McCarthy to Biden: Give Us Your Bank Statements or We'll Impeach You

You can "for sure" because the entire Democrat party has been looking for said documents since your party chose to impeach Trump wrt to Ukraine. But they haven't found any. Because they don't exist

LOL I haven't lied. Do you always resort to calling people liars when they shred your bullshit arguments?

I've given you more than enough opportunities to provide evidence. when you're reduced to personal insults as argument, we're done.

Have a blessed day,
You clearly mischaracterized the documents you provided. But maybe you didn’t read them and instead just repeated what you were told to believe.

I provided evidence which you just decided not to believe.
I'm afraid not. You must have facts to present to the grand jury, not just conjecture and hearsay.

You guys all claim to be the party of law and order but none of you understands how the system works.
Nope! The DA and AG call up liberal grand juries to go after political opponents. You simple can’t see this because of TDS and vile hatred for those who won’t follow along with your tyranny
No, they are not holding the impeachment inquiry over his head. That inquiry is happening regardless of whether or not Biden cooperates. He wont cooperate though. He will use every corrupt move possible to keep him and his family out of prison. He is lying about EVERYTHING and he is hiding every piece of evidence that he can.
Not so. Spineless Kevin's exact words: “If [the Bidens] provide us the documents, there wouldn’t be a need for an impeachment inquiry,”
He came out as a Republican. That justified your stealing one election, getting ready to steal another and putting your political opponents in jail. I mean shit, Trump CHOSE to come out as a Republican, clearly he brought this out on himself
Another Kool aide overdose.
Nope! The DA and AG call up liberal grand juries to go after political opponents. You simple can’t see this because of TDS and vile hatred for those who won’t follow along with your tyranny

How do you "call up a liberal grand jury"?
You can "for sure" because the entire Democrat party has been looking for said documents since your party chose to impeach Trump wrt to Ukraine. But they haven't found any. Because they don't exist

LOL I haven't lied. Do you always resort to calling people liars when they shred your bullshit arguments?

I've given you more than enough opportunities to provide evidence. when you're reduced to personal insults as argument, we're done.

Have a blessed day,

Several members of Trump's staff who were in on the call, or read in on the transcript, filed complaints with the Whistleblower's Office, the State Department lawyers, and John Bolton. NSA and State Department staff accused Trump and gave evidence at his Impeachment. The Democrats prosecuted the case on the part of the American people,, but it was Trump's own staffers who accused him.
Biden should just report to prison and save us a lot of time.

How very Republican of you. Evidence. We don't need no stinking evidence. He's a Democrat. He's guilty.

At the same time there is no amount of evidence in the world which will convince you of Donald Trump's guilt, not even his confessions to the crimes.
Several members of Trump's staff who were in on the call, or read in on the transcript, filed complaints with the Whistleblower's Office, the State Department lawyers, and John Bolton. NSA and State Department staff accused Trump and gave evidence at his Impeachment. The Democrats prosecuted the case on the part of the American people,, but it was Trump's own staffers who accused him.
It takes an enormous stretching of the truth to call the people testifying "Trump's staff."
Not so. Spineless Kevin's exact words: “If [the Bidens] provide us the documents, there wouldn’t be a need for an impeachment inquiry,”
He knows that Joe wont give them up. This statement makes Kevin look reasonable and it also makes Joe look corrupt when he refuses to provide the documents. You arent smart enough to see the obvious strategy. That makes YOU the idiot.

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