McCain Strikes Again

Muhammed, post: 18198600
Where did you come up with this 30 million crap?
Round figures from all the previous GOP crap bills. This one is supposed to be worse.

They were going to bite on a bill without knowing the CBO score. How deplorable is that?
In other words, you were simply lying.

Both you and I know that nobody will lose their healthcare.

Prove it!!! Where in the bill does it guarantee that no one will lose their healthcare? Write now or forever STFU.
Muhammed, post: 18198600
Where did you come up with this 30 million crap?
Round figures from all the previous GOP crap bills. This one is supposed to be worse.

They were going to bite on a bill without knowing the CBO score. How deplorable is that?
In other words, you were simply lying.

Both you and I know that nobody will lose their healthcare.

Prove it!!! Where in the bill does it guarantee that no one will lose their healthcare? Write now or forever STFU.
Go fuck yourself in the ass with a hot curling iron, bitch, and call 911.

You are a lying POS and you know it.

You admitted to it, now own it, jackass.
McCain does not want to go to his grave knowing that 30 million people lost healthcare because of his vote

He offered Republicans a solution. Stop trying to force weak legislation without any information or debate. Work on a bipartisan solution

Republicans ignored him and crashed and burned again

What Democrat will work on a bipartisan solution? None of them are for freedom, but more regulation instead.

The American people don't want to pay a hefty fine not purchasing expensive healthcare plans.

The Democrats are only out there to help the people who don't want to work, or help those who make less than $25,000 a year by giving them enough in benefits where they're basically making the same amount of money as someone who's making $40,000 a year.

The mandate was conceived by the conservative Heritage Foundation. If Trump was a leader he would convene a meeting of doctors, nurses, insurance companies and community activists and come up with a solution. In this whole process, neither Democrat or Republican has reached out to these groups. If Republicans wanted to be more bi-partisan, they would reach out to moderate Democrats like Manchin and Heitkamp to name a couple. They would reach out to former Governors like Angus King.

So Trump's only a leader if he does things the way you say?

Pray tell what is wrong with that? The problem we have is a Congress that knows nothing about healthcare yet refuses to seek out people with expertise in the area. Obama should have done that and Trump should do it. Why do we leave out the people who deal with the healthcare system everyday?
Slashsnake, post: 18197983
The Democrat posing as a Republican won't back the Graham-Cassidy healthcare proposal.

Trump said McCain was not a hero because he was captured. Why would a war hero do a favor for that asshole.

McCain is a hero again on healthcare. Good for him. He just saved the Republicans from destroying themselves once again.

McCain is a piece of shit.

Guess when you can't even beat an unqualified black guy, you have to do something to think you look good.

You are the piece of shit.

Interesting that Obama's approval ratings went up as Trump and Clinton's went down. Obama would have beaten Clinton or Trump.
The Democrat posing as a Republican won't back the Graham-Cassidy healthcare proposal.

I wish someone would put their hands around his neck until he agrees to resign immediately.

John McCain won't back Graham-Cassidy, likely ending health care push - CNNPolitics

Well.....for as long as graham has had his head up mccain's ass, at least now he knows what it is like to be screwed over by mccain.....

Graham deserves to be screwed. Graham came up with a asshole plan.
Muhammed, post: 18198600
Where did you come up with this 30 million crap?
Round figures from all the previous GOP crap bills. This one is supposed to be worse.

They were going to bite on a bill without knowing the CBO score. How deplorable is that?
In other words, you were simply lying.

Both you and I know that nobody will lose their healthcare.

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

Sorry schmuck. Just out.

21 million lose it added to 9 million that still don't have it that's 30 million. In tough numbers of course.

Trump promised universal coverage for all Americans.

Supporting Graham Cassidy makes Trump a liar and you a dim witted Trump sucking fool.

Wry Catcher, post: 18200983
Prove it!!! Where in the bill does it guarantee that no one will lose their healthcare? Write now or forever STFU.

