

Hero's you dislike
Bone Spurs get you off

I spent weeks of volunteer time campaigning for 2 QUALIFIED candidates on the Libertarian ticket. This is not my war. You're wasting everyone's time attacking me as a Trump supporter. Looks pretty desperate...

'No Tweets' - knew you had to throw that one in, as it drives snowflakes crazy. Trump is not a career politician, he does not follow 'tradition' established by swamp-dwelling Liberals and Washington Establishment Republicans. He gives the people exactly what they have demanded from Politicians for years now - Straight-from-the-cuff answers, not BS BABBLE from politicians who have sought to keep citizens deaf, blind, and dumb. In short, Trump scares the hell out of them by giving people what they want.

And he uses the new ELECTRONIC 'Bully Pulpit' to get his message out, completely nullifying the Left and Left Media's dominance of the narrative through fake news. I think that last part is freakin' AWESOME!

You don't like Trump being President? As Obama said, 'Win some elections!'
-- And not by attempting to Impeach him - based on ZERO EVIDENCE OF CRIMES. WIN THE DAMN ELECTION! Your party ran the most corrupt politician - a FELON - for President. Good Lord! And you are seriously shocked you lost?!

In 2016, not only did the American people reject Hillary (Obama 2.0) Clinton ... AGAIN, they rejected the Liberal Extremist Party 'Fundamentally Change America' Agenda / Philosophy...after getting 8 years of seeing what that entailed...and went with a complete NON-career Washington Insider politician, one who has torched and burned the 'Fundamentally Change America' 'Legacy' of Barak Obama. The libs reveled in the hard-@$$ turn to the extreme Left when Obama came in, and now they are wailing in despair as Trump 'rights' the country.

The Pro-Felon Hillary / Pro-Obama Trump-Hating Liberal extremists have been continuing Vladimir Putin's effort to divide this nation. It has to stop.

No more organizing for Russia.
No more protesting for Putin.
No more taking Rubbles to spread racial division and violence.
No more 'Witch Hunt' based on ZERO evidence of a crime never committed, on ZERO evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation, on ZERO evidence of illegal non-existent 'Russian Collusion' ... by TRUMP!
STOP putting PARTY - especially criminals - above what is best for the country.

It's about time you butt-hurt, cry-baby LOSERS the same ones who RIGHTFULLY gave stubborn Conservatives sh!t for not accepting Obama winning his election - finally accepted the outcome of the 2016! election!
No.. Actually Trump is the FIRST PRESIDENT in too long a time to STOP repeating the SAME ASSININE mistakes about "turning the Arab world into Unicorn Democracies" .. We've had some years bombing 4 Arab countries a year since Clinton. Didn't seem to be learning how naive and STUPID we are about interventions. Almost --- got Obama hosed in Syria. Fortunately --- Putin backed him down and saved his ass on that one.

I'm all for ending our INSANE Middle East policy.. Those countries HAVE TO BE RUN by despots and thugs. That's the history of it and the people tend to prefer to stay alive under those conditions rather than end up looking like the garbage dump that Raqqa is today..T

Too bad Assad is a tyrant. that's life in the Arab world.

No Spring this Spring. Sorry war hawks..

Trump has no clue. His reactions are not thought out, and he does not have the knowledge, experience or temperament to be President of the United States.

We have to learn from history, on that we agree. Bush, "bring it on" and Trump, "Fire and Fury" was reactive nonsense something Clinton and Obama avoided.

The problems in the middle east are formidable, and the result of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the industrial worlds lust for oil.

These FACTS should be the center of any discussion on US foreign policy.

By George.. That's 100% bullshit. How can you BE so wrong? When Clinton launched that Monica Lewinsky night bombardment of Iraq -- he made the SAME ACCUSATIONS ABOUT SADDAM on TV that GW Bush later did. Go listen..

We never went to war for oil.. Where the fuck is it?

And the Brits screwed up the map post Ottoman Empire. Over tea and crumpets. Are THEY busting their budgets to plant Arab Spring Unicorn seeds there?

Trump HAS A CLUE.. From my Libertarian perspective perhaps the ONLY GOOD clue he's ever has as President.. He wants to STOP the stupid neo-Con policy of Bring Democracy and free markets to these places that NEED a shotgun wielding, dungeon owning madman in order to STOP inter-Arab and inter-Muslim wars over there.

The only thing that KEEPS the Sunni/Shia rifts controlled IS a despot. And the people just want to live. And they LIKE their Sharia law and oppression of women and govt patronage jobs enough that the moron leader can STEAL his share of the oil and the Foreign Aid money to build 12 Palaces with dungeons. .

what U want? You want us to run Assad, the Russians, AND IRAN out of there to install a Yale educated puppet???

