McCarthy to Biden: Give Us Your Bank Statements or We'll Impeach You

Yup. Nothing about firing Shokin before they get the loan

You have not provided a single document, prior to Biden's extortion of Ukraine, that says it was US policy to have Shokin fired. NO EVIDENCE! LOL
Your document shows that it was US policy to have reforms in the prosecutor general office before the loan guarantees.

Guess who was standing in the way of those reforms?
Your document shows that it was US policy to have reforms in the prosecutor general office before the loan guarantees.
And not a word about firing Shokin
Guess who was standing in the way of those reforms?
Dude had been in the job eight months. How about Joh Kerry and Nuland singing his praises and telling him was a good job he's been doing?

I'm still holding my breath waiting for you to link any official document, a frigging post it note, showing it was US policy to have Shokin fire before Biden extorted them on behalf of Burisma.
And not a word about firing Shokin

Dude had been in the job eight months. How about Joh Kerry and Nuland singing his praises and telling him was a good job he's been doing?

I'm still holding my breath waiting for you to link any official document, a frigging post it note, showing it was US policy to have Shokin fire before Biden extorted them on behalf of Burisma.
Nothing in that document shows anyone to be singing his praises. The document references the reform efforts of "your government" and not "you". It's a letter asking Shokin to use the resources that we are providing to further the goal of "your government" of addressing corruption.

Your own document shows that the US policy was to reform the prosecutor general office before guaranteeing loans.

I have George Kent, who testified under oath that the problems with Shokin were noted by the State Dept and that they brought these concerns to Joe Biden when they wanted to make the loan guarantees conditional on his removal.

The money shot is on page 94.

So then that was the wasting of U.S. taxpayer resources,and so that i s the reason why the IMF, the U. S. , and theEuropean Un'ion said collectively the justice sector and theprosecutor is so important for the success of this countryand it's so important to reform it that Victor Shokin hasshown that he's actively wasti ng U. S. taxpayer dollars andhe' s preventi ng reform.And because in the conditionality of our sovereign loanguarantees, the U.S. Government guaranteed loans for Ukraineto borrow in the market, 201'4, 2015, and 2016, reform,anticorruption reforms, and the prosecutor's reforms Were keycondj tionali ty.The conversations that went between the embassy and theState Department were then brought ahead of the VicePresi dent goi ng to Ukrai ne i n December of 20L5, and Shoki n'sremoval then became a condition for the loan guarantee.
Nothing in that document shows anyone to be singing his praises. The document references the reform efforts of "your government" and not "you". It's a letter asking Shokin to use the resources that we are providing to further the goal of "your government" of addressing corruption.

Your own document shows that the US policy was to reform the prosecutor general office before guaranteeing loans.

I have George Kent, who testified under oath that the problems with Shokin were noted by the State Dept and that they brought these concerns to Joe Biden when they wanted to make the loan guarantees conditional on his removal.

The money shot is on page 94.

So then that was the wasting of U.S. taxpayer resources,and so that i s the reason why the IMF, the U. S. , and theEuropean Un'ion said collectively the justice sector and theprosecutor is so important for the success of this countryand it's so important to reform it that Victor Shokin hasshown that he's actively wasti ng U. S. taxpayer dollars andhe' s preventi ng reform.And because in the conditionality of our sovereign loanguarantees, the U.S. Government guaranteed loans for Ukraineto borrow in the market, 201'4, 2015, and 2016, reform,anticorruption reforms, and the prosecutor's reforms Were keycondj tionali ty.The conversations that went between the embassy and theState Department were then brought ahead of the VicePresi dent goi ng to Ukrai ne i n December of 20L5, and Shoki n'sremoval then became a condition for the loan guarantee.
All post facto. If the bullshit you are trying to sell was true you would have at least one document, one freaking document, an email, a memo ... saying it was US policy that Shokin be fired. You can't do it, becaus it wasn't US policy. Potatohead went rogue and extorted Ukraine for $$$$$ from Burisma - that is the only evidence we have.
All post facto. If the bullshit you are trying to sell was true you would have at least one document, one freaking document, an email, a memo ... saying it was US policy that Shokin be fired. You can't do it, becaus it wasn't US policy. Potatohead went rogue and extorted Ukraine for $$$$$ from Burisma - that is the only evidence we have.
So you’re saying that eyewitness testimony and firsthand accounts aren’t evidence?

