McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

So $20 Million spent on a select committee investigation into the death of an Ambassador and three others serving their country, as the result of a sitting President, Secretary of State, and their minions claiming it was the result of a video and not gross incompetence, due to their failure, for political reasons, to admit that the attack was a well planned terrorist operation, has someone's panties in a bunch? Come on, if they had simply told the truth in the first place would this have resulted in a $20 million dollar investigation? I think not, but this administration chose to lie, and when one lies there is a price to be paid.Then again would we have known, courtesy of the FOIA, that the Secretary of State was conducting high level and top secret state business on non approved non secure private server, that she owned, in violation of federal protocol? Count the lies, contradictions, and misstatements, then tell me what you have, the reincarnation of the plumbers and one Richard M Nixon. But that is OK provided its a democrat, right?
So $20 Million spent on a select committee investigation into the death of an Ambassador and three others serving their country, as the result of a sitting President, Secretary of State, and their minions claiming it was the result of a video and not gross incompetence, due to their failure, for political reasons, to admit that the attack was a well planned terrorist operation, has someone's panties in a bunch? Come on, if they had simply told the truth in the first place would this have resulted in a $20 million dollar investigation? I think not, but this administration chose to lie, and when one lies there is a price to be paid.Then again would we have known, courtesy of the FOIA, that the Secretary of State was conducting high level and top secret state business on non approved non secure private server, that she owned, in violation of federal protocol? Count the lies, contradictions, and misstatements, then tell me what you have, the reincarnation of the plumbers and one Richard M Nixon. But that is OK provided its a democrat, right?

Republicans own investigations have vindicated those involved, so something is clearly wrong with your findings. The $20 million investigation was a front to take down a legitimate candidate for office and if that isn't a crime it should be.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

Maybe the Hildabeast shouldn't have done so many things to put herself in a vulnerable position. But hey....stupid is as stupid does. :D
You democrats are not Americans. This is more democrat political bullshit. The discussion was about whether the recently elected repubs were doing what they were elected for including pursuing the truth on Benghazi that obama and HR Haldeman Clinton have been deflecting from like the criminals they are.
This is a very weak and typically dishonest attempt to discredit opponents of the corrupt psychopaths obama and HR Haldeman Clinton.
The OP is a partisan phony.

Answering you would be like stealing a parking place from a handicapped person. You know, just not right. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional and social struggles that seem to be placing such a heavy demand on you.
Troll. You can't answer pointedly so you do the defeated left wing troll dance.

Republicans are not Americans. Real Americans support democracy, Republicans Pols are owned by and represent the Plutocrats, and those callous conservatives, the common people who lack empathy, and who support Republicans are fools. [satirical ^^^ comment]

See how easy it is to defame others of wrong doing, and of suffering from a personality disorder, but much harder to make the case alleged. It become laughable when a post making such claims, like the one posted by RoshawnMarkwees, claims others engage in partisanship.
So $20 Million spent on a select committee investigation into the death of an Ambassador and three others serving their country, as the result of a sitting President, Secretary of State, and their minions claiming it was the result of a video and not gross incompetence, due to their failure, for political reasons, to admit that the attack was a well planned terrorist operation, has someone's panties in a bunch? Come on, if they had simply told the truth in the first place would this have resulted in a $20 million dollar investigation? I think not, but this administration chose to lie, and when one lies there is a price to be paid.Then again would we have known, courtesy of the FOIA, that the Secretary of State was conducting high level and top secret state business on non approved non secure private server, that she owned, in violation of federal protocol? Count the lies, contradictions, and misstatements, then tell me what you have, the reincarnation of the plumbers and one Richard M Nixon. But that is OK provided its a democrat, right?

Republicans own investigations have vindicated those involved, so something is clearly wrong with your findings. The $20 million investigation was a front to take down a legitimate candidate for office and if that isn't a crime it should be.

The lie that was told and retold by the administration until long after everyone knew otherwise that they thought it was a spontaneous attack alone easily justified the cost of the investigation. Obama and Rice both clearly lied whatever you want to call it, they both knew it wasn't. If Republicans knowingly lied, you'd be screaming for their heads, not arguing that somehow it wasn't illegal
You democrats are not Americans. This is more democrat political bullshit. The discussion was about whether the recently elected repubs were doing what they were elected for including pursuing the truth on Benghazi that obama and HR Haldeman Clinton have been deflecting from like the criminals they are.
This is a very weak and typically dishonest attempt to discredit opponents of the corrupt psychopaths obama and HR Haldeman Clinton.
The OP is a partisan phony.