What you call bullshit was history. Clinton didn't send tens of thousands of our troops into Iraq. Bush did, and not because Saddam planned 911 or had nuclear weapons.

Obama promised to end the the Iraq invasion and bring the troops home, something negotiated by Bush II. Obama did what he promised, but not all the way. When all the facts are known by a new president, his tune will change, if he listens to experts and learns from experience - trump can not do either (at least he has never shown that ability).

Clinton BOMBED IRAQ daily. So much, that at one time we resorted to CONCRETE bombs because the weapons people could not keep up.. He LOCKED them in sanctions for 8 yrs (and a couple under both Bushs) and KILLED over 200,000 Iraqis citizens due to starvation and lack of med supplies. The UN BUGGERED their Oil for Food program with graft and corruption. When Mad Albright was asked about the 100s of thousands of death Iraqi citizens from the 12 years of Embargo --- She called it "acceptable collateral damage.

At least Bush ENDED that madness.. He did SOMETHING to stop the civilian suffering.

If it was up to me and the TRUE LIBERALS -- we would have DROPPED the deadly Iraq embargo and walked away. NO DEM or REPUB had the BALLS to suggest that. But WE DID. And we were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. And Trump is right NOW to walk away from Syria and just limit the HUMANITARIAN DAMAGE.

Clinton bombed them DAILY and told us it was BECAUSE of nuclear, bio, chem development. Watch the Lewinsky night bombing speech. Shameful to bomb countries to cause a diversion in the news cycle.

It seems you too have been recruited to work for the Ministry of Truth, how much history have you rewritten and why do you ignore the current POTUS who wags the dog over and over, lies repeatedly, flips and flops, and promulgates EO's which harm families in states which did not vote for him?

OK.. Correct ANYTHING I said.. You can't.. And the MOVIE "Wag the Dog" came out right at the Lewinsky Scandal and Clintons' hissy fit major attacks on Iraq.

Drop the Embargo -- walk away. That's what our Euro Allies wanted.

I was wrong about one thing -- I said NO Repub or Dem had the balls to do that. In fact, a few did. VERY FEW. Dennis Kuciniich was consistently trying as was Ron Paul and some others. Maybe SIX of them.

The Dems WHINING about "ending the embargo by deposing Hussein" had NO PLAN other than to starve and kill ANOTHER 200,000 Iraqis under another 10 years of Embargo and bombing their infrastructure. And they no longer had the support of Allies or the UN to do so...

Bin Laden put the imprisonment and decade long abuse of the Iraqi people at the TOP of list of recruiting points for Al Queada.
Do you know what its like to IGNORE the humanitarian toll of a 12 year embargo? It puts US in the same class as L'il KimChee in NK.. And to have a Sec State that KNOWS the numbers and carnage and calls that "ACCEPTABLE COLLATERAL DAMAGE".. It's inconceivable thats where we ended up. It was ignored, because none of US were dying and living in squalor.

Bless GW for DOING SOMETHING. Even IF he didn't have balls to do the RIGHT thing and walk away..
Trump has no clue. His reactions are not thought out, and he does not have the knowledge, experience or temperament to be President of the United States.

We have to learn from history, on that we agree. Bush, "bring it on" and Trump, "Fire and Fury" was reactive nonsense something Clinton and Obama avoided.

The problems in the middle east are formidable, and the result of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the industrial worlds lust for oil.

These FACTS should be the center of any discussion on US foreign policy.

By George.. That's 100% bullshit. How can you BE so wrong? When Clinton launched that Monica Lewinsky night bombardment of Iraq -- he made the SAME ACCUSATIONS ABOUT SADDAM on TV that GW Bush later did. Go listen..

We never went to war for oil.. Where the fuck is it?

And the Brits screwed up the map post Ottoman Empire. Over tea and crumpets. Are THEY busting their budgets to plant Arab Spring Unicorn seeds there?

Trump HAS A CLUE.. From my Libertarian perspective perhaps the ONLY GOOD clue he's ever has as President.. He wants to STOP the stupid neo-Con policy of Bring Democracy and free markets to these places that NEED a shotgun wielding, dungeon owning madman in order to STOP inter-Arab and inter-Muslim wars over there.

The only thing that KEEPS the Sunni/Shia rifts controlled IS a despot. And the people just want to live. And they LIKE their Sharia law and oppression of women and govt patronage jobs enough that the moron leader can STEAL his share of the oil and the Foreign Aid money to build 12 Palaces with dungeons. .

what U want? You want us to run Assad, the Russians, AND IRAN out of there to install a Yale educated puppet???

