McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

Actually it doesn't.

Representative McCarthy is a leader in the Republican Party. He's responsible for policy.

...and McCarthy is NOT responsible for the Benghazi investigation and does not speak on its or Gowdy's behalf. the ONLY thing McCarthy has managed to do is to UNDERMINE an on-going investigation, proving he is a moronic chip off the ol' Boehner block!

I support that man for Speaker but that aside, he is still one of the most powerful men in Republican governance and as such should be acknowledged and accepted as the point man of Republican power. I believe him and more importantly the American people will believe him.
You democrats are not Americans. This is more democrat political bullshit. The discussion was about whether the recently elected repubs were doing what they were elected for including pursuing the truth on Benghazi that obama and HR Haldeman Clinton have been deflecting from like the criminals they are.
This is a very weak and typically dishonest attempt to discredit opponents of the corrupt psychopaths obama and HR Haldeman Clinton.
The OP is a partisan phony.

Except the small part proof or even likelihood that Hillary or Obama did anything wrong with regard to you're saying it's a blatant witch hunt.

Basically, except this is a witch hunt that accuses anyone of seeing there is no proof of being against America. You know thats when they have nothing when they attempt to shame you into siding with their accusations
The investigation is all about the weeds. The reality of the incident and its subsequent coverup expose the ineptitude and corruption of this admin. And those who defend them expose their own corruption and hypocrisy.

You the world of reality....there's this thing called innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until hell freezes over like you seem to want it to be.
You did not address my post. Reread and respond appropriately. I said nothing about illegalities.
Keep up..I know it's hard for Liberals...but at least try.

Try what?

This is the EXACT QUOTE from McCarthy. For like the millionth time:

Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee.

It's in English too.

the election hasnt happened yet idiot; and it is YOU who say she is still basically a shoe-in,.

so how can this republican have meant she was unbeatable IN AN ELECTION????

OH THAT'S RIGHT; it's just the talking point your masters told you to repeat today

idiots and hypocrites

(in English too!!)

Not sure if you are getting this, but McCarthy DIRECTLY and PLAINLY stated that the Benghazi commission was put together to crater her numbers.

I don't know how much more clear it has to be.

This sort of behavior SHOULD be illegal.

Not sure why McCarthy is still in office.

He did not, you are a ridiculous little man

Well yeah, he did.

You guys remind me of this video.

You heard what you wanted to hear
red alert....conservatives staying on a subject that they cannot prove.
Red alert.... conservatives cannot admit to lying.
What an easy game this is to play.

Who had the say to go to war with their fake facts and intelligence."gwb" and his conservative administration.
Who is responsible. gwb and his crowd.
Seems you know how to deflect

RED ALERT....Liberals Disease Outbreak...they are reverting back to Bush AGAIN!


UNLIKE Obama, who took the country to war on his own without Congressional approval to do so in order to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 - take over their own country, Bush went to war with the full approval and authority from Congress - both parties - to do so.

And while you are 'flinging poo' around about 'false Intel', perhaps you should look into how it was exposed last week how the Obama administration has been pitting out False Intel about ISIS, to make himself NOT look like the failure that he is, since 2012!

This is the equivalent of a witch trial. The republicans want to tie rocks to Hilary and dunk her in the lake. When she objects they say "WHY DOESNT SHE WANT TO GO INTO THE LAKE? IF SHE DROWNS SHE"S NOT GUILTY!"
Actually it doesn't.

Representative McCarthy is a leader in the Republican Party. He's responsible for policy.

...and McCarthy is NOT responsible for the Benghazi investigation and does not speak on its or Gowdy's behalf. the ONLY thing McCarthy has managed to do is to UNDERMINE an on-going investigation, proving he is a moronic chip off the ol' Boehner block!

There were 8, count em, 8 investigations into this.

7 of which pretty much cleared the Obama administration of any wrong doing.

McCarthy basically verified what we knew already.
You democrats are not Americans. This is more democrat political bullshit. The discussion was about whether the recently elected repubs were doing what they were elected for including pursuing the truth on Benghazi that obama and HR Haldeman Clinton have been deflecting from like the criminals they are.
This is a very weak and typically dishonest attempt to discredit opponents of the corrupt psychopaths obama and HR Haldeman Clinton.
The OP is a partisan phony.

Except the small part proof or even likelihood that Hillary or Obama did anything wrong with regard to you're saying it's a blatant witch hunt.