Answering you would be like stealing a parking place from a handicapped person. You know, just not right. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional and social struggles that seem to be placing such a heavy demand on you.
Troll. You can't answer pointedly so you do the defeated left wing troll dance.

Republicans are not Americans. Real Americans support democracy, Republicans Pols are owned by and represent the Plutocrats, and those callous conservatives, the common people who lack empathy, and who support Republicans are fools. [satirical ^^^ comment]

See how easy it is to defame others of wrong doing, and of suffering from a personality disorder, but much harder to make the case alleged. It become laughable when a post making such claims, like the one posted by RoshawnMarkwees, claims others engage in partisanship.

Real Americans are leeches and parasites are they? True you have taken over, but I'm not sure how that makes anyone else not an American. Have you considered once you devour your host how you are going to eat? Or do you not think that far ahead? Are you going to turn on each other then?
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

Maybe the Hildabeast shouldn't have done so many things to put herself in a vulnerable position. But hey....stupid is as stupid does. :D

You mean hold her accountable for her own choices? She's a Democrat, you can't do that...
The investigation is all about the weeds. The reality of the incident and its subsequent coverup expose the ineptitude and corruption of this admin. And those who defend them expose their own corruption and hypocrisy.

You the world of reality....there's this thing called innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until hell freezes over like you seem to want it to be.
You did not address my post. Reread and respond appropriately. I said nothing about illegalities.

No one can address your post because of its vagueness. "Investigation is about weeds", "reality of incident" etc are nothing statements
It's the difference between performance that results in job termination and performance that results in criminal conviction. In this instance, the discretion involves the entire population so either scenario is very legit.
Lefty shills want to focus on the legal aspect and avoid the job performance failure.
There is also a potential legal aspect in HR Haldeman Clinton's email discretions and potential obstruction issues.

Maybe the reason people are ignoring the job performance failure is because republicans havent shown that there was a failure on her part and they are saying she should be put in jail, which is not a job performance failure punishment.

The reason your message is muddied is because your logic and reasoning is muddy
Allowing US interests to be hit on the date that requires the most diligence is a magnified failure. Creating a coverup and then attempting to coverup the coverup exacerbates the failure exponentially. Involving potential criminal activity in the process of the coverups takes the failure of duty to an extreme level. When all of this impacts the entire population it becomes and even more acute issue.
Very simple. Unless you have a partisan ax to grind.
They could have admitted their failure and it would be done with. But reelection was more important to them.
At least Reagan owned up to the mistake of the arms-for-hostages, Iran/Contra issue though no criminal activity was involved beyond Oiver North's potential obstruction.
This current psychoth-in-chief feels he is above conscience.
The investigation is all about the weeds. The reality of the incident and its subsequent coverup expose the ineptitude and corruption of this admin. And those who defend them expose their own corruption and hypocrisy.

You the world of reality....there's this thing called innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until hell freezes over like you seem to want it to be.
You did not address my post. Reread and respond appropriately. I said nothing about illegalities.

No one can address your post because of its vagueness. "Investigation is about weeds", "reality of incident" etc are nothing statements
It's the difference between performance that results in job termination and performance that results in criminal conviction. In this instance, the discretion involves the entire population so either scenario is very legit.
Lefty shills want to focus on the legal aspect and avoid the job performance failure.
There is also a potential legal aspect in HR Haldeman Clinton's email discretions and potential obstruction issues.

Maybe the reason people are ignoring the job performance failure is because republicans havent shown that there was a failure on her part and they are saying she should be put in jail, which is not a job performance failure punishment.

The reason your message is muddied is because your logic and reasoning is muddy
I'm being very clear. Inconveniently so to you, maybe, but very clear.
So $20 Million spent on a select committee investigation into the death of an Ambassador and three others serving their country, as the result of a sitting President, Secretary of State, and their minions claiming it was the result of a video and not gross incompetence, due to their failure, for political reasons, to admit that the attack was a well planned terrorist operation, has someone's panties in a bunch? Come on, if they had simply told the truth in the first place would this have resulted in a $20 million dollar investigation? I think not, but this administration chose to lie, and when one lies there is a price to be paid.Then again would we have known, courtesy of the FOIA, that the Secretary of State was conducting high level and top secret state business on non approved non secure private server, that she owned, in violation of federal protocol? Count the lies, contradictions, and misstatements, then tell me what you have, the reincarnation of the plumbers and one Richard M Nixon. But that is OK provided its a democrat, right?

