McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

Republicans own investigations have vindicated those involved, so something is clearly wrong with your findings. The $20 million investigation was a front to take down a legitimate candidate for office and if that isn't a crime it should be.

The lie that was told and retold by the administration until long after everyone knew otherwise that they thought it was a spontaneous attack alone easily justified the cost of the investigation. Obama and Rice both clearly lied whatever you want to call it, they both knew it wasn't. If Republicans knowingly lied, you'd be screaming for their heads, not arguing that somehow it wasn't illegal

But it never was a legitimate investigation. It was a charade and a fraud used to discredit a legitimate candidate for office.

What was a charade and a fraud? Obama obstructed and got away with it, it was his choice to not come clean

You really need to watch the video in the OP and then get with what we are discussing - the fact that Benghazi was a ruse to bring down a legitimate candidate.

I did watch the video, Holmes. He didn't say any of that. He said he wanted it known what she did

If that is your interpretation we'll have to disagree. Unfortunately from what I have read the press is no longer in agreement and will now examine the partisan nature of the committee. That spells disaster when the MSM no longer stands with you and it begins an unraveling you won't be able to stop.
You democrats are not Americans. This is more democrat political bullshit. The discussion was about whether the recently elected repubs were doing what they were elected for including pursuing the truth on Benghazi that obama and HR Haldeman Clinton have been deflecting from like the criminals they are.
This is a very weak and typically dishonest attempt to discredit opponents of the corrupt psychopaths obama and HR Haldeman Clinton.
The OP is a partisan phony.

Answering you would be like stealing a parking place from a handicapped person. You know, just not right. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional and social struggles that seem to be placing such a heavy demand on you.
Troll. You can't answer pointedly so you do the defeated left wing troll dance.

Republicans are not Americans. Real Americans support democracy, Republicans Pols are owned by and represent the Plutocrats, and those callous conservatives, the common people who lack empathy, and who support Republicans are fools. [satirical ^^^ comment]

See how easy it is to defame others of wrong doing, and of suffering from a personality disorder, but much harder to make the case alleged. It become laughable when a post making such claims, like the one posted by RoshawnMarkwees, claims others engage in partisanship.
Apparently you have an issue with separating issues. Pointing out lefty partisanship has nothing to do with right wing partisanship. If you want to start a discussion about right wing partisanship, be my guest. I'll likely agree. But niether justifies or qualifies the other.

So do you claim to be neutral, not lean left or right? I understand your point, what I have trouble with the use of the term "left wing". Please explain how your define a left winger?

I have a double undergrad major, Poli Sci and US History. To simplify my question I'll offer a pie graph:

Going clockwise from noon to 10 minutes past the hour we find Republicans, now labeled RINO's. From 11 past to 20 past are the conservatives; and from 21 past to the half hour we find the Reactionaries.

At the bottom of the hour we find the fringe, idiot fringe and Libertarians.

From 31 minutes past to 40 minutes past we find the Revolutionaries; from 41 past to 50 past we find the Progressives and liberals; and from 51 past to the hour we find the Democrats.

I define a right winger as a Reactionary, Authoritarian and resistant to new ideas.

I define a left winger has someone who wants change and wants it yesterday.

Everyone from 20 past to 40 past is a pain in the ass, imo.
I'm not convinced that this case has hurt Hillary per se. I'd think it's also annoyed moderates & independents who can clearly see the political motivation involved.

She's just not a very likable, trustworthy person. That doesn't mean she won't win, given her potential opponents especially.
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

Yes, those $Millions of taxpayer money used for the GOP campaign.
See? You keep saying this part but havent and cant show what the cover up was. Neither can the Republicans investigating show it happened either.
Blaming a video for an alleged spontaneous event and then once it was realized that it in fact was a coordinated attack there was an attempt to backtrack and say terrorism was blamed all along. And Candy Crowley helped on the second coverup. And no media pounded that obvious error.
We're talking about two blatant coverups, the second to attempt to coverup the first coverup.

Reposted for those who fail to follow the thread:

The video was one of the reasons listed by the leader of the attacks. That's from the horse's mouth.

Every one of the talking points, which came from the CIA to the state department turned out to be a fairly accurate assessment of what took place.

When consulates and embassies were attacked on Reagan and Bush, Democrats blamed insurgents and terrorists.

When consulates and embassies were attacked on Clinton (Bill) and Obama Republicans blamed the American administrations.

And now? They've admitted that these "investigations" were entirely meant to discredit their political opponents.
There is a major distinction between a spontaneous riot and a coordinated terror attack.
It doesn't matter what a terrorist uses as an excuse for an attack in addition to attacking for its own sake.
It's what obama, et al, said was solely to blame (a spontaneous response to a video) before attempting to backtrack when it became obvious it was terrorism.

