McCarthy to Biden: Give Us Your Bank Statements or We'll Impeach You

He’s literally already done that, and the entire American people…hence why we have record amount of people worse off then before he was elected. record Covid deaths, record credit debt, over half a million jobs lost in 2 months

He’s literally already done that, and the entire American people…hence why we have record amount of people worse off then before he was elected. record Covid deaths, record credit debt, over half a million jobs lost in 2 months…


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I would never waste my time, since I have never seen one of you maggots ever tell the truth. If you open your mouth it is a lie. If it is so , If Biden is guilty of something. charge him, of course you have to have more then your hate for him to get him charged, Whe3n You do that the police will tell you what a dumb fuck you are. You are a total waste to humanity.
Back on ignore it is.

But yeah, Biden is an extortionist and rapist, among numerous other crimes.
McCarthy is a paper guts no

the Moron in Chief should no be afraid.
Impeaching President Biden will of course backfire on Republicans.

The voters will see the unwarranted, meritless, bad faith impeachment of the president for what it is: a pathetic, desperate attempt to deflect from Trump’s corruption and crimes.
Impeaching President Biden will of course backfire on Republicans.

The voters will see the unwarranted, meritless, bad faith impeachment of the president for what it is: a pathetic, desperate attempt to deflect from Trump’s corruption and crimes.

Basement Joe bragged how he extorted the Ukraine out of a billion dollars in cash onto the Air Force Two he was going to ride on 6 hours hence, and he got home and banked the cash. The billion dollars was about 30% of the Foreign Aid Package the Pelosi Congress was to fork over to the Ukraine, the the Vice POTUS JoeBiden extorted them with a threat using his credentials as the Vice President and US VIP, to completely erase the 3.5 billion they were gonna get if he gave his approval, so then he repeated his 6 hours demand again, and thinking something was better than nothing, the Ukraine top dog approved it, and he bragged to his billionaire boys club when he got home of his new cash flow, except he didn't mention which offshore account he put it in. He double-crossed a foreign country, took cash to the bank, and was so pleased with his crime he bragged his butt off to his cronies, but oh, oh, someone used their cell phone to record his braggart's bonanza, and it went viral on the internet while he was still a VP for Obama, and he figured it out he was home free. Unfortunately for him, the video showed his true colors--and whatdoyaknow, it didn't set well with one of them that he basically stole money from a country with a pathetic future of disability on account of Russia was launching threats to take over the Ukraine even back then. Did Biden contact Russia or did he get Hillary to? I'm pretty sure the reason President Biden's protective dirt detail will 'splain a few more lies that show he was actually a hero, and that where's the money? question was battered around a lot.

The DNC made sure the viral video got erased off the face of the internet and developed a sentamental Hero Joe narrative that was bought and paid for by the Ukraine and his partners in the extortion crime. Incidentally, the United States Constitution has a clause that government employees receiving paychecks must not accept personal gifts, jewelry, money, or anything else from foreign governments. Did Joe get caught abandoning his oath of office which is the same as the POTUS oath, do not accept gifts from foreign governments, and provide for the common defense and a few other things. Congressional and Senate inquiries get to the bottom of the facts, which is why so many people in America who followed this crime, having seen him brag about his crime on the viral video, and Joe is not exactly gonna skate when the oversight committee points the details of evidence of his crime with details on how he laundered the Foreign Aid Package, paid for by you and me as taxpayers, and will prove that the Vice President bilked everybody who paid taxes out of a lot of money that he bragged about extorting from a third world country that he has pampered with gifts of weaponry to beat off the Russians who have decimated numerous cities in the Ukraine with cutting edge missiles launched from Russia with lust for money and all the Ukrainian's natural resources Putin is demanding.

