McCarthy to greenlight Biden impeachment inquiry in closed-door GOP meeting this week

America will know what it's REALLY all about

Matt Gaetz Says Biden Impeachment A 'Platform' To ...​

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Aug 16, 2023 — Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) this week described impeaching President Joe Biden as less an opportunity to remove Biden from office than a performance ...

Are there any of these allegation of corruption during his presidency?
Not so far. What we HAVE seen evidence of is the use of the FBI and IRS to protect Hunter from consequences and THAT is technically illegal as well. I assume your stance on this is that unless Biden has left a signed confession, he'll never be guilty in your opinion. I expect no less from people who are watching your party take America down, in real time.

Don't mistake my interest for an anticipation of justice. DC is a wholly-owned Democrat syndicate. They'll protect their own, no matter who sees them doing it. The inquiry is simply going to cause the DC cabal to circle the wagons and fight against releasing information - probably through invoking "executive privilege" - but that is a win, of sorts, because there are a lot of unhappy people out there who are struggling to survive and as this information becomes available online, more of them will see it and have a chance to decide if they want to support Tater next year.

Frankly, I look forward to at least one aspect of the collapse of this country. It will be satisfying to watch the primal scream from those like you who finally realize that even YOU won't escape the misery that collapse will cause. Turn and turnabout, yeah?
We can sift out more swampy RINOs now
EXACTLY. These complicit fools who worship DC from afar still think they can ignore the law because they know their media will black out coverage but that game is dying now. Too much independent media online to stop the evidence from getting seen. I expect the weak ass lies from the Left but the really satisfying part of this is watching these RINOs out themselves. There was one just a few days ago, from TX.
Hey, your boy is supposed to be clean and has no connections to Hunter's train wreck. The inquiry should just prove that, huh?
What we HAVE seen evidence of is the use of the FBI
Biden held no office when the FBI got a hold of the laptop.

I assume your stance on this is that unless Biden has left a signed confession, he'll never be guilty in your opinion.

Unless you have evidence of Joe Biden pressuring the IRS or anybody on Hunters behalf it would be hard to prove guilt.

and fight against releasing information - probably through invoking "executive privilege" - but that is a win
No probably not. That is specific communication with the President. Joe wasn't president when a lot of this took place.
Like I said he had only been in the office for 7 months. "While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up

Uh, that was the NYTImes writer speaking. Five years after the fact. Covering the corrupt scumbag's ass.

(Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”) "

But a scant few months before they were praising him for what he said he was going to do. He didn't do it, and the Obama Administration decided he should go before we guaranteed any loans to the fledgling democracy.
Uh, here's Obama's own task force telling Biden to give them the $1,000,000,000 No strings attached wrt Shokin.

Your boy is in trouble.

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