McCarthy to Biden: Give Us Your Bank Statements or We'll Impeach You

Hardly. Nixon's goons played some dirty tricks on the DNC. Your corrupt leader has lined his family's pockets with tens of millions of dollars by selling out his office. Scumbaggery at it's worst.
Dirty tricks isn't even the half of it. He was using the government to go after and silence enemies.

It's pretty weird that none of you have any idea how our country was "sold out" by Biden.
I know everything that you know
Plus everything that you refuse to know.
Your refusal to know that carries no weight.
You don't, but your self-image requires you to think you know everything.

It's probably the reason you rarely if ever say anything tangible.
Dunno. President Potatohead's usefulness has run out. Predicted when he got the nomination he would not even carry out his first term. No real downside to throwing him under the bus at this point.

They would be turncoats in public.
No group is more monolithic of purpose than the Democrat Party.
Partisan impeachments have become the norm if Democrats truly didn’t think it could or would happen to them they were stupid, naive or both.
No chance Joe does any debate.
That would mean an instant loss for him. Everyone will know that its either because he is corrupt or because he is too senile, or both. People are not going to be inspired to wait in line on election day to vote for Joe if he skips the debates.
That would mean an instant loss for him. Everyone will know that its either because he is corrupt or because he is too senile, or both. People are not going to be inspired to wait in line on election day to vote for Joe if he skips the debates.

He starts out with 40% of the vote and a lead in the EC simply by having the D next to his name.
Dirty tricks isn't even the half of it. He was using the government to go after and silence enemies.
LOL and who said Bidenfluffers can do irony. Kudos.
It's pretty weird that none of you have any idea how our country was "sold out" by Biden.
Lot of ideas. It's more weird that you can deny reality slapping you in the face.
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He starts out with 40% of the vote and a lead in the EC simply by having the D next to his name.
Voter turn out will NOT be the same as last time. Joe also wont have the benefit of nation wide mail in voting. People will have to get off their ass and wait in line for hours. Far less people are going to do that this time. Joe is an unpopular trainwreck.
So basically you have some theories but no evidence.

Sounds like Rudy's admission that the election fraud was all bullshit.

I live in reality, not right wing media world.
LOL NO EVIDENCE. Excellent Fluffer. Potatohead is proud.
You guys spend all your time attacking people for not believing what you believe rather than talking about the actual evidence.
At the demand of his bosses Zlochevsky and Vadim Hunter called his dad to get Shokin fired. Contrary to US foreign policy, Biden threatened to withold $1,000,000,000 inn aid to the Ukraine if they didn't fire Shokin.

Actual evidence
At the demand of his bosses Zlochevsky and Vadim Hunter called his dad to get Shokin fired. Contrary to US foreign policy, Biden threatened to withold $1,000,000,000 inn aid to the Ukraine if they didn't fire Shokin.

Actual evidence
Who said that threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid before firing Shokin was contrary to US foreign policy?
You worms are a joke , how do they become wealthy , SO SO COMPLICATED < YA FOR THE BRAIN DEAD>Senator makes $175,000.00 a year and has a annual MRA of $1,826,590.00 The president makes $400,000.00 a year and another $169,000.00 in expenses. with free medical and a massive retirement. And just about no expenses. The president walks away with 5 million for his 8 years., and that's without investing that amount. And he would have the best investment firms in the world trying to get him investing with them. You are a idiot.
Biden wasn't President. And, now the family has $50 million that came in from China, Ukraine and Russia. Biden and his clan are dirty.
Who said that threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid before firing Shokin was contrary to US foreign policy?
US State Department

“Ukraine has made sufficient progress on its reform agenda to justify a third guarantee,” reads an Oct. 1, 2015, memo summarizing the recommendation of the Interagency Policy Committee (IPC) – a task force created to advise the Obama White House on whether Ukraine was cleaning up its endemic corruption and deserved more Western foreign aid.

US State Department

“Ukraine has made sufficient progress on its reform agenda to justify a third guarantee,” reads an Oct. 1, 2015, memo summarizing the recommendation of the Interagency Policy Committee (IPC) – a task force created to advise the Obama White House on whether Ukraine was cleaning up its endemic corruption and deserved more Western foreign aid.

Did you notice how they included conditions precedent?

"The IPC notionally approves the following proposed conditions precedent, with the caveats listed below:
Macroeconomic Stability
Social Safety Net
Anti‐Corruption (e‐procurement) – but with revised CP language that is more specific.
Rule of Law (prosecutor general’s office) – but with a preference to revise the CP to better ensure that the decision to set up an independent inspector general cannot be easily overturned and that the independent inspector general is subject to appropriate oversight and accountability."
Did you notice how they included conditions precedent?

"The IPC notionally approves the following proposed conditions precedent, with the caveats listed below:
Macroeconomic Stability
Social Safety Net
Anti‐Corruption (e‐procurement) – but with revised CP language that is more specific.
Rule of Law (prosecutor general’s office) – but with a preference to revise the CP to better ensure that the decision to set up an independent inspector general cannot be easily overturned and that the independent inspector general is subject to appropriate oversight and accountability."
Yup. Nothing about firing Shokin before they get the loan

You have not provided a single document, prior to Biden's extortion of Ukraine, that says it was US policy to have Shokin fired. NO EVIDENCE! LOL
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