What you call bullshit was history. Clinton didn't send tens of thousands of our troops into Iraq. Bush did, and not because Saddam planned 911 or had nuclear weapons.

Obama promised to end the the Iraq invasion and bring the troops home, something negotiated by Bush II. Obama did what he promised, but not all the way. When all the facts are known by a new president, his tune will change, if he listens to experts and learns from experience - trump can not do either (at least he has never shown that ability).

Clinton BOMBED IRAQ daily. So much, that at one time we resorted to CONCRETE bombs because the weapons people could not keep up.. He LOCKED them in sanctions for 8 yrs (and a couple under both Bushs) and KILLED over 200,000 Iraqis citizens due to starvation and lack of med supplies. The UN BUGGERED their Oil for Food program with graft and corruption. When Mad Albright was asked about the 100s of thousands of death Iraqi citizens from the 12 years of Embargo --- She called it "acceptable collateral damage.

At least Bush ENDED that madness.. He did SOMETHING to stop the civilian suffering.

If it was up to me and the TRUE LIBERALS -- we would have DROPPED the deadly Iraq embargo and walked away. NO DEM or REPUB had the BALLS to suggest that. But WE DID. And we were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. And Trump is right NOW to walk away from Syria and just limit the HUMANITARIAN DAMAGE.

Clinton bombed them DAILY and told us it was BECAUSE of nuclear, bio, chem development. Watch the Lewinsky night bombing speech. Shameful to bomb countries to cause a diversion in the news cycle.

It seems you too have been recruited to work for the Ministry of Truth, how much history have you rewritten and why do you ignore the current POTUS who wags the dog over and over, lies repeatedly, flips and flops, and promulgates EO's which harm families in states which did not vote for him?

OK.. Correct ANYTHING I said.. You can't.. And the MOVIE "Wag the Dog" came out right at the Lewinsky Scandal and Clintons' hissy fit major attacks on Iraq.

Drop the Embargo -- walk away. That's what our Euro Allies wanted.

I was wrong about one thing -- I said NO Repub or Dem had the balls to do that. In fact, a few did. VERY FEW. Dennis Kuciniich was consistently trying as was Ron Paul and some others. Maybe SIX of them.

The Dems WHINING about "ending the embargo by deposing Hussein" had NO PLAN other than to starve and kill ANOTHER 200,000 Iraqis under another 10 years of Embargo and bombing their infrastructure. And they no longer had the support of Allies or the UN to do so...

Bin Laden put the imprisonment and decade long abuse of the Iraqi people at the TOP of list of recruiting points for Al Queada.

I suggest you read the PNAC (linked below), their Statement of Principles and note who signed that document.

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia

Keep in mind, that one month into Bill Clinton's presidency the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred, something it seem Bush II&Co. forgot to take seriously their first year in office.

Clinton didn't declare a war on a noun, i.e. terror. His response was tempered and the planners of that attack were to be tired; the survivor remains in ADX Florence today and until he too dies, his partner died awaiting trail.
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And trump is preparing to blow it up even bigger. He has who knows what might happen.
..of course he is ... by telling the military to get ready to pull out.

Pulled that one out of yer arse, didja? :p

trump just shouts out whatever comes to his orwnge mind. This may not be the forst more the last time the world suffers because trump spouted off about something he should have kept to himself. You


Most of us really....really....REALLY...want to see him sit down with Mueller also. Since his grasp of facts and truth are as credible as my understanding of bio-metric anomalies. Yes, Donald....PLEASE SIT DOWN WITH MUELLER!
By George.. That's 100% bullshit. How can you BE so wrong? When Clinton launched that Monica Lewinsky night bombardment of Iraq -- he made the SAME ACCUSATIONS ABOUT SADDAM on TV that GW Bush later did. Go listen..

We never went to war for oil.. Where the fuck is it?

And the Brits screwed up the map post Ottoman Empire. Over tea and crumpets. Are THEY busting their budgets to plant Arab Spring Unicorn seeds there?

Trump HAS A CLUE.. From my Libertarian perspective perhaps the ONLY GOOD clue he's ever has as President.. He wants to STOP the stupid neo-Con policy of Bring Democracy and free markets to these places that NEED a shotgun wielding, dungeon owning madman in order to STOP inter-Arab and inter-Muslim wars over there.

The only thing that KEEPS the Sunni/Shia rifts controlled IS a despot. And the people just want to live. And they LIKE their Sharia law and oppression of women and govt patronage jobs enough that the moron leader can STEAL his share of the oil and the Foreign Aid money to build 12 Palaces with dungeons. .

what U want? You want us to run Assad, the Russians, AND IRAN out of there to install a Yale educated puppet???

