McCarthy doesn't get it (yet)

Not true. It doesn't have to be a (R).
Jeffries COULD become Speaker, unlikely, but there is no rule against having the minority party be the Speaker.

Oh good grief. You're splitting hairs. Of course it's going to be a republican. No republican is going to vote for a democrat.

Enough of the fear mongering. The GOP can't do shit with the dems having the senate.

The house can't do anything without, even with a Pelosi appointee, without the new members being sworn in. This is why I can't stand republicans. They lie and fear monger as bad as the left.
He just wanted them to make a statement. He didn’t want an investigation cuz there is no “there” there. You know that.
What kind of answer is that? He wasnt being investigated because Biden threatened them. Right? Biden threatened to withhold billions if they didnt fire the prosecutor. This is a 100% true statement i am making here, correct?
BASELESSLY impeaching a president means you are incapable of serious governing.
You mean like the two times the Dims impeached Trump?
Both of Trump's impeachments were based on very serious violations of his office. In both impeachments we've had a Republican argument why Trump should be impeached and removed.

1. Extorting Ukraine for public investigations by illictly withoutholding aid is straight corrupt.
2. Refusing to even move a finger to try to halt attack on Congress was a clear violation of his oath of office.

They were based on bullshit and lies.
They were based on bullshit and lies.
Do you seriously think anyone gives a fuck about your baseless assertions?

Trump extorted Zelensky by illegally holding aid. Even some Republicans admitted that. One voted to remove, others were talking about "leaving it to the voters"...who by the way obliged and removed Trump.

Ten Republicans actually voted to impeach him the second time around. They saw his culpability when he refused to do anything about the attack on the Congress. Even McCarthy was proposing Censure.

But hey, there is our very own Britpat9643 to stick fingers in his ears and go NUH-UH!

Who can possibly argue with that?
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It's hardly baseless, and you obviously give a fuck.
You don't have to post more baseless bullshit. I know you are good for it.

Ignore everything, assert whatever your heart desires. It's just what you do.

Bottom line - You asked me how come I supported Democrat's impeachment of Trump and I damn well explained to you. The End.
You don't have to post more baseless bullshit. I know you are good for it.

Ignore everything, assert whatever your heart desires. It's just what you do.

Bottom line - You asked me how come I supported Democrat's impeachment of Trump and I damn well explained to you. The End.
You post hypocrisy and bullshit.
WTF, Jordan nominates McCarthy, then Gaetz nominates Jordan.

And why is there a democrat on the ballot? They can't get the speakers position because the democrats don't have the majority. They're just grand standing. The left loves to grand stand.
Idiotic claim. Dems have 212 votes. That’s how it works

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