McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

The commies are using you people and you don't even realize it. The commies want Biden to win, so they want to prolong this impeachment farce as long as they can to bring those other Senators in for the hearing and keep them off the campaign trail. You people are suckers for falling into their trap.
The man putin put in office ,trump is fulfilling all of Russias wishes. Putin dances in the street We've lost most of our allies thanks to Trump and his herd

We have? Who have we lost? There is no possible way for Russia to influence our elections. I have expert testimony that the idea is ridiculous.

But now freaked out liberals think the russians did hack our election because the lying lib media says so

Mac if you think Putin didn't have a hand in getting your crook elected you've lost your mind

Better to lose your mind than have a brainwashed one. That must be torture.

you talking to me or trump?
Trump has executive privilege and every right to invoke it
Ever hear of anyone on trial refusing to hear those who will prove his innocence? I haven't .Maybe you have Ever hear of an impeachment trial without witnesses?
When the prosecution cannot prove guilt the defense rests
We proved it and would have proved it even more beyond a shadow of a doubt if the lying traitors in Repub senate weren't scared to death of the pig in the WH and allowed testimony from those under subpoena

The House didn't go after their testimony. Obviously, they felt it wasn't that important.
..Face the gd truth Trump and repub slaves in the senate are scared shitless for the trur
Going after it would have meant many months in courts prolonged by repubs going past election day Face the gd truth Trump and his slaves in the senate are scared shitless for the truth to come out

And what truth is that? Since the Democrats can't tell us what they were looking for, perhaps you could......
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes

You sound upset. Did you really have high hopes that Trump would be removed?

We proved it and would have proved it even more beyond a shadow of a doubt if the lying traitors in Repub senate weren't scared to death of the pig in the WH and allowed testimony from those under subpoena

How is it that so many adults dont know how trials work?

Dope addled illiterate Democrats whose lives are focused on meth and deviant porn.
Grab any snatch recently picaro your king has??
How odd to see the same anything-goes libertines who defended bill clinton suddenly turn into sexual prudes over donald trump
Mac Bill was impeached for lying about a BJ How many lies ,how many women mishandled , how many divorces does it take for republicans to understand the scum they're in bed with??
Bill clinton was found not guilty just as trump will be
We proved it and would have proved it even more beyond a shadow of a doubt if the lying traitors in Repub senate weren't scared to death of the pig in the WH and allowed testimony from those under subpoena

The commies are using you people and you don't even realize it. The commies want Biden to win, so they want to prolong this impeachment farce as long as they can to bring those other Senators in for the hearing and keep them off the campaign trail. You people are suckers for falling into their trap.
The man putin put in office ,trump is fulfilling all of Russias wishes. Putin dances in the street We've lost most of our allies thanks to Trump and his herd

We have? Who have we lost? There is no possible way for Russia to influence our elections. I have expert testimony that the idea is ridiculous.

But now freaked out liberals think the russians did hack our election because the lying lib media says so

Mac if you think Putin didn't have a hand in getting your crook elected you've lost your mind

I’m sure you think I’ve lost my mind but trump was elected because he connected with the voters and hillary didnt

she is a terrible and totally uninspiring politician
it's within the scope and goal of the Justice Department no Rumps personal Attorney operating off of information provided by Putin.
The executive branch works for trump
Get ready for ANOTHER rigging of our election thanks to republican cowards in the senate.... 75% of Americans wanted witnesses for a fair trial Hopefully the scum all get voted out

Our representatives don't act according to rigged polls, they conduct themselves by right or wrong. This phony impeachment was clearly wrong. A hundred more witnesses doesn't change that fact. They were not needed.

Phony is when the accused is innocent. And it's pretty apparent that Rump was born guilty and just gets guiltier every day by his own actions. So don't try that tired old argument. The General Public ain't buyin' it.

Hmmmm, born into guilt. Interesting. Therefore, there is no way for him to ever be innocent no matter what accusation he faces.
That guy probably pissed over the phony white privilege narrative that libs are pushing
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.

So you're going to be what you hate?
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.
We won as gracefully as the sore losers on the left allowed

your side has been spreading lies about trump since his first day in office

that makes trench warfare to only option
The Senate did do their job. This was a bogus impeachment that had no supporting evidence to their claim. In spite of that, they impeached the President anyway. Could you imagine if this happened outside of government in a court of law; somebody going to prison because another person thought they were going to rob a bank? It's unheard of.

There is nothing more to add to this impeachment. The Senators found the impeachment to be phony, and with that, Trump is not guilty of anything.

Yes, the Senate did it's job providing it was to get at least 4 Republican Senators replaced by either Dems or Indys. And they are completely successful.

Blatant lying and desperation on display here. News flash: Republicans will take the House, you aren’t coming CLOSE to getting the Senate, and Trump will roll to re-election. Looking forward to your tears in November.

Gee, your bunch said that for 2018. How's that working out for you. Now, you had better worry about the Senate. It doesn't look like the Republican Senators are going to assist you so you need to do a better job for the Senate.

