McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

if nothing was lost why are you crying about it so hard?

and they called shit witnesses if they didn't even bother to show up and root out this most heinous crime.

Not crying. Just saying that the Senate Republicans were about as spineless as I expected them to be. This process has proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
we most certainly have different versions of what a spine would be.

Yeah? It sure takes a lot of spine to help Trump keep the truth about why he held up aid hidden. Sure.
this is your speculation.

but for shits and grins, who decides foreign policy again?

The president has the ultimate authority which he can delegate at times.

Republicans aren’t calling witnesses. They could. It would be very easy for them to do. They aren’t. There’s only one reason.
So he's being impeached for doing his job.

Got it.

Next up we will go over why this is stupid.
So you're saying it's okay when the commies do it but not the other party. Hypocrisy much? There was no corruption because the guy wasn't elected yet. It had nothing to do with corruption, it had to do with using government agencies to stop a political opponent. Ears knew that if Hillary didn't win, all his so-called accomplishments would go right down the drain, and most of them did.

You keep saying Trump was a political opponent. That’s false. They weren’t running against each other.

Obama was doing it for the benefit of the country. Trump was running for President. That’s a really big deal.

Trump promised that one of his first issues would be to eliminate Commie Care. That's the only thing Obama was noted for. He wanted a Trump defeat so that Hillary would protect his prize possession. He also knew our economy could do much better with lower taxes and regulations. You know, that magic wand Hussein talked about? He knew Trump had that magic wand.
So are you saying that makes Trump a political opponent?

I suppose this would make Biden a political opponent of Trump then.
Biden seeks to undo several Trump immigration policies in first 100 days in new immigration proposal

No, I didn't say that. What I said is Trump was Hillary's opponent, and a Hillary win would have protected DumBama's legacy. That's what I said.

So were they political opponents or not? How is it any different than Trump/Biden?

You really don’t have to die on this hill. It’s okay to admit if you’re wrong.

Theres an old saying s0n.........."If the glove don't fit, you must acquit."

Listen for the collective thud of 65 million footballs being spiked at the same time come 11pm tonight!! Im wondering if there might be a richter scale reading?:2up:
Not crying. Just saying that the Senate Republicans were about as spineless as I expected them to be. This process has proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
we most certainly have different versions of what a spine would be.

Yeah? It sure takes a lot of spine to help Trump keep the truth about why he held up aid hidden. Sure.
this is your speculation.

but for shits and grins, who decides foreign policy again?

The president has the ultimate authority which he can delegate at times.

Republicans aren’t calling witnesses. They could. It would be very easy for them to do. They aren’t. There’s only one reason.
So he's being impeached for doing his job.

Got it.

Next up we will go over why this is stupid.

That’s being awfully simplistic. Use of foreign policy for personal benefit isn’t his job.
Before I change my mind about not trying to be polite with you. I’m trying, really am. Unfortunately I’ve found that people are more likely to respond when you act like a jerk to them, which is unfortunate. I really try to resist that urge. I’m not always successful. You want me to continue trying to be polite, I suggest you try harder yourself.

Dems called many witnesses that never showed up. They subpoenaed many documents and none were submitted. That’s not a talking point. That’s a fact.
they should have called better witnesses. point being, they had their time to do this. ended the game early, then sat on it for how long again doing nothing but accusing the right of POTENTIALLY not going along with them?

they're running a shit circus and dude, it ain't my fault you got season tickets.

and wow. the restraint...

They did call “better” witnesses. Those people refused to show up. So it went to trial. The Senate could have called them but they’d rather not. I guess they have no interest in hearing what happened.

Anyway, Dems will continue to fight Trump’s obstruction in court. Nothing was lost.

Good luck getting a court to force Trump to do anything in a situation that's already over. They don't want to get involved in fishing expeditions.

What’s over? Impeachment? There’s still oversight. Oversight doesn’t end just because the trial is over.

Yes, it does. The situation has been decided by both House and Senate. It's over.

If they wanted to get the court involved for the impeachment, they had every opportunity to do so. The court might have given them what they wanted too. But they couldn't wait. They rolled the dice, and they lost. Now they have to live with that.
No, it doesn’t. There’s nothing stopping Democrats from continuing to push for subpoenas to be honored in court.
Nothing they did helped Trump. They wore his legal team down to the “so what” defense. Alexander doesn’t want Bolton to testify because what he is going to say has already been proven.

