McCain will not vote for Graham-Cassidy

"you have" "not my president"
Lol you guys are just as stupid as the people that said that about obama.
These Washington lifers need to be voted out of Congress.

Thanks for nothing, McCain.

Passing a horrible bill that would skyrocket premiums on over 50 years of age, and people with pre-existing conditions is only partisan politics simply so they can campaign in 2018 that they voted to repeal Obamacare.

Susan Collins- Lisa Murkowski, & John McCain who stood up the first time are right again. They are the ones that put partisan politics aside, and sided with the American public

The reason you're not is because you don't know jack shit about this bill. Here is an advertisement from AARP you might want to watch.
AARP ad says House GOP health care bill would boost insurance rates for older Americans


We need a bi-partisan bill to fix Obamacare--otherwise Democrats will just take over again, and they will cram another bill down everyone's throats when they take over, and then when Republicans take over, they'll do the same. It will be musical chairs with our health care from here on out.
"you have" "not my president"
Lol you guys are just as stupid as the people that said that about obama.
To have a thrice married vile pussy grabbing guy representing America does not lead to love, not my cup of tea
Look at all these hacks wanting to put his wrinkly old pecker in their mouth because he is biased :lol:
We all hate the barking dog you have in the presidency
I understand that and my point still stands.
Real funny but McCain is one of the only Repubs calling for bipartisanship and THAT is the ONLY way to make us greater
you ignore trump doing it, donot ya?
Thanks for making my argument concrete, dummy.
Look at all these hacks wanting to put his wrinkly old pecker in their mouth because he is biased :lol:
We all hate the barking dog you have in the presidency
I understand that and my point still stands.
Real funny but McCain is one of the only Repubs calling for bipartisanship and THAT is the ONLY way to make us greater
I so agree with this post. The only way to make America great again is together. United we stand etc.
Look at all these hacks wanting to put his wrinkly old pecker in their mouth because he is biased :lol:
We all hate the barking dog you have in the presidency
I understand that and my point still stands.
Real funny but McCain is one of the only Repubs calling for bipartisanship and THAT is the ONLY way to make us greater
you ignore trump doing it, donot ya?
Thanks for making my argument concrete, dummy.
No one of the best things he's done Too bad the rest of your party hates him for it
So does this mean all the stupid Moon Bats love McCain now? Just think, he was the devil when he ran against their little worthless Negro Boy.

Brain cancer has really screwed him up, hasn't it? Of course all the Democrats in Congress also suffer from the same kind of brain cancer.
Good to go McCain, thank you; I hope Murkowski and Collins still stand for the people.
Look at all these hacks wanting to put his wrinkly old pecker in their mouth because he is biased :lol:
We all hate the barking dog you have in the presidency

hate is such a strong word. i could not say i 'hated' W... although he came close & cheney even closer. but trump is so hateful on every level, i cannot stand to look or hear him for very long before having a visceral reaction like i want to vomit. he is pure evil & most of the ilk surrounding him are too.
Look at all these hacks wanting to put his wrinkly old pecker in their mouth because he is biased :lol:
We all hate the barking dog you have in the presidency
I understand that and my point still stands.
Real funny but McCain is one of the only Repubs calling for bipartisanship and THAT is the ONLY way to make us greater
you ignore trump doing it, donot ya?
Thanks for making my argument concrete, dummy.
No one of the best things he's done Too bad the rest of your party hates him for it
I dont have a party, hack boi.
I didnt agree with what they discussed, but i applauded him for the principle.
I think reaching across the isle is awesome. Identity politics = destruction
Good for him for sticking up for the American people.

How dare he!!! After all stripping Heath insurance from about 14 million to 22 million Americans is the repubes way!


"omg millions of people are going to lose their healthcare because they choose not to want it!!!!"

Show me one intelligent person who would choose to not have healthcare coverage.
thanks for the irrelevant question.
Look at all these hacks wanting to put his wrinkly old pecker in their mouth because he is biased :lol:
We all hate the barking dog you have in the presidency

hate is such a strong word. i could not say i 'hated' W... although he came close & cheney even closer. but trump is so hateful on every level, i cannot stand to look or hear him for very long before having a visceral reaction like i want to vomit. he is pure evil & most of the ilk surrounding him are too.
i dont hate them. but i EXTREMELY dislike trump, obama, both bushs, reagan, carter, clinton etc etc etc :D
I wish McCain would get recalled and say it is because the tumor is effecting him. I wonder if they can get him to flip out like Chuck did in Better Call Saul? That would be funny.

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