Thefts of foreign aid packages by government employees is illegal under the emoluments clause of the Constitution and codes of conduct I was reading about when I did my little search of what was wrong with Biden's bilking the American taxpayers of a billion bucks, and he did it with such panache it is probable that he did that little stunt numerous times in his 44 years of holding Senate committee trusts, and I hear their following his recorded trips the taxpayers also paid for the luxury trips he took to every country that was granted a foreign aid package. Imagine how much 30% of every extortion Biden engaged in in his 44-year plus Senate and Vice President years, and I hope the committee investigating him finds out why he so nicely provided for the Drug and Human Trafficking moguls of Mexico/China fentanyl deaths that amounted to over 100,000 deaths in the last 3 years of Biden's holding office. I heard his speech inviting anyone anywhere who wanted to come to the united states, that the borders welcomed them with promises of luxury hotel rooms and enough cash to start a business with, no checking done. There was a lot of pained buzz by Biden's critics when he mouthed out about putting them in the finest hotels in the area, and getting a quarter of a million dollar packages so nobody would catch them stealing from them. That wasn't enough, so his supporters in the DNC drew up laws in various precincts that businesses could not interfere with shoplifters in their stores or pay the thieves a fortuen for breaking the law. That border schmooze didn't go over well with the Taxpayers, and a lot of people in DNC-dominated territories up and left after getting decimated in their abused sales ventures that fed a lot of American mouths, but couldn't feed their employees anymore to feed Joe's fellow common thieves.

For that reason, I hope when his trial rolls around, he will have to pay out of pocket for all the thefts they find he has committed using public office illegally according to the emoluments clause in the Constitution. I found the text, but it is too wordy to post here, so if you are interested in what the emolument Clause disallows, the exact text words are here:

I hope his removal requires him to pay every dollar he stole from taxpayers back to the Treasury, which likely will run into the billions of dollars based on the dollar's current value. No wonder the man is taking back to back vacations. He doesn't have long to skate, mate.

Updated January 27, 2021
The Emoluments Clauses of the U.S. Constitution
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Basement Joe bragged how he extorted the Ukraine out of a billion dollars in cash onto the Air Force Two he was going to ride on 6 hours hence, and he got home and banked the cash. The billion dollars was about 30% of the Foreign Aid Package the Pelosi Congress was to fork over to the Ukraine, the the Vice POTUS JoeBiden extorted them with a threat using his credentials as the Vice President and US VIP, to completely erase the 3.5 billion they were gonna get if he gave his approval, so then he repeated his 6 hours demand again, and thinking something was better than nothing, the Ukraine top dog approved it, and he bragged to his billionaire boys club when he got home of his new cash flow, except he didn't mention which offshore account he put it in. He double-crossed a foreign country, took cash to the bank, and was so pleased with his crime he bragged his butt off to his cronies, but oh, oh, someone used their cell phone to record his braggart's bonanza, and it went viral on the internet while he was still a VP for Obama, and he figured it out he was home free. Unfortunately for him, the video showed his true colors--and whatdoyaknow, it didn't set well with one of them that he basically stole money from a country with a pathetic future of disability on account of Russia was launching threats to take over the Ukraine even back then. Did Biden contact Russia or did he get Hillary to? I'm pretty sure the reason President Biden's protective dirt detail will 'splain a few more lies that show he was actually a hero, and that where's the money? question was battered around a lot.

The DNC made sure the viral video got erased off the face of the internet and developed a sentamental Hero Joe narrative that was bought and paid for by the Ukraine and his partners in the extortion crime. Incidentally, the United States Constitution has a clause that government employees receiving paychecks must not accept personal gifts, jewelry, money, or anything else from foreign governments. Did Joe get caught abandoning his oath of office which is the same as the POTUS oath, do not accept gifts from foreign governments, and provide for the common defense and a few other things. Congressional and Senate inquiries get to the bottom of the facts, which is why so many people in America who followed this crime, having seen him brag about his crime on the viral video, and Joe is not exactly gonna skate when the oversight committee points the details of evidence of his crime with details on how he laundered the Foreign Aid Package, paid for by you and me as taxpayers, and will prove that the Vice President bilked everybody who paid taxes out of a lot of money that he bragged about extorting from a third world country that he has pampered with gifts of weaponry to beat off the Russians who have decimated numerous cities in the Ukraine with cutting edge missiles launched from Russia with lust for money and all the Ukrainian's natural resources Putin is demanding.

