McCarthy cursed trump during efforts to remove him as Speaker


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

How many people have stood up for trump, only to be stabbed in the back when they need help? trump cares about trump.....period
So Trump, now once again under a gag a maggot order because he's a sadist, screwed McCarthy. Did McCarthy actually think his time wouldn't come?

Trump wanted a government shutdown to make Biden & Dems look bad & McCarthy's deal stopped it from happening. Therefore, Trump got his revenge on McCarthy first chance he got.

That's what happens to anyone who gets involved with a deranged sick fuck like Trump.

How many people have stood up for trump, only to be stabbed in the back when they need help? trump cares about trump.....period
You know who he didn’t stab in the Back? Americans xiden left behind in afghan. Or our Allies. Only Joey Xiden remains the first and only president held in contempt of the United Kingdom for his betrayal.
So Trump, now once again under a gag a maggot order because he's a sadist, screwed McCarthy. Did McCarthy actually think his time wouldn't come?

Trump wanted a government shutdown to make Biden & Dems look bad & McCarthy's deal stopped it from happening. Therefore, Trump got his revenge on McCarthy first chance he got.

That's what happens to anyone who gets involved with a deranged sick fuck like Trump.
I wonder if Kevin is sorry he flew to Florida and kissed trump's ass shortly after J6? Naw, he would never admit it.

I wonder if Kevin is sorry he flew to Florida and kissed trump's ass shortly after J6? Naw, he would never admit it.

McCarthy claimed he went to MAL because Trump wasen't eating & wasen't doing well. :abgg2q.jpg:

How many people have stood up for trump, only to be stabbed in the back when they need help? trump cares about trump.....period
How many citizens have stood up for their politicians? Prog politicians forcing people to live under fascist dictums with COVID. While they themselves "put the dog on" as they were caught numerous times not wearing masks. The vaccines' they took perhaps was nothing more than a placebo. Watching how peoplewere ready to rat out the unvaxxedor get loud and potentially vioent was a forewarning. It seems the Anne Frank experience was for naught.

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