McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.
Dont accuse us of being what you are

We are about policy not revenge

We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.
For swamp rats who were part of the soft coup attempt I want legal revenge by punishing them for their crimes

but ordinary clueless anti trumpsters like the libs on this forum are just misinformed and radicalized by the lies

i want no retribution against them

Well as I said, I think that's no longer the case. The Republicans will be looking to get even next chance they get. You can't play by the rules with these criminals. They will always do some underhanded trick to cheat the system for their own selfish reasons.

This is the third impeachment in our history; the first impeachment that didn't involve any sort of crime. It's the first Thought Police impeachment where there was no evidence to their claim. The Republicans have every right to do one better. They impeached a Republican President with no impeachable offenses.
Are you suggesting this is revenge for Republicans impeaching Clinton?
You want to see what a Million look like? Check out the next Million Woman March on Washington. And their march won't be a freak show as much as Rumps.

Better get that pussy hat ready...for that non freak show.
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I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.
Dont accuse us of being what you are

We are about policy not revenge

We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.
For swamp rats who were part of the soft coup attempt I want legal revenge by punishing them for their crimes

but ordinary clueless anti trumpsters like the libs on this forum are just misinformed and radicalized by the lies

i want no retribution against them

Well as I said, I think that's no longer the case. The Republicans will be looking to get even next chance they get. You can't play by the rules with these criminals. They will always do some underhanded trick to cheat the system for their own selfish reasons.

This is the third impeachment in our history; the first impeachment that didn't involve any sort of crime. It's the first Thought Police impeachment where there was no evidence to their claim. The Republicans have every right to do one better. They impeached a Republican President with no impeachable offenses.

Soliciting a foreign national to interfere with an election is a crime...


Obstructing Congress is a crime...

18 U.S. Code § 1505
So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.
Dont accuse us of being what you are

We are about policy not revenge

We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.
For swamp rats who were part of the soft coup attempt I want legal revenge by punishing them for their crimes

but ordinary clueless anti trumpsters like the libs on this forum are just misinformed and radicalized by the lies

i want no retribution against them

Well as I said, I think that's no longer the case. The Republicans will be looking to get even next chance they get. You can't play by the rules with these criminals. They will always do some underhanded trick to cheat the system for their own selfish reasons.

This is the third impeachment in our history; the first impeachment that didn't involve any sort of crime. It's the first Thought Police impeachment where there was no evidence to their claim. The Republicans have every right to do one better. They impeached a Republican President with no impeachable offenses.

Soliciting a foreign national to interfere with an election is a crime...


Obstructing Congress is a crime...

18 U.S. Code § 1505
Investigating abuse of power by joe biden in ukraine is the goal and that is entirely within trumps authority

trump has not obstructed congress by invoking executive privilage
So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.
Dont accuse us of being what you are

We are about policy not revenge

We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.
For swamp rats who were part of the soft coup attempt I want legal revenge by punishing them for their crimes

but ordinary clueless anti trumpsters like the libs on this forum are just misinformed and radicalized by the lies

i want no retribution against them

Well as I said, I think that's no longer the case. The Republicans will be looking to get even next chance they get. You can't play by the rules with these criminals. They will always do some underhanded trick to cheat the system for their own selfish reasons.

This is the third impeachment in our history; the first impeachment that didn't involve any sort of crime. It's the first Thought Police impeachment where there was no evidence to their claim. The Republicans have every right to do one better. They impeached a Republican President with no impeachable offenses.
Are you suggesting this is revenge for Republicans impeaching Clinton?
I do believe at one point you flat told me it was.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
They'll all plead the 5th...This is a total sandbag job.

Beside that, Romney doesn't want his connections to Barisma to come out....Little doubt in my mind he's being blackmailed to go along with the demoslime.

President Trump’s past comments slamming those who plead the Fifth Amendment quickly resurfaced Wednesday after Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen said he would assert his Fifth Amendment rights in Stormy Daniels’s lawsuit filed against him and Trump.

“The mob takes the Fifth,” Trump said at one campaign rally in September 2017. “If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

He was largely targeting former staffers for Hillary Clinton who pleaded the Fifth during the investigation into her use of a private email server while she was secretary of State.

LiNK: Trump comments on Fifth Amendment resurface after Cohen filing

So fucking what?....I said that the Bidens would take the 5th, which is beyond likely.

What makes you believe the Biden's have anything to do with Trump's illegal action***?

*** G.A.O. Report Says Trump Administration Broke Law in Withholding Ukraine Aid

Have you not been paying attention?
It's actually a case where the impeachment articles are bogus because there was not any substantial proof of the charge. The commies know this quite well, but impeached him without the necessary information to do it properly.
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Y’all have no leg to stand on this one.
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Y’all have no leg to stand on this one.
More than you do
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Y’all have no leg to stand on this one.
Says the side begging for more witnesses.
What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Y’all have no leg to stand on this one.
More than you do
If you guys cared about conflicts of interest, you wouldn’t have elected Trump. He was so cocky about how conflicts don’t matter and he can do whatever he wants.

Sorry. You had your chance to demonstrate you actually care about this. You chose not to.

This is now just partisan nonsense.
What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Y’all have no leg to stand on this one.
Says the side begging for more witnesses.

I’m on the side of learning the truth. What side are you on?
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Y’all have no leg to stand on this one.
Says the side begging for more witnesses.

I’m on the side of learning the truth. What side are you on?
Then you're pissed at the democrats for sprinting through their side of the impeachment hearings.
Not slowing down to get the subpoenas correctly, and getting the witnesses they needed. I fully understand your position....I do.
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Y’all have no leg to stand on this one.
Says the side begging for more witnesses.

I’m on the side of learning the truth. What side are you on?
You are on the side making up shit and rules as you go.

You are n the side that made up RUSSIA, falsified evidence, lied to get warrants, lied about Kavanaugh...

And you have the SACK to say you are after the TRUTH???

God damn that some funny shit right there.
So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Y’all have no leg to stand on this one.
Says the side begging for more witnesses.

I’m on the side of learning the truth. What side are you on?
You are on the side making up shit and rules as you go.

You are n the side that made up RUSSIA, falsified evidence, lied to get warrants, lied about Kavanaugh...

And you have the SACK to say you are after the TRUTH???

God damn that some funny shit right there.

All I ever wanted was to hear from witnesses. Why does that anger you?

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