7 Investigations cleared the Obama administration.

That was 6 MORE investigations that congress held on this than the 9/11 attacks.

Absolutely correct and it should be pointed out that if Republicans had wasted half the energy fixing the economy and passing legislation that was beneficial to the people they would own Washington right now instead of being caught in the midst of a scandal of their own making.
They can't fix an economy that was broken by obama energy policy and his intentional squeeze-down on domestic oil supply.
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.

Yep. If they had gone after the CIA, Petraeus or the military they might have had a case to defend, but they didn't and the truth became obvious to some of us.
Blaming a video for an alleged spontaneous event and then once it was realized that it in fact was a coordinated attack there was an attempt to backtrack and say terrorism was blamed all along. And Candy Crowley helped on the second coverup. And no media pounded that obvious error.
We're talking about two blatant coverups, the second to attempt to coverup the first coverup.

Reposted for those who fail to follow the thread:

The video was one of the reasons listed by the leader of the attacks. That's from the horse's mouth.

Every one of the talking points, which came from the CIA to the state department turned out to be a fairly accurate assessment of what took place.

When consulates and embassies were attacked on Reagan and Bush, Democrats blamed insurgents and terrorists.

When consulates and embassies were attacked on Clinton (Bill) and Obama Republicans blamed the American administrations.

And now? They've admitted that these "investigations" were entirely meant to discredit their political opponents.
There is a major distinction between a spontaneous riot and a coordinated terror attack.
It doesn't matter what a terrorist uses as an excuse for an attack in addition to attacking for its own sake.
It's what obama, et al, said was solely to blame (a spontaneous response to a video) before attempting to backtrack when it became obvious it was terrorism.

7 Investigations cleared the Obama administration.

That was 6 MORE investigations that congress held on this than the 9/11 attacks.

Absolutely correct and it should be pointed out that if Republicans had wasted half the energy fixing the economy and passing legislation that was beneficial to the people they would own Washington right now instead of being caught in the midst of a scandal of their own making.
They can't fix an economy that was broken by obama energy policy and his intentional squeeze-down on domestic oil supply.

Their legislative record or lack of it tells the true story.
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.
Complete nonsense...look I don't like Republican's or this new speaker. He's a moron like the rest of them, but he didn't say anything was a sham. He pointed out that nobody would have known that Hillary couldn't be trusted had they not put together this committee. This whole Benghazi thing continues to bring her down and this latest spin/lie on what this guy said won't change that. Dems are frantically trying to make this go away for her and nothing is working. This latest one won't go anywhere. No matter how many headlines claim he said it was a sham doesn't make it so.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense understands what he was getting at.
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.
Complete nonsense...look I don't like Republican's or this new speaker. He's a moron like the rest of them, but he didn't say anything was a sham. He pointed out that nobody would have known that Hillary couldn't be trusted had they not put together this committee. This whole Benghazi thing continues to bring her down and this latest spin/lie on what this guy said won't change that. Dems are frantically trying to make this go away for her and nothing is working. This latest one won't go anywhere. No matter how many headlines claim he said it was a sham doesn't make it so.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense understands what he was getting at.

That's not what he said.

Not at all.
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.
Complete nonsense...look I don't like Republican's or this new speaker. He's a moron like the rest of them, but he didn't say anything was a sham. He pointed out that nobody would have known that Hillary couldn't be trusted had they not put together this committee. This whole Benghazi thing continues to bring her down and this latest spin/lie on what this guy said won't change that. Dems are frantically trying to make this go away for her and nothing is working. This latest one won't go anywhere. No matter how many headlines claim he said it was a sham doesn't make it so.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense understands what he was getting at.

That's not what he said.

Not at all.
Thats exactly what he said. Listen to it again. He's pointing out that without them pursuing this Benghazi issue people would have not understood how untrustworthy Hillary is.
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.
Complete nonsense...look I don't like Republican's or this new speaker. He's a moron like the rest of them, but he didn't say anything was a sham. He pointed out that nobody would have known that Hillary couldn't be trusted had they not put together this committee. This whole Benghazi thing continues to bring her down and this latest spin/lie on what this guy said won't change that. Dems are frantically trying to make this go away for her and nothing is working. This latest one won't go anywhere. No matter how many headlines claim he said it was a sham doesn't make it so.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense understands what he was getting at.

That's not what he said.

Not at all.
Thats exactly what he said. Listen to it again. He's pointing out that without them pursuing this Benghazi issue people would have not understood how untrustworthy Hillary is.