Thefts of foreign aid packages by government employees is illegal under the emoluments clause of the Constitution and codes of conduct I was reading about when I did my little search of what was wrong with Biden's bilking the American taxpayers of a billion bucks, and he did it with such panache it is probable that he did that little stunt numerous times in his 44 years of holding Senate committee trusts, and I hear their following his recorded trips the taxpayers also paid for the luxury trips he took to every country that was granted a foreign aid package. Imagine how much 30% of every extortion Biden engaged in in his 44-year plus Senate and Vice President years, and I hope the committee investigating him finds out why he so nicely provided for the Drug and Human Trafficking moguls of Mexico/China fentanyl deaths that amounted to over 100,000 deaths in the last 3 years of Biden's holding office. I heard his speech inviting anyone anywhere who wanted to come to the united states, that the borders welcomed them with promises of luxury hotel rooms and enough cash to start a business with, no checking done. There was a lot of pained buzz by Biden's critics when he mouthed out about putting them in the finest hotels in the area, and getting a quarter of a million dollar packages so nobody would catch them stealing from them. That wasn't enough, so his supporters in the DNC drew up laws in various precincts that businesses could not interfere with shoplifters in their stores or pay the thieves a fortuen for breaking the law. That border schmooze didn't go over well with the Taxpayers, and a lot of people in DNC-dominated territories up and left after getting decimated in their abused sales ventures that fed a lot of American mouths, but couldn't feed their employees anymore to feed Joe's fellow common thieves.

For that reason, I hope when his trial rolls around, he will have to pay out of pocket for all the thefts they find he has committed using public office illegally according to the emoluments clause in the Constitution. I found the text, but it is too wordy to post here, so if you are interested in what the emolument Clause disallows, the exact text words are here:

I hope his removal requires him to pay every dollar he stole from taxpayers back to the Treasury, which likely will run into the billions of dollars based on the dollar's current value. No wonder the man is taking back to back vacations. He doesn't have long to skate, mate.

Updated January 27, 2021
The Emoluments Clauses of the U.S. Constitution
"extorted" is a lie. No need to read anything else.
They never admit mistakes. Or being wrong. It's a rule for being a Republican.
Project much?
Your statement is disproven by the resignation of Richard Nixon on August 9, 1974. We Republicans are true to our beliefs, and the Good Book requires humility in the face of defeat or win for that matter. Gloating is a no-no, and as well, regrets are okay to utter. Conservatives usually have enough class to tell the truth or be silent.
"extorted" is a lie. No need to read anything else.
You are grossly mistaken.

The difference between stealing and extortion is that an extortion goes along with a threat. Stealing doesn't. Go ahead and don't read the truth. Basement Joe is up to his ears in discovered abject extortion of the American people through the Treasury of the United States of America and his tendency to spin a yarn that is actually lying. Right now, he's going down for extortion of a third world country, money laundering through the Foreign Aid Packages he's followed throughout his Senate and Vice President distinction, and attempting to quash free speech. Our founders dealt with creepsisters like Biden by including an emoluments clause, and their fervor was in favor of the citizens of the United States of America. And that goes on through this day. If Biden thinks he can get away with punishing the people, using his high office to scare them off, he hasn't seen the determination of how Lady Justice will smite his crimes.
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You are grossly mistaken.