Muhammed is the liar now. Can he recover? Can he find a study that says zero Americans will lose coverage under Graham Cassidy if it passes.
Conservative65, post: 18199014
Look at it as 30 million opportunities to prove with your own money that you care for them instead of claiming you do.

Trump promised to insure everybody cheaper and better than the ACA. He did so as President of the United States.

You voted for Trump, right? You own his promise of universal healthcare coverage for all.

Don't cowardly throw Trump's promises back at me. Trump said he could do it cheaper and better. I'll take it. Where is it?

You elected Trump. Don't blame me when he fails to deliver.
Muhammed, post: 18198600
Where did you come up with this 30 million crap?
Round figures from all the previous GOP crap bills. This one is supposed to be worse.

They were going to bite on a bill without knowing the CBO score. How deplorable is that?
In other words, you were simply lying.

Both you and I know that nobody will lose their healthcare.

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

Sorry schmuck. Just out.

21 million lose it added to 9 million that still don't have it that's 30 million. In tough numbers of course.

Trump promised universal coverage for all Americans.

Supporting Graham Cassidy makes Trump a liar and you a dim witted Trump sucking fool.

Wry Catcher, post: 18200983
Prove it!!! Where in the bill does it guarantee that no one will lose their healthcare? Write now or forever STFU.

Muhammed is the liar now. Can he recover? Can he find a study that says zero Americans will lose coverage under Graham Cassidy if it passes.
Quote the lie and prove it is a lie, jackass.
Conservative65, post: 18199014
Look at it as 30 million opportunities to prove with your own money that you care for them instead of claiming you do.

Trump promised to insure everybody cheaper and better than the ACA. He did so as President of the United States.

You voted for Trump, right? You own his promise of universal healthcare coverage for all.

Don't cowardly throw Trump's promises back at me. Trump said he could do it cheaper and better. I'll take it. Where is it?

You elected Trump. Don't blame me when he fails to deliver.
Despite what all the LWNJs on this board have been brainwashed to believe, Trump is not a fascist dictator. He cannot simply implement his agenda to make America greater via executive order, jackass.

These things take time. The first swamp draining mid-term election during Trump's first term hasn't even occurred yet.

What is wrong with cheaper and better health care? It's win - win.

Why do losertarians such as yourself hate mankind so much?
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Quote the lie and prove it is a lie, jackass.

I did. It's up to you to prove it isn't? Where is it liar?
Go fuck yourself with a wiffle ball bat wrapped in barbed wire.

You are just lying to yourself again, jackass.

I posted a current study as you request. You post moronic profanity as a result.

Confirms you are a liar and loser once again.

Of course that is easy to do with conservatives.
Quote the lie and prove it is a lie, jackass.

I did. It's up to you to prove it isn't? Where is it liar?
Go fuck yourself with a wiffle ball bat wrapped in barbed wire.

You are just lying to yourself again, jackass.

I posted a current study as you request. You post moronic profanity as a result.

Confirms you are a liar and loser once again.

Of course that is easy to do with conservatives.
You posted a study that does not in any way back up the position you were trying to defend, dumbass.

Are you really too fucking stupid to comprehend that fact?

Are you really so fucking ignorant that you do not know that everyone in the USA has had access to not merely health care, but professional health care, ever since the Reagan years?[/I]
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Muhammed, post: 18198600
Where did you come up with this 30 million crap?
Round figures from all the previous GOP crap bills. This one is supposed to be worse.

They were going to bite on a bill without knowing the CBO score. How deplorable is that?
In other words, you were simply lying.

Both you and I know that nobody will lose their healthcare.

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

Sorry schmuck. Just out.

21 million lose it added to 9 million that still don't have it that's 30 million. In tough numbers of course.

Trump promised universal coverage for all Americans.

Supporting Graham Cassidy makes Trump a liar and you a dim witted Trump sucking fool.

Wry Catcher, post: 18200983
Prove it!!! Where in the bill does it guarantee that no one will lose their healthcare? Write now or forever STFU.

