McCarthy: 'I earned this job', Boebert when he finished: "that's Bullsh*t": GOP explodes in meeting before speaker vote, which you can watch live here

It really goes back to Gingrich, was solidified by Bush/Cheney, created the Tea Party and was exploited by Trump
You mean was given an alternative by Trump. Fixed it for you. Dubya ruined the party and it remains in ruins.
You mean was given an alternative by Trump. Fixed it for you. Dubya ruined the party and it remains in ruins.
Seriously Skippy

The Republican Party never sank lower than when Trump took control.

Seriously Skippy

The Republican Party never sank lower than when Trump took control.
Why? What policies of his “sank it lower”? Oh yeah, you’re Holocaust denying antisemite so moving the embassy to Jerusalem really angered you.

Why would you ask me what Representative Boebert or the People she represents want ...
Do you somehow think I am in charge of her policy?

I'm not simply dismissing your approach ... But Representative Boebert has a position she has made clear in this circumstance.
If you want to actually know what she wants ... What her positions are ... And what she has planned ... I would suggest going to her website.

I am defending the idea that our Representatives in Congress ... Are there to Represent us ... And do what we want them to do ...
Not simply what the Establishment or everyone else in the Nation wants them to do ... My vote counts and sometimes I lose.

That is how a Representative Republic is supposed to work.

She is for a scorched earth government. What specifically does that involve? I'm talking specifics? Still asking? You are the one going on about debate. Okay, debate then.

If you don't know her policies, then why are you posting?
Trump attempted to overthrow our Democracy
A low point for Republicanism
I said Policies. Learn to read. Overthrow without any weapons and walking in a single file between ropes. Spare me. That day has been exaggerated more often than your IQ. I am smarter than rightwinger
Post them now or you are a liar.
I said “can” not “will”. Learn to read you race baiting foreigner. Tell me again how “China did everything right”. Looks like we are living with the virus, aren’t we? As Trump said we should.
Because the 20 are willing to lose their seat in the next election for the sake of their principles

The 228 are not

McCarty crying that he earned the job by waiting his turn tells me he’s in this for himself rather than the voters
They don't have principles. That's the problem.
I said “can” not “will”. Learn to read you race baiting foreigner. Tell me again how “China did everything right”. Looks like we are living with the virus, aren’t we? As Trump said we should.
Ah yea, you've always been a lying piece of shit. Scram!
Is anyone surprised from this dysfunctional party that voted to repeal Obamacare 4 dozen times when they knew it wouldn't pass ... then zero times when the knew it could pass? Morons. Fucking performance morons.
Boebert claimed the 2020 election was stolen. Was it?

How would I know ... I wasn't an observer, and I am not accountable for the result.
If you are going to ask me a question ... Make it one I could answer.

She is for a scorched earth government. What specifically does that involve? I'm talking specifics? Still asking? You are the one going on about debate. Okay, debate then.

If you don't know her policies, then why are you posting?

I already answered that question ... Asking it again won't change the answer ... :thup:

It's the third very long improperly punctuated run on sentence in the quote of mine you posted.
I understand if you have problems with it ... But that's the answer.

Of you desire to discuss Representative Boebert's policies ...
Or care to know what they are ... Go to her website.


Why would you ask me what Representative Boebert or the People she represents want ...
Do you somehow think I am in charge of her policy?

I'm not simply dismissing your approach ... But Representative Boebert has a position she has made clear in this circumstance.
If you want to actually know what she wants ... What her positions are ... And what she has planned ... I would suggest going to her website.

I am defending the idea that our Representatives in Congress ... Are there to Represent us ... And do what we want them to do ...
Not simply what the Establishment or everyone else in the Nation wants them to do ... My vote counts and sometimes I lose.

That is how a Representative Republic is supposed to work.

Boebert is for in person voting. Really? Then where is her outrage for this; Report: More than 1600 polling places have closed since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act Theses folks lost their in person voting rights, that's why they use mail in. She's against mail-in.

How would I know ... I wasn't an observer, and I am not accountable for the result.
If you are going to ask me a question ... Make it one I could answer.

So, you really have no debating qualities here. I take it you are here to troll?

I already answered that question ... Asking it again won't change the answer ... :thup:

It's the third very long improperly punctuated run on sentence in the quote of mine you posted.
I understand if you have problems with it ... But that's the answer.

Of you desire to discuss Representative Boebert's policies ...
Or care to know what they are ... Go to her website.

You aren't debating anything, nor do you seem to have the ability to. Thanks for letting us all know what a waste of time you are.

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