I have no anger for anyone that did everything they could to get the truth out.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

Excuse me? The House can't call witnesses? What the fuck do you think the House was DOING during the impeachment process? The Constitution does NOT mandate that the Senate do the investigating for the House.

The House can’t call witnesses at the trial. Good lord, did you actually read ?

Good Lord, do you actually think? The House called and heard witnesses during their big sham "investigation". Those testimonies were part of the impeachment managers' presentation to the Senate.

The only thing the House can't do is force the Senate to do their investigatory job by calling EVEN MORE witnesses, which the House didn't bother to call before.

If the House wanted to present extra witness testimony to the Senate, they should have tended to that before now.

You’re factually incorrect. House Democrats called witnesses that failed to show up, such as Bolton.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

The Senate did do their job. This was a bogus impeachment that had no supporting evidence to their claim. In spite of that, they impeached the President anyway. Could you imagine if this happened outside of government in a court of law; somebody going to prison because another person thought they were going to rob a bank? It's unheard of.

There is nothing more to add to this impeachment. The Senators found the impeachment to be phony, and with that, Trump is not guilty of anything.

No supporting evidence? Then why is the Trump team legal argument now “it doesn’t matter if the allegations are true”.

Ever hear of a trial where no witnesses could be called? It’s an appealing farce of justice.

Let me clarify for the English-impaired: there's no supporting evidence that Trump did anything impeachable, and since the allegations aren't about impeachable offenses, it doesn't matter if they're true or not.

And yes, I have heard of courts dismissing charges because the prosecution doesn't have a sufficient case. But one rarely hears of a prosecution doing such a shit job of preparing a case before bringing charges. That IS a pretty appalling farce of justice with the "impeachment".

Who the hell told you what counts as an Impeachable offense? Sending the government after your political enemies is no longer impeachable? Sounds like you’re just legalized corruption.

If Trump did what he’s doing in a criminal case (obstructing) he’d have been put in jail long ago.

Who told me? That would be the Constitution. Admittedly, it requires the ability to read and understand words, so I can see where you would be disqualified.

If you want to impeach him for "sending the government after your political enemies", that brings us back to the whole "you have to prove it, and you haven't" concept. Also, you're going to have to explain to me why you weren't screaming to impeach former President Obama for his use of the IRS in that very fashion. Or for spying on Trump's campaign, for that matter.

And I hate to break it to you, but "obstructing Congress" not only is not a crime for him OR an impeachable offense, it's practically part of his job description. Look up "separation of powers", you know-nothing, partisan, Trump-deranged hack.
You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

The Senate did do their job. This was a bogus impeachment that had no supporting evidence to their claim. In spite of that, they impeached the President anyway. Could you imagine if this happened outside of government in a court of law; somebody going to prison because another person thought they were going to rob a bank? It's unheard of.

There is nothing more to add to this impeachment. The Senators found the impeachment to be phony, and with that, Trump is not guilty of anything.

No supporting evidence? Then why is the Trump team legal argument now “it doesn’t matter if the allegations are true”.

Ever hear of a trial where no witnesses could be called? It’s an appealing farce of justice.

Let me clarify for the English-impaired: there's no supporting evidence that Trump did anything impeachable, and since the allegations aren't about impeachable offenses, it doesn't matter if they're true or not.

And yes, I have heard of courts dismissing charges because the prosecution doesn't have a sufficient case. But one rarely hears of a prosecution doing such a shit job of preparing a case before bringing charges. That IS a pretty appalling farce of justice with the "impeachment".

Who the hell told you what counts as an Impeachable offense? Sending the government after your political enemies is no longer impeachable? Sounds like you’re just legalized corruption.

If Trump did what he’s doing in a criminal case (obstructing) he’d have been put in jail long ago.

Who told me? That would be the Constitution. Admittedly, it requires the ability to read and understand words, so I can see where you would be disqualified.

If you want to impeach him for "sending the government after your political enemies", that brings us back to the whole "you have to prove it, and you haven't" concept. Also, you're going to have to explain to me why you weren't screaming to impeach former President Obama for his use of the IRS in that very fashion. Or for spying on Trump's campaign, for that matter.

And I hate to break it to you, but "obstructing Congress" not only is not a crime for him OR an impeachable offense, it's practically part of his job description. Look up "separation of powers", you know-nothing, partisan, Trump-deranged hack.

The gig is up. It doesn’t matter if Trump sent the government after his enemies. That’s not a problem. Just ask Dershowitz.