I've listened and read it multiple times.

He was pretty direct and honest about it.

It's been posted in this thread.

He even bragged about cratering Hillary's numbers.

There is NO OTHER WAY to explain 8 investigations along with all the other crapola about the same fucking issue.

There's no way to "twist" this.
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.
Complete nonsense...look I don't like Republican's or this new speaker. He's a moron like the rest of them, but he didn't say anything was a sham. He pointed out that nobody would have known that Hillary couldn't be trusted had they not put together this committee. This whole Benghazi thing continues to bring her down and this latest spin/lie on what this guy said won't change that. Dems are frantically trying to make this go away for her and nothing is working. This latest one won't go anywhere. No matter how many headlines claim he said it was a sham doesn't make it so.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense understands what he was getting at.

Really? then why does the L.A. Times. The Washinton Post, The New York Times, MSNBC, and Bloomberg Business disagree?

More Hillary Clinton emails: White House operator 'doesn't believe I am who I say'

Kevin McCarthy’s comments about Benghazi should trouble Republicans
GOP leader accidentally tells the truth about Benghazi committee
Clinton Camp Senses Moment to Expose Benghazi Committee
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.
Complete nonsense...look I don't like Republican's or this new speaker. He's a moron like the rest of them, but he didn't say anything was a sham. He pointed out that nobody would have known that Hillary couldn't be trusted had they not put together this committee. This whole Benghazi thing continues to bring her down and this latest spin/lie on what this guy said won't change that. Dems are frantically trying to make this go away for her and nothing is working. This latest one won't go anywhere. No matter how many headlines claim he said it was a sham doesn't make it so.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense understands what he was getting at.
Sanitizing the full intent disclosed in McCarthy's statement does not negate the truth gleaned from the original statement made on FAUX News through logical analysis!
If there is a lesson in any of this, it should be that Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's foolish admission should demonstrate once and for all that Republicans have wasted their majority in Congress. Their foolishness should demonstrate to voters just how poorly suited they are to be elevated to the White House.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

Well, duh!
the party of death (progressive/democrat party) comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups
If he'd survived and been rescued I'm sure that the conservative nutters would have wanted an investigation into why an Obama appointee had put himself in that position against advice and put rescuers at risk.
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.
Complete nonsense...look I don't like Republican's or this new speaker. He's a moron like the rest of them, but he didn't say anything was a sham. He pointed out that nobody would have known that Hillary couldn't be trusted had they not put together this committee. This whole Benghazi thing continues to bring her down and this latest spin/lie on what this guy said won't change that. Dems are frantically trying to make this go away for her and nothing is working. This latest one won't go anywhere. No matter how many headlines claim he said it was a sham doesn't make it so.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense understands what he was getting at.

The Benghazi Investigation is NOT supposed to be about targeting Hillary because there is nothing that points any blame at her whatsoever (beyond conservative conspiracy theories). Just the same as there was nothing that points any blame at Obama when the GOP was after him, but switched gears and targeted Hillary instead for political reasons.

It's supposed to be a neutral investigation (into what exactly who knows?) but instead almost everything about it targets Hillary...all the interviews, all the questionings, all the subpoenas, everything is just about spot lighting Hillary for no apparent reason.

There still is no substantial story or line of facts that points anything at Hillary (in fact multiple investigations have cleared Hillary of any wrong doing, including Republican lead ones...).

In other words everything about the select committee suggests that it's a political game....and then McCarthy goes on national television and basically says it's a political game.

McCarthy did indeed admit the Benghazi Select Committee is a sham.
This case?

The top Republican just admitted the "case" was a sham.

No outrage from the right wing.

Just an attempt at denial.
Complete nonsense...look I don't like Republican's or this new speaker. He's a moron like the rest of them, but he didn't say anything was a sham. He pointed out that nobody would have known that Hillary couldn't be trusted had they not put together this committee. This whole Benghazi thing continues to bring her down and this latest spin/lie on what this guy said won't change that. Dems are frantically trying to make this go away for her and nothing is working. This latest one won't go anywhere. No matter how many headlines claim he said it was a sham doesn't make it so.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense understands what he was getting at.

That's not what he said.

Not at all.
Thats exactly what he said. Listen to it again. He's pointing out that without them pursuing this Benghazi issue people would have not understood how untrustworthy Hillary is.

There is nothing about the Benghazi issue that suggests Hillary is untrustworthy.

This is the same as a crime being debated in a courtroom and the judge going on television telling people how evil a certain person he "thinks" did the crime is before the court says that he's even accused.

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