McCarthy to greenlight Biden impeachment inquiry in closed-door GOP meeting this week

Remember, politics is dirty, and there is always something going on in the back room! :eek:

I believe McCarthy is being threatened by the radicals who kept him from his speakership for days on end, that McCarthy ended up negotiating with, and having to give up his power as Speaker, unto them.

Among their "deals" was impeachment for Biden, not negotiating in debt ceiling deals and other destructive and harmful to America requests! Grrrrr!

But among this deal, is that something like just two representatives is all that is needed to pull the speakership from McCarthy and they would have to go through voting for a new speaker.

This BLACKMAIL measure keeps the speaker fulfilling these couple of handful of representatives and their deals.....keeps him in line with what they want, and not necessarily what the 200 other representatives in the republican party want, who represent most of the republican districts in the country....

I think McCarthy is afraid, and too in love with the speakership and will do what these radicals are insisting on, so not to have his speakership challenged....
And I believe McCarthy should call their bluff..... If not McCarthy, who do they have that the radicals will support and all the other republican congress critters will support as speaker, as well?

I think he was looking at some polling. Of they didn't do shit about Biden, they were going to lose a shitload of votes/seats in the next election.
Frantic? huh? You people were frantic on Jan 6th playing dress up and running around like total fools. I am posting facts and you don't know how to respond and try and post childish bullshit.

The facts are:
they have gathered evidence for like 5 years and found jack shit. The Devon Archer testimony was a joke and a fail. Republicans have a very bad history of lying about everything and already tried to lie and say Hunter paid joe rent and it was a lie... Remember that??? You people have a bad history of being gullible fucks, like when you believed Trump's big lie about election fraud that never happened.
You people are such a joke you literally can't even admit Trump lost a free and fair election and there was no fraud, because you are too weak to admit that.

You will be frantic again when Trump goes to prison, you people will be rioting like trash again...
Wow. I hope ypu wipe that unseemly drool from your keyboard after that saliva slinging tirade.

This is still the wrong thread for your Trump conspiracy theories.
Reality intrudes.

Uh huh. Why don't we just wait a bit? No new polls have been done yet ;) The reality is that no one here who supports Tater would ever admit he's corrupt, no matter how many whistleblowers, laptops, or little girl molestations the old perv does. That doesn't matter at this point. What matters is getting the info out there so Americans who care, have an opportunity to at least see it and decide for themselves. Why do you think he tried so hard to control social media since 2021?
A formal impeachment inquiry gives the committee hugely expanded powers to subpoena documents, testimony from people, and public and private records, far more than what the investigation committee is able to do now.

You're going to sit there and watch it happen.

I hear a massive, all-inclusive claim of "executive privilege" incoming... nothing suspicious there ;)
Reality intrudes.

This is certainly a biased source:
Screen Shot 2023-09-12 at 12.59.53 PM.png
Reality intrudes.

Do you really want to promote a publication with so little intellectual integrity that they would claim that there is "not a shred of evidence?"

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