Republicans own investigations have vindicated those involved, so something is clearly wrong with your findings. The $20 million investigation was a front to take down a legitimate candidate for office and if that isn't a crime it should be.

The lie that was told and retold by the administration until long after everyone knew otherwise that they thought it was a spontaneous attack alone easily justified the cost of the investigation. Obama and Rice both clearly lied whatever you want to call it, they both knew it wasn't. If Republicans knowingly lied, you'd be screaming for their heads, not arguing that somehow it wasn't illegal

But it never was a legitimate investigation. It was a charade and a fraud used to discredit a legitimate candidate for office.
You democrats are not Americans. This is more democrat political bullshit. The discussion was about whether the recently elected repubs were doing what they were elected for including pursuing the truth on Benghazi that obama and HR Haldeman Clinton have been deflecting from like the criminals they are.
This is a very weak and typically dishonest attempt to discredit opponents of the corrupt psychopaths obama and HR Haldeman Clinton.
The OP is a partisan phony.

Answering you would be like stealing a parking place from a handicapped person. You know, just not right. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional and social struggles that seem to be placing such a heavy demand on you.
Troll. You can't answer pointedly so you do the defeated left wing troll dance.

Republicans are not Americans. Real Americans support democracy, Republicans Pols are owned by and represent the Plutocrats, and those callous conservatives, the common people who lack empathy, and who support Republicans are fools. [satirical ^^^ comment]

See how easy it is to defame others of wrong doing, and of suffering from a personality disorder, but much harder to make the case alleged. It become laughable when a post making such claims, like the one posted by RoshawnMarkwees, claims others engage in partisanship.
Apparently you have an issue with separating issues. Pointing out lefty partisanship has nothing to do with right wing partisanship. If you want to start a discussion about right wing partisanship, be my guest. I'll likely agree. But niether justifies or qualifies the other.
So $20 Million spent on a select committee investigation into the death of an Ambassador and three others serving their country, as the result of a sitting President, Secretary of State, and their minions claiming it was the result of a video and not gross incompetence, due to their failure, for political reasons, to admit that the attack was a well planned terrorist operation, has someone's panties in a bunch? Come on, if they had simply told the truth in the first place would this have resulted in a $20 million dollar investigation? I think not, but this administration chose to lie, and when one lies there is a price to be paid.Then again would we have known, courtesy of the FOIA, that the Secretary of State was conducting high level and top secret state business on non approved non secure private server, that she owned, in violation of federal protocol? Count the lies, contradictions, and misstatements, then tell me what you have, the reincarnation of the plumbers and one Richard M Nixon. But that is OK provided its a democrat, right?

Republicans own investigations have vindicated those involved, so something is clearly wrong with your findings. The $20 million investigation was a front to take down a legitimate candidate for office and if that isn't a crime it should be.

The lie that was told and retold by the administration until long after everyone knew otherwise that they thought it was a spontaneous attack alone easily justified the cost of the investigation. Obama and Rice both clearly lied whatever you want to call it, they both knew it wasn't. If Republicans knowingly lied, you'd be screaming for their heads, not arguing that somehow it wasn't illegal

But it never was a legitimate investigation. It was a charade and a fraud used to discredit a legitimate candidate for office.
It certainly was a legit investigation. Four Americans were killed and it was important enough for those who were indirectly responsible to coverup their failure. That's a warrant for an investigation if ever there was one.
Are you too poor to pay attention to details? There was a de facto civil war going on in Libya between the newly formed government and warring militias both pro and con US. That was the ongoing conflict cowboy Stevens set down in the middle of and got himself and three others killed. Those 4 never should have been at the US Mission in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Your mischaracterization of my post displays the depth of your repugnance to truth and your allegiance to right wing fascist propaganda! Despicable!

who did stevens work for leftard? .....................right-wing fascists or obama??

who sent him to Benghazi?

What does who was who doing to who shot John have to do with my response to another? Even YOU chimed in on another post asking/pretending you had no knowledge of a conflict in Libya when Stevens, et al, were killed! I responded to the other poster, and you piggyback it and raise asinine and utterly stupid off topic questions! The conflict then and there was well publicized!