The difference between stealing and extortion is that an extortion goes along with a threat. Stealing doesn't. Go ahead and don't read the truth. Basement Joe is up to his ears in discovered abject extortion of the American people through the Treasury of the United States of America and his tendency to spin a yarn that is actually lying. Right now, he's going down for extortion of a third world country, money laundering through the Foreign Aid Packages he's followed throughout his Senate and Vice President distinction, and attempting to quash free speech. Our founders dealt with creepsisters like Biden by including an emoluments clause, and their fervor was in favor of the citizens of the United States of America. And that goes on through this day. If Biden thinks he can get away with punishing the people, using his high office to scare them off, he hasn't seen the determination of how Lady Justice will smite his crimes.
Wow. More lies. Eloquently stated. But lies.
Basement Joe bragged how he extorted the Ukraine out of a billion dollars in cash onto the Air Force Two he was going to ride on 6 hours hence, and he got home and banked the cash. The billion dollars was about 30% of the Foreign Aid Package the Pelosi Congress was to fork over to the Ukraine, the the Vice POTUS JoeBiden extorted them with a threat using his credentials as the Vice President and US VIP, to completely erase the 3.5 billion they were gonna get if he gave his approval, so then he repeated his 6 hours demand again, and thinking something was better than nothing, the Ukraine top dog approved it, and he bragged to his billionaire boys club when he got home of his new cash flow, except he didn't mention which offshore account he put it in. He double-crossed a foreign country, took cash to the bank, and was so pleased with his crime he bragged his butt off to his cronies, but oh, oh, someone used their cell phone to record his braggart's bonanza, and it went viral on the internet while he was still a VP for Obama, and he figured it out he was home free. Unfortunately for him, the video showed his true colors--and whatdoyaknow, it didn't set well with one of them that he basically stole money from a country with a pathetic future of disability on account of Russia was launching threats to take over the Ukraine even back then. Did Biden contact Russia or did he get Hillary to? I'm pretty sure the reason President Biden's protective dirt detail will 'splain a few more lies that show he was actually a hero, and that where's the money? question was battered around a lot.

The DNC made sure the viral video got erased off the face of the internet and developed a sentamental Hero Joe narrative that was bought and paid for by the Ukraine and his partners in the extortion crime. Incidentally, the United States Constitution has a clause that government employees receiving paychecks must not accept personal gifts, jewelry, money, or anything else from foreign governments. Did Joe get caught abandoning his oath of office which is the same as the POTUS oath, do not accept gifts from foreign governments, and provide for the common defense and a few other things. Congressional and Senate inquiries get to the bottom of the facts, which is why so many people in America who followed this crime, having seen him brag about his crime on the viral video, and Joe is not exactly gonna skate when the oversight committee points the details of evidence of his crime with details on how he laundered the Foreign Aid Package, paid for by you and me as taxpayers, and will prove that the Vice President bilked everybody who paid taxes out of a lot of money that he bragged about extorting from a third world country that he has pampered with gifts of weaponry to beat off the Russians who have decimated numerous cities in the Ukraine with cutting edge missiles launched from Russia with lust for money and all the Ukrainian's natural resources Putin is demanding.

Thefts of foreign aid packages by government employees is illegal under the emoluments clause of the Constitution and codes of conduct I was reading about when I did my little search of what was wrong with Biden's bilking the American taxpayers of a billion bucks, and he did it with such panache it is probable that he did that little stunt numerous times in his 44 years of holding Senate committee trusts, and I hear their following his recorded trips the taxpayers also paid for the luxury trips he took to every country that was granted a foreign aid package. Imagine how much 30% of every extortion Biden engaged in in his 44-year plus Senate and Vice President years, and I hope the committee investigating him finds out why he so nicely provided for the Drug and Human Trafficking moguls of Mexico/China fentanyl deaths that amounted to over 100,000 deaths in the last 3 years of Biden's holding office. I heard his speech inviting anyone anywhere who wanted to come to the united states, that the borders welcomed them with promises of luxury hotel rooms and enough cash to start a business with, no checking done. There was a lot of pained buzz by Biden's critics when he mouthed out about putting them in the finest hotels in the area, and getting a quarter of a million dollar packages so nobody would catch them stealing from them. That wasn't enough, so his supporters in the DNC drew up laws in various precincts that businesses could not interfere with shoplifters in their stores or pay the thieves a fortuen for breaking the law. That border schmooze didn't go over well with the Taxpayers, and a lot of people in DNC-dominated territories up and left after getting decimated in their abused sales ventures that fed a lot of American mouths, but couldn't feed their employees anymore to feed Joe's fellow common thieves.