So it doesn’t matter if Obama sent the IRS after the Tea Party (he didn’t). It doesn’t matter if Obama spied on Trump’s campaign (he didn’t do that either). That’s fine now.
Most of the witnesses called were not really witnesses either outside of Sondland. That didn't stop Schiff from calling them.

That’s not true. They all had facts that helped us understand how this policy evolved.

No, they assumed something, heard something from somebody else, thought something. That's not enough to do a justified impeachment.

We wanted to prove that this was a coup. We wanted to prove that this was an inside plot between the Democrats who had spies in the White House. We could have provided evidence of that from the testimony of the whistleblower, the informant, or even the testimony from the 18th witness. They were all kept from us, so we can't prove that case.

You’re accusing people of engaging in a coup? Take it to the DoJ since they’re the ones that investigate crimes. I do want to see them laugh their asses off at the insinuation this has any bearing on reality.

It will all come out in the end. A coup is hard to prove. It's not like their names are listed anywhere in a book somewhere.

If we could have the truth--which is something Democrats particularly Schiff Face could provide, it would demonstrate that this was orchestrated out of nothing for pure political motives. It's the exact thing our founders feared about the use of impeachment.
No it won’t. This will become another one of the right wing fantasies that y’all talk about for a few years promising it’ll come out and then when it doesn’t happen, it’s forgotten.

No, the "impeachment" will become one of those left-wing fantasies y'all talk about, where you won a great victory that never existed.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

The Senate did do their job. This was a bogus impeachment that had no supporting evidence to their claim. In spite of that, they impeached the President anyway. Could you imagine if this happened outside of government in a court of law; somebody going to prison because another person thought they were going to rob a bank? It's unheard of.

There is nothing more to add to this impeachment. The Senators found the impeachment to be phony, and with that, Trump is not guilty of anything.

No supporting evidence? Then why is the Trump team legal argument now “it doesn’t matter if the allegations are true”.

Ever hear of a trial where no witnesses could be called? It’s an appealing farce of justice.

Let me clarify for the English-impaired: there's no supporting evidence that Trump did anything impeachable, and since the allegations aren't about impeachable offenses, it doesn't matter if they're true or not.

And yes, I have heard of courts dismissing charges because the prosecution doesn't have a sufficient case. But one rarely hears of a prosecution doing such a shit job of preparing a case before bringing charges. That IS a pretty appalling farce of justice with the "impeachment".

And now we know that it’s perfect okay for the President to send the government after his political enemies solely because they’re political enemies.

We already knew that, after YOU hypocrites taught us it was so when Obama did it.
That’s not true. They all had facts that helped us understand how this policy evolved.

No, they assumed something, heard something from somebody else, thought something. That's not enough to do a justified impeachment.

We wanted to prove that this was a coup. We wanted to prove that this was an inside plot between the Democrats who had spies in the White House. We could have provided evidence of that from the testimony of the whistleblower, the informant, or even the testimony from the 18th witness. They were all kept from us, so we can't prove that case.

You’re accusing people of engaging in a coup? Take it to the DoJ since they’re the ones that investigate crimes. I do want to see them laugh their asses off at the insinuation this has any bearing on reality.

It will all come out in the end. A coup is hard to prove. It's not like their names are listed anywhere in a book somewhere.

If we could have the truth--which is something Democrats particularly Schiff Face could provide, it would demonstrate that this was orchestrated out of nothing for pure political motives. It's the exact thing our founders feared about the use of impeachment.
No it won’t. This will become another one of the right wing fantasies that y’all talk about for a few years promising it’ll come out and then when it doesn’t happen, it’s forgotten.

No, the "impeachment" will become one of those left-wing fantasies y'all talk about, where you won a great victory that never existed.
The impeachment happened. We are witnessing it right now. People will eventually testify.
You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

The Senate did do their job. This was a bogus impeachment that had no supporting evidence to their claim. In spite of that, they impeached the President anyway. Could you imagine if this happened outside of government in a court of law; somebody going to prison because another person thought they were going to rob a bank? It's unheard of.

There is nothing more to add to this impeachment. The Senators found the impeachment to be phony, and with that, Trump is not guilty of anything.

No supporting evidence? Then why is the Trump team legal argument now “it doesn’t matter if the allegations are true”.

Ever hear of a trial where no witnesses could be called? It’s an appealing farce of justice.

Let me clarify for the English-impaired: there's no supporting evidence that Trump did anything impeachable, and since the allegations aren't about impeachable offenses, it doesn't matter if they're true or not.