Stephens himself informed State in June 2012 of an increase in attacks in Libya, “targeting international organizations and foreign interests.” He noted an attack that month on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, where a homemade bomb ripped a hole in a security wall."
< Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack >

Cowboy Stevens could have left the US Mission any time and he also turned down security assistance twice before 9/11/2012. Those were HIS decisions and he still owns them, dead or not!

Now go formulate your feces, dipstick, and quit taking out your brain and playing with it!
If this was all on Stevens then why have obama and HR Haldeman Clinton been so busy deflecting and covering up and lying and obfuscating, etc.?

Where did I state it was all about the Cowboy? I didn't...period!

Right here...

< Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack >

Cowboy Stevens could have left the US Mission any time and he also turned down security assistance twice before 9/11/2012. Those were HIS decisions and he still owns them, dead or not!

You isolate one statement from the full context of the whole and say lookie, lookie! IDIOT! Wander off topic much, fool?
So $20 Million spent on a select committee investigation into the death of an Ambassador and three others serving their country, as the result of a sitting President, Secretary of State, and their minions claiming it was the result of a video and not gross incompetence, due to their failure, for political reasons, to admit that the attack was a well planned terrorist operation, has someone's panties in a bunch? Come on, if they had simply told the truth in the first place would this have resulted in a $20 million dollar investigation? I think not, but this administration chose to lie, and when one lies there is a price to be paid.Then again would we have known, courtesy of the FOIA, that the Secretary of State was conducting high level and top secret state business on non approved non secure private server, that she owned, in violation of federal protocol? Count the lies, contradictions, and misstatements, then tell me what you have, the reincarnation of the plumbers and one Richard M Nixon. But that is OK provided its a democrat, right?

Republicans own investigations have vindicated those involved, so something is clearly wrong with your findings. The $20 million investigation was a front to take down a legitimate candidate for office and if that isn't a crime it should be.

The lie that was told and retold by the administration until long after everyone knew otherwise that they thought it was a spontaneous attack alone easily justified the cost of the investigation. Obama and Rice both clearly lied whatever you want to call it, they both knew it wasn't. If Republicans knowingly lied, you'd be screaming for their heads, not arguing that somehow it wasn't illegal

But it never was a legitimate investigation. It was a charade and a fraud used to discredit a legitimate candidate for office.

What was a charade and a fraud? Obama obstructed and got away with it, it was his choice to not come clean
Creating a coverup and then attempting to coverup the coverup exacerbates the failure exponentially. Involving potential criminal activity in the process of the coverups takes the failure of duty to an extreme level.

See? You keep saying this part but havent and cant show what the cover up was. Neither can the Republicans investigating show it happened either.
who did stevens work for leftard? .....................right-wing fascists or obama??

who sent him to Benghazi?

What does who was who doing to who shot John have to do with my response to another? Even YOU chimed in on another post asking/pretending you had no knowledge of a conflict in Libya when Stevens, et al, were killed! I responded to the other poster, and you piggyback it and raise asinine and utterly stupid off topic questions! The conflict then and there was well publicized!

Stephens himself informed State in June 2012 of an increase in attacks in Libya, “targeting international organizations and foreign interests.” He noted an attack that month on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, where a homemade bomb ripped a hole in a security wall."
< Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack >

Cowboy Stevens could have left the US Mission any time and he also turned down security assistance twice before 9/11/2012. Those were HIS decisions and he still owns them, dead or not!

Now go formulate your feces, dipstick, and quit taking out your brain and playing with it!
If this was all on Stevens then why have obama and HR Haldeman Clinton been so busy deflecting and covering up and lying and obfuscating, etc.?

Where did I state it was all about the Cowboy? I didn't...period!

Right here...

< Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack >

Cowboy Stevens could have left the US Mission any time and he also turned down security assistance twice before 9/11/2012. Those were HIS decisions and he still owns them, dead or not!

You isolate one statement from the full context of the whole and say lookie, lookie! IDIOT! Wander off topic much, fool?
But it's the very one comment you denied!
Creating a coverup and then attempting to coverup the coverup exacerbates the failure exponentially. Involving potential criminal activity in the process of the coverups takes the failure of duty to an extreme level.

