McCarthy doesn't get it (yet)

How do you copy and paste Twitter posts?
Go to the bottom of the tweet, it says 'copy link' click and copy.

To paste it to a post, got to the three dots on the right to go to the second page (bar above) open the thing with two windows, to the left of the two quote marks, then paste.
Go to the bottom of the tweet, it says 'copy link' click and copy.

Ok, I do that, and when I post the link into the forum, only the link pastes. When I click on the "post reply" button, still only the link shows up.
I think I see what's going on now. If Jordan comes out and says he doesn't want the speakers position, then it'll be a well played joke on the conservatives who didn't want McCarthy, just to flip them to McCarthy.
That's why Biggs wasn't nominated in the 2nd go round.

Slimy, good for nothing liberal republicans.
I have to agree that Jim Jordan puts his best foot out by saying he supports Kevin McCarthy. I'm very good with that. McCarthy has a plan to fix a lot of wrongs, and he has worked very hard to restore the liberties of speech that is focused on the good of the american people. The 20 Republicans who are making big threats if they don't get their way are determined to destroy other people rather than to go with the majority vote. Their constituents might not care for another 6 years of Democrat domination, and they will likely be shown to the exit door in the next election. It's a selfish thing to do. We need to get the Constitutional freedoms back. The 20 destroyer RINOs disappoint a lot of conservatives if they keep up this insane selfish plot.
The Fox Republicans are probably snorting Balance of Nature off of Mike Lindell pillows this morning trying to cope with all this
Ok, I do that, and when I post the link into the forum, only the link pastes. When I click on the "post reply" button, still only the link shows up.
Start over. write what it says, post. Then with a new post, paste the link with "Above information from the link: " dot com" If that doesn't do it, someone else is controlling your computer and you better find out who is screwing with your post and report them to the fcc*.

* Federal Communications Commission | The United States of ...
National Broadband Map. Check the new map on where internet service is available and help improve it by submitting challenges.
Does this mean you are against Trump?

I'm totally against King Swamp Creature. Him signing into law two omnibus bills totaling over $3 trillion, his bump stock ban, the fact that he only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years, and a few other things along those lines, proved to me he wasn't anything more than a McConnell/McCarthy type toad.
I'm totally against King Swamp Creature. Him signing into law two omnibus bills totaling over $3 trillion, his bump stock ban, the fact that he only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years, and a few other things along those lines, proved to me he wasn't anything more than a McConnell/McCarthy type toad.
Accept we live in a democracy. About half the country are left (with a small percentage being far left) and about half the country are right (with a small percentage being far right). But, since Republicans were voted in to be in power in the House, the House should be run by the majority in the Republican party who voters voted in, who are RINOs. Voters chose moderation to the tune of around 200-20. That's not even close. The 20 should not have so much power that they can stifle the 200. That's not what voters voted for. Do you believe in democracy or dictatorships?
I have to agree that Jim Jordan puts his best foot out by saying he supports Kevin McCarthy. I'm very good with that. McCarthy has a plan to fix a lot of wrongs, and he has worked very hard to restore the liberties of speech that is focused on the good of the american people. The 20 Republicans who are making big threats if they don't get their way are determined to destroy other people rather than to go with the majority vote. Their constituents might not care for another 6 years of Democrat domination, and they will likely be shown to the exit door in the next election. It's a selfish thing to do. We need to get the Constitutional freedoms back. The 20 destroyer RINOs disappoint a lot of conservatives if they keep up this insane selfish plot.

Accept we live in a democracy. About half the country are left (with a small percentage being far left) and about half the country are right (with a small percentage being far right). But, since Republicans were voted in to be in power in the House, the House should be run by the majority in the Republican party who voters voted in, who are RINOs. Voters chose moderation to the tune of around 200-20. That's not even close. The 20 should not have so much power that they can stifle the 200. That's not what voters voted for. Do you believe in democracy or dictatorships?

I have to agree that Jim Jordan puts his best foot out by saying he supports Kevin McCarthy. I'm very good with that. McCarthy has a plan to fix a lot of wrongs, and he has worked very hard to restore the liberties of speech that is focused on the good of the american people. The 20 Republicans who are making big threats if they don't get their way are determined to destroy other people rather than to go with the majority vote. Their constituents might not care for another 6 years of Democrat domination, and they will likely be shown to the exit door in the next election. It's a selfish thing to do. We need to get the Constitutional freedoms back. The 20 destroyer RINOs disappoint a lot of conservatives if they keep up this insane selfish plot.
McCarthy gets a "F" rating from Liberty Score. He is a RINO.

Accept we live in a democracy. About half the country are left (with a small percentage being far left) and about half the country are right (with a small percentage being far right). But, since Republicans were voted in to be in power in the House, the House should be run by the majority in the Republican party who voters voted in, who are RINOs. Voters chose moderation to the tune of around 200-20. That's not even close. The 20 should not have so much power that they can stifle the 200. That's not what voters voted for. Do you believe in democracy or dictatorships?
While I agree with you to an extent, I believe the positive in all of this is that, Maybe, just maybe, it will force compromise in our government. Something we haven't seen in about 30 years. Both factions are claiming "my way or the highway."
While I agree with you to an extent, I believe the positive in all of this is that, Maybe, just maybe, it will force compromise in our government. Something we haven't seen in about 30 years. Both factions are claiming "my way or the highway."
Except on faction is about 210 while the other faction is about 10.
Except on faction is about 210 while the other faction is about 10.
There's also 200+ democrats in that house as well. This my way or the highway stuff has to cease and compromises must be made or we will have the same gridlock that we've experienced for the last 35 years. Democrats are just as guilty with their lockstep voting.

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