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McCain's Poor Judgement Now An Issue

Blindly Right

Comparing the Harriet Miers pick to this broad form up North:

Miers, at least, had been a lawyer for 35 years, the head of the state bar in Texas and White House counsel. Palin's experience comes down to a couple of years as governor and six years as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town with a population of under 10,000.

Where Miers definitely tops Palin is on the question of whether her patron can vouch for her. Bush knew Miers well, worked with her closely, trusted her deeply. You can question Bush's judgment in pushing her for the court--for the record, at the time I called the choice "too clever" and thus "dangerous"--but at least he had good reason to believe in the person he was asking others to count on.

McCain, as far as anyone can tell, met Palin only once before considering her for vice president, and once more before settling on her, which is to say he barely knows her. For the purpose of courting disaffected Hillary Clinton voters and satisfying the social conservatives, McCain is willing to place someone he knows mostly from press clippings in the direct line of succession to the presidency. There is a breathtaking recklessness about this choice.

There are many who say that in choosing Palin, McCain has taken the issue of experience off the table. I disagree. Now, the balance on experience shifts toward the Democrats, and it's not just for the obvious reason that Joe Biden is manifestly more qualified than Palin.

Conservatives have complained that we barely know Obama. This is nonsense. Obama has been thoroughly vetted over the four years since he entered the public spotlight. We have been given fewer than 70 days to get to know Palin.

In particular, we know Obama's foreign policy views in great detail. About Palin's opinions on foreign policy, we know absolutely nothing. According to a 1999 Associated Press report, she sported a Pat Buchanan button when Buchanan visited Wasilla during his campaign for the 2000 Republican nomination. Does this mean she shares Buchanan's isolationist foreign policy views? Who can say? There is no record.

That only a handful of conservatives have so far expressed doubts about Palin demonstrates that ideology is what drove them during the Miers fight, and drives them still. Miers' lack of experience was, for many conservatives, a convenient rationale for opposing someone they worried might become another David Souter. Palin's lack of experience is irrelevant because she is right--actually, quite far right--on the conservatives' issues.

As a purely political matter, McCain's choice of Palin will overshadow this week's convention. The Republicans once hoped to use their gathering to persuade Americans not to trust Obama. But as the speakers here make their case, the media will rightly be doing their job, trying to figure out who Palin is. Palin, not Obama, will be the issue, in a way that Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty or some other well-known figure would not have been.

But there is also the question of principle. In picking Biden as his running mate, it's Obama who made the prudent choice. McCain is asking us to roll the dice. You'd think that people who call themselves conservative would have a problem with that.

E.J. Dionne, Jr. is the author of the recently published Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics After the Religious Right. He is a Washington Post columnist, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a professor at Georgetown University.
When asked about criticisms of Sarah Palin's readiness to serve as president, McCain responded: "If they want to go down that route, in all candor, she has far, far more experience than Senator Obama does."

Set aside the bravado. Can McCain possibly believe that? And if he does, what are we supposed to think of his own fitness to serve? Sen. Obama is certainly new on the national scene. But he's serving his fourth year in the US senate. He's run a successful national primary campaign. He's deeply versed on all the relevant policy issues. Palin has been the governor of one of the smallest states in the country (by pop.) for 18 months. As recently as 2006, she said she hadn't focused enough on Iraq to have an opinion one way or another about the surge. Even now, her off-hand comments about Iraq are completely at odds with Sen. McCain's.

Getting into a discussion about the relative qualifications of the two individuals is too silly to waste time on. But it says a lot about McCain that he says it.

Talking Points Memo
In addition to all that, Palin has no clue what the VP even does by her own admission
I would certainly be curious to know what became of the 4 who were dumber than McCain. Wonder if there is anyway to find out.

The fact that McCain either didn't have the intelligence or worse the desire to do better than 5th from the bottom is very telling IMO.

He actually seems to find it amusing that he barely passed, like it's something to be proud of. What does that say to children of this nation when a man running for PResident summarily seems to dismiss the importance of his education?
you just dont get it
they passed
thats not being dumb
and the smears continue

It's a manifestation of their intense fear at how she changed the race.

Fear that in spite of The Messiah descending from the heavens to deliver "the greatest political speech in American history" at his coronation, his 3 point "bounce" is shrinking down to pre-convention levels at an alarming rate

The smears have become more and more shrill by the second in the leftwingnut blogosphere. The shrillness is directly correlated to terror that their precious little Obama might not ascend to the office that is rightfully his - real Americans might actually be given a say in the matter!:eusa_boohoo:

It's just so transparent and desperate. Let's recap:


Her youngest son is really her grandson (in spite of preggo Palin pictures proving this wrong). But then today we found out her daughter was pregnant when Trig was born.

She exerted improper influence in trying to to have the head of the Alaska state troopers fired. Oh wait, he had driven drunk, tazed his stepson, and threatened to kill the governor.


Her husband got a DUI 22 years ago.

She's a radical Alaskan secessionist.


Guys, these attacks will backfire. Just sit back, crack a beer, and watch the far-Left self destruct.
Ninja, can you admit that this is the same thing that the conservatives have been doing to Obama for the last 12 months?
The hits just keep coming!

Out of Order?
We had heard hints of this. But just moments ago, Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC said that Republican lawyers are currently doing a vet of Sarah Palin up in Alaska. We'll get you the video shortly. But it seems that the really deep vet of Palin started after her selection was announced.

--Josh Marshall

print share 09.01.08 -- 5:17PM // link | recommend (37)

NBC: Palin lawyers up in trooper-gate probe.

--Josh Marshall

Talking Points Memo

Palin Hires Lawyer for Trooper-Gate Investigation
By Kate Klonick - September 1, 2008, 5:20PM
MSNBC just reported that presumptive vice-presidential nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has hired a lawyer in relation to the Trooper-Gate scandal.

Alaska State Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Hollis French told TPMmuckraker that Palin has hired Thomas Van Flein, an Anchorage attorney at the law firm of Clapp, Peterson, Van Flein, Tiemessen & Thorsness. French said that Van Flein has already contacted him, regarding the ongoing investigation of Palin.

Van Flein has represented the Alaska Dental Society and according to a cached version of his firm website, specializes in professional liability, including licensing issues, commercial litigation, appellate practice, and employment law.

TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Palin Hires Lawyer for Trooper-Gate Investigation
Being the intellectually honest, fair-minded young American male that I am - NO.


and therein lies the problem with conservatives and republicans in general. it's do as I say not as I do....

Out of Order?
We had heard hints of this. But just moments ago, Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC said that Republican lawyers are currently doing a vet of Sarah Palin up in Alaska. We'll get you the video shortly. But it seems that the really deep vet of Palin started after her selection was announced.

wait, what? they are vetting her NOW? :confused:

Palin Hires Lawyer for Trooper-Gate Investigation
By Kate Klonick - September 1, 2008, 5:20PM
MSNBC just reported that presumptive vice-presidential nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has hired a lawyer in relation to the Trooper-Gate scandal.

Alaska State Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Hollis French told TPMmuckraker that Palin has hired Thomas Van Flein, an Anchorage attorney at the law firm of Clapp, Peterson, Van Flein, Tiemessen & Thorsness. French said that Van Flein has already contacted him, regarding the ongoing investigation of Palin.

Van Flein has represented the Alaska Dental Society and according to a cached version of his firm website, specializes in professional liability, including licensing issues, commercial litigation, appellate practice, and employment law.

TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Palin Hires Lawyer for Trooper-Gate Investigation
sounds like a smart move, now that the dem slime workers are going to try and make it something it isnt

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