McCain said trump's withdrawal comments emboldened Assad.

McStain is a traitor of the first order!

He is the last one who should talk about this subject. :mad-61:

Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

Calling someone an idiot and a hypocrite, in the same post that you prove you are a racist, is remarkable. What it tells me is you are one of the hysterical members of the echo chamber.

  • McCain went to the Naval Academy and served our nation in combat
  • Trump got a deferment, attended business school and later went bankrupt several times.
  • McCain married once, Trump is on his third marriage.
  • McCain's biggest mistake was Palin
  • Trump's biggest mistake is running for president
  • McCain is a conservative; Trump is a narcissist.
  • McCain is physically ill, Trump is mentally ill.

"Calling someone an idiot and a hypocrite, in the same post that you prove you are a racist,"

You don't even know how stupid this makes you look.

Neither Trump nor McCain are Conservative.
I am not a Trump supporter.
McCain is a traitor wo was protected by his father who was an Admiral when ole Johnny fucked up on the Forrestal.

You are an idiot because you think that just because you are a partisan hack so is everyone else. Trump, like Obama, both Bushes and the Clinton's is simply playing a role. We will be involved in WWIII soon.
No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

McCain is one of the few last Republicans in Congress with a thread of ethics and class. All the others have become tumpatized with no ethics, no morals, and little class.

The Blue Wave will leave this regime open for full time investigations and subpoenas. The House was a joke when it closed their Russian investigation without even calling some of the most essential witnesses. Voters are not stupid. They know when a Political Party is sand bagging to protect its leader. The GOP will suffer.

McCain is an American disgrace. Wait, so are you.

The trumpites have the world upside down. They think heroes are a disgrace and bone spur draft dodgers are their heroes.

Well since I'm not a Trump supporter your comment has no bearing. He is not a hero. His performance on the Forestal makes him a complete fool. Were his father not an Admiral he would have been drummed out of the service.
Maybe you should try the ropes course.

Of course McCain's right. He was right about Obama too. But the question is do we care? We don't want refugees going to Europe, and we don't want civilians gasses. But we don't want our ambassadors or troops killed.

The bad part is that like Obama, Trump seems conflicted on what to do.

McCain is a war monger, he is a Neo-Con just like Bolton. Trump isn't conflicted at all, he is playing his part perfectly. He is taking us to War just as he has been told to do.
Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

McCain is one of the few last Republicans in Congress with a thread of ethics and class. All the others have become tumpatized with no ethics, no morals, and little class.

The Blue Wave will leave this regime open for full time investigations and subpoenas. The House was a joke when it closed their Russian investigation without even calling some of the most essential witnesses. Voters are not stupid. They know when a Political Party is sand bagging to protect its leader. The GOP will suffer.

McCain is an American disgrace. Wait, so are you.

The trumpites have the world upside down. They think heroes are a disgrace and bone spur draft dodgers are their heroes.

Well since I'm not a Trump supporter your comment has no bearing. He is not a hero. His performance on the Forestal makes him a complete fool. Were his father not an Admiral he would have been drummed out of the service.

You do realize that drugs rot your brain? McCain could have gotten an early release in Vietnam prison cause he WAS the son of an Admiral. He turned it down. The man IS a Hero. It doesn't matter what the Bone Spur in Chief says. You really need to read history and see the difference between a real American Hero and someone who has made his career from lying, cheating his family after his father's death, and not may contractors and lawyers.

McCain is the very definition of Class. trump is the very definition of an Ass....
McCain is one of the few last Republicans in Congress with a thread of ethics and class. All the others have become tumpatized with no ethics, no morals, and little class.

The Blue Wave will leave this regime open for full time investigations and subpoenas. The House was a joke when it closed their Russian investigation without even calling some of the most essential witnesses. Voters are not stupid. They know when a Political Party is sand bagging to protect its leader. The GOP will suffer.

McCain is an American disgrace. Wait, so are you.

The trumpites have the world upside down. They think heroes are a disgrace and bone spur draft dodgers are their heroes.

Well since I'm not a Trump supporter your comment has no bearing. He is not a hero. His performance on the Forestal makes him a complete fool. Were his father not an Admiral he would have been drummed out of the service.
Maybe you should try the ropes course.

Of course McCain's right. He was right about Obama too. But the question is do we care? We don't want refugees going to Europe, and we don't want civilians gasses. But we don't want our ambassadors or troops killed.

The bad part is that like Obama, Trump seems conflicted on what to do.

McCain is a war monger, he is a Neo-Con just like Bolton. Trump isn't conflicted at all, he is playing his part perfectly. He is taking us to War just as he has been told to do.

Now go back and read what you just wrote. Bolton is now trump's man. You say trump is doing what he needs to do, take us to war. If he does, it will be on recommendations from Bolton...who is now his NSA. THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE!
Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

McCain is one of the few last Republicans in Congress with a thread of ethics and class. All the others have become tumpatized with no ethics, no morals, and little class.