For that reason, I hope when his trial rolls around, he will have to pay out of pocket for all the thefts they find he has committed using public office illegally according to the emoluments clause in the Constitution. I found the text, but it is too wordy to post here, so if you are interested in what the emolument Clause disallows, the exact text words are here:

I hope his removal requires him to pay every dollar he stole from taxpayers back to the Treasury, which likely will run into the billions of dollars based on the dollar's current value. No wonder the man is taking back to back vacations. He doesn't have long to skate, mate.

Updated January 27, 2021
The Emoluments Clauses of the U.S. Constitution
What the hell is this cartoon character talking about. ,These MAGA maggots are always off the deepend but this is about as deep as it gets. They actually think someone other then their hategroup will think this means something. Like I said when they open their mouths it is a lie or drastic distortion.
Project much?
Your statement is disproven by the resignation of Richard Nixon on August 9, 1974. We Republicans are true to our beliefs, and the Good Book requires humility in the face of defeat or win for that matter. Gloating is a no-no, and as well, regrets are okay to utter. Conservatives usually have enough class to tell the truth or be silent.
Then tell me one thing that is the truth about Biden. , just one thing. You people are a joke.
You are grossly mistaken.

The difference between stealing and extortion is that an extortion goes along with a threat. Stealing doesn't. Go ahead and don't read the truth. Basement Joe is up to his ears in discovered abject extortion of the American people through the Treasury of the United States of America and his tendency to spin a yarn that is actually lying. Right now, he's going down for extortion of a third world country, money laundering through the Foreign Aid Packages he's followed throughout his Senate and Vice President distinction, and attempting to quash free speech. Our founders dealt with creepsisters like Biden by including an emoluments clause, and their fervor was in favor of the citizens of the United States of America. And that goes on through this day. If Biden thinks he can get away with punishing the people, using his high office to scare them off, he hasn't seen the determination of how Lady Justice will smite his crimes.
What a wacko.
Wow. More lies. Eloquently stated. But lies.
I don't forget when a person lies to cover up his crime only to blame someone he doesn't like for his foul ball. Some people have brain tics and make up for it by pretentious behaviors and speech. I chalk it up to dementia. Regardless, he is not competent to withstand the pressure of being POTUS.

IF his family realize what he's going through, it could be years. In the meantime, I hope Kamala Harris makes a priority list of things she will be required to do when he is gone.

Good night, everybody. Have a lovely evening. I will be praying for the nation in my vespers this evening. See ya later, 'gators. ::sleep:
I don't forget when a person lies to cover up his crime only to blame someone he doesn't like for his foul ball. Some people have brain tics and make up for it by pretentious behaviors and speech. I chalk it up to dementia. Regardless, he is not competent to withstand the pressure of being POTUS.

IF his family realize what he's going through, it could be years. In the meantime, I hope Kamala Harris makes a priority list of things she will be required to do when he is gone.

Good night, everybody. Have a lovely evening. I will be praying for the nation in my vespers this evening. See ya later, 'gators. ::sleep:
Wow. And a Brain surgeon as well! You're not anymore competent than our President. If you were more competent you wouldn't be on this message board!
I don't forget when a person lies to cover up his crime only to blame someone he doesn't like for his foul ball. Some people have brain tics and make up for it by pretentious behaviors and speech. I chalk it up to dementia. Regardless, he is not competent to withstand the pressure of being POTUS.

IF his family realize what he's going through, it could be years. In the meantime, I hope Kamala Harris makes a priority list of things she will be required to do when he is gone.

Good night, everybody. Have a lovely evening. I will be praying for the nation in my vespers this evening. See ya later, 'gators. ::sleep:
This is so simple , I would take Kamala Harris over any right wing MAGA candidate they have. She is like Biden over Trump, 100 times the person that these hate driven bigots are any day of the week. These evil traitors deserve nothing in this country anymore. , They shouldn't even be allowed to vote. these people are traitors to this country and I believe in the death sentence for traitors. No one can support Jan6th or Trump without being a traitor to this country.

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