McCarthy to Biden: Give Us Your Bank Statements or We'll Impeach You

He knows that Joe wont give them up. This statement makes Kevin look reasonable and it also makes Joe look corrupt when he refuses to provide the documents. You arent smart enough to see the obvious strategy. That makes YOU the idiot.
LOL, no. The statement makes Spinless Kevin look even more spineless than usual.

Two criminal cults, but at least Trump isn’t demented, opposes WWIII, and is good for a laugh. :)
What a dumb fuck, Trump is scum, the lowest form of humanity and I would take Biden over trump any day. Toad brain is all the way into wwIII somehow. . Wonder how that happened. Yuck yuck and Biden is 100 times the man Trump is. We have never had a completely mentally ill politician to the extent as Trump in our total history. We really have little to worry about as far as scum bag is concerned he will be spending the rest of his life in jail, He should be put to death for being a traitor.
No, they are not holding the impeachment inquiry over his head. That inquiry is happening regardless of whether or not Biden cooperates. He wont cooperate though. He will use every corrupt move possible to keep him and his family out of prison. He is lying about EVERYTHING and he is hiding every piece of evidence that he can.
What a hoot. Not one once of reality in this idiots brain.
He will be charged, after he loses the election and the DOJ's protection.
100% bullshit, He has to have committed a crime to be charged stupid. He has done nothing only in the minds of the stupid and brain dead.
You are dumb as fuck if you think he isnt guilty. You are even dumber if you know he is guilty, but expect Comer not to find plenty of evidence between now and the election.

Joes poll numbers are TERRIBLE right now. Once we get to the debates, Joe wont be able to hide from the questions anymore and he isnt going to have good answers. The media wont be able to protect him anymore either. When Trump confronts Joe on the debate stage, the entire world is going to see it.
You dumb fuck Biden doesn't have to debate anyone , do only think scum bag can not debate. You people are a joke.
There could come a point when they cant ignore the evidence anymore. Once the public polls show that most Americans think Joe is engaged in bribery, its over for Joe. Dem politicians will always go whichever way the wind blows.
Look how stupid this dumb fuck is. If the polls go against Biden he's done says this chipmonk, well that makes Scum bag just as done, and his 100 criminal felonies this piece of shit is charged with will be a problem also don't you think. Do these people ever say one thing that isn't 100% stupid.
Biden wasn't President. And, now the family has $50 million that came in from China, Ukraine and Russia. Biden and his clan are dirty.
Bullshit, Prove it you fucking idiot. Trump took a billion dollars from 400 countries. What a hoot. You prove the 50 million with Biden and when you do I will prove the 400 billion with Scum Bag.
Bullshit, Prove it you fucking idiot. Trump took a billion dollars from 400 countries. What a hoot. You prove the 50 million with Biden and when you do I will prove the 400 billion with Scum Bag.
Show any factual evidence Trump took any money through bribery or extortion putting the country in peril. Try. You can’t.
Show any factual evidence Trump took any money through bribery or extortion putting the country in peril. Try. You can’t.

Someone in his family, not even Biden himself, got paid by someone - thats all there is to evidence Biden took bribes.

Good enough for you, so why the special pleading?

Kushner got 2 billion to manage for 8 million a year while having no directly relavant experience. He got it from Saudi Prince that Trump met many times and was covering up literal murder for. How is that less incriminating than anything on Joe?

Trump also has towers and bussiness in Turkey and even admited in 2015 he has conflict of interest there. And what do you know, he also became first American president to backstab the Kurds who Turks finally overan. Trump's foreign policy advisor has directly stated that Trump's foreign policy having to do with Turkey was driven by personal interests. How is that less incriminating than anything on Joe?
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Someone in his family, not even Biden himself, got paid by someone - thats all there is to evidence Biden took bribes.

Good enough for you, so why the special pleading?

Kushner got 2 billion to manage for 8 million a year while having no directly relavant experience. He got it from Saudi Prince that Trump met many times and was covering up literal murder for. How is that less incriminating than anything on Joe?

Trump also has towers and bussiness in Turkey and even admited in 2015 he has conflict of interest there. And what do you know, he also became first American president to backstab the Kurds who Turks finally overan. Trump's foreign policy advisor has directly stated that Trump's foreign policy having to do with Turkey was driven by personal interests. How is that less incriminating than anything on Joe?
Nice try attempting to deflect from Joe’s instant wealth. We know now because of testimony and emails that Joe is the big dog that had to get paid for getting the Ukraine DA fired. The fence is circling around and closer and closer to the Biden Mafia Syndicate and Democrats are now panicking trying to steer their zombie Party members towards Trump, but Trump. You all are so easy to calculate. You use the same buzz phrases.
We know now because of testimony and emails that Joe is the big dog that had to get paid for getting the Ukraine DA fired.

No such emails or testimony exists.

How about you stop posting bullshit out of your ass and go do some quality reading on this topic first.
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You dumb fuck Biden doesn't have to debate anyone , do only think scum bag can not debate. You people are a joke.
Joe instantly loses the election if he doesnt debate. Everyone will know why he isnt debating and that will be the end of him.
100% bullshit, He has to have committed a crime to be charged stupid. He has done nothing only in the minds of the stupid and brain dead.
Yes, fortunately for us he committed MULTIPLE crimes, and multiple counts of each crime. Are you under the impression that if you lie about it enough on internet forums, your lies will suddenly become reality? :cuckoo:

Joe is the most corrupt politician in US history. There is no doubt of that anymore. Once Trump wins the election, we will send Joe and his family to prison.
He will be charged, after he loses the election and the DOJ's protection.

The problem may be that despite the elections being so "secure", they really aren't. If the Democrats are willing to politicize the DOJ and the intelligence agencies, which they clearly are, what makes anyone think they aren't willing to make sure the election goes in Biden/Democrat's favor at all costs?

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