McCains replacement

You calling people stupid? You lied on this very forum about being sent undercover into the KKK and YOU call people stupid and a call them out for lying? That’s rich. Best get back to your tune of crazy glue and paper sack. You just look dumb.

He's one of the mod's socks which is why he can take up half a page with one of his outbursts triple-spaced and in HUGE type and not get nailed for page-pushing.
You calling people stupid? You lied on this very forum about being sent undercover into the KKK and YOU call people stupid and a call them out for lying? That’s rich. Best get back to your tune of crazy glue and paper sack. You just look dumb.

He's one of the mod's socks which is why he can take up half a page with one of his outbursts triple-spaced and in HUGE type and not get nailed for page-pushing.

Probubly. He is defiantly one of those who runs and tells whenever he gets popped with a rolled up news paper. Him and JoeB
Heard KTAR report that Kyl committed to serve only 4 months. Report said Governor Ducey with the governorship election coming up selected Kyl as the safe pick to not antagonize any voters. I hope Kyl decides to stay on awhile with the other senate seat, Flake's former seat, being filled by inexperience regardless of who wins.

Former Sen. Jon Kyl steps back into spotlight with federal appointment
looks like Jon Kyl is going to Washington again

Another OP with no link. I dunno, links must have germs or sump'm?

Forgive me. I forgot you have your head so far up you rear that you don’t know what’s going on in the world around you

Oh I know full well what's going on. I had already seen a link before I got here. But what I never EVER do is claim something happens in the world and expect the reader to just take my word for it.
Meh, one swamp critter is dead so they send another. Business as usual.

Kyl was involved in getting Trump to nominate Kavanagh, so he'll probably vote for him. I heard that Jeff Flake is also going to for for Kavanaugh.

I’m not impressed. A whole slew of swamp things sang the praises of Trump, most likely out of self preservation above anything else. Louie Ghomert comes to mind. John Cornyn is another who jumped on the Trump train. Nothing gets fixed as long as they are there.
You've gone full retard.

Unlike Trump, Jon Kyl has been a Republican conservative his entire life.

Trump has gaslighted you dumb shits to the point you are making complete fools of yourselves in public.

An informative bio on him @ Jon Kyl - Wikipedia
Meh, one swamp critter is dead so they send another. Business as usual.

Kyl was involved in getting Trump to nominate Kavanagh, so he'll probably vote for him. I heard that Jeff Flake is also going to for for Kavanaugh.

I’m not impressed. A whole slew of swamp things sang the praises of Trump, most likely out of self preservation above anything else. Louie Ghomert comes to mind. John Cornyn is another who jumped on the Trump train. Nothing gets fixed as long as they are there.
You've gone full retard.

Unlike Trump, Jon Kyl has been a Republican conservative his entire life.

Trump has gaslighted you dumb shits to the point you are making complete fools of yourselves in public.

An informative bio on him @ Jon Kyl - Wikipedia

Louie Ghomert. Promised the moon, got sent every time and did nothing, SAID nothing until Trump, and only then because it is what he had to do to stay in Washington. Duck the Bio’s let’s see some votes. Where was Kyle when Bush tried to grant amnesty to illegals?

Jon Kyl on Immigration

In 2005, Senators John McCain & Ted Kennedy proposed a guest-worker program & a path to citizenship for many illegal immigrants. Both sides torpedoed the efforts. Opposition to the bill from the right was based primarily on demands to secure the border. In response to those concerns, border security resources--including personnel, fencing, and high-tech surveillance--were increased substantially. Deportations of illegal immigrants increased substantially, to about 250,000 annually.

In 2007, another bipartisan immigration reform effort was made, led by Senators John Kyl and Kennedy. The bill would have introduced a point system to identify and favor high-value immigrants, increased significantly the number of employment-based green cards, reduced family preferences, and established a guest-worker program. That effort failed as well: some liberals opposed it on the grounds of protecting American workers, while conservative opponents denounced it on the grounds of amnesty and border security.

Source: Immigration Wars, by Jeb Bush, p.137 , Mar 5, 2013

So Kyle supports amnesty, just a republican amnesty. Fuck him. Hopefully he never gets a chance to vote at all.

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