What you call bullshit was history. Clinton didn't send tens of thousands of our troops into Iraq. Bush did, and not because Saddam planned 911 or had nuclear weapons.

Obama promised to end the the Iraq invasion and bring the troops home, something negotiated by Bush II. Obama did what he promised, but not all the way. When all the facts are known by a new president, his tune will change, if he listens to experts and learns from experience - trump can not do either (at least he has never shown that ability).

Clinton BOMBED IRAQ daily. So much, that at one time we resorted to CONCRETE bombs because the weapons people could not keep up.. He LOCKED them in sanctions for 8 yrs (and a couple under both Bushs) and KILLED over 200,000 Iraqis citizens due to starvation and lack of med supplies. The UN BUGGERED their Oil for Food program with graft and corruption. When Mad Albright was asked about the 100s of thousands of death Iraqi citizens from the 12 years of Embargo --- She called it "acceptable collateral damage.

At least Bush ENDED that madness.. He did SOMETHING to stop the civilian suffering.

If it was up to me and the TRUE LIBERALS -- we would have DROPPED the deadly Iraq embargo and walked away. NO DEM or REPUB had the BALLS to suggest that. But WE DID. And we were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. And Trump is right NOW to walk away from Syria and just limit the HUMANITARIAN DAMAGE.

Clinton bombed them DAILY and told us it was BECAUSE of nuclear, bio, chem development. Watch the Lewinsky night bombing speech. Shameful to bomb countries to cause a diversion in the news cycle.

It seems you too have been recruited to work for the Ministry of Truth, how much history have you rewritten and why do you ignore the current POTUS who wags the dog over and over, lies repeatedly, flips and flops, and promulgates EO's which harm families in states which did not vote for him?

OK.. Correct ANYTHING I said.. You can't.. And the MOVIE "Wag the Dog" came out right at the Lewinsky Scandal and Clintons' hissy fit major attacks on Iraq.

Drop the Embargo -- walk away. That's what our Euro Allies wanted.

I was wrong about one thing -- I said NO Repub or Dem had the balls to do that. In fact, a few did. VERY FEW. Dennis Kuciniich was consistently trying as was Ron Paul and some others. Maybe SIX of them.

The Dems WHINING about "ending the embargo by deposing Hussein" had NO PLAN other than to starve and kill ANOTHER 200,000 Iraqis under another 10 years of Embargo and bombing their infrastructure. And they no longer had the support of Allies or the UN to do so...

Bin Laden put the imprisonment and decade long abuse of the Iraqi people at the TOP of list of recruiting points for Al Queada.

I suggest you read the PNAC (linked below), their Statement of Principles and note who signed that document.

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia

Keep in mind, that one month into Bill Clinton's presidency the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred, something it seem Bush II&Co. forgot to take seriously their first year in office.

Clinton didn't declare a war on a noun, i.e. terror. His response was tempered and the planners of that attack were to be tired; the survivor remains in ADX Florence today and until he too dies, his partner died awaiting trail.

Side Issues. PNAC died a horrible death because of their delusions.. Probably a just retribution for contributing the carnage in Iraq and during embargo.

Clinton treated WTC one attack as a "crime issue". Bombed an aspirin factory in the Sudan which the US Govt lost a court case for and had to reimburse the ownership.. He bombed 4 Arab countries in ONE WEEK. He was a DREAM for the PNAC-ers.

Focus on the Iraq alternatives. There was the RIGHT choice to walk away -- which NO US leader took, and a morally repugnant choice which was to continue killing Iraqi citizens and cratering their country with bombs forever, or the Bush choice to "FREE" the Iraqis...
And trump is preparing to blow it up even bigger. He has who knows what might happen.
..of course he is ... by telling the military to get ready to pull out.

Pulled that one out of yer arse, didja? :p

trump just shouts out whatever comes to his orwnge mind. This may not be the forst more the last time the world suffers because trump spouted off about something he should have kept to himself. You


Most of us really....really....REALLY...want to see him sit down with Mueller also. Since his grasp of facts and truth are as credible as my understanding of bio-metric anomalies. Yes, Donald....PLEASE SIT DOWN WITH MUELLER!


And all you felon-supporting snowflakes do is bit@h, wh!ne, and cry about every little thing Trump does, throwing a fit like some child.

There is no reason to sit down with Mueller.

There is no evidence of illegal Russian collusion regarding TRUMP- there never has been.

There has never been any evidence of any crime or treason involving the PRESIDENT that has warranted any investigation at all.