Muhammed is the liar now. Can he recover? Can he find a study that says zero Americans will lose coverage under Graham Cassidy if it passes.

Quote the lie and prove it is a lie, jackass.

First of all you are a hack and nothing you post is credible, especially when you make a comment that no one will lose their healthcare if the R's repeal the ACA.

Everyone whose healthcare is subsidized by their employer will be at risk, and if that happens and they have an existing condition, they will lose their coverage, or not be able to afford it and eat or pay their rent/mortgage.

Are you so stupid you cannot comprehend that little tidbit, or are you a damn liar? That is the question that needs to be answered.
Muhammed, post: 18198600
Where did you come up with this 30 million crap?
Round figures from all the previous GOP crap bills. This one is supposed to be worse.

They were going to bite on a bill without knowing the CBO score. How deplorable is that?
In other words, you were simply lying.

Both you and I know that nobody will lose their healthcare.

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

Sorry schmuck. Just out.

21 million lose it added to 9 million that still don't have it that's 30 million. In tough numbers of course.

Trump promised universal coverage for all Americans.

Supporting Graham Cassidy makes Trump a liar and you a dim witted Trump sucking fool.

Wry Catcher, post: 18200983
Prove it!!! Where in the bill does it guarantee that no one will lose their healthcare? Write now or forever STFU.

Muhammed is the liar now. Can he recover? Can he find a study that says zero Americans will lose coverage under Graham Cassidy if it passes.

Quote the lie and prove it is a lie, jackass.

First of all you are a hack and nothing you post is credible, especially when you make a comment that no one will lose their healthcare if the R's repeal the ACA.

Everyone whose healthcare is subsidized by their employer will be at risk, and if that happens and they have an existing condition, they will lose their coverage, or not be able to afford it and eat or pay their rent/mortgage.

Are you so stupid you cannot comprehend that little tidbit, or are you a damn liar? That is the question that needs to be answered.

I have never lied to this forum before, why would I start now?

And my IQ = 158

Your question is an example of a logical fallacy known as a false dilemma, jackass.
Muhammed, post: 18198600Round figures from all the previous GOP crap bills. This one is supposed to be worse.

They were going to bite on a bill without knowing the CBO score. How deplorable is that?
In other words, you were simply lying.

Both you and I know that nobody will lose their healthcare.

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

A new analysis says 21 million more people would have no insurance under the new GOP healthcare bill

Sorry schmuck. Just out.

21 million lose it added to 9 million that still don't have it that's 30 million. In tough numbers of course.

Trump promised universal coverage for all Americans.

Supporting Graham Cassidy makes Trump a liar and you a dim witted Trump sucking fool.

Wry Catcher, post: 18200983
Prove it!!! Where in the bill does it guarantee that no one will lose their healthcare? Write now or forever STFU.

Muhammed is the liar now. Can he recover? Can he find a study that says zero Americans will lose coverage under Graham Cassidy if it passes.

Quote the lie and prove it is a lie, jackass.

First of all you are a hack and nothing you post is credible, especially when you make a comment that no one will lose their healthcare if the R's repeal the ACA.

Everyone whose healthcare is subsidized by their employer will be at risk, and if that happens and they have an existing condition, they will lose their coverage, or not be able to afford it and eat or pay their rent/mortgage.

Are you so stupid you cannot comprehend that little tidbit, or are you a damn liar? That is the question that needs to be answered.

I have never lied to this forum before, why would I start now?

And my IQ = 158

Your question is an example of a logical fallacy known as a false dilemma, jackass.


a. Is Jackass your first or last name?
b. If true, and you've never lied, you ARE stupid, if not
c. You're a damn liar, unless,
d. Are you an 11 year old girl?

This 11-year-old girl just beat Einstein on an IQ test

BTW Jackass, the usual term for the logical fallacy is False Dichotomy, and no matter what you call it, there is nothing in my post to suggest an either or situation. Though I must acknowledge, your claim of an IQ of 158 maybe a lie, or you confused your IQ with your weight (lol).
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