Basically, except this is a witch hunt that accuses anyone of seeing there is no proof of being against America. You know thats when they have nothing when they attempt to shame you into siding with their accusations
The investigation is all about the weeds. The reality of the incident and its subsequent coverup expose the ineptitude and corruption of this admin. And those who defend them expose their own corruption and hypocrisy.

You the world of reality....there's this thing called innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until hell freezes over like you seem to want it to be.
You did not address my post. Reread and respond appropriately. I said nothing about illegalities.

No one can address your post because of its vagueness. "Investigation is about weeds", "reality of incident" etc are nothing statements
How did they get away with spending that money without us knowing? I find it to be horrible when they vote down help for others yet will spend it to get their own into the white house.

It is horrible, but more than that it is:

  • Nonfeasance is the failure to act where action is required - willfully or in neglect.
  • Misfeasance is the willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice.
  • Malfeasance is the willful and intentional action that injures a party.

it would be great if the Left had anything to offer in terms of specifics instead of moronic memes at the bottom of their posts.

You failed to respond to the definitions listed in bold which characterize the behavior of Republican Caucus in the H. of Rep. Refute it or STFU.

Posting a non sequitur and dismissing my signature line as a meme is cavil and fatuous.

Finally I've posted on gun control, education, tax policy, abortion, foreign and domestic policies, including health care, drug enforcement, the criminal justice system and many other issues. I'm very intolerant of fools who post "ain't [fill in the blank] awful and offer nothing of substance or thought provoking.

The blank is usually filled in with words like libtard, dumbocrat, Obama, Obamacare, Behghzi, Solyndra; most topics they have no knowledge or only what they have been told is true by Limbaugh and other mendacious demagogues.
Oh so you don't see any negligence from the State Department resulting in the deaths of four men??

Good to know. Also good to know that four dead men don't mean squat to you. You'd much rather defend Hilbat and tell everyone that because nothing official was done she wasn't culpable.

Nothing like false sympathy when your whole act is turned out on national television.

Oh my sympathy is real. Just as yours is all crocodile tears if you even have those. Which I doubt.

You are more concerned with Hilbat than you are with four dead men.

The dead men mean nothing to you compared to Hilbat.

She and her State Department were negligent and those four men died.

All anyone had to do was follow what was going on and do some research to see how negligent the State Department was.

Its clear they had months of warning and did nothing.

The warnings were certainly listened to by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both pulled out of Libya because of those warnings yet our State Department ignored them.

If that looks like to you like Hilbat shouldn't get any blame then you certainly are one biased idiot.
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

Are you too poor to pay attention to details? There was a de facto civil war going on in Libya between the newly formed government and warring militias both pro and con US. That was the ongoing conflict cowboy Stevens set down in the middle of and got himself and three others killed. Those 4 never should have been at the US Mission in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Your mischaracterization of my post displays the depth of your repugnance to truth and your allegiance to right wing fascist propaganda! Despicable!

who did stevens work for leftard? .....................right-wing fascists or obama??

who sent him to Benghazi?

What does who was who doing to who shot John have to do with my response to another? Even YOU chimed in on another post asking/pretending you had no knowledge of a conflict in Libya when Stevens, et al, were killed! I responded to the other poster, and you piggyback it and raise asinine and utterly stupid off topic questions! The conflict then and there was well publicized!

Stephens himself informed State in June 2012 of an increase in attacks in Libya, “targeting international organizations and foreign interests.” He noted an attack that month on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, where a homemade bomb ripped a hole in a security wall."
< Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack >

Cowboy Stevens could have left the US Mission any time and he also turned down security assistance twice before 9/11/2012. Those were HIS decisions and he still owns them, dead or not!

Now go formulate your feces, dipstick, and quit taking out your brain and playing with it!
If this was all on Stevens then why have obama and HR Haldeman Clinton been so busy deflecting and covering up and lying and obfuscating, etc.?

Where did I state it was all about the Cowboy? I didn't...period!

When you have something to post about what I have stated in the full and proper context, do so. Don't be a fucking IDIOT employing sophomoric semantic games...I don't play with school kids because they have nothing of value to relate!
The warnings were certainly listened to by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both left Libya because of those warnings yet our State Department ignore them.....

Just curious to hear what you think, 'cause I know what the Liberals are gonna say - How 'Sympathetic and 'genuine' was Hillary when she was standing on the tarmac while the waiting families' loved ones were being unloaded in flag-draped coffins while she attempted to soothe their pain by telling them how a video caused the protest that cause the death of their loved ones and shile she vowed to them she and the Obama administration would make the MAKER OF THE VIDEO pay?!
Except the small part proof or even likelihood that Hillary or Obama did anything wrong with regard to you're saying it's a blatant witch hunt.