The Blue Wave will leave this regime open for full time investigations and subpoenas. The House was a joke when it closed their Russian investigation without even calling some of the most essential witnesses. Voters are not stupid. They know when a Political Party is sand bagging to protect its leader. The GOP will suffer.

McCain is an American disgrace. Wait, so are you.

The trumpites have the world upside down. They think heroes are a disgrace and bone spur draft dodgers are their heroes.

Well since I'm not a Trump supporter your comment has no bearing. He is not a hero. His performance on the Forestal makes him a complete fool. Were his father not an Admiral he would have been drummed out of the service.

I suggest you look up the term "syntax", and then rewrite your post. Or take a basic course in writing.

To those in the not know, they would go away believing Trump's father was an Admiral, and Trump did some damage to a forest.
McStain is a traitor of the first order!

He is the last one who should talk about this subject. :mad-61:

Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

No, actually it is you who is the idiot. What's HILARIOUS is how hypocritical you are. If McCain bashed your magic negro you'd bite his head off.

Calling someone an idiot and a hypocrite, in the same post that you prove you are a racist, is remarkable. What it tells me is you are one of the hysterical members of the echo chamber.

  • McCain went to the Naval Academy and served our nation in combat
  • Trump got a deferment, attended business school and later went bankrupt several times.
  • McCain married once, Trump is on his third marriage.
  • McCain's biggest mistake was Palin
  • Trump's biggest mistake is running for president
  • McCain is a conservative; Trump is a narcissist.
  • McCain is physically ill, Trump is mentally ill.

"Calling someone an idiot and a hypocrite, in the same post that you prove you are a racist,"

You don't even know how stupid this makes you look.

Neither Trump nor McCain are Conservative.
I am not a Trump supporter.
McCain is a traitor wo was protected by his father who was an Admiral when ole Johnny fucked up on the Forrestal.

You are an idiot because you think that just because you are a partisan hack so is everyone else. Trump, like Obama, both Bushes and the Clinton's is simply playing a role. We will be involved in WWIII soon.

Racism is a product of ignorance, and idiots don't question how they became racist. Small children do not use the words of hate (magic negro) to describe the President, unless they learned hate at home, nor do educated people. Hypocrites deny they are racists, even when their words make it apparent they are.

I am a partisan, based on my education and experience. Both of which refute you claim that I'm and idiot.

I didn't claim you supported Trump, in fact your hate for McCain suggests you aren't a Republican, given that you cherry picked parts of his life to demean him. It does suggest strongly that you lack empathy, and that leads me to believe you are a Callous Conservative.

BTW, I haven't called you an idiot, but your sentence structure precludes I considering you well educated, or well read.
...What makes his opinion so valid?...
Because Senator John McCain is a long-serving Naval Officer and experienced US Senator whose background exceeds Drumpf's by an order of magnitude.

...Because he agrees with you that trump is a dick?...
I never said any such thing.

I said he is incompetent and dangerous.

...Screw you...
What does this have to do with the accuracy of McCain's observation on Herr Drumpf telegraphing American intentions? Nothing.

...had Hillary won McRumor would be the biggest asshole on earth...

I have routinely defended McCain hereabouts, with one or two exceptions when he went weak on Illegal Immigration.

...and you would be agreeing with me that he needs to hurry up and die.
I would never agree to such a thing.

When Senator John McCain does leave this life, he will be mourned and honored by millions.

You, on the other hand, wil depart virtually unnoticed, by comparison.
Trump HAS A CLUE.. From my Libertarian perspective perhaps the ONLY GOOD clue he's ever has as President.. He wants to STOP the stupid neo-Con policy of Bring Democracy and free markets to these places that NEED a shotgun wielding, dungeon owning madman in order to STOP inter-Arab and inter-Muslim wars over there.
Your libertarian perspective?

* The Trump Administration Is a Libertarian’s Worst Nightmare

* Trade wars and Trump’s tariffs harm everybody

* Trump is the opposite of a Libertarian

The hiring of Bolton proves you're a fraud.

That's all you got, a trade war that hasn't happened yet? You are aware that Trump hasn't actually imposed any tariffs yet, aren't you?
Just that he’s planning tariffs is enough.
But more to the point, Trump’s hiring of Bolton makes Trump a neocon.
McStain is a traitor of the first order!

He is the last one who should talk about this subject. :mad-61:

Right...a decorated American hero criticized a bone spur are an IDIOT!

He is not a hero!

He is a traitor!

And a serial back stabber, he stabbed Bush in the back for years after Bush kicked his ass in the GOP primary and triggered him.
This is ridiculous to believe that Assad used chemical weapons. The deal had already been brokered by Russia for Jaysh al Islam (subsidiary terror group of Jabhat al Nusra AQ) to leave Douma.

Assad's forces had already won the city back from the terrorists to free their citizens. Assad and his Generals are not whack jobs. Why on earth would they risk universal condemnation considering they had WON.