He has NOTHING. He has refused to turn over anything he has to even justify continuing his witch hunt to the House Intel Committee...

MEANWHILE the FBI and DOJ continue to slow role and bury under an avalanche of paperwork the on-going investigation by Congress into Hillary, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc....the release of over 1 million documents that cover Hillary's crimes, the treasonous collusion between the FBI and the DOJ and Obama administration, the FBI's documented crimes, etc.....

But for those babies who refuse to accept the outcome of an election, it's, "Trump, Trump, hoo hoo!'
McStain is a traitor of the first order!

He is the last one who should talk about this subject. :mad-61:

Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

McCain is one of the few last Republicans in Congress with a thread of ethics and class. All the others have become tumpatized with no ethics, no morals, and little class.

The Blue Wave will leave this regime open for full time investigations and subpoenas. The House was a joke when it closed their Russian investigation without even calling some of the most essential witnesses. Voters are not stupid. They know when a Political Party is sand bagging to protect its leader. The GOP will suffer.
McStain is a traitor of the first order!

He is the last one who should talk about this subject. :mad-61:

Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

McCain is one of the few last Republicans in Congress with a thread of ethics and class. All the others have become tumpatized with no ethics, no morals, and little class.

The Blue Wave will leave this regime open for full time investigations and subpoenas. The House was a joke when it closed their Russian investigation without even calling some of the most essential witnesses. Voters are not stupid. They know when a Political Party is sand bagging to protect its leader. The GOP will suffer.

McCain is an American disgrace. Wait, so are you.
McStain is a traitor of the first order!

He is the last one who should talk about this subject. :mad-61:

Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

McCain is one of the few last Republicans in Congress with a thread of ethics and class. All the others have become tumpatized with no ethics, no morals, and little class.

The Blue Wave will leave this regime open for full time investigations and subpoenas. The House was a joke when it closed their Russian investigation without even calling some of the most essential witnesses. Voters are not stupid. They know when a Political Party is sand bagging to protect its leader. The GOP will suffer.

McCain is an American disgrace. Wait, so are you.

The trumpites have the world upside down. They think heroes are a disgrace and bone spur draft dodgers are their heroes.
McStain is a traitor of the first order!

He is the last one who should talk about this subject. :mad-61:

Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

Calling someone an idiot and a hypocrite, in the same post that you prove you are a racist, is remarkable. What it tells me is you are one of the hysterical members of the echo chamber.

  • McCain went to the Naval Academy and served our nation in combat
  • Trump got a deferment, attended business school and later went bankrupt several times.
  • McCain married once, Trump is on his third marriage.
  • McCain's biggest mistake was Palin
  • Trump's biggest mistake is running for president
  • McCain is a conservative; Trump is a narcissist.
  • McCain is physically ill, Trump is mentally ill.
McStain is a traitor of the first order!

He is the last one who should talk about this subject. :mad-61:

Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

McCain is one of the few last Republicans in Congress with a thread of ethics and class. All the others have become tumpatized with no ethics, no morals, and little class.

The Blue Wave will leave this regime open for full time investigations and subpoenas. The House was a joke when it closed their Russian investigation without even calling some of the most essential witnesses. Voters are not stupid. They know when a Political Party is sand bagging to protect its leader. The GOP will suffer.

McCain is an American disgrace. Wait, so are you.

The trumpites have the world upside down. They think heroes are a disgrace and bone spur draft dodgers are their heroes.

Well since I'm not a Trump supporter your comment has no bearing. He is not a hero. His performance on the Forestal makes him a complete fool. Were his father not an Admiral he would have been drummed out of the service.
Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

McCain is one of the few last Republicans in Congress with a thread of ethics and class. All the others have become tumpatized with no ethics, no morals, and little class.

The Blue Wave will leave this regime open for full time investigations and subpoenas. The House was a joke when it closed their Russian investigation without even calling some of the most essential witnesses. Voters are not stupid. They know when a Political Party is sand bagging to protect its leader. The GOP will suffer.

McCain is an American disgrace. Wait, so are you.

The trumpites have the world upside down. They think heroes are a disgrace and bone spur draft dodgers are their heroes.

Well since I'm not a Trump supporter your comment has no bearing. He is not a hero. His performance on the Forestal makes him a complete fool. Were his father not an Admiral he would have been drummed out of the service.
Maybe you should try the ropes course.

Of course McCain's right. He was right about Obama too. But the question is do we care? We don't want refugees going to Europe, and we don't want civilians gasses. But we don't want our ambassadors or troops killed.

The bad part is that like Obama, Trump seems conflicted on what to do.

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