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McCain's Flag Thread and Poll

How long should the WH Flag remain at half mast to honor democrat double agent Juan McCain?

  • 24 hours

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 48 hours

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • 72 hours

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Until Trump is Impeached

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Ask Uncle Vlad

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • I'm apoplectic that the flag was only lowered for 48 hours! IMPEACH!!!!

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
I see my comment was removed, but I still stand by it. Sunni is so in love with the traitor that there's nothing trump can do that would turn him against him, no matter how vile that is. I'll leave it at that because as vile as some of your comments are here, the mods apparently don't like someone who points out the truth of the cultists who worship trump. They wouldn't care if he was another Warren Jeffs, they'd still stand behind him.

Rule of thumb: whenever you're about to say, "I got in trouble because people can't handle the truth!" it's probably more likely that you just need to be more judicious in how you express it. Our mods hail from a wide variety of positions on the political spectrum, and most of them try very hard to be fair in their application of the rules.
Did trump grow a heart....or pressure do it?

If I were Trump I would alternate up or down about every 4 hours. Then I would change how far down, say 3/4 of the way and then 1/4 of the way and then back up again.

At the end of the day, every news outlet will be transfixed by the flag wondering what it all means.

Other than a severe breach of protocol and actual disrespect to the flag? (Unlike kneeling during a song)
Can't this White House do the simplest things without screwing up? I can just picture them scurrying around all day investigating protocol and custom and blaming each other for what went wrong. I wonder if Sarah is doing a press briefing today.
What did they do wrong? They followed standard protocol n people went nuts.

Because they were so obviously BARELY following protocol, and coupled with Trump's repeated refusals to say anything about McCain's death beyond, "My condolences to the family", it looked really grudging and snotty and consequently, just about as rude and insulting as refusing to lower the flag at all would have been.
If trump would have extended it theyd say hes just faking sympathy.

Fucking tired of 100% negative spin

The left is going to criticize whatever Trump does, that's a given. However, a lot of people on the right, especially veterans, were offended by Trump's overall behavior in the wake of McCain's death. I know, because I'm one of them. And mind you, as I've said several times, I personally couldn't stand McCain. He was my Senator, and I kept wishing his stupid ass would retire. But he was still a 6-term US Senator, and however much people want to quibble and argue about it, he was accepted as a bona fide war hero, and admired by many as such.

At some point, Trump - and you - have to accept that sometimes it's not "100% negative spin". Sometimes, Trump really is just a petty, childish jackass who could use some lessons in civilized, mature behavior. And this was one of them.
Sometimes he is/does.

A lot of times.

But trump control this or the WH staff?

Also if the left didnt make EVERYTHING negative, the real problems would be much more self evident.

Yes, Trump controls his own statements upon McCain's passing, and I'd be mightily surprised if whoever's in charge of protocol at the WH didn't at least have a 2-minute conversation with the President about how to handle the death of a 6-term sitting US Senator. I'm thinking that sort of event gets the guy penciled in on the date book. I have no idea why so many people persist in thinking flag protocol upon the death of a Senator is just some minor, daily minutiae handled by the janitor.

Btw, I'm pretty sure it's not the janitor who raises and lowers the flag at the WH, even on a normal day.
I see my comment was removed, but I still stand by it. Sunni is so in love with the traitor that there's nothing trump can do that would turn him against him, no matter how vile that is. I'll leave it at that because as vile as some of your comments are here, the mods apparently don't like someone who points out the truth of the cultists who worship trump. They wouldn't care if he was another Warren Jeffs, they'd still stand behind him.
And if trump did something you liked, youd still attack him.

Maybe she would, but you know I wouldn't. If I think he's right, I say so. If I think the left is being unreasonable and melodramatic, I shout it from the rooftops. But if I think he's wrong, I'm also going to say THAT.

In this case, he was wrong.
He lowered it for the standard amount of time it's supposed to be lowered for a dead senator, you idiot of another kind! But don't let facts get in the way of you liberals' baby-tantrum outrage.

Yes, under 4 U.S.C. The flag is to be lowered a minimum of two days for members of Congress, but as President Barack Obama did for Ted Kennedy, they can be ordered lowered longer for people like McCain whose service to this nation went above and beyond. Bush and Obama would have ordered it.