And yes, I have heard of courts dismissing charges because the prosecution doesn't have a sufficient case. But one rarely hears of a prosecution doing such a shit job of preparing a case before bringing charges. That IS a pretty appalling farce of justice with the "impeachment".

And now we know that it’s perfect okay for the President to send the government after his political enemies solely because they’re political enemies.

We already knew that, after YOU hypocrites taught us it was so when Obama did it.

See. That’s the thing. You all pretend that Obama did something and use that as an excuse to actually do the exact same thing.

No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

Excuse me? The House can't call witnesses? What the fuck do you think the House was DOING during the impeachment process? The Constitution does NOT mandate that the Senate do the investigating for the House.

The House can’t call witnesses at the trial. Good lord, did you actually read ?

Good Lord, do you actually think? The House called and heard witnesses during their big sham "investigation". Those testimonies were part of the impeachment managers' presentation to the Senate.

The only thing the House can't do is force the Senate to do their investigatory job by calling EVEN MORE witnesses, which the House didn't bother to call before.

If the House wanted to present extra witness testimony to the Senate, they should have tended to that before now.

You’re factually incorrect. House Democrats called witnesses that failed to show up, such as Bolton.

Don’t you get tired of showing how stupid stupid you are? Bolton fought the subpoena in court. His LEGAL right. You idiots had the same option. You CHOSE not to take it. That is NOT obstruction. That is YOUR side showing their sheer idiocy to rush this through. By the way, is this the same Bolton Schitt for brains claimed was a liar and shouldn’t be believed anyway?
The Senate did do their job. This was a bogus impeachment that had no supporting evidence to their claim. In spite of that, they impeached the President anyway. Could you imagine if this happened outside of government in a court of law; somebody going to prison because another person thought they were going to rob a bank? It's unheard of.

There is nothing more to add to this impeachment. The Senators found the impeachment to be phony, and with that, Trump is not guilty of anything.

No supporting evidence? Then why is the Trump team legal argument now “it doesn’t matter if the allegations are true”.

Ever hear of a trial where no witnesses could be called? It’s an appealing farce of justice.

Let me clarify for the English-impaired: there's no supporting evidence that Trump did anything impeachable, and since the allegations aren't about impeachable offenses, it doesn't matter if they're true or not.

And yes, I have heard of courts dismissing charges because the prosecution doesn't have a sufficient case. But one rarely hears of a prosecution doing such a shit job of preparing a case before bringing charges. That IS a pretty appalling farce of justice with the "impeachment".

And now we know that it’s perfect okay for the President to send the government after his political enemies solely because they’re political enemies.

We already knew that, after YOU hypocrites taught us it was so when Obama did it.

See. That’s the thing. You all pretend that Obama did something and use that as an excuse to actually do the exact same thing.


dang take a gander at your post count lately? YIKES.......well we can say are on a pace to smash Joe B's record and nobody thought that was possible.

BTW.....nobody cares about the witnesses anymore.:2up:
You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

Excuse me? The House can't call witnesses? What the fuck do you think the House was DOING during the impeachment process? The Constitution does NOT mandate that the Senate do the investigating for the House.

The House can’t call witnesses at the trial. Good lord, did you actually read ?

Good Lord, do you actually think? The House called and heard witnesses during their big sham "investigation". Those testimonies were part of the impeachment managers' presentation to the Senate.

The only thing the House can't do is force the Senate to do their investigatory job by calling EVEN MORE witnesses, which the House didn't bother to call before.

If the House wanted to present extra witness testimony to the Senate, they should have tended to that before now.

You’re factually incorrect. House Democrats called witnesses that failed to show up, such as Bolton.

Don’t you get tired of showing how stupid stupid you are? Bolton fought the subpoena in court. His LEGAL right. You idiots had the same option. You CHOSE not to take it. That is NOT obstruction. That is YOUR side showing their sheer idiocy to rush this through. By the way, is this the same Bolton Schitt for brains claimed was a liar and shouldn’t be believed anyway?

Bolton didn’t fight any subpoena in court. His subpoena was withdrawn after he threatened to take it to court.

You know, usually Congress doesn’t have to subpoena anything. The Executive usually acknowledges that Congress has oversight and when requested, they just show up.

Not this administration though.
No supporting evidence? Then why is the Trump team legal argument now “it doesn’t matter if the allegations are true”.

Ever hear of a trial where no witnesses could be called? It’s an appealing farce of justice.

