McCarthy doesn't get it (yet)

Accept we live in a democracy. About half the country are left (with a small percentage being far left) and about half the country are right (with a small percentage being far right). But, since Republicans were voted in to be in power in the House, the House should be run by the majority in the Republican party who voters voted in, who are RINOs. Voters chose moderation to the tune of around 200-20. That's not even close. The 20 should not have so much power that they can stifle the 200. That's not what voters voted for. Do you believe in democracy or dictatorships?

Those 20 are going up against thousands, not just the 200. They're going up against not only corrupt leadership and corrupt one sides rules, but also corporate and special interest lobbyist that's helped to corrupt our government. Now that Fox has shown it's true colors and sided with the likes of McCarthy and Trump, the 20 is also going up against them to help restore something that resembles a democratic republic.
There's also 200+ democrats in that house as well. This my way or the highway stuff has to cease and compromises must be made or we will have the same gridlock that we've experienced for the last 35 years. Democrats are just as guilty with their lockstep voting.

Gridlock it down for 2 years, for all I care. Because the way things have been going for the last 4 decades isn't making things any better.
The rules changes that the 20 or so are holding out for is going to make things fairer for both the left and right. If they get their way, there won't be any "my way or the highway" thing anymore.
As it stands, when a bill or an Amendment goes into a committee, it's the committee that says it's "my way or the highway." And it's the speaker who put those amendments through committee, with the suspension of the rules.
There's also 200+ democrats in that house as well. This my way or the highway stuff has to cease and compromises must be made or we will have the same gridlock that we've experienced for the last 35 years. Democrats are just as guilty with their lockstep voting.
How many Republicans voted for Pelosi?
Those 20 are going up against thousands, not just the 200. They're going up against not only corrupt leadership and corrupt one sides rules, but also corporate and special interest lobbyist that's helped to corrupt our government. Now that Fox has shown it's true colors and sided with the likes of McCarthy and Trump, the 20 is also going up against them to help restore something that resembles a democratic republic.
So, you're saying that in order to save our democracy we must form a dictatorship.
Nothing. Howsoever, we are currently a divided nation. I really don't feel like shooting people I may be related to since part of my family came here on the Mayflower in the early 1600s, and other (native) relative/ancestors brought the Pilgrims turkey for a pow-wow peace meal in the late fall that would prevent them from starving or developing kwashiorkor (condition related to malnourishment). Furthermore, treating Biden poorly other than using Amendment 25 could throw us into a war far worse than a few Democrat cities with nincompoops shooting guns and occasionally killing someone else. In the last civil war in America, 620,000 soldiers were lost, but the population then was 31,443,321. We are now 333,000,000, aproximately. If the same percentage died, that would be 6 or 7 million citizens, because it would not be a war of soldiers, it would be a war of men and women, not to mention some rather careless minors. Keeling the serial extortionist Biden would be a cause celebre for Democrats to go mad. You see, they forgive him for being an ape on the take when he was in office for 44 years before becoming deep state selected to be President if no one could prove omerta precinct chairmen stole the election. So using Amendment 25 properly, there'd be no case for a serious war. The press instigated false witness propaganda about President Trump, but they failed to point out Biden's propensity to raid cash from foreign countries receiving a third of their foreign aid packages through extortion and threats to ruin their opportunity to get American taxpayers' tax money.

Biden even had a viral audiovisual on his speech to a group of his friends about how he got the Ukrainians to put a billion dollars in cash onto Air Force Two in less than 6 hours. He was bragging about how easy it was for him to use his Vice Presidential powers to cancel the rest of their package if they didn't hustle. He told his audience that it worked, and he left as soon as it was accounted for. The video has been withdrawn from youtube, and people who have the video are being threatened on a regular basis, because nobody else has a copy anymore except for a few wealthy political news media moguls. Yes, we have the goods on the man, but no, we do not want civil war this year. I understand other parts of the world are having a Covid crisis in China and a few other countries. Most of us are hoping and praying that will not come back here. Praying as in a half hour every night. Biden may not be long for this world anyway. I have not heard an effective cure for third state dementia. And I can tell you from family experience, it can debilitate and kill the best of good people.
Just saying, you are a mirror image of those you oppose on the other side. Why would you expect some democrats to vote for McCarthy when no Republicans voted for Pelosi?
You seem laser focused on a speaker vote. If you read what I wrote--one more time. This country has been in partisan gridlock for 35 years. NOTHING positive has been accomplished in that time. If you doubt it take a look at the homeless problem in any city in the US. Immigration is another. Now you can return to "but, but, but the 'pubs didn't vote for Piglosi" with good reason.
You seem laser focused on a speaker vote. If you read what I wrote--one more time. This country has been in partisan gridlock for 35 years. NOTHING positive has been accomplished in that time. If you doubt it take a look at the homeless problem in any city in the US. Immigration is another. Now you can return to "but, but, but the 'pubs didn't vote for Piglosi" with good reason.
Ahh, now I understand. You're saying that the best way to get rid of partisan gridlock is to have even worse partisan gridlock. So, tell me that this speaker fight has put an end to partisan gridlock. In fact, most experts are predicting we will have the most partisan gridlocked Congress there has ever been. Both sides seem to think the best way to get rid of partisan gridlock is to win a supermajority and the presidency so that you can cram all of your policies through without having to worry about the other side getting in your way. Then we can effectively have a dictatorship, ending dysfunctional government.
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How is it worse when you have dissent within a party. This lockstep crap is why NOTHING has been accomplished in 35 years. Too bad there are no independent thinkers in the democrat party. When there have been dissidents in both parties, they often collaborated and some actual progress was made.
So, you don't think Progressives were "independent" thinkers? Hell, Bernie is a registered Independent. They were doing the very same bullshit the far right was doing to McCarthy.
I have to agree that Jim Jordan puts his best foot out by saying he supports Kevin McCarthy. I'm very good with that. McCarthy has a plan to fix a lot of wrongs, and he has worked very hard to restore the liberties of speech that is focused on the good of the american people. The 20 Republicans who are making big threats if they don't get their way are determined to destroy other people rather than to go with the majority vote. Their constituents might not care for another 6 years of Democrat domination, and they will likely be shown to the exit door in the next election. It's a selfish thing to do. We need to get the Constitutional freedoms back. The 20 destroyer RINOs disappoint a lot of conservatives if they keep up this insane selfish plot.
So you don't realize that the 20 or so who stood up against the 202 reps and 212 dems who wanted to rubber stamp Pelosi's previous House rules?

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