As much as I'd prefer to be covered in honey and staked out to an anthill than ever agree with Seabiscuit here about anything, I have to say that it would have cost Trump nothing to be gracious to McCain upon his death, and his repeated inabilities to do so make him look like a small, petty little man. And the more his supporters try to defend and justify this unnecessary vindictiveness, the worse he looks.
It would have been extremely hypocritical of Trump to show McCain any deference. I'm sure democrats had all the "he's a hypocrite " memos distributed including footnotes describing how Trump better not go to the funeral just because of the flag.

The way it turned out was perfect. The crybabies got an empty gesture. They were made to realize that it was as empty as their little heads.

McCain left a message in which he again advocated open borders. His evil lives after him. After hearing that message, I can only agree with Trump more than ever.

No, it wouldn't have been hypocritical. It would have been mature and courteous. Most people still understand the difference. Which is why he was NOT correct, and why he was forced to backpedal and do it properly: because it wasn't only the left "crybabies" who found his initial behavior unacceptable.

Trump was wrong. There is no excuse or rationalization or attack on McCain that will make that not be true.
Well then I suppose any of your betters in the government will get flags half staff nation wide when they die. In addition to all the perks you give them while alive. I propose when Trump dies, the flag should fly at half staff for an entire year. McCain was a Senator you moron. Protocol is two days. You idiot government worshipping assholes bitched about that fora guy you never would have voted for just to fuck withTrump.
I see my comment was removed, but I still stand by it. Sunni is so in love with the traitor that there's nothing trump can do that would turn him against him, no matter how vile that is. I'll leave it at that because as vile as some of your comments are here, the mods apparently don't like someone who points out the truth of the cultists who worship trump. They wouldn't care if he was another Warren Jeffs, they'd still stand behind him.
I reported your post because it was an attack on a family member, and involved pedophilia. Both of which are against the board's rules.

Mystery solved...... :cool: ... :thup:
Can't handle the truth, huh?
Did trump grow a heart....or pressure do it?

If I were Trump I would alternate up or down about every 4 hours. Then I would change how far down, say 3/4 of the way and then 1/4 of the way and then back up again.

At the end of the day, every news outlet will be transfixed by the flag wondering what it all means.

Murat would be the shit. Stupid, stupid, stupid issue. It much to his shagrin, John “war monger” McTumor did Trump a Huge favor this weekend by kicking the bucket by getting the news off him. Lanny Davis to what with getting caught lying and all. Meh, even in death McCain is a dirty fuck I guess.
Trumps view on military service :

Trump about himself “You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. “Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.” It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider... Vaginas Are 'Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam'
In a 1998 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump compared sex to going to battle in Vietnam and joked he should be getting the Congressional Medal of Honor.
What a horrible despicable man.
I wonder how the Trump supporters feel about Trump caving in to public pressure?
Can't this White House do the simplest things without screwing up? I can just picture them scurrying around all day investigating protocol and custom and blaming each other for what went wrong. I wonder if Sarah is doing a press briefing today.
What did they do wrong? They followed standard protocol n people went nuts.

Because they were so obviously BARELY following protocol, and coupled with Trump's repeated refusals to say anything about McCain's death beyond, "My condolences to the family", it looked really grudging and snotty and consequently, just about as rude and insulting as refusing to lower the flag at all would have been.
If trump would have extended it theyd say hes just faking sympathy.

Fucking tired of 100% negative spin

The left is going to criticize whatever Trump does, that's a given. However, a lot of people on the right, especially veterans, were offended by Trump's overall behavior in the wake of McCain's death. I know, because I'm one of them. And mind you, as I've said several times, I personally couldn't stand McCain. He was my Senator, and I kept wishing his stupid ass would retire. But he was still a 6-term US Senator, and however much people want to quibble and argue about it, he was accepted as a bona fide war hero, and admired by many as such.

At some point, Trump - and you - have to accept that sometimes it's not "100% negative spin". Sometimes, Trump really is just a petty, childish jackass who could use some lessons in civilized, mature behavior. And this was one of them.

Enough of this bullshit already, McCain is just one of many POWs that served this country, most pass with no fanfare at all. Being a politician doesn't make him more special than others who worked hard to keep this country running in other occupations. Treating politician as American Nobility is antithetical to the American founding and a government by, of and for the people. McCain is only one of many Americans that passed on Saturday, at an advanced age and form natural causes, he deserves no more than they.

He lowered it for the standard amount of time it's supposed to be lowered for a dead senator, you idiot of another kind! But don't let facts get in the way of you liberals' baby-tantrum outrage.