That’s pretty stupid.
That sounds like blackmail. Blackmail is a crime. Republicans have no right to private financial data. even the FBI cannot get personal financial documents without a court order. Biden should tell McCarthy to pound sand.
Congress has the same power as a judge when it comes to subpoenaing privileged documents.
And not a word about firing Shokin
Shokin was fired because he refused to prosecute corruption.

If you disagree, SHOW me the cases where Shokin actually DID prosecute Corruption.

It's easy dude, just show the cases that he did prosecute.
It's impossible to show the cases he didn't prosecute.

IF Shokin was actually doing his job of fighting and prosecuting corruption in Ukraine, then just show us the cases.
So you’re saying that eyewitness testimony and firsthand accounts aren’t evidence?
I'm saying the word of a career State Department stooge looking to get Trump impeached ain't worth spit. Particularly since, in the entire Federal Government, and you've had seven years to look for it. you can't find a single, not one, document stating it was US Policy to have Shokin fired.
That’s pretty stupid.

Yup. The lengths to which you'll debase yourself for a corrupt politician that doesn't give a flying fuck about you is truly remarkable.

Don't you find a it a bit odd that, all these years, Obama hasn't come out and said "Yeah - I told Potatohead to extort Ukraine with our tax dollars to get Shokin fired?
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Shokin was fired because he refused to prosecute corruption.

If you disagree, SHOW me the cases where Shokin actually DID prosecute Corruption.

It's easy dude, just show the cases that he did prosecute.
It's impossible to show the cases he didn't prosecute.

IF Shokin was actually doing his job of fighting and prosecuting corruption in Ukraine, then just show us the cases.
LOL You don't have shit either, huh? Too funny.
Why? Do you have evidence that he is lying?

WTF? I gave it to you. Obama's task force that expressly said to give Ukraine the $$ without requiring Shiokin be fired.

That, and the fact that there is not a single document, from the Federal Gvt that generates a hundred million documents a year, not a single one, that states it was US policy that Shokin be fired.
Or do you just ignore any evidence you don't want to hear?
Backatcha Gumby.
WTF? I gave it to you. Obama's task force that expressly said to give Ukraine the $$ without requiring Shiokin be fired.

That, and the fact that there is not a single document, from the Federal Gvt that generates a hundred million documents a year, not a single one, that states it was US policy that Shokin be fired.

Backatcha Gumby.
I haven’t examined the hundred million documents so I can’t say for sure. I know you’ve been waving around two documents but have lied about what they say.

You’re accusing George Kent of lying under oath. It’s a completely baseless accusation and a total excuse to just ignore what he’s saying.
WTF? I gave it to you. Obama's task force that expressly said to give Ukraine the $$ without requiring Shiokin be fired.

That, and the fact that there is not a single document, from the Federal Gvt that generates a hundred million documents a year, not a single one, that states it was US policy that Shokin be fired.

Backatcha Gumby.

Obama's Task Force demanded Shokin be fired. Mitch McConnell and Ron Johnson signed a letter to the President of the Ukraine demanding Shokin be fired.

I haven’t examined the hundred million documents so I can’t say for sure.
You can "for sure" because the entire Democrat party has been looking for said documents since your party chose to impeach Trump wrt to Ukraine. But they haven't found any. Because they don't exist
I know you’ve been waving around two documents but have lied about what they say.
LOL I haven't lied. Do you always resort to calling people liars when they shred your bullshit arguments?

I've given you more than enough opportunities to provide evidence. when you're reduced to personal insults as argument, we're done.

Have a blessed day,

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