Gee dipshit, you didn’t get the Senate despite an epic amount of fraud committed by the Dimbos with “ballot harvesting” and “found ballots”. Here’s hint, learn something before spouting your normal idiocy. Factcheck? Yeah, using a far left site to deny the truth. Get ready to cry a lot, better stock up on tissues and butthurt cream.
Yeah lol tune it to the Dumbo station FOX

Another illiterate Gruber here ^^^^^. Gee I guess you failed to see I never mentioned Fox. You libtards seem to be obsessed with a network you claim you never watch, yet somehow you know everything they say and do.
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.
We won as gracefully as the sore losers on the left allowed

your side has been spreading lies about trump since his first day in office

that makes trench warfare to only option
We said he liked grabbing pussies?? Thought he admitted it
Ever hear of anyone on trial refusing to hear those who will prove his innocence? I haven't .Maybe you have Ever hear of an impeachment trial without witnesses?
When the prosecution cannot prove guilt the defense rests
We proved it and would have proved it even more beyond a shadow of a doubt if the lying traitors in Repub senate weren't scared to death of the pig in the WH and allowed testimony from those under subpoena

How is it that so many adults dont know how trials work?

Dope addled illiterate Democrats whose lives are focused on meth and deviant porn.
Grab any snatch recently picaro your king has??

Just yours and apparently you like it.
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.
We won as gracefully as the sore losers on the left allowed

your side has been spreading lies about trump since his first day in office

that makes trench warfare to only option

Lies? He's lived down to those "Lies" and created more. Hate to break it to you but if we had the election Rump would lose by at least 51% again. And the more you characters keep going after Biden the higher the number is going to go up. I wouldn't look for EC to pull his fat ass out of this one. That 51% was for his removal of office. I suspect that when it gets down to one dem candidate that number is going to climb a few points. Maybe 55% of the popular vote with more than 50% of the EC on sending him anywhere else. Both or us, the biggest nightmare is for the Dems to replace those 4 Senate seats giving them control of all 3 branches. But the Senate Republicans have brought this on themselves by not playing with a full deck. Thanks guys and gals, you really fucked up on this one.
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.
We won as gracefully as the sore losers on the left allowed

your side has been spreading lies about trump since his first day in office

that makes trench warfare to only option
We said he liked grabbing pussies?? Thought he admitted it
You first tried accusing us of being poor winners and now you jump to grabbing pussies?

you marxist prudes are becoming schizo
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.
We won as gracefully as the sore losers on the left allowed

your side has been spreading lies about trump since his first day in office

that makes trench warfare to only option

Lies? He's lived down to those "Lies" and created more. Hate to break it to you but if we had the election Rump would lose by at least 51% again. And the more you characters keep going after Biden the higher the number is going to go up. I wouldn't look for EC to pull his fat ass out of this one. That 51% was for his removal of office. I suspect that when it gets down to one dem candidate that number is going to climb a few points. Maybe 55% of the popular vote with more than 50% of the EC on sending him anywhere else. Both or us, the biggest nightmare is for the Dems to replace those 4 Senate seats giving them control of all 3 branches. But the Senate Republicans have brought this on themselves by not playing with a full deck. Thanks guys and gals, you really fucked up on this one.
If trump is reelected then the dems wont net gain 4 seats
All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.
We won as gracefully as the sore losers on the left allowed

your side has been spreading lies about trump since his first day in office

that makes trench warfare to only option

Lies? He's lived down to those "Lies" and created more. Hate to break it to you but if we had the election Rump would lose by at least 51% again. And the more you characters keep going after Biden the higher the number is going to go up. I wouldn't look for EC to pull his fat ass out of this one. That 51% was for his removal of office. I suspect that when it gets down to one dem candidate that number is going to climb a few points. Maybe 55% of the popular vote with more than 50% of the EC on sending him anywhere else. Both or us, the biggest nightmare is for the Dems to replace those 4 Senate seats giving them control of all 3 branches. But the Senate Republicans have brought this on themselves by not playing with a full deck. Thanks guys and gals, you really fucked up on this one.
If trump is reelected then the dems wont net gain 4 seats

Apples and oranges. The House Reps Rump tried to help all lost to Dems in 2018. The Moron Republicans in Congress are still operating that Rump has some mystical power over their jobs. Now, not only do they have to worry about Rump keeping his (rump is in serious trouble unless he can buy the EC vote) but there are at least 4 Republicans that probably won't return in 2021. And I didn't count Moscow Mitch who is in serious trouble in Kentucky.

Its not a sure thing for anyone. But rest assured, at least 3 Republican Senators are going to have to run for a local job since they don't have any real skills.
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.
We won as gracefully as the sore losers on the left allowed

your side has been spreading lies about trump since his first day in office

that makes trench warfare to only option

Lies? He's lived down to those "Lies" and created more. Hate to break it to you but if we had the election Rump would lose by at least 51% again. And the more you characters keep going after Biden the higher the number is going to go up. I wouldn't look for EC to pull his fat ass out of this one. That 51% was for his removal of office. I suspect that when it gets down to one dem candidate that number is going to climb a few points. Maybe 55% of the popular vote with more than 50% of the EC on sending him anywhere else. Both or us, the biggest nightmare is for the Dems to replace those 4 Senate seats giving them control of all 3 branches. But the Senate Republicans have brought this on themselves by not playing with a full deck. Thanks guys and gals, you really fucked up on this one.
If trump is reelected then the dems wont net gain 4 seats

Apples and oranges. The House Reps Rump tried to help all lost to Dems in 2018. The Moron Republicans in Congress are still operating that Rump has some mystical power over their jobs. Now, not only do they have to worry about Rump keeping his (rump is in serious trouble unless he can buy the EC vote) but there are at least 4 Republicans that probably won't return in 2021. And I didn't count Moscow Mitch who is in serious trouble in Kentucky.

Its not a sure thing for anyone. But rest assured, at least 3 Republican Senators are going to have to run for a local job since they don't have any real skills.
You’ve obviously got one of the advanced pre-production lib crystal balls

we’ll soon find out how many bugs are lurking inside it

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