Yes, under 4 U.S.C. The flag is to be lowered a minimum of two days for members of Congress, but as President Barack Obama did for Ted Kennedy, they can be ordered lowered longer for people like McCain whose service to this nation went above and beyond. Bush and Obama would have ordered it.

As much as I'd prefer to be covered in honey and staked out to an anthill than ever agree with Seabiscuit here about anything, I have to say that it would have cost Trump nothing to be gracious to McCain upon his death, and his repeated inabilities to do so make him look like a small, petty little man. And the more his supporters try to defend and justify this unnecessary vindictiveness, the worse he looks.
It would have been extremely hypocritical of Trump to show McCain any deference. I'm sure democrats had all the "he's a hypocrite " memos distributed including footnotes describing how Trump better not go to the funeral just because of the flag.

The way it turned out was perfect. The crybabies got an empty gesture. They were made to realize that it was as empty as their little heads.

McCain left a message in which he again advocated open borders. His evil lives after him. After hearing that message, I can only agree with Trump more than ever.

No, it wouldn't have been hypocritical. It would have been mature and courteous. Most people still understand the difference. Which is why he was NOT correct, and why he was forced to backpedal and do it properly: because it wasn't only the left "crybabies" who found his initial behavior unacceptable.

Trump was wrong. There is no excuse or rationalization or attack on McCain that will make that not be true.
Well then I suppose any of your betters in the government will get flags half staff nation wide when they die. In addition to all the perks you give them while alive. I propose when Trump dies, the flag should fly at half staff for an entire year. McCain was a Senator you moron. Protocol is two days. You idiot government worshipping assholes bitched about that fora guy you never would have voted for just to fuck withTrump.

My "betters"? What kind of boor thinks that showing respect for the deceased is viewing him as your "better"? Yes, I would expect any President of the United States to show maturity, diplomacy, and graciousness upon the passing of any sitting Senator or Congressman. Obviously. Hewing strictly to protocol isn't a defense, and it certainly doesn't make you look "technically correct" like you're hoping; it makes you, and the President, look like a pack of small-minded, vindictive children who can't let go of a grudge even after your enemy dies. Congratulations.

If having the ability to let things go and be the bigger person toward someone I didn't like after he passes away makes me a "moron" in your book, then I am euphorically glad I don't live by your book, which I can only assume bears the title "White Trash 101".
I wonder how the Trump supporters feel about Trump caving in to public pressure?

Why is the flag being lowered again? Is there some kind of prescribed time limit?
Flags are still lowered here at Ft Campbell.

That is because the base commander is more respectful and smarter than Trump.
So lowering flags to half-mast makes someone smarter?
What other things make one smarter?

Calling people racists.

Misreading tweets and attacking Trump for something he didn't say.

Calling people Nazis.

Thinking Russia runs the country.

The list goes on ...
Can't this White House do the simplest things without screwing up? I can just picture them scurrying around all day investigating protocol and custom and blaming each other for what went wrong. I wonder if Sarah is doing a press briefing today.
What did they do wrong? They followed standard protocol n people went nuts.

Because they were so obviously BARELY following protocol, and coupled with Trump's repeated refusals to say anything about McCain's death beyond, "My condolences to the family", it looked really grudging and snotty and consequently, just about as rude and insulting as refusing to lower the flag at all would have been.
If trump would have extended it theyd say hes just faking sympathy.

Fucking tired of 100% negative spin

The left is going to criticize whatever Trump does, that's a given. However, a lot of people on the right, especially veterans, were offended by Trump's overall behavior in the wake of McCain's death. I know, because I'm one of them. And mind you, as I've said several times, I personally couldn't stand McCain. He was my Senator, and I kept wishing his stupid ass would retire. But he was still a 6-term US Senator, and however much people want to quibble and argue about it, he was accepted as a bona fide war hero, and admired by many as such.

At some point, Trump - and you - have to accept that sometimes it's not "100% negative spin". Sometimes, Trump really is just a petty, childish jackass who could use some lessons in civilized, mature behavior. And this was one of them.

Enough of this bullshit already, McCain is just one of many POWs that served this country, most pass with no fanfare at all. Being a politician doesn't make him more special than others who worked hard to keep this country running in other occupations. Treating politician as American Nobility is antithetical to the American founding and a government by, of and for the people. McCain is only one of many Americans that passed on Saturday, at an advanced age and form natural causes, he deserves no more than they.



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