See? You keep saying this part but havent and cant show what the cover up was. Neither can the Republicans investigating show it happened either.
Blaming a video for an alleged spontaneous event and then once it was realized that it in fact was a coordinated attack there was an attempt to backtrack and say terrorism was blamed all along. And Candy Crowley helped on the second coverup. And no media pounded that obvious error.
We're talking about two blatant coverups, the second to attempt to coverup the first coverup.
So $20 Million spent on a select committee investigation into the death of an Ambassador and three others serving their country, as the result of a sitting President, Secretary of State, and their minions claiming it was the result of a video and not gross incompetence, due to their failure, for political reasons, to admit that the attack was a well planned terrorist operation, has someone's panties in a bunch? Come on, if they had simply told the truth in the first place would this have resulted in a $20 million dollar investigation? I think not, but this administration chose to lie, and when one lies there is a price to be paid.Then again would we have known, courtesy of the FOIA, that the Secretary of State was conducting high level and top secret state business on non approved non secure private server, that she owned, in violation of federal protocol? Count the lies, contradictions, and misstatements, then tell me what you have, the reincarnation of the plumbers and one Richard M Nixon. But that is OK provided its a democrat, right?

Republicans own investigations have vindicated those involved, so something is clearly wrong with your findings. The $20 million investigation was a front to take down a legitimate candidate for office and if that isn't a crime it should be.

The lie that was told and retold by the administration until long after everyone knew otherwise that they thought it was a spontaneous attack alone easily justified the cost of the investigation. Obama and Rice both clearly lied whatever you want to call it, they both knew it wasn't. If Republicans knowingly lied, you'd be screaming for their heads, not arguing that somehow it wasn't illegal

But it never was a legitimate investigation. It was a charade and a fraud used to discredit a legitimate candidate for office.
It certainly was a legit investigation. Four Americans were killed and it was important enough for those who were indirectly responsible to coverup their failure. That's a warrant for an investigation if ever there was one.

1. The House Select Committee on Intelligence found no wrongdoing in the Benghazi scandal
2. Seven other investigations have come up with nothing
3. 50 hearings and nothing was uncovered
4. The fact that you don't care one bit about the evidence or the money spent illegally merely proves your lack of integrity for the truth or respect for our country.
So $20 Million spent on a select committee investigation into the death of an Ambassador and three others serving their country, as the result of a sitting President, Secretary of State, and their minions claiming it was the result of a video and not gross incompetence, due to their failure, for political reasons, to admit that the attack was a well planned terrorist operation, has someone's panties in a bunch? Come on, if they had simply told the truth in the first place would this have resulted in a $20 million dollar investigation? I think not, but this administration chose to lie, and when one lies there is a price to be paid.Then again would we have known, courtesy of the FOIA, that the Secretary of State was conducting high level and top secret state business on non approved non secure private server, that she owned, in violation of federal protocol? Count the lies, contradictions, and misstatements, then tell me what you have, the reincarnation of the plumbers and one Richard M Nixon. But that is OK provided its a democrat, right?

Republicans own investigations have vindicated those involved, so something is clearly wrong with your findings. The $20 million investigation was a front to take down a legitimate candidate for office and if that isn't a crime it should be.

The lie that was told and retold by the administration until long after everyone knew otherwise that they thought it was a spontaneous attack alone easily justified the cost of the investigation. Obama and Rice both clearly lied whatever you want to call it, they both knew it wasn't. If Republicans knowingly lied, you'd be screaming for their heads, not arguing that somehow it wasn't illegal

But it never was a legitimate investigation. It was a charade and a fraud used to discredit a legitimate candidate for office.

What was a charade and a fraud? Obama obstructed and got away with it, it was his choice to not come clean

You really need to watch the video in the OP and then get with what we are discussing - the fact that Benghazi was a ruse to bring down a legitimate candidate.
Creating a coverup and then attempting to coverup the coverup exacerbates the failure exponentially. Involving potential criminal activity in the process of the coverups takes the failure of duty to an extreme level.

See? You keep saying this part but havent and cant show what the cover up was. Neither can the Republicans investigating show it happened either.
Blaming a video for an alleged spontaneous event and then once it was realized that it in fact was a coordinated attack there was an attempt to backtrack and say terrorism was blamed all along. And Candy Crowley helped on the second coverup. And no media pounded that obvious error.
We're talking about two blatant coverups, the second to attempt to coverup the first coverup.

See? Thats the part I'm talking about...the part in bold you nor the eleventy investigations wasnt able to prove. Its simple, want to go after her...just prove it.

But thats the part they cant do...prove it.

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