This is just another freaking false flag. If the US bombs Syria killing more Syrian civilians ( which is seriously demented ) to punish Assad, it's just a pretext. There's no way in hell anyone in the DoD could believe this shit.

Oh and by the way this terror group in particular is sponsored by Saudi Arabia and they have been shelling Damascus for years while holding Douma and its citizens hostage.

"A Russian-sponsored deal requires that the Jaish al-Islam rebel group surrender all prisoners before leaving."

Syrian rebels leave Douma amid outrage over chemical attacks
This is ridiculous to believe that Assad used chemical weapons. The deal had already been brokered by Russia for Jaysh al Islam (subsidiary terror group of Jabhat al Nusra AQ) to leave Douma.

Assad's forces had already won the city back from the terrorists to free their citizens. Assad and his Generals are not whack jobs. Why on earth would they risk universal condemnation considering they had WON.

This is just another freaking false flag. If the US bombs Syria killing more Syrian civilians ( which is seriously demented ) to punish Assad, it's just a pretext. There's no way in hell anyone in the DoD could believe this shit.

Oh and by the way this terror group in particular is sponsored by Saudi Arabia and they have been shelling Damascus for years while holding Douma and its citizens hostage.

"A Russian-sponsored deal requires that the Jaish al-Islam rebel group surrender all prisoners before leaving."

Syrian rebels leave Douma amid outrage over chemical attacks
None of that makes the least bit of sense. Both Syria and Russia deny there was any chem attack at all. They are clearly both lying.
This is ridiculous to believe that Assad used chemical weapons. The deal had already been brokered by Russia for Jaysh al Islam (subsidiary terror group of Jabhat al Nusra AQ) to leave Douma.

Assad's forces had already won the city back from the terrorists to free their citizens. Assad and his Generals are not whack jobs. Why on earth would they risk universal condemnation considering they had WON.

This is just another freaking false flag. If the US bombs Syria killing more Syrian civilians ( which is seriously demented ) to punish Assad, it's just a pretext. There's no way in hell anyone in the DoD could believe this shit.

Oh and by the way this terror group in particular is sponsored by Saudi Arabia and they have been shelling Damascus for years while holding Douma and its citizens hostage.

"A Russian-sponsored deal requires that the Jaish al-Islam rebel group surrender all prisoners before leaving."

Syrian rebels leave Douma amid outrage over chemical attacks

Again , Saudi Arabia , Israhell and the CIA want to destroy Syria using ANY PRETEXT.

This is ridiculous to believe that Assad used chemical weapons. The deal had already been brokered by Russia for Jaysh al Islam (subsidiary terror group of Jabhat al Nusra AQ) to leave Douma.

Assad's forces had already won the city back from the terrorists to free their citizens. Assad and his Generals are not whack jobs. Why on earth would they risk universal condemnation considering they had WON.

This is just another freaking false flag. If the US bombs Syria killing more Syrian civilians ( which is seriously demented ) to punish Assad, it's just a pretext. There's no way in hell anyone in the DoD could believe this shit.

Oh and by the way this terror group in particular is sponsored by Saudi Arabia and they have been shelling Damascus for years while holding Douma and its citizens hostage.

"A Russian-sponsored deal requires that the Jaish al-Islam rebel group surrender all prisoners before leaving."

Syrian rebels leave Douma amid outrage over chemical attacks
None of that makes the least bit of sense. Both Syria and Russia deny there was any chem attack at all. They are clearly both lying.

They are demanding an investigation immediately. Boots on the ground investigation by OPCW. Not third party like that bogus investigation last year. They have no reason to fear an investigation because this is a false flag op by the White Helmets.
This is ridiculous to believe that Assad used chemical weapons. The deal had already been brokered by Russia for Jaysh al Islam (subsidiary terror group of Jabhat al Nusra AQ) to leave Douma.

Assad's forces had already won the city back from the terrorists to free their citizens. Assad and his Generals are not whack jobs. Why on earth would they risk universal condemnation considering they had WON.

This is just another freaking false flag. If the US bombs Syria killing more Syrian civilians ( which is seriously demented ) to punish Assad, it's just a pretext. There's no way in hell anyone in the DoD could believe this shit.

Oh and by the way this terror group in particular is sponsored by Saudi Arabia and they have been shelling Damascus for years while holding Douma and its citizens hostage.

"A Russian-sponsored deal requires that the Jaish al-Islam rebel group surrender all prisoners before leaving."

Syrian rebels leave Douma amid outrage over chemical attacks

Again , Saudi Arabia , Israhell and the CIA want to destroy Syria using ANY PRETEXT.


There is no way on the planet that the DoD could possibly buy into this bullshit. So if they attack Syria it will be totally obvious that this is just a pretext to launch a full scale war on Assad.

Syrian Army had won the city. They won back Douma. AND you have the terrorists errrrr rebel forces having agreed to leave Douma and give over all the prisoners they took while occupying the city.

Who the hell needed to use chemical weapons?
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