Basically, except this is a witch hunt that accuses anyone of seeing there is no proof of being against America. You know thats when they have nothing when they attempt to shame you into siding with their accusations
The investigation is all about the weeds. The reality of the incident and its subsequent coverup expose the ineptitude and corruption of this admin. And those who defend them expose their own corruption and hypocrisy.

You the world of reality....there's this thing called innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until hell freezes over like you seem to want it to be.
You did not address my post. Reread and respond appropriately. I said nothing about illegalities.

No one can address your post because of its vagueness. "Investigation is about weeds", "reality of incident" etc are nothing statements
It's the difference between performance that results in job termination and performance that results in criminal conviction. In this instance, the discretion involves the entire population so either scenario is very legit.
Lefty shills want to focus on the legal aspect and avoid the job performance failure.
There is also a potential legal aspect in HR Haldeman Clinton's email discretions and potential obstruction issues.
1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

Are you too poor to pay attention to details? There was a de facto civil war going on in Libya between the newly formed government and warring militias both pro and con US. That was the ongoing conflict cowboy Stevens set down in the middle of and got himself and three others killed. Those 4 never should have been at the US Mission in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Your mischaracterization of my post displays the depth of your repugnance to truth and your allegiance to right wing fascist propaganda! Despicable!

who did stevens work for leftard? .....................right-wing fascists or obama??

who sent him to Benghazi?

What does who was who doing to who shot John have to do with my response to another? Even YOU chimed in on another post asking/pretending you had no knowledge of a conflict in Libya when Stevens, et al, were killed! I responded to the other poster, and you piggyback it and raise asinine and utterly stupid off topic questions! The conflict then and there was well publicized!

Stephens himself informed State in June 2012 of an increase in attacks in Libya, “targeting international organizations and foreign interests.” He noted an attack that month on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, where a homemade bomb ripped a hole in a security wall."
< Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack >

Cowboy Stevens could have left the US Mission any time and he also turned down security assistance twice before 9/11/2012. Those were HIS decisions and he still owns them, dead or not!

Now go formulate your feces, dipstick, and quit taking out your brain and playing with it!
If this was all on Stevens then why have obama and HR Haldeman Clinton been so busy deflecting and covering up and lying and obfuscating, etc.?

Where did I state it was all about the Cowboy? I didn't...period!

Right here...

< Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack >

Cowboy Stevens could have left the US Mission any time and he also turned down security assistance twice before 9/11/2012. Those were HIS decisions and he still owns them, dead or not!
Oh so you don't see any negligence from the State Department resulting in the deaths of four men??

Good to know. Also good to know that four dead men don't mean squat to you. You'd much rather defend Hilbat and tell everyone that because nothing official was done she wasn't culpable.

Nothing like false sympathy when your whole act is turned out on national television.

Oh my sympathy is real. Just as yours is all crocodile tears if you even have those. Which I doubt.

You are more concerned with Hilbat than you are with four dead men.

The dead men mean nothing to you compared to Hilbat.

She and her State Department were negligent and those four men died.

All anyone had to do was follow what was going on and do some research to see how negligent the State Department was.

Its clear they had months of warning and did nothing.

The warnings were certainly listened to by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both pulled out of Libya because of those warnings yet our State Department ignored them.

If that looks like to you like Hilbat shouldn't get any blame then you certainly are one biased idiot.

Well Claudette at some point you will be asked to explain how a phony investigation could be seriously contrived to show honest concern for the dead when the whole thing was a fraud. I hope you understand that if it was as Kevin McCarthy said, then you will have been duped by your own party into believing something that was never true. Useful idiot your own party thinks you must be.
I missed the part were you talked about the 26 embassy personnel that died under Bush. Do you miss them too? Weren't they "good"?

Bush never lied about the attacks, never jid while they occurred, never doctored CIA reports about them to remove all references to 'terrorism', never conspired to lie to the American people about them, never declared to the world after those deaths that it was all over fictional protests that occurred because 'America was bad' and that 'The world must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'!

Of course he did.

His administration told the American public that Al Qaeda had colluded with the Iraqi government to launch the 9/11 terrorist attack. He then went on to say that the Iraqis were in the process of building nuclear weapons to attack the United States, and that they were allied with Iran and North Korea in that endeavor.

They told some real whoppers.
What you just posted was an early yapping point from dip shits like yourself,it has since been proven a lie try again.