Let me clarify for the English-impaired: there's no supporting evidence that Trump did anything impeachable, and since the allegations aren't about impeachable offenses, it doesn't matter if they're true or not.

And yes, I have heard of courts dismissing charges because the prosecution doesn't have a sufficient case. But one rarely hears of a prosecution doing such a shit job of preparing a case before bringing charges. That IS a pretty appalling farce of justice with the "impeachment".

And now we know that it’s perfect okay for the President to send the government after his political enemies solely because they’re political enemies.

We already knew that, after YOU hypocrites taught us it was so when Obama did it.

See. That’s the thing. You all pretend that Obama did something and use that as an excuse to actually do the exact same thing.


dang take a gander at your post count lately? YIKES.......well we can say are on a pace to smash Joe B's record and nobody thought that was possible.

BTW.....nobody cares about the witnesses anymore.:2up:

A large majority of the country wants witnesses.
Excuse me? The House can't call witnesses? What the fuck do you think the House was DOING during the impeachment process? The Constitution does NOT mandate that the Senate do the investigating for the House.

The House can’t call witnesses at the trial. Good lord, did you actually read ?

Good Lord, do you actually think? The House called and heard witnesses during their big sham "investigation". Those testimonies were part of the impeachment managers' presentation to the Senate.

The only thing the House can't do is force the Senate to do their investigatory job by calling EVEN MORE witnesses, which the House didn't bother to call before.

If the House wanted to present extra witness testimony to the Senate, they should have tended to that before now.

You’re factually incorrect. House Democrats called witnesses that failed to show up, such as Bolton.

Don’t you get tired of showing how stupid stupid you are? Bolton fought the subpoena in court. His LEGAL right. You idiots had the same option. You CHOSE not to take it. That is NOT obstruction. That is YOUR side showing their sheer idiocy to rush this through. By the way, is this the same Bolton Schitt for brains claimed was a liar and shouldn’t be believed anyway?

Bolton didn’t fight any subpoena in court. His subpoena was withdrawn after he threatened to take it to court.

You know, usually Congress doesn’t have to subpoena anything. The Executive usually acknowledges that Congress has oversight and when requested, they just show up.

Not this administration though.

Sorry dimbulb. Executive privilege. You CHOSE not to take the legal remedy of the courts. Also, the idiots didn’t realize they can’t subpoena ANYBODY without an official vote to open an inquiry. After they took the vote, these brain surgeons forgot to retroactively include their illegal subpoenas Andy then declined to reissue them because it would “take too long”. Bu the way Obozo refused a LOT of demands for documents and such, so your crying is hilarious.
we most certainly have different versions of what a spine would be.

Yeah? It sure takes a lot of spine to help Trump keep the truth about why he held up aid hidden. Sure.
this is your speculation.

but for shits and grins, who decides foreign policy again?

The president has the ultimate authority which he can delegate at times.

Republicans aren’t calling witnesses. They could. It would be very easy for them to do. They aren’t. There’s only one reason.
So he's being impeached for doing his job.

Got it.

Next up we will go over why this is stupid.

That’s being awfully simplistic. Use of foreign policy for personal benefit isn’t his job.
Who gets to set foreign policy?

I thought we had that one covered.

As for the rest, you FEELING IT isn't factual. If there were proof I'd be against it. But instead we have a shit show from some dems who've been after Impeach 45 since day 1. I said long ago that you cry wolf often enough people just tune you out.

And witnesses decide not to show up.
Let me clarify for the English-impaired: there's no supporting evidence that Trump did anything impeachable, and since the allegations aren't about impeachable offenses, it doesn't matter if they're true or not.

And yes, I have heard of courts dismissing charges because the prosecution doesn't have a sufficient case. But one rarely hears of a prosecution doing such a shit job of preparing a case before bringing charges. That IS a pretty appalling farce of justice with the "impeachment".

And now we know that it’s perfect okay for the President to send the government after his political enemies solely because they’re political enemies.

We already knew that, after YOU hypocrites taught us it was so when Obama did it.

See. That’s the thing. You all pretend that Obama did something and use that as an excuse to actually do the exact same thing.


dang take a gander at your post count lately? YIKES.......well we can say are on a pace to smash Joe B's record and nobody thought that was possible.

BTW.....nobody cares about the witnesses anymore.:2up:

A large majority of the country wants witnesses.
This being fed to you by a media that 98% openly negative to Trump?

I'm not standing up for Trump in as much as saying enough emotionally driven bullshit.

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