Not one of you Clinton ass sucker have explained why Rice said what she did on all those Sunday morning shows,and why Obama said the same thing on late night TV,Which has been proven to be a lie,why would they lie like that,come on man up and expalin why they would lie like that,what would be a logical reason for such bull shittery??!!
Basically, except this is a witch hunt that accuses anyone of seeing there is no proof of being against America. You know thats when they have nothing when they attempt to shame you into siding with their accusations
The investigation is all about the weeds. The reality of the incident and its subsequent coverup expose the ineptitude and corruption of this admin. And those who defend them expose their own corruption and hypocrisy.

You the world of reality....there's this thing called innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until hell freezes over like you seem to want it to be.
You did not address my post. Reread and respond appropriately. I said nothing about illegalities.

No one can address your post because of its vagueness. "Investigation is about weeds", "reality of incident" etc are nothing statements
It's the difference between performance that results in job termination and performance that results in criminal conviction. In this instance, the discretion involves the entire population so either scenario is very legit.
Lefty shills want to focus on the legal aspect and avoid the job performance failure.
There is also a potential legal aspect in HR Haldeman Clinton's email discretions and potential obstruction issues.

Maybe the reason people are ignoring the job performance failure is because republicans havent shown that there was a failure on her part and they are saying she should be put in jail, which is not a job performance failure punishment.

The reason your message is muddied is because your logic and reasoning is muddy
I missed the part were you talked about the 26 embassy personnel that died under Bush. Do you miss them too? Weren't they "good"?

Bush never lied about the attacks, never jid while they occurred, never doctored CIA reports about them to remove all references to 'terrorism', never conspired to lie to the American people about them, never declared to the world after those deaths that it was all over fictional protests that occurred because 'America was bad' and that 'The world must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'!

Of course he did.

His administration told the American public that Al Qaeda had colluded with the Iraqi government to launch the 9/11 terrorist attack. He then went on to say that the Iraqis were in the process of building nuclear weapons to attack the United States, and that they were allied with Iran and North Korea in that endeavor.

They told some real whoppers.
What you just posted was an early yapping point from dip shits like yourself,it has since been proven a lie try again.

Not one of you Clinton ass sucker have explained why Rice said what she did on all those Sunday morning shows,and why Obama said the same thing on late night TV,Which has been proven to be a lie,why would they lie like that,come on man up and expalin why they would lie like that,what would be a logical reason for such bull shittery??!!

Where the fuck have you been? The House Select Committee on Intelligence vindicated Susan Rice 20 months ago. You really should read more.
I missed the part were you talked about the 26 embassy personnel that died under Bush. Do you miss them too? Weren't they "good"?

Bush never lied about the attacks, never jid while they occurred, never doctored CIA reports about them to remove all references to 'terrorism', never conspired to lie to the American people about them, never declared to the world after those deaths that it was all over fictional protests that occurred because 'America was bad' and that 'The world must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'!

Of course he did.

His administration told the American public that Al Qaeda had colluded with the Iraqi government to launch the 9/11 terrorist attack. He then went on to say that the Iraqis were in the process of building nuclear weapons to attack the United States, and that they were allied with Iran and North Korea in that endeavor.

They told some real whoppers.
What you just posted was an early yapping point from dip shits like yourself,it has since been proven a lie try again.

Not one of you Clinton ass sucker have explained why Rice said what she did on all those Sunday morning shows,and why Obama said the same thing on late night TV,Which has been proven to be a lie,why would they lie like that,come on man up and expalin why they would lie like that,what would be a logical reason for such bull shittery??!!

There were no lies, shitstain.

Again, 7 "investigations" cleared the Obama Administration.

And we just had a big cheese in the Republican party admit they were never about doing anything more than hurting Hillary's numbers.

What exactly do you think the other fake scandal the Republicans put up about the IRS was all about?

Using a government agency to damage political opponents.

McCarthy just admitted to this.

He didn't obfuscate, it was in very direct language.

Republicans used the time of congress and tax payer money to discredit and attack an opponent.

That's completely wrong on many levels.
This is the equivalent of a witch trial. The republicans want to tie rocks to Hilary and dunk her in the lake. When she objects they say "WHY DOESNT SHE WANT TO GO INTO THE LAKE? IF SHE DROWNS SHE"S NOT GUILTY!"

The question is whether Hillary weighs the same as a duck
the party of death (progressive/democrat party) comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Hillary got one American killed. Reagan got 241 Americans killed. And you clowns believe Reagan was the best president